970 resultados para Invasive breast carcinoma
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A heterogeneous group of 159 tumours was studied for the presence of S-100 protein by the immunoperoxidase technique in order to determine whether this marker may be of value in facilitating immunocytochemical diagnosis. Among cases of melanocytic and pigmented lesions, S-100 was widely distributed and demonstrated the strongest degrees of reactivity. S-100 protein was identified in virtually all nerve sheath tumours such as schwannomas, neurofibromas, myxoid sheath nerve tumour and also in some tumours of controversial histogenesis such as granular cell tumours. The great majority of carcinomas did not express S-100, with only two cases of breast carcinoma displaying focal S-100 staining. In a miscellaneous group of tumours S-100 was demonstrated in chordomas, myoepitheliomas and Wilms' tumour with Schwann cell differentiation. Despite its presence in a wide array of cell types, S-100 protein continues to be an extremely useful marker especially for soft tissue and peripheral nervous system tumours.
Pós-graduação em Biopatologia Bucal - ICT
I virus tumorali inducono oncogenesi nel loro ospite naturale o in sistemi animali sperimentali, manipolando diverse vie cellulari. Ad oggi, sono stati identificati sette virus capaci di causare specifici tumori umani. Inoltre HPV, JCV ed SV40, sono stati associati con un grande numero di tumori umani in sedi corporee non convenzionali, ma, nonostante molti anni di ricerca, nessuna eziologia virale è stata ancora confermata. Lo scopo di questo studio è stato di valutare la presenza ed il significato sia di JCV ed SV40 in tumori ossei umani, e di HPV nel carcinoma della mammella (BC), galattoforectomie (GF), secrezioni mammarie patologiche (ND) e glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Tecniche di biologia molecolare sono state impiegate per esaminare campioni di tessuto tumorale di 70 tumori ossei (20 osteosarcomi [OS], 20 tumori a cellule giganti [TCG], 30 condrosarcomi [CS]), 168 BCs , 30 GFs, 59 GBM e 30 campioni di ND. Il genoma di SV40 e JCV è stato trovato nel 70% dei CS + 20% degli OS, e nel 13% dei CS +10% dei TCG, rispettivamente. Il DNA di HPV è stato rilevato nel 30% dei pazienti con BC, nel 27% dei campioni GF e nel 13% dei NDs. HPV16 è stato il genotipo maggiormente osservato in tutti questi campioni, seguito da HPV18 e HPV35. Inoltre, il DNA di HPV è stato trovato nel 22% dei pazienti con GBM, in questo tumore HPV6 era il tipo più frequentemente rilevato, seguito da HPV16. L’ ISH ha mostrato che il DNA di HPV è situato all’interno di cellule tumorali mammarie e di GBM. I nostri risultati suggeriscono un possibile ruolo di JCV, SV40 e HPV in questi tumori, se non come induttori come promotori del processo neoplastico, tuttavia diversi criteri devono ancora essere soddisfatti prima di chiarirne il ruolo.
The membrane glycoprotein podoplanin is expressed by several types of human cancers and might be associated with their malignant progression. Its exact biological function and molecular targets are unclear, however. Here, we assessed the relevance of tumor cell expression of podoplanin in cancer metastasis to lymph nodes, using a human MCF7 breast carcinoma xenograft model. We found that podoplanin expression promoted tumor cell motility in vitro and, unexpectedly, increased tumor lymphangiogenesis and metastasis to regional lymph nodes in vivo, without promoting primary tumor growth. Importantly, high cancer cell expression levels of podoplanin correlated with lymph node metastasis and reduced survival times in a large cohort of 252 oral squamous cell carcinoma patients. Based on comparative transcriptional profiling of tumor xenografts, we identified endothelin-1, villin-1, and tenascin-C as potential mediators of podoplanin-induced tumor lymphangiogenesis and metastasis. These unexpected findings identify a novel mechanism of tumor lymphangiogenesis and metastasis induced by cancer cell expression of podoplanin, suggesting that reagents designed to interfere with podoplanin function might be developed as therapeutics for patients with advanced cancer.
Raloxifene is the first selective estrogen receptor modulator that has been approved for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women in Europe and in the US. Although raloxifene reduces the risk of invasive breast cancer in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis and in postmenopausal women at high risk for invasive breast cancer, it is approved in that indication in the US but not in the EU. The aim was to characterize the clinical profiles of postmenopausal women expected to benefit most from therapy with raloxifene based on published scientific evidence to date.
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to review the clinico-pathologic findings and outcome of patients with metastasis to the parotid lymph nodes and gland. METHODS: Retrospective study. Thirty-four out of 520 patients with a parotid mass treated at our institution met the criteria for this study. Age, gender, clinical findings, histopathology, treatment. and outcome were analyzed. RESULTS: Twenty-three patients had metastases to parotid lymph nodes from a squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, seven from a cutaneous malignant melanoma after a mean interval of 15 months, two from a ductal breast carcinoma, one with a metastatic disease from a rhabdomyosarcoma of the lower limb, and one from a Merkel cell carcinoma. The 5-year cause-specific and absolute survival for squamous cell carcinoma was 64% and 48% respectively and 71% and 57% for malignant melanomas. CONCLUSIONS: Metastatic disease to the parotid gland is mostly caused by squamous cell carcinoma. Despite combined treatment modalities long-term survival remains poor.
Specific delivery to tumors and efficient cellular uptake of nucleic acids remain major challenges for gene-targeted cancer therapies. Here we report the use of a designed ankyrin repeat protein (DARPin) specific for the epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) as a carrier for small interfering RNA (siRNA) complementary to the bcl-2 mRNA. For charge complexation of the siRNA, the DARPin was fused to a truncated human protamine-1 sequence. To increase the cell binding affinity and the amount of siRNA delivered into cells, DARPin dimers were generated and used as fusion proteins with protamine. All proteins expressed well in Escherichia coli in soluble form, yet, to remove tightly bound bacterial nucleic acids, they were purified under denaturing conditions by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography, followed by refolding. The fusion proteins were capable of complexing four to five siRNA molecules per protamine, and fully retained the binding specificity for EpCAM as shown on MCF-7 breast carcinoma cells. In contrast to unspecific LipofectAMINE transfection, down-regulation of antiapoptotic bcl-2 using fusion protein complexed siRNA was strictly dependent on EpCAM binding and internalization. Inhibition of bcl-2 expression facilitated tumor cell apoptosis as shown by increased sensitivity to the anticancer agent doxorubicin.
The objective of this study was to estimate the annual direct medical costs of hospitalizations due to osteoporotic fractures in Switzerland. Days of hospital stay in 1992 were quantified using the casuistic of the medical statistics department of VESKA (Vereinigung Schweizerischer Krankenhäuser, the Swiss Hospital Association), which covers 43% of all hospital beds of that country. Number and incidence of total hospitalizations due to fractures were calculated by extrapolating to 100% the 43% VESKA-selected sample. To estimate number and incidence of hospitalizations due to osteoporotic fractures, internationally accepted age-specific osteoporosis attribution rates were applied. According to the latter the probability of a fracture being caused by osteoporosis increases with age. Mean length of stay for all fractures was calculated (= total hospital days divided by number of cases). By multiplying these mean lengths of stay by the number of osteoporosis-related fracture cases, the number of bed-days due to osteoporotic fractures was calculated. To compare the direct medical costs of hospitalization due to osteoporosis with those due to other frequent diseases, days of hospital stay caused by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), stroke, acute myocardial infarction and breast cancer were estimated using the same methodology. A total estimate of 63,170 (f: 33,596, m: 29,574) hospitalizations due to fractures (and other osteoporosis-related diagnoses) was calculated, thus leading to overall annual incidence rates of hospitalizations for fractures of 950/100,000 women and 877/100,000 men. In women, 548,615 hospital days were found to be caused by osteoporosis, 353,654 days by COPD, 352,062 days by stroke, 200,669 days by breast carcinoma and 131,331 days by myocardial infarction. In men, COPD caused more hospitalization days (537,164) than myocardial infarction (196,793), stroke (180,524) or osteoporosis (152,857). Taking a mean price for a hospital day in Switzerland of 845 Swiss francs, the annual costs of acute hospitalizations due to osteoporosis and its complications were approximately 600 million Swiss francs (f: 464, m: 130 million Swiss francs) in 1992. We conclude that there is enough economic evidence to justify wide-scale interventions against osteoporosis in Switzerland.
The aim of this study was to estimate the hospitalization incidence and the total number of hospital days related to all fractures and osteoporotic fractures in the year 2000 in Switzerland and to compare these with data from other frequent disorders in men and women. The official administrative and medical statistics database of the Swiss Federal Office of Statistics (SFOS) from the year 2000 was used. It covered 81.2% of all registered patient admissions and was considered to be representative of the entire population. We included the ICD-10 codes of 84 diagnoses that were compatible with an underlying osteoporosis and applied the best matching age-specific osteoporosis attribution rates published for the ICD-9 diagnosis codes to the individual ICD-10 codes. To preserve comparability with previously published data from 1992, we grouped the data related to the ICD-10 fracture codes into seven diagnosis pools (fractures of the axial skeleton, fractures of the proximal upper limbs, fractures of the distal upper limbs, fractures of the proximal lower limbs, fractures of the distal lower limbs, multiple fractures, and osteoporosis) and analyzed them separately for women and men by age group. Incidences of hospitalization due to fractures were calculated, and the direct medical costs related to hospitalization were estimated. In addition, we compared the results with those from chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD), stroke, acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, diabetes and breast carcinoma from the same database. In Switzerland during 2000, 62,535 hospitalizations for fractures (35,586 women and 26,949 men) were registered. Fifty-one percent of all fractures in women and 24% in men were considered as osteoporotic. The overall incidences of hospitalization due to fractures were 969 and 768 per 100,000 in women and men, respectively. The hospitalization incidences for fractures of the proximal lower limbs and the axial skeleton increased exponentially after the age of 65 years. The direct medical cost of hospitalization of patients with osteoporosis and/or related fractures was 357 million CHF. Hip fractures accounted for approximately half of these costs in women and men. Among other common diseases in women and men, osteoporosis ranked number 1 in women and number 2 (behind COPD) in men. When compared with data from 1992, the average length of stay had shortened by 8.4 days for women and 4.7 days for men, leading to a decrease of almost 40% in direct medical costs related to acute hospitalizations. This apparent decrease in cost might result from a shift into the ambulatory cost segment, for which the assessment and management tools need to be developed. We conclude that, in 2000, osteoporosis continued to be a heavy burden on the Swiss healthcare system. Lack of awareness of the disease and its consequences prevents widespread use of drugs with anti-fracture efficacy. This limits their potential to reduce costs.
BACKGROUND Neutrophilic dermatoses comprise a wide spectrum of inflammatory diseases with overlapping features characterized histologically by the presence of an aseptic neutrophilic infiltrate in the epidermis, dermis, and/or hypodermis and are often associated with systemic inflammatory and neoplastic disorders. OBSERVATIONS We describe 3 patients with an unusual neutrophilic dermatosis characterized by relapsing episodes of fever, widespread infiltrated plaques with bullous appearance, and variable involvement of the arms, legs, abdomen, and/or trunk. Light microscopy studies showed marked edema of the papillary dermis with an inflammatory infiltrate consisting mainly of mature neutrophils. All 3 patients were morbidly obese, and workup revealed underlying cancer in 2 cases: myeloma and breast carcinoma. Management of the underlying disease resulted in long-term remission of the skin disease. CONCLUSIONS The clinicopathologic features in our 3 cases best correspond to a widespread giant cellulitis-like form of Sweet syndrome. Knowledge of this newly observed unusual variant of Sweet syndrome within the broad spectrum of neutrophilic diseases is important for its prompt and proper management.
Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a cell membrane tyrosine kinase receptor and plays a pivotal role in regulating cell growth, differentiation, cell cycle, and tumorigenesis. Deregulation of EGFR causes many diseases including cancers. Intensive investigation of EGFR alteration in human cancers has led to profound progress in developing drugs to target EGFR-mediated cancers. While exploring possible synergistic enhancement of therapeutic efficacy by combining EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) with other anti-cancer agents, we observed that suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA, a deacetylase inhibitor) enhanced TKI-induced cancer cell death, which further led us to question whether SAHA-mediated sensitization to TKI was associated with EGFR acetylation. What we know so far is that SAHA can inhibit class I and II histone deacetylases (HDACs), which could possibly preserve acetylation of underlying HDAC-targeted proteins including both histone and non-histone proteins. In addition, it has been reported that an HDAC inhibitor, TSA, enhanced EGFR phosphorylation in ovarian cancer cells. EGFR acetylation has also been reported to play a role in the regulation of EGFR endocytosis recently. These observations indicate that there might be an intrinsic correlation between acetylation and phosphorylation of EGFR. In other words, the interplay between EGFR acetylation and phosphorylation may contribute to HDAC inhibitors (HDACi)-augmented EGFR phosphorylation. In this investigation, we showed that CBP acetyltransferase acetylated EGFR in vivo. In response to EGF stimulation, CBP rapidly translocated from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. We also demonstrated protein-protein interaction between CBP and EGFR as well as the enhancement of EGFR acetylation by CBP. Moreover, EGFR acetylation enhanced EGFR tyrosine phosphorylation and augmented its association with Src kinase. Acetylation-deficient EGFR mutant (EGFR-K3R) significantly reduced the function and activity of EGFR. Furthermore, ectopic expression of EGFR-K3R mutant abrogated its ability to respond to EGF-induced cell proliferation, DNA synthesis, and anchorage-independent growth using cell-based assays and tumor growth in nude mice. In addition, we demonstrated that EGFR expression was associated with SAHA resistance in the treatment of cancer cells that overexpress EGFR. The knockdown of EGFR in MDA-MB-468 breast cancer cells could sensitize the cells to respond to SAHA. The overexpression of EGFR in SAHA-sensitive MDA-MB-453 breast cancer cells rendered the cells resistant to SAHA. Together, these findings suggest that EGFR plays an important role in SAHA resistance in breast carcinoma cells that we tested. The combination therapy of HDACi with TKI has been proposed for treating cancers with aberrant expression of EGFR. The evidence from pre-clinical or clinical trials demonstrated significant enhancement of therapeutic efficacy by using such a combination therapy. Our in vivo study also demonstrated that the combination of SAHA and TKI for the treatment of breast cancer significantly reduced tumor burden compared with either SAHA or TKI alone. The significance of our study elucidated another possible underlying molecular mechanism by which HDACi mediated sensitization to TKI. Our results unveiled a critical role of EGFR acetylation that regulates EGFR tyrosine phosphorylation and may further provide an experiment-based rationale for combinatorial targeted therapy.
Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) is a critical component of the cellular response to DNA damage, where it acts as a damage sensor, and signals to a large network of proteins which execute the important tasks involved in responding to the damage, namely inducing cell cycle checkpoints, inducing DNA repair, modulating transcriptional responses, and regulating cell death pathways if the damage cannot be repaired faithfully. We have now discovered that an additional novel component of this ATM-dependent damage response involves induction of autophagy in response to oxidative stress. In contrast to DNA damage-induced ATM activation however, oxidative stress induced ATM, occurs in the cytoplasm, and does not require nuclear-to-cytoplasmic shuttling of ATM. Using several cell culture systems including MCF7 breast carcinoma cells, SKOV3 ovarian cancer cells, and various lineages of mouse embryonic fibroblasts, we showed that once activated by reactive oxygen species (ROS), ATM signals to mTORC1 to induce autophagy via the LKB1-AMPK-TSC2 pathway. Targeting dysregulation of mTORC1 in Atm-deficient mice, which succumb to lymphomagenesis within 3-4 months of age with daily administration of rapamycin, could significantly extend survival and cause regression of tumors, suggesting that pharmacologically targeting this pathway has therapeutic implications in cancer. We also identified a second contrasting pathway for DNA damage-induced mTORC1 repression which does not require AMPK activation, but does require ATM and TSC2. Several potential mechanisms including mTOR localization and p53-mediated pathways were ruled out however we identified that TSC2 may be an additional cytoplasmic direct ATM substrate that is engaged in response to DNA damage specifically. Lastly, a study was performed to examine whether autophagy induced by ovarian cancer therapeutics (focusing on cisplatin, since paclitaxel does not induce autophagy in the SKOV3 cell line model we used) plays a role in resistance to therapy since autophagy can play both pro-survival mechanisms or be a mechanism of cell death. Using a genetic approach to knock-down Atg5 expression with shRNA in SKOV3 ovarian carcinoma cells, we compared the cytotoxicity of cisplatin in vector or Atg5 knock-down cells, and demonstrated that autophagy does not play any significant role in the response to cisplatin in this cell line.
14-3-3 is a family of highly conserved and ubiquitously expressed proteins in eukaryotic organisms. 14-3-3 isoforms bind in a phospho-serine/threonine-dependent manner to a host of proteins involved in essential cellular processes including cell cycle, signal transduction and apoptosis. We fortuitously discovered 14-3-3 zeta overexpression in many human primary cancers, such as breast, lung, and sarcoma, and in a majority of cancer cell lines. To determine 14-3-3 zeta involvement in breast cancer progression, we used immunohistochemical analysis to examine 14-3-3 zeta expression in human primary invasive breast carcinomas. High 14-3-3 zeta expression was significantly correlated with poor prognosis of breast cancer patients. Increased expression of 14-3-3 zeta was also significantly correlated with elevated PKB/Akt activation in patient samples. Thus, 14-3-3 zeta is a marker of poor prognosis in breast cancers. Furthermore, up-regulation of 14-3-3 zeta enhanced malignant transformation of cancer cells in vitro. ^ To determine the biological significance of 14-3-3 zeta in human cancers, small interfering RNAs (siRNA) were used to specifically block 14-3-3 zeta expression in cancer cells. 14-3-3 zeta siRNA inhibited cellular proliferation by inducing a G1 arrest associated with up-regulation of p27 KIP1 and p21CIP1 cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors. Reduced 14-3-3 zeta inhibited PKB/Akt activation while stimulating the p38 signaling pathway. Silencing 14-3-3 zeta expression also increased stress-induced apoptosis by caspase activation. Notably, 14-3-3 zeta siRNA inhibited transformation related properties of breast cancer cells in vitro and inhibited tumor progression of breast cancer cells in vivo. 14-3-3 zeta may be a key regulatory factor controlling multiple signaling pathways leading to tumor progression. ^ The data indicate 14-3-3 zeta is a major regulator of cell growth and apoptosis and may play a critical role in the development of multiple cancer types. Hence, blocking 14-3-3 zeta may be a promising therapeutic approach for numerous cancers. ^