962 resultados para Intrusion errors
Concept drift, which refers to non stationary learning problems over time, has increasing importance in machine learning and data mining. Many concept drift applications require fast response, which means an algorithm must always be (re)trained with the latest available data. But the process of data labeling is usually expensive and/or time consuming when compared to acquisition of unlabeled data, thus usually only a small fraction of the incoming data may be effectively labeled. Semi-supervised learning methods may help in this scenario, as they use both labeled and unlabeled data in the training process. However, most of them are based on assumptions that the data is static. Therefore, semi-supervised learning with concept drifts is still an open challenging task in machine learning. Recently, a particle competition and cooperation approach has been developed to realize graph-based semi-supervised learning from static data. We have extend that approach to handle data streams and concept drift. The result is a passive algorithm which uses a single classifier approach, naturally adapted to concept changes without any explicit drift detection mechanism. It has built-in mechanisms that provide a natural way of learning from new data, gradually "forgetting" older knowledge as older data items are no longer useful for the classification of newer data items. The proposed algorithm is applied to the KDD Cup 1999 Data of network intrusion, showing its effectiveness.
A variety of platinum-group-minerals (PGM) have been found to occur associated with the chromitite and dunite layers in the Niquelandia igneous complex. Two genetically distinct populations of PGM have been identified corresponding to phases crystallized at high temperatures (primary), and others formed or modified during post-magmatic serpentinization and lateritic weathering (secondary). Primary PGM have been found in moderately serpentinized chromitite and dunite, usually included in fresh chromite grains or partially oxidized interstitial sulfides. Due to topographically controlled lateritic weathering, the silicate rocks are totally transformed to a smectite-kaolinite-garnierite-amorphous silica assemblage, while the chromite is changed into a massive aggregate of a spinel phase having low-Mg and a low Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio, intimately associated with Ti-minerals, amorphous Fe-hydroxides, goethite, hematite and magnetite. The PGM in part survive alteration, and in part are corroded as a result of deep chemical weathering. Laurite is altered to Ru-oxides or re-crystallizes together with secondary Mg-ilmenite. Other PGM, especially the Pt-Fe alloys, re-precipitate within the altered chromite together with kaolinite and Fe-hydroxides. Textural evidence suggests that re-deposition of secondary PGM took place during chromite alteration, controlled by variation of the redox conditions on a microscopic scale.
Internet access by wireless networks has grown considerably in recent years. However, these networks are vulnerable to security problems, especially those related to denial of service attacks. Intrusion Detection Systems(IDS)are widely used to improve network security, but comparison among the several existing approaches is not a trivial task. This paper proposes building a datasetfor evaluating IDS in wireless environments. The data were captured in a real, operating network. We conducted tests using traditional IDS and achieved great results, which showed the effectiveness of our proposed approach.
Purpose We aimed to use lateral and oblique radiographs to evaluate dental and skeletal changes arising from maxillary molar intrusion with zygomatic anchorage in open bite patients. Methods We conducted a pilot study including nine patients (six females and three males; mean age, 18.7±5.1 years) with skeletal open bite treated with titanium miniplates for posterior dentoalveolar intrusion. Lateral and oblique (right and left, 45°) radiographs were obtained before (T1) and 6 months after intrusion (T2). A paired t test was used for statistical evaluation. Results The maxillary posterior teeth were intruded 2.03± 0.87 mm (p<0.01) with 450×g of force, which resulted in counterclockwise rotation of the mandible (1.57°, p=0.02) and clockwise rotation of the occlusal plane (4.27±2.66°, p=0.01). Anterior facial height decreased by a mean of 1.79±1.51 mm (p<0.01). No significant change in the palatal plane or in anteroposterior molar movement was observed. Conclusion The oblique radiograph at 45° was useful for the assessment of molar intrusion and anteroposterior displacement. The treatment of anterior open bite with skeletal anchorage provided intrusion of molars and counterclockwise rotation of the mandible, resulting in open bite closure.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study aimed to assess measurements of temperature and relative humidity obtained with HOBO a data logger, under various conditions of exposure to solar radiation, comparing them with those obtained through the use of a temperature/relative humidity probe and a copper-constantan thermocouple psychrometer, which are considered the standards for obtaining such measurements. Data were collected over a 6-day period (from 25 March to 1 April, 2010), during which the equipment was monitored continuously and simultaneously. We employed the following combinations of equipment and conditions: a HOBO data logger in full sunlight; a HOBO data logger shielded within a white plastic cup with windows for air circulation; a HOBO data logger shielded within a gill-type shelter (multi-plate prototype plastic); a copper-constantan thermocouple psychrometer exposed to natural ventilation and protected from sunlight; and a temperature/relative humidity probe under a commercial, multi-plate radiation shield. Comparisons between the measurements obtained with the various devices were made on the basis of statistical indicators: linear regression, with coefficient of determination; index of agreement; maximum absolute error; and mean absolute error. The prototype multi-plate shelter (gill-type) used in order to protect the HOBO data logger was found to provide the best protection against the effects of solar radiation on measurements of temperature and relative humidity. The precision and accuracy of a device that measures temperature and relative humidity depend on an efficient shelter that minimizes the interference caused by solar radiation, thereby avoiding erroneous analysis of the data obtained.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The prevalence of dental trauma and its consequences are challenging. This article presents a clinical case of a 9-year-old female who was in a bicycling accident and had a dental intrusion of the left maxillary lateral incisor with extensive dislocation. In the emergency department, surgical repositioning of the intruded tooth and a splinting with steel wire and composite resin was performed and the soft-tissue lesions were sutured. Two weeks after the first visit, pulp necrosis was found and endodontic treatment of the intruded tooth was started with a calcium hydroxide dressing. Despite the traumatic nature of the dental injury, the result of treatment was favorable. After 3 years of follow-up, repair of the resorptions and no signs of ankylosis of the teeth involved were evident. Considering the patient's age and the extent of intrusion, it was concluded that surgical repositioning associated with adequate endodontic therapy was an effective alternative treatment for this case.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) are micro scale devices that are able to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy or vice versa. In this paper, the mathematical model of an electronic circuit of a resonant MEMS mass sensor, with time-periodic parametric excitation, was analyzed and controlled by Chebyshev polynomial expansion of the Picard interaction and Lyapunov-Floquet transformation, and by Optimal Linear Feedback Control (OLFC). Both controls consider the union of feedback and feedforward controls. The feedback control obtained by Picard interaction and Lyapunov-Floquet transformation is the first strategy and the optimal control theory the second strategy. Numerical simulations show the efficiency of the two control methods, as well as the sensitivity of each control strategy to parametric errors. Without parametric errors, both control strategies were effective in maintaining the system in the desired orbit. On the other hand, in the presence of parametric errors, the OLFC technique was more robust.
Wireless LAN technology, despite the numerous advantages it has over competing technologies, has not seen widespread deployment. A primary reason for markets not adopting this technology is its failure to provide adequate security. Data that is sent over wireless links can be compromised with utmost ease. In this project, we propose a distributed agent based intrusion detection and response system for wireless LANs that can detect unauthorized wireless elements like access points, wireless clients that are in promiscuous mode etc. The system reacts to intrusions by either notifying the concerned personnel, in case of rogue access points and promiscuous nodes, or by blocking unauthorized users from accessing the network resources.
Wireless LANs are growing rapidly and security has always been a concern. We have implemented a hybrid system, which will not only detect active attacks like identity theft causing denial of service attacks, but will also detect the usage of access point discovery tools. The system responds in real time by sending out an alert to the network administrator.