981 resultados para Industrial waste
Biochar is a carbon-rich solid obtained by the thermal decomposition of organic matter under a limited supply of oxygen and at relatively low temperatures. Biochar can be prepared from the pyrolysis of different organic feed- stocks, such as wood and biomass crops, agricultural by-products, different types of waste or paper industry waste materials . The pyrolysis procedure of waste, i.e. sewage sludge, has mainly two advantages, firstly, it removes pathogens from waste and, secondly, biochar can reduce the leaching of heavy metals present in raw sewage sludge. This trend of the use of waste material as feedstocks to the preparation of biochar is increasing in the last years due to industrial development and economic growth imply an increase in waste generation. The application of biochar may have positive effects on soil physical properties as water holding capacity and structure or on soil biological activity and soil quality. Also, biochar can be used to remove water pollutants and can be used in multiple ways in soil remediation due to its adsorption of pesticides or metals. Also, biochar contribute to carbon sequestration due to carbon stability of biochar materials. The objective of this presentation is to review the positive effects of the biochar prepared from organic waste on soil properties.
El principal objetivo de esta tesis es verificar que las bolsas biodegradables de copoliéster (PBAT) con base de almidón (UNE 13432: 2001) alcanzan los niveles de degradación y desintegración requeridos para su certificación (%D= ≥ 90%), medido en condiciones reales de compostaje industrial. Para lograr mayor representatividad, los ensayos se han realizado en dos plantas de tratamiento de residuos urbanos en las que se aplican las técnicas de compostaje más comunes en el ámbito europeo y nacional, pila y túnel, mediante el compostaje de la FORSU. Se llevaron a cabo dos tipos de ensayos. Por un lado se realizó un ensayo escala de laboratorio (ISO 14855), orientado como indicador de la biodegradabilidad del polímero en el formato bolsa comercializado. Por otro lado, se desarrollaron una batería de ensayos realizados en dos plantas de compostaje de residuos urbanos: el Centro de Tratamiento de Residuos de Torija (Ávila), que realiza el compostaje mediante pila volteada, y el Centro de Tratamiento de Residuos de Arenas de San Pedro (Ávila), que realiza el compostaje en túnel. Para la obtención de resultados se han contrastado parámetros como el porcentaje de biodegradación (%B), el porcentaje de desintegración (%D), degradación superficial de las muestras, calidad de la FORSU inicial (caracterizaciones y análisis físico-químico) y calidad del MB final (análisis físico-químico e IG). Atendiendo al objetivo general se demuestra que las bolsas de copoliéster con base de almidón certificadas (UNE EN 13432:2001) han alcanzado el 94,37% ± 0,007% de desintegración en la planta de compostaje de FORSU con pila volteada; y el 86,36% ± 0,151% en la planta de compostaje de FORSU con túnel estático. A pesar de la aparente diferencia, el resultado del análisis concluye que no existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre técnicas de compostaje. La presencia de impropios y el contendido de metales pesados en la FORSU no han influido en la desintegración de las bolsas de estudio. En cambio, se ha detectado una influencia estadísticamente significativa entre el contenido de materia orgánica total y de nutrientes de la FORSU y el porcentaje de desintegración de las muestras. No se detectado una relación estadísticamente significativa entre la presencia de bolsas de estudio en las concentraciones definidas, y la calidad del MB, medido mediante el análisis físico-químico, microbiológico y el IG del MB. La concentración de los metales pesados en la mayoría de las muestras de material bioestabilizado cumplió con los límites establecidos para la categoría A, aplicable al “compost” procedente de la fracción orgánica recogida de forma separada según el RD 506/2013 de productos fertilizantes. También se detectó fitotoxicidad alta (FA) según la metodología y criterios de valoración definidos. Esta fitotoxicidad no está relacionada con la presencia de las bolsas de estudio sino con la calidad de la FORSU de partida y/o con los productos liberados durante el proceso de compostaje. ABSTRACT The main objective of this thesis is to verify that the copolyester (PBAT) starch based (UNE 13432: 2001) biodegradable bags reach levels of degradation and disintegration required for it´s certification (% D = ≥ 90%), measured in terms of real industrial composting. The tests were performed at two municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment plants, where the most common composting techniques applied at European and national level were represented, windrow and tunnel. Two types of tests were carried out: First, a laboratory scale test (ISO 14855), as an indicator of the polymer biodegradation of the commercialized bag format. Second, a battery of tests was conducted at two MSW composting plants, Waste Treatment Center of Torija (Guadalajara), that makes compost by turned pile, and the Waste Treatment Center of Arenas de San Pedro (Ávila), where makes compost by static tunnel. To obtain the results, the parameters such as the biodegradation percentage (% B), the disintegration percentage (% D), surface degradation of the samples, the initial quality of FORSU (characterizations and physico-chemical analysis) and bioestabilithated material (MB) quality (physico-chemical analysis and IG) have been compared. In reference to the general aim It shows that the copolyester starch based certified (UNE-EN 13432) bags have reached 94.37% ± 0.007% of disintegration in the composting turned pile; and 86.36% ± 0.151% in the static tunnel. Despite the apparent difference, the result of the analysis concludes that there are no statistically significant differences between composting techniques. The presence of non-compostable materials and the heavy metals content in the FORSU has not affected in the disintegration of the bags. Instead, It has been detected a statistically significant influence over the total organic matter content and nutrient content in the FORSU and the samples disintegration percentage. A statistically significant relationship between the bag presence in the defined concentrations and the quality of MB measured by physical-chemical analysis, microbiological analysis and IG of the MB is not detected. The concentration of heavy metals in most MB samples was within the limits of A-Class, applicable to "compost" from organic waste collected separately according to RD 506/2013 of fertilizers. High phytotoxicity (FA) was also detected according to the methodology and evaluation defined. The phytotoxicity is not related to the presence of bags but it is with the FORSU initial quality and/or with the products released during the composting process.
Mode of access: Internet.
Issued July 1978.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
"Contract no. 210-77-0053."
Mode of access: Internet.
Issued May 1977.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
"July 8, 2002; CERCLIS No. NYD000110247."
"March 22, 2005; CERCLIS no. NYD000337295."
"February 1, 2001; Cerclis No. NYD986950012."
"ISM contract 175."