998 resultados para Income variations,


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Cross-spectral analysis of regional tree-ring data suggests the spatial pattern of correlation between moisture variations in the Sierra Nevada of central California and in other parts of the western United States is frequency dependent. Short wavelengths (2.8 to 10.7 years), perhaps associated with El Niño/Southern Oscillation, are strongly coherent both to the north (Oregon) and to the south (Southern California). Longer wavelengths (45 to 75 years) are strongly coherent only to the north. Frequency bands corresponding to annual sunspot series were associated with relatively weak patterns of spatial correlation.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Recent analyses of terrestrial (pollen) and marine microfossils (foraminifera and radiolaria) in cores V28-204 and RC14-99 from the northwest Pacific Ocean extend the continuous, chronostratigraphically-controlled records of the regional vegetation of the Pacific coast of Japan and offshore marine environments through three full glacial cycles. The high-resolution pollen time series show systematic relationships between fluctuations in Japanese vegetation and global ice volume over the last 350 kyr. ... Comparison with solar insolation at 30°N and with an index of orbital parameters suggests that variation in northeast Asian summer monsoon intensity is related to orbital forcing.


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Major controls on river salinity (total dissolved solids) in the western United States are climate, geology, and human activity. Climate, in general, influences soil-river salinity via salt-balance variations. When climate becomes wetter, river discharge increases and soil-river salinity decreases; when climate becomes drier river discharge decreases and soil-river salinity increases. This study characterizes the river salinity response to discharge using statistical-dynamic methods. An exploratory analysis of river salinity, using early 1900s water quality surveys in the western United States, shows much river salinity variability is in response to storm and annual discharge. Presumably this is because river discharge is largely supported by surface flow.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The mass balance of glaciers depends on the seasonal variation in precipitation, temperature, and insolation. For glaciers in western North America, these meteorological variables are influenced by the large-scale atmospheric circulation over the northern Pacific Ocean. The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of the relationship between mass balance at glaciers in western North America and the large-scale atmospheric effects at interannual and decadal time scales.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): During the past hundred years, mountain glaciers throughout the world have retreated significantly from moraines built during the previous several centuries. In the 1930s, Francois Matthes of the U.S. Geological Survey concluded that the moraines represent the greatest advances of glaciers since the end of the last glacial age, some 10,000 years earlier, and informally referred to this late Holocene interval of expanded ice cover as the Little Ice Age.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): We have analyzed streamflow variations recorded at 15 USGS gauging stations in California during the past 90 years or so. The anomalies (departures from the 1960-1990 mean discharge) of streamflow on annual-to-decadal time scales are strongly correlated with precipitation anomalies in each drainage basin. ... Although causes of the decadal climate (precipitation) variability are not known with certainty, the use of streamflow records may help us understand the relative strengths of moisture sources and shift of the jet stream in atmospheric circulation.


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Change in the proximate composition and energy value of Tellina angulata from Bombay were studied for a period of 15 months. Irrespective of sex protein as percentage at dry weight ranged from 39.04 to 75.72, carbohydrate 4.83 to 24. 89, lipid 7.41 to 19.81, carbon 21.99 to 39.89 and ash 4.01 to 27.56. Sexwise protein and lipid were maximum in male and carbohydrate in female. Seasonal variation in the proximate composition of the species was well defined.


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The texture of clastic sediments is a fairly reliable index of the erosional history and energy conditions of the depositional environment, while its mineralogy reflects the composition of the source rocks. The beach sands of Clifton, Sandspit, Hawkesbay and Paradise Point were studied to determine their erosional history, depositional environment and their source


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Fish culture in deep-water-rice (DWR) environment using net pen and polder systems was evaluated. In net pen rohu and Thai silver barb were cultured, whereas a 5-species combination (rohu, mrigal, common carp, grass carp and Thai silver barb) were cultured with BR3 rice variety and DWR. Boro-fish production system produced 2.8 t/ha of fish and 7.33 t/ha of rice in polder system with 5-species combinations.


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A survey was conducted in 3000 fishermen households surrounding 54 wetlands (Beels) of Assam. The fish diversity of the wetlands has been decreasing during the last few years due to some extrinsic and intrinsic factors. The total number of fish species recorded so far during the present study is 67 belonging to 21 families. Cyprinidae is the most dominant family represented by major group species (8), intermediate group species (3) and minor group species (12) of high commercial value. Among these three groups, the diversity of fish species is higher in the minor group fish. The present paper deals with the economic condition of the fishermen who mainly fish in the wetlands. The economic condition of the fishermen community is found very poor. The income of fishermen varies from Rs. 4.478 to Rs.7,484 per annum. A regression analysis shows that the income of fishermen is not dependent alone on the fish production but it is exclusively dependent on the value of the fish catch. All the three groups (in terms of value) have significant influence at 10.00% confidence level. But analysis of β shows that the intermediate fish group exhibits the highest influence on the variation of the fishermen income followed by minor and major group respectively.


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During ecophysiological investigations on an intertidal gastropod, Nerita oryzarum (Recluz), of Mumbai shore, various biochemical changes could be recorded. Glycogen and lipid contents of N. oryzarum were found to decrease, whereas, water content increased with decreasing salinity. The rate of oxygen consumption declined with the decrease in salinity and also in highly acidic (pH 2) as well as highly alkaline (pH 10) sea water. The observed variations in the rate of oxygen consumption and changes in biochemical composition in the animal with changes in salinity, pH and temperature are probably the process of physiological and biochemical adjustments to the fluctuating environmental conditions in the intertidal region.


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Salinity and temperature in the sea surface of the Jaffna Lagoon were observed from August 1967 to July 1968. Peak surface temperatures were recorded during April and the lowest temperature recorded was in December. The seasonal variations of surface temperature closely followed a similar pattern in all locations of the lagoon. Salinity values in the lagoon surface were very high during the period from May to August and were relatively low during the period from October to December. Monsoon, rainfall, exchange of water between the lagoon and the sea and within the lagoon, and the currents in the Palk Bay might have been the factors which influenced the salinity structure of the surface waters of the lagoon during this period.