883 resultados para Intergroup reconciliation
Models of the air-sea transfer velocity of gases may be either empirical or mechanistic. Extrapolations of empirical models to an unmeasured gas or to another water temperature can be erroneous if the basis of that extrapolation is flawed. This issue is readily demonstrated for the most well-known empirical gas transfer velocity models where the influence of bubble-mediated transfer, which can vary between gases, is not explicitly accounted for. Mechanistic models are hindered by an incomplete knowledge of the mechanisms of air-sea gas transfer. We describe a hybrid model that incorporates a simple mechanistic view—strictly enforcing a distinction between direct and bubble-mediated transfer—but also uses parameterizations based on data from eddy flux measurements of dimethyl sulphide (DMS) to calibrate the model together with dual tracer results to evaluate the model. This model underpins simple algorithms that can be easily applied within schemes to calculate local, regional, or global air-sea fluxes of gases.
Models of the air-sea transfer velocity of gases may be either empirical or mechanistic. Extrapolations of empirical models to an unmeasured gas or to another water temperature can be erroneous if the basis of that extrapolation is flawed. This issue is readily demonstrated for the most well-known empirical gas transfer velocity models where the influence of bubble-mediated transfer, which can vary between gases, is not explicitly accounted for. Mechanistic models are hindered by an incomplete knowledge of the mechanisms of air-sea gas transfer. We describe a hybrid model that incorporates a simple mechanistic view—strictly enforcing a distinction between direct and bubble-mediated transfer—but also uses parameterizations based on data from eddy flux measurements of dimethyl sulphide (DMS) to calibrate the model together with dual tracer results to evaluate the model. This model underpins simple algorithms that can be easily applied within schemes to calculate local, regional, or global air-sea fluxes of gases.
Northern Ireland (NI) is emerging from a violent period in its troubled history and remains a
society characterized by segregation between its two main communities. Nowhere is this more
apparent than in education, where for the most part Catholic and Protestant pupils are
educated separately. During the last 30 years there has been a twofold pressure placed on the
education system in NI - at one level to respond to intergroup tensions by promoting
reconciliation, and at another, to deal with national policy demands derived from a global neoliberalist
economic agenda. With reference to current efforts to promote shared education
between separate schools, we explore the uneasy dynamic between a school-based
reconciliation programme in a transitioning society and system-wide values that are driven by
neo-liberalism and its organizational manifestation - new managerialism. We argue that whilst
the former seeks to promote social democratic ideals in education that can have a potentially
transformative effect at societal level, neoliberal priorities have the potential to both subvert
shared education and also to embed it.
The context of Northern Ireland in the transition of conflict has produced a range of efforts to bring about reconciliation. However, definitions and understandings of the nature of reconciliation differ. This paper draws together how reconciliation has been defined in theory in Northern Ireland and elsewhere, examines some models of practice in the light of that theory and illustrates the process of reconciliation through general initiatives in Northern Ireland and specific projects seeking to reconcile at community level. It is concluded that, while political and public processes can set a context and space for engagement to take place, reconciliation is fundamentally about personal encounter and relationship, which have to take place in a range of settings and at all levels of a society that has experienced conflict.
The social identity approach to stress has shown how intragroup support processes shape individuals' responses to stress across health care, workplace, and community settings. However, the issue of how these 'social cure' processes can help cope with the stress of intergroup contact has yet to be explored. This is particularly important given the pivotal role of intergroup threat and anxiety in the experience of contact as well as the effect of contact on extending the boundaries of group inclusion. This study applies this perspective to a real-life instance of residential contact in a divided society. Semi-structured interviews with 14 Catholic and 13 Protestant new residents of increasingly mixed areas of Belfast city, Northern Ireland, were thematically analysed. Results highlight that transitioning to mixed communities was fraught with intergroup anxiety, especially for those coming from 'single identity' areas. Help from existing residents, especially when offered by members of other religious denominations, signalled a 'mixed community ethos' to new residents, which facilitated adopting and sharing this identity. This shared identity then enabled them to deal with unexpected intergroup threats and provided resilience to future sectarian division. New residents who did not adopt this shared identity remained isolated, fearful, and prone to negative contact.
Objective: To measure length of hospital stay (LHS) in patients receiving medication reconciliation. Secondary characteristics included analysis of number of preadmission medications, medications prescribed at admission, number of discrepancies, and pharmacists interventions done and accepted by the attending physician. Methods: A 6 month, randomized, controlled trial conducted at a public teaching hospital in southern Brazil. Patients admitted to general wards were randomized to receive usual care or medication reconciliation, performed within the first 72 hours of hospital admission. Results: The randomization process assigned 68 patients to UC and 65 to MR. LHS was 10±15 days in usual care and 9±16 days in medication reconciliation (p=0.620). The total number of discrepancies was 327 in the medication reconciliation group, comprising 52.6% of unintentional discrepancies. Physicians accepted approximately 75.0% of the interventions. Conclusion: These results highlight weakness at patient transition care levels in a public teaching hospital. LHS, the primary outcome, should be further investigated in larger studies. Medication reconciliation was well accepted by physicians and it is a useful tool to find and correct discrepancies, minimizing the risk of adverse drug events and improving patient safety.
At head of title: 97th Congress, 1st session. Committee print. WMCP: 97-15.
Os fenómenos migratórios têm contribuído para a configuração de uma realidade sociocultural diversa que marca as sociedades do século XXI. Portugal não é exceção, sendo um dos países onde mais aumentou proporcionalmente a imigração legal permanente, fenómeno coexistente com a emigração da sua população. Neste contexto de migrações reconfiguram-se identidades, não apenas para os migrantes mas também para os autóctones, cuja (re)construção balança entre a semelhança e a diferença. Sem esta relação, a identidade fica comprometida, pois ela existe fundamentalmente pelo reconhecimento dos outros. A liberdade cultural e linguística é também uma dimensão do desenvolvimento humano, pelo que tem vindo a ganhar proeminência a promoção da diversidade linguística e cultural, e a consequente educação intercultural, que se assume como espaço privilegiado de reflexão e ação. Defende-se que a verdadeira integração dos imigrantes terá de ser multilingue e não pode ser realizada apagando as suas diferenças, nem obrigando-os a abandonar as suas línguas nativas e culturas. O domínio da Língua Portuguesa é uma das vias mais poderosas para a integração dos estrangeiros a residir em Portugal, tanto como garantia da autonomia individual que faculta o exercício de uma cidadania ativa, como de harmonia social ao nível coletivo. A escola portuguesa, atenta a este facto, vê reconhecida, por parte do Ministério da Educação, a Língua Portuguesa como fator de integração. Todavia, esse reconhecimento contrasta com a indiferença perante as línguas maternas dos alunos estrangeiros, ignorando-se, assim, um importante elemento das suas pertenças identitárias. Neste âmbito, alguns autores afirmam que a escola portuguesa nem sempre tem praticado uma verdadeira educação intercultural, adotando, pelo contrário, parte das características hegemónicas da cultura dominante, o que se traduz, por conseguinte, no esmagamento simbólico (coletivo) das culturas minoritárias. O nosso estudo usa as Representações Sociais como formas de conhecimento prático que permitem a compreensão do mundo e a comunicação, proporcionando coerência às dinâmicas sociais. Procurámos fazer, através delas, uma leitura da valorização da diversidade linguística e cultural na escola, uma vez que as Representações Sociais que se têm do Outro justificam a forma como se interage com ele e imprimem direção às relações intra e intergrupais. A investigação que aqui apresentamos procura dar primazia à “voz” do aluno como fonte de conhecimento, aos fenómenos, a partir das experiências interindividuais e intergrupais, e à forma como as pessoas experienciam e interpretam o mundo social que constroem interativamente. Para esse efeito, recolhemos dados através de entrevistas semidiretivas individuais junto de dez alunos autóctones e dez alunosestrangeiros de uma mesma escola. Complementarmente, realizámos entrevistas aos Encarregados de Educação de oito dos alunos entrevistados, quatro de cada grupo, aos cinco Diretores de Turma desses alunos e ao Diretor da escola. Do ponto de vista metodológico, a presente investigação desenvolveu-se de acordo com uma abordagem de natureza qualitativa, relacionada com um paradigma fenomenológico-interpretativo – os fenómenos humanos e educativos apresentam-se, na sua complexidade, intimamente relacionados e a sua compreensão exige a reconciliação entre a epistemologia e o compromisso ético. Procurando uma leitura global dos resultados obtidos, e à semelhança de alguns estudos, a nossa investigação demonstra que, ao não se promover proativamente uma educação intercultural – designadamente a sua função de crítica cultural e o combate a estereótipos e preconceitos que essencializam as diferenças do Outro culturalmente diverso –, a escola não prepara os alunos para a sociedade contemporânea, culturalmente diversa, dinâmica e com um elevado nível de incerteza, nem para uma abordagem positiva e frontal dos conflitos em toda a sua complexidade. À escola impõem-se ainda muitos desafios relativos às muitas diversidades que acolhe no seu seio, de forma a que todos aqueles que constituem a comunidade escolar – designadamente os alunos, sejam eles estrangeiros ou autóctones – se sintam parte integrante dela, respeitados tanto pelas suas raízes, como pelas múltiplas pertenças dinamicamente em (re)construção, como, ainda, pelos seus projetos de futuro. A informação, por si só, não promove a ação. Revela-se necessária a adoção de estratégias de intervenção que concretizem a informação nas práticas escolares quotidianas, que promovam encontros positivamente significativos, que favoreçam a igualdade social e o reconhecimento das diferenças e, ainda, que previnam atitudes discriminatórias. Para essas estratégias de intervenção serem uma constante no quotidiano das nossas escolas, a didática intercultural deve ser incentivada e operacionalizada, tanto na prática pedagógica como na formação inicial e contínua dos professores.
This eighty-minute work examines responses to Australia's Stolen Generations history. Based on recorded interviews with aboriginal survivors of state removal of children, Taken uses music as a metaphor for white Australians listening to these stories, as the music follows the spoken intonation in the interviews.
Embedding Indigenous knowledge in the curriculum continues to challenge traditional western perspectives on Indigenous epistemologies and cultures. This paper will initially discuss experiences of embedding Indigenous perspectives in the curriculum at an Australian university. The project was inspired by the Reconciliation Statement which ensured funding through Teaching and Learning Large Grants. Its successful outcomes included the creation of identified positions for Indigenous academics within faculties, creation of a resource hub of relevant teaching materials and consistent documentation and awareness of Indigenous perspectives through interviews and workshops. The paper concludes by critically interrogating the methodology used to conceptualise Indigenous knowledge in embedding Indigenous perspectives in a university curriculum. This paper argues for a thorough curriculum reform if a degree of decolonisation of the western constructed Indigenous knowledge and its living systems are desired.
Our experiences as Indigenous academics within universities often reflects the experiences we have as Indigenous people in broader society, yet I am still surprised and angered when it is others working in higher education who espouse notions of justice and equity with whom we experience tension and conflict in asserting our rights, values and cultural values. At times it is a constant struggle even when universities have Reconciliation Statements as most of them do now, Indigenous recruitment or employment strategies and university wide anti-racism and anti-discrimination policies and procedures.