885 resultados para Inducers of resistance


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Heterotrimeric G proteins are involved in the defense response against necrotrophic fungi in Arabidopsis. In order to elucidate the resistance mechanisms involving heterotrimeric G proteins, we analyzed the effects of the Gβ (subunit deficiency in the mutant agb1-2 on pathogenesis-related gene expression, as well as the genetic interaction between agb1-2 and a number of mutants of established defense pathways. Gβ-mediated signaling suppresses the induction of salicylic acid (SA)-, jasmonic acid (JA)-, ethylene (ET)- and abscisic acid (ABA)-dependent genes during the initial phase of the infection with Fusarium oxysporum (up to 48 h after inoculation). However, at a later phase it enhances JA/ET-dependent genes such as PDF1.2 and PR4. Quantification of the Fusarium wilt symptoms revealed that Gβ- and SA-deficient mutants were more susceptible than wild-type plants, whereas JA- and ET-insensitive and ABA-deficient mutants demonstrated various levels of resistance. Analysis of the double mutants showed that the Gβ-mediated resistance to F. oxysporum and Alternaria brassicicola was mostly independent of all of the previously mentioned pathways. However, the progressive decay of agb1-2 mutants was compensated by coi1-21 and jin1-9 mutations, suggesting that at this stage of F. oxysporum infection Gβ acts upstream of COI1 and ATMYC2 in JA signaling.


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Aim: This case study describes a quality initiative to minimize restraint in an Australian residential aged care facility.

Approach: The process of improving practice is examined with reference to the literature on implementation of research into practice and change management. The differences between planned and emergent approaches to change management are discussed. The concepts of resistance and attractors are explored in relation to our experiences of managing the change process in this initiative. The importance of the interpersonal interactions that were involved in facilitating the change process is highlighted.

Recommendations are offered for dealing with change management processes in clinical environments, particularly the need to move beyond an individual mind-set to a systems-based approach for quality initiatives in residential aged care.


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A large corpus of data obtained by means of empirical study of neuromuscular adaptation is currently of limited use to athletes and their coaches. One of the reasons lies in the unclear direct practical utility of many individual trials. This paper introduces a mathematical model of adaptation to resistance training, which derives its elements from physiological fundamentals on the one side, and empirical findings on the other. The key element of the proposed model is what is here termed the athlete’s capability profile. This is a generalization of length and velocity dependent force production characteristics of individual muscles, to an exercise with arbitrary biomechanics. The capability profile, a two-dimensional function over the capability plane, plays the central role in the proposed model of the training-adaptation feedback loop. Together with a dynamic model of resistance the capability profile is used in the model’s predictive stage when exercise performance is simulated using a numerical approximation of differential equations of motion. Simulation results are used to infer the adaptational stimulus, which manifests itself through a fed back modification of the capability profile. It is shown how empirical evidence of exercise specificity can be formulated mathematically and integrated in this framework. A detailed description of the proposed model is followed by examples of its application—new insights into the effects of accommodating loading for powerlifting are demonstrated. This is followed by a discussion of the limitations of the proposed model and an overview of avenues for future work.


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Hypoxia is an important modulator of endurance exercise-induced oxidative adaptations in skeletal muscle. However, whether hypoxia affects resistance exercise-induced muscle adaptations remains unknown. Here, we determined the effect of resistance exercise training under systemic hypoxia on muscular adaptations known to occur following both resistance and endurance exercise training, including muscle cross-sectional area (CSA), one-repetition maximum (1RM), muscular endurance, and makers of mitochondrial biogenesis and angiogenesis, such as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator-1α (PGC-1α), citrate synthase (CS) activity, nitric oxide synthase (NOS), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1), and capillary-to-fiber ratio. Sixteen healthy male subjects were randomly assigned to either a normoxic resistance training group (NRT, n = 7) or a hypoxic (14.4% oxygen) resistance training group (HRT, n = 9) and performed 8 weeks of resistance training. Blood and muscle biopsy samples were obtained before and after training. After training muscle CSA of the femoral region, 1RM for bench-press and leg-press, muscular endurance, and skeletal muscle VEGF protein levels significantly increased in both groups. The increase in muscular endurance was significantly higher in the HRT group. Plasma VEGF concentration and skeletal muscle capillary-to-fiber ratio were significantly higher in the HRT group than the NRT group following training. Our results suggest that, in addition to increases in muscle size and strength, HRT may also lead to increased muscular endurance and the promotion of angiogenesis in skeletal muscle.


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Spaceflight and bed rest (BR) result in loss of muscle mass and strength. This study evaluated the effectiveness of resistance training and vibration-augmented resistance training to preserve thigh (quadriceps femoris) and calf (triceps surae) muscle cross-sectional area (CSA), isometric maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), isometric contractile speed, and neural activation (electromyogram) during 60 days of BR. Male subjects participating in the second Berlin Bed Rest Study underwent BR only [control (CTR), n = 9], BR with resistance training (RE; n = 7), or BR with vibration-augmented resistance training (RVE; n = 7). Training was performed three times per week. Thigh CSA and MVC torque decreased by 13.5 and 21.3%, respectively, for CTR (both P < 0.001), but were preserved for RE and RVE. Calf CSA declined for all groups, but more so (P < 0.001) for CTR (23.8%) than for RE (10.7%) and RVE (11.0%). Loss in calf MVC torque was greater (P < 0.05) for CTR (24.9%) than for RVE (12.3%), but not different from RE (14.8%). Neural activation at MVC remained unchanged in all groups. For indexes related to rate of torque development, countermeasure subjects were pooled into one resistance training group (RT, n = 14). Thigh maximal rate of torque development (MRTD) and contractile impulse remained unaltered for CTR, but MRTD decreased 16% for RT. Calf MRTD remained unaltered for both groups, whereas contractile impulse increased across groups (28.8%), despite suppression in peak electromyogram (12.1%). In conclusion, vibration exposure did not enhance the efficacy of resistance training to preserve thigh and calf neuromuscular function during BR, although sample size issues may have played a role. The exercise regimen maintained thigh size and MVC strength, but promoted a loss in contractile speed. Whereas contractile speed improved for the calf, the exercise regimen only partially preserved calf size and MVC strength. Modification of the exercise regimen seems warranted.


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Density, species composition and antimicrobial resistance in bacteria of the Enterococcus genus were evaluated in seawater and sands from 2 marine recreational beaches with different levels of pollution. The 2 beaches showed predominance of Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium, in the water and the sand. Dry sand presented higher densities of Enterococcus sp. and higher frequency of resistant strains than wet sand and seawater. The beach with a higher degree of pollution presented higher percentages of resistant strains (66.7% and 61.5%, in sand and in water, respectively) and resistance to a larger number of antimicrobials compared with the less polluted beach, Ilha Porchat (35.7% and 31.25% of resistant strains in sand and water, respectively). in water samples, the highest frequencies of resistance were obtained against streptomycin (38.5%) and erythromycin (25%), whilst in sand, the highest frequencies were observed in relation to erythromycin and tetracycline (38.1% and 14.3%, respectively). These results show that water and sands from beaches with high indexes of faecal contamination of human origin may be potential sources of contamination by pathogens and contribute to the dissemination of bacterial resistance. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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During bean seed storage, yield can be lost due to infestations of Acanthoscelides obtectus Say, the bean weevil. The use of resistant varieties has shown promising results in fighting these insects, reducing infestation levels and eliminating chemical residues from the beans. The expression of resistance to A. obtectus in bean varieties is frequently attributed to the presence of phytohemagglutinins, protease inhibitors and alpha-amylase, and especially to variants of the protein arcelin, which reduce the larval viability of these insects. To evaluate the effect of bean seed storage time on the resistance expression of bean varieties to A. obtectus, tests with seeds of three ages (freshly-harvested, 4-month-old, and 8-month-old) were conducted in the laboratory, using four commercial varieties: Carioca Pitoco, Ipa 6, Porrillo 70, Onix; four improved varieties containing arcelin protein: Are. 1, Arc.2, Arc. 3, Arc.4; and three wild varieties also containing arcelin protein: Arc. IS, Arc.3S, and Arc. 5S. The Arc.5S, Arc. IS, and Arc.2 varieties expressed high antibiosis levels against the weevil; Arc. I and Arc3S expressed the same mechanism, but at lower levels. The occurrence of oviposition non-preference was also observed in Arc.5S and Arc. IS. The Arc.3 and Arc. 4 varieties expressed low feeding non-preference levels against A. obtectus. The expression of resistance in arcelin-bearing, wild or improved varieties was affected during the storage of seeds, and was high under some parameters but low in others. The results showed that addition of chemical resistance factors such as protein arcelin via genetic breeding may be beneficial in improving the performance of bean crops.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a possibilidade de transferência de resistência aos antimicrobianos entre bactérias normais da microbiota de frangos e Salmonella Enteritidis. Utilizamos amostras de Lactobacillus spp. (L. spp.), Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) e Escherichia coli (E. coli) previamente isolados de frangos, selecionados após prova de sensibilidade antimicrobiana in vitro conforme metodologia padrão (Comitê Nacional para Padrões Clínicos de Laboratório). Utilizamos aqueles com resistência e sensibilidade aos antimicrobianos indutores, chamados de bactérias doadoras e receptoras, respectivamente. Os antimicrobianos indutores foram utilizados para estimular a transferência de resistência aos antimicrobianos entre as bactérias. A possibilidade de transferência foi verificada da E. coli resistente para a SE e L. spp. Também foi verificada a transferência de uma amostra de L. spp resistente aos antimicrobianos indutores para a SE. Só foi possível verificar a transferência da resistência aos antimicrobianos indutores quando a bactéria doadora foi a E. coli e a bactéria receptora foi a SE. No presente estudo concluímos que a transferência de resistência aos antimicrobianos entre bactérias é possível, mas nem todas as bactérias participam desse evento, não transmitindo e nem adquirindo esta resistência.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Esterases are a group of enzymes that are reportedly associated with acaricide resistance in Riphicephallus (Boophilus) microplus. A comparative analysis was made of the esterase patterns in malathion and deltamethrin-sensitive, tolerant and resistant tick groups, using non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Electrophoretical profiles revealed four bands of esterase activity against alpha-naphthyl acetate; which were dubbed EST-1 to EST-4. The EST-3 and EST-4 were detected in all strains and were classified as carboxylesterases (CaEs). The EST-2, classified as an acetylcholinesterase (AChE), was detected in all groups, but its staining intensity increased from susceptible to resistant groups, indicating an altered production according to the degree of resistance. EST-1, which was also classified as an AChE, was detected exclusively in tolerant and resistant groups to both acaricides, but displayed greater activity in the malathion-resistant group. These data suggest that these AChEs may represent an important detoxification strategy developed to overcome the effects of acaricides. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Em programas de melhoramento visando resistência genética a doenças, a estimativa de parâmetros genéticos que governam a resistência permite direcionar a introdução de resistência em germoplasmas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar os efeitos heteróticos, a capacidade geral (CGC) e específica (CEC) de combinação, utilizando-se de dois métodos de avaliação da resistência, à Phaeosphaeria maydis através da análise dialélica de 36 híbridos F1 e de suas nove linhagens genitoras, em experimentos conduzidos em três ambientes. Foi utilizado um delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados com três repetições e a parcela experimental foi representada por uma fileira de 5 m. As diferenças entre as estimativas da capacidade de combinação, em diferentes ambientes e para os dois métodos de avaliação, apresentaram efeitos significativos (P < 0.01) para ambientes (E), CGC e CGC x E. O efeito de CEC e a interação CEC x E não foi significativa para os dois métodos de avaliação. Os efeitos de CGC foram mais importantes que CEC nesse conjunto de linhagens, sugerindo que efeitos genéticos aditivos são mais importantes como fonte de variação para resistência a esta doença. Efeitos heteróticos para resistência foram estimados, sendo possível identificar combinações híbridas específicas entre linhagens com alto potencial para o controle genético deste patógeno. Resultados para os dois métodos de avaliação foram praticamente idênticos, embora o método PI seja de maior praticidade de uso.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Acquired immunity of horses to larvae, nymphs and adults of the Amblyomma cajennense tick was evaluated through three consecutive experimental infestations of tick-bite naive hosts. Data from these infestations were compared to those from field-sensitized horses and donkeys. It was observed that tick-bite naive horses developed a low level of resistance after two infestations as shown by a significant decrease in larval yield and a tendency for lower engorged weight of nymphs during third infestation. Ticks fed on field-sensitized horses had a similar biological performance to that observed on the third infestation of tick-bite naive horses but the mean engorged nymph weight was significantly lower than that of the first infestation from tick-bite naive horses. Donkeys presented the strongest resistance with significantly lower engorged weights of all instars and of the egg mass compared to the first infestation of tick-bite naive horses. Donkeys also displayed a significantly higher resistance than field-sensitized horses as demonstrated by significantly lower egg mass weights. Overall these results indicate that donkeys but not horses maintain a strong resistance to A. cajennense ticks. The importance of these findings in relation to vectoring of tick-borne diseases is discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.