919 resultados para Israeli wit and humor.


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The aim of this thesis is to elucidate the tension between feminism and nationalism in Israel and to investigate the ways by which such discursive currents mark the identities of Israeli women. The specific field of investigation is Israeli theatre, and the identities examined are dramatic characters created by the Israeli playwright Miriam Kainy. Also examined is the character of the playwright herself. Theatre is being observed as a specific field of society in which the position of women can be clarified. What kind of women characters the Israeli theatre produces is therefore a leading question for this study. Feminist theories, focusing on gender aspects of power relations, together with the postcolonial perspective, which considers power relations by focusing on ethnicity and geopolitical aspects, provide the theoretical tools. The social constructionist viewpoint is used since it provides an appropriate understanding of important notions for the thesis, such as nation and identity, considering them as constructions created by discourse. The discourses focused upon are the national v. the feminist discourse and theatre is viewed as a discourse mediator, which is why the dramatic text is the object of the analysis. The specific method of analysis is inspired by Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis. The main part of the thesis consists of a discursive analysis of five women characters, constructed within a period of about five decades, namely between the 1950s and 1990s. Each one of these characters consists of an articulation which is considered representative of a specific time-relevant discursive struggle between the two discourses in question. One of the central assumptions of the thesis is that the Israeli national identity is thoroughly masculine. The identity problems it has been causing Israeli women since the time of the pioneers until today are clearly illuminated throughout the analysis. The conclusion emphasises that the subjectpositions being introduced by Israeli national discourse, namely the ways of being a New Jew, an Israeli, collide with those introduced by feminist discourse, i.e. ways of being an independent woman subject. Nevertheless, each and every character demonstrates creative ways of transforming the discourses by aiming at a hybrid formation.


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Israel's occupation of territories it captured in 1967 has become one of the longest and most controversial occupations of the last fifty years. Eschewing the traditional political analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, this paper aims to explore whether Israel has adequately applied international law in the occupied territories, in particular, the law of belligerent occupation. The two actors under assessment are the Israeli government, particularly its military which enforces and maintains the law in the territories, and the Supreme Court of Israel, which has the power of review over military actions in the territories. The particular issues of the occupation that are critically analyzed are the general legal framework that Israel established in the territories, Israel's civilian settlement policy in territories, and Israel's construction of a barrier in the West Bank. This paper concludes that Israel has incorrectly applied the legal framework of belligerent occupation by refusing to apply the Fourth Geneva Convention; it has wrongly concluded that the establishment of civilian settlements in the territories conform with international law; yet it has rightly concluded that the construction of the barrier in the West Bank is permissible under international law, in contrast to the conclusion of the much publicized International Court of Justice's Advisory Opinion on the 'Wall.' Along with these general assessments, the author will also provide some historical and political insight into why the Israeli government and the Supreme Court may have applied the law in the way that they did.


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The paper deals with poverty within Israel. Against the background of the history of pre-state Israel and the developments after the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 the historical roots of Israeli poverty are analyzed. Thus the ‘socialist’-Zionist project, ethnic exclusion, religious and intra-Jewish ethnic lines of conflict as well as the Bedouins, Druzes and Israeli Arabs as ‘specific’ Israeli citizen are discussed. Despite the economic growth in Israel since 2003 ‘the majority of Israeli wage earners (over 60percent) earned less than $1,450 a month last year’ (Goldstein 2007, p. 1). In 2004 1.3 million Israelis lived below the poverty line, a number which in 2005 increased to more than 1.5 million Israelis. In spite of growing economic prosperity the proportion of families belonging to the working-poor, i.e. families with at least one family member in paid employment, increased from 11.4 percent in 2004 to 12.2 percent in 2005. The percentage of poor families in the working population increased from 40.6 percent to 43.1 percent. Nearly 60 percent of the ‘working-poor’ were working fulltime (Sinai 2006a, Shaoul 2006). 42 percent of Israeli Arab families are living below the poverty line. The average wages are less than half the wages of Ashkenazi Jews. Every second Israeli Arab child lives in poverty. When in 1996 to 2001 the unemployment rate of the Jewish Israelis increased by about 53 percent, the unemployment rate of the Arab Israelis increased by 126 percent (cf. Shaoul 2006). 80 percent of Israelis regard themselves as poor. 23 percent of the pensioners are living below the poverty line. Poverty among children increased in 1988 to 2005 by about 50 percent. Approximately one fifth of all under-age children (714.000) in Israel are suffering from hunger (cf. Shaoul 2006). 75 percent of the poor families cannot afford medicine and 70 percent are dependant on food donations (cf. Sinai 2005b). Nearly one third of the Holocaust survivors are living in poverty. Some of the Holocaust survivors get $ 600,- per month from the German government, whilst other Holocaust survivors receive only $ 350,- per month from the Israeli Ministry of Finance and the Holocaust survivors that immigrated to Israel after 1953 (who amount to 70 percent of the Holocaust survivors in Israel) only receive the general national pension. Nearly 20 percent of the Holocaust survivors are at the present time 86 years and older, 70 percent are older than 76 years. (cf. Medina 2007, p. 1) They are not entitled to a supplementary payment or to compensation. But the problematic economic situation of the Holocaust survivors is neither new information nor an unknown fact. As a result of the precarious situation several are in need of the help of welfare organizations, because they cannot afford to some degree their necessary medicine.


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Cosmids from the 1A3–1A10 region of the complete miniset were individually subcloned by using the vector M13 mp18. Sequences of each cosmid were assembled from about 400 DNA fragments generated from the ends of these phage subclones and merged into one 189-kb contig. About 160 ORFs identified by the CodonUse program were subjected to similarity searches. The biological functions of 80 ORFs could be assigned reliably by using the WIT and Magpie genome investigation tools. Eighty percent of these recognizable ORFs were organized in functional clusters, which simplified assignment decisions and increased the strength of the predictions. A set of 26 genes for cobalamin biosynthesis, genes for polyhydroxyalkanoic acid metabolism, DNA replication and recombination, and DNA gyrase were among those identified. Most of the ORFs lacking significant similarity with reference databases also were grouped. There are two large clusters of these ORFs, one located between 45 and 67 kb of the map, and the other between 150 and 183 kb. Nine of the loosely identified ORFs (of 15) of the first of these clusters match ORFs from phages or transposons. The other cluster also has four ORFs of possible phage origin.


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A partir de la articulación de tres ejes o focos de interés: el uso del humor por parte de los adolescentes, las cuestiones de género y las cuestiones que se plantean en torno a una investigación en didáctica de la lengua, este artículo profundiza en la forma y funcionamiento del humor como estrategia para abordar la construcción del espacio intersubjetivo. Esta triple focalización favorece la reflexión en torno a la diferencia de recursos verbales, no verbales y paraverbales que movilizan los interlocutores de cada género a la vez que aporta materiales de discusión novedosos sobre la relación entre el uso del humor y el rol institucional que ocupan los interlocutores, principalmente teniendo en cuenta la imbricación del concepto de posturas enunciativas.


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"Gems of literature, wit, and sentiment."


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"Flowers of literature, wit, and sentiment."


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The evolution of the Scot.--The kirk and its story.--Education in school and college.--The law and the lawyers.--Architecture, ecclesiastical and other.--Painting and painters.--Literature.--"Edina, Scotia's darling seat."--The kingdom of Fife.--In Lothian fields.--The Lothian shore.--The city of St. Mungo.--The Clyde.--Burns and the Burns country.--The legend of the Covenant.--Yarrow and Traquair.--The Border and the Solway.--Stirling and Perth.--Dundee.--The Granite city.--A highland survey.--A note on Caithness.--Round the islands.--Sports and pastimes.--Music, old and new.--Scots food.--Scots drink.--Scots wit and humour.--The Scot abroad and the stranger in Scotland.


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Special t.-p. to each volume.


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The strategy research have been widespread for many years and, more recently, the process of formation of the strategies in the individual perspective has also gained attention in academia. Confirming this trend, the goal of this study is to discuss the process of formation of the strategies from an individual perspective based on the three dimensions of the strategic process (change, thinking and formation) proposed by De Wit and Meyer (2004). To this end, this exploratory-descriptive study used the factor analysis techniques, non-parametric correlation and linear regression to analyze data collected from the decision makers of the 93 retail in the industry of construction supplies in the Natal and metropolitan area. As a result, we have that the formation factors of the dimensions investigated were identified in the majority, thus confirming the existence of paradoxes in the strategic process, and that there is a relationship between logical thinking and deliberate formation with the hierarchical level of decision makers.


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McLean builds strong connections between the cultural capital of the Jerwood prizewinning craft maker and the world of business and trade. It is crucial that higher education research can consider its relationship to the creative industries. London is a fashion capital, known for its style experimentation and playful creativity. The wit and anarchic play of the art school is a leading force in fashion innovation and Mclean's work articulates this clearly. Designing hats that reference the stylised coiffures of Hollywood icons, in the soft medium of felted wool, is a sophisticated play on the relations between nature and culture that, according to Levi Straus, are at the heart of all culture. The Fifty Hats that Changed the World makes direct allusion to the way that fashion is often regarded with mild disdain as insignificant or trivial, and the Design Museum London, an international leader in disseminating design discourse has, recently, included fashion design within its agenda for exhibition. McLean's work is a leading component of this transformation of design culture.


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Propõe-se uma reflexão sobre imagens que habitam a margem enquanto lugar menor ou secundário de representação. Este trabalho parte de exemplos encontrados em manuscritos medievais e em graffitis contemporâneos e centra-se nas relações que estas imagens marginais (marginália) estabelecem com o texto central e oficial, tratando-se do texto escrito medievo ou da própria cidade contemporânea. Consideramos que a marginália tende a transgredir esse texto oficial, questionando a sua autoridade e imutabilidade através de uma expansão ou mesmo inversão das suas significações. Nestes fenómenos, a paródia e o humor desempenham um papel relevante. No entanto, a transgressividade da marginália surge como ambígua, facto decorrente da indefinição própria da imagem e da margem onde se inscreve. ABSTRACT: The dissertation explores the issue of images that inhabit the margin as a minor or secondary place of representation. Using examples from medieval manuscripts and contemporary graffiti’s, this work focuses on the connections established between this marginal imagery (marginalia) and the official and central 'text ', whether a written medieval one or one relating more closely with our experience of the contemporary city. lt is considered that marginalia tend to transgress this official text by questioning its authority and immutability through an expansion or even inversion of its original meaning. Parody and humor often play a part in these phenomena. However, the described transgression is filled with ambiguity, which finds its origins within the indefiniteness of the image and the margin where it is inscribed.


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La ironía como figura retórica es un asunto de particular riqueza en los estudios literarios. En este artículo se analiza un conjunto de causas que podrían explicar el concepto de ironía y sus correspondencias con la sátira, la parodia y la comicidad.Irony as a rhetorical figure is of particular interest in literary studies. Here a number of causes are analyzed which could explain the concept of irony and its correspondences with satire, parody and humor.


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