976 resultados para In-utero


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Mice in which the genes encoding the parathyroid hormone (PTH)-related peptide (PTHrP) or the PTH/PTHrP receptor have been ablated by homologous recombination show skeletal dysplasia due to accelerated endochondral bone formation, and die at birth or in utero, respectively. Skeletal abnormalities due to decelerated chondrocyte maturation are observed in transgenic mice where PTHrP expression is targeted to the growth plate, and in patients with Jansen metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, a rare genetic disorder caused by constitutively active PTH/PTHrP receptors. These and other findings thus indicate that PTHrP and its receptor are essential for chondrocyte differentiation. To further explore the role of the PTH/PTHrP receptor in this process, we generated transgenic mice in which expression of a constitutively active receptor, HKrk-H223R, was targeted to the growth plate by the rat α1 (II) collagen promoter. Two major goals were pursued: (i) to investigate how constitutively active PTH/PTHrP receptors affect the program of chondrocyte maturation; and (ii) to determine whether expression of the mutant receptor would correct the severe growth plate abnormalities of PTHrP-ablated mice (PTHrP−/−). The targeted expression of constitutively active PTH/PTHrP receptors led to delayed mineralization, decelerated conversion of proliferative chondrocytes into hypertrophic cells in skeletal segments that are formed by the endochondral process, and prolonged presence of hypertrophic chondrocytes with delay of vascular invasion. Furthermore, it corrected at birth the growth plate abnormalities of PTHrP−/− mice and allowed their prolonged survival. “Rescued” animals lacked tooth eruption and showed premature epiphyseal closure, indicating that both processes involve PTHrP. These findings suggest that rescued PTHrP−/− mice may gain considerable importance for studying the diverse, possibly tissue-specific role(s) of PTHrP in postnatal development.


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Month of birth influences adult life expectancy at ages 50+. Why? In two countries of the Northern Hemisphere–Austria and Denmark–people born in autumn (October–December) live longer than those born in spring (April–June). Data for Australia show that, in the Southern Hemisphere, the pattern is shifted by half a year. The lifespan pattern of British immigrants to Australia is similar to that of Austrians and Danes and significantly different from that of Australians. These findings are based on population data with more than a million observations and little or no selectivity. The differences in lifespan are independent of the seasonal distribution of deaths and the social differences in the seasonal distribution of births. In the Northern Hemisphere, the excess mortality in the first year of life of infants born in spring does not support the explanation of selective infant survival. Instead, remaining life expectancy at age 50 appears to depend on factors that arise in utero or early in infancy and that increase susceptibility to diseases later in life. This result is consistent with the finding that, at the turn of the last century, infants born in autumn had higher birth weights than those born in other seasons. Furthermore, differences in adult lifespan by month of birth decrease over time and are significantly smaller in more recent cohorts, which benefited from substantial improvements in maternal and infant health.


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To clarify the role of Peyer's patches in oral tolerance induction, BALB/c mice were treated in utero with lymphotoxin β-receptor Ig fusion protein to generate mice lacking Peyer's patches. When these Peyer's patch-null mice were fed 25 mg of ovalbumin (OVA) before systemic immunization, OVA-specific IgG Ab responses in serum and spleen were seen, in marked contrast to low responses in OVA-fed normal mice. Further, high T-cell-proliferative- and delayed-type hypersensitivity responses were seen in Peyer's patch-null mice given oral OVA before systemic challenge. Higher levels of CD4+ T-cell-derived IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10 syntheses were noted in Peyer's patch-null mice fed OVA, whereas OVA-fed normal mice had suppressed cytokine levels. In contrast, oral administration of trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) to Peyer's patch-null mice resulted in reduced TNBS-specific serum Abs and splenic B cell antitrinitrophenyl Ab-forming cell responses after skin painting with picryl chloride. Further, when delayed-type hypersensitivity and splenic T cell proliferative responses were examined, Peyer's patch-null mice fed TNBS were unresponsive to hapten. Peyer's patch-null mice fed trinitrophenyl-OVA failed to induce systemic unresponsiveness to hapten or protein. These findings show that organized Peyer's patches are required for oral tolerance to proteins, whereas haptens elicit systemic unresponsiveness via the intestinal epithelial cell barrier.


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We have used a "plug and socket" targeting technique to generate a mouse model of beta 0-thalassemia in which both the b1 and b2 adult globin genes have been deleted. Mice homozygous for this deletion (Hbbth-3/Hbbth-3) die perinatally, similar to the most severe form of Cooley anemia in humans. Mice heterozygous for the deletion appear normal, but their hematologic indices show characteristics typical of severe thalassemia, including dramatically decreased hematocrit, hemoglobin, red blood cell counts, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, as well as dramatically increased reticulocyte counts, serum bilirubin concentrations, and red cell distribution widths. Tissue and organ damage typical of beta-thalassemia, such as bone deformities and splenic enlargement due to increased hematopoiesis, are also seen in the heterozygous animals, as is spontaneous iron overload in the spleen, liver, and kidneys. The mice homozygous for the b1 and b2 deletions should be of great value in developing therapies for the treatment of thalassemias in utero. The heterozygous animals will be useful for studying the pathophysiology of thalassemias and have the potential of generating a model of sickle cell anemia when mated with appropriate transgenic animals.


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As células-tronco podem ser isoladas tanto de tecidos embrionários quanto de tecidos provenientes de um organismo adulto. Este projeto teve por objetivo caracterizar, descrever as células derivadas da região uterina e da cinta placentária junção materno/fetal da placenta de carnívoros domésticos (cães e gatos), e verificar a sua capacidade de pluripotência. Os úteros gestantes e não gestantes foram obtidos em campanhas de castrações e de controle populacional de cães e gatos, na cidade de Pirassununga/SP. Foram coletados 24 úteros gravídicos de animais hígidos, em diferentes idades gestacionais. O material foi dividido em três fases distintas da gestação, ou seja inicio que compreende de 8 a 20 dias de gestação; meio de 21 a 30 dias de gestação e final de 31 a 60 dias de gestação. O material foi coletado de fêmeas caninas e felinas, quatro úteros de cada fase, totalizando 12 úteros de cães e 12 de felinos. Coletamos também 8 úteros de fêmeas nulíparas (4 de cadelas e 4 de gatas) e 8 úteros com um mês pós parto (4 de cadelas e 4 de gatas). As amostras foram fixadas em paraformoldeido tamponado a 4% para a análise histológica e de imunohistoquimica. Para a padronização da imunohistoquimica inúmeros testes de marcação e diluição dos anticorpos utilizados nesta pesquisa foram realizados, todo protocolo aqui descrito foi padronizado pela primeira vez. Nas análises de imunohistoquimica avaliamos a expressão de marcadores associados a células-tronco pluripotentes Nanog, Oct4 e Sox2. Nas cadelas, as marcações foram positivas em todas as fases, gestacionais e não gestacionais. A detecção dessas proteínas nesta espécie ficaram padronizadas, destacando algumas diferenças quantitativas durante alguns períodos da gestação. Foi observado que o Oct4 na cadela, mostra uma diferença significativa (p=0,0064), entre as fases de início e meio da gestação e entra o início e a fase de termo. Quando comparados os resultados das análises imunohistoquimicas utilizando os três anticorpos entre si, nos três períodos gestacionais ficou evidente uma diferença (p=0,0005) somente relativa a proteína Nanog com Oct4. Nas gatas apenas foi possível padronizar o protocolo do Nanog e do Sox2, sendo a marcação feita com Oct4 negativa. Nesta espécie foi possível observar uma diferença da proteína Nanog (p=0,0006) quando comparada na fase inicial para a fase do meio e início da gestação para a fase termo. No que se refere as fêmeas nulíparas e fêmeas pós-parto destaca-se a ausência de diferenças quando comparados os anticorpos na fase pós parto tanto em cadelas quanto em gatas. Na fase nulípara foram observadas diferenças somente na cadela (p=0,0018) para os três anticorpos. Desta forma, a caracterização de células de origem placentária com característica de células tronco pode abrir um leque de possibilidades para obtenção destas células de forma mais ética, uma vez que este material é descartado na castrações. Foi possível a identificação das células que expressão proteínas pluripotentes em diferentes idades gestacionais, tanto na região de cinta placentária como no útero. Apesar de semelhantes, as espécies aqui estudadas apresentaram diferenças na realização do protocolo da imunihistoquímica. Pesquisas relacionadas com as células-tronco do endométrio vêm crescendo, principalmente porque estas células podem ser facilmente obtidas, a partir de fontes descartadas, sem entraves éticos. Desta forma tem o potencial de serem uma nova fonte para o desenvolvimento na terapêutica como terapia celular


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Methyl mercury levels in fish tissues have recently become a health issue. Does this toxin adversely affect humans to the point that fish consumption should be severely limited? Health effects of high levels of mercury exposure to human adults are fairly well known, however the effects of lower levels of exposure on human fetal development are less understood. Recent guidelines issued by the United States Food and Drug Agency and the Environmental Protection Agency recommended that pregnant women should refrain from consuming some types of fish, and limit consumption to certain levels, but results of health studies used to develop recommendations were inconclusive when low levels of in-utero methyl mercury exposure were compared. Other studies demonstrated health benefits of fish consumption to developing fetuses. These health benefits may be an over-riding factor, and my interpretation of various studies concludes that restricted consumption of some fish species may be premature at this time due to a need to balance potential health benefits against mercury toxicity hazard.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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This paper uses a difference in difference model to investigate the impact of a large scale and high mortality 2005 earthquake in Pakistan on women’s fertility decisions and children’s health outcomes. Using a nationally representative, cross sectional DHS data from 2006 and geographical data from USGS, this paper investigates how variation in earthquake intensity levels can differentially impact total fertility for women and the likelihood of children suffering from diseases such as diarrhea, Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) and fever. The post-earthquake results demonstrate a statistically significant increase in total fertility for areas closer to the epicenter of the earthquake, within a 100km radius of the rupture surface and at higher altitudes. Similarly, for children who were in-utero at the time of the earthquake, the probability of having early symptoms of ARI or fever was much smaller in lower earthquake intensity zones compared to the highest intensity zone.


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Maternal infection during pregnancy increases the risk of several neuropsychiatric disorders later in life, many of which have a component of dopaminergic (DA) dysfunction, including schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The majority of DA neurons are found in the adult midbrain; as such the midbrain is a key region of interest regarding these disorders. The literature is conflicting regarding the behavioral alterations following maternal immune activation (MIA) exposure, and the cellular and molecular consequences of MIA on the developing midbrain remain to be fully elucidated. Thus, this thesis aimed to establish the consequences of acute and mild MIA on offspring dopamine-related behaviors, as well as the associated cellular and molecular disturbances of MIA on offspring midbrains. We utilized a rat model of MIA using low dose (50μg/kg, I.P.) of LPS administered at different gestational ages. Our first study indicated that MIA at later gestational ages significantly increased pro-inflammatory IL-1β expression, and reduced HSD11B2 expression in the placenta, which is an important regulator of fetal development. In utero LPS exposure at later gestational ages also impaired the growth of neurons from affected offspring. This study identified key gestational stages during which MIA resulted in differential effects. We utilized these time points in subsequent studies, the next of which investigated neurobehavioral outcomes following MIA. Our results from that study showed that motor differences occurred in juvenile offspring following MIA at E16 only, and these differences were compensated for in adolescence. Then, there was a decline in motor behavior capabilities in adulthood, again only for animals exposed to MIA on E16 (and not E12). Furthermore, our results also demonstrated adolescent and adult offspring that were exposed to MIA at E12 had diminished responses to amphetamine in reward seeking behaviors. In our final study, we aimed to investigate the molecular and cellular changes following MIA which might explain these behavioral alterations. This final study showed a differential inflammatory response in fetal midbrains depending on gestational age of exposure as well as differential developmental alterations. For example, LPS exposure at E16 resulted in decreased VM neurosphere size after 7DIV and this was associated with an increased susceptibility to neurotoxic effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines for VM neurospheres and VM DA neurons treated in culture. In utero LPS exposure at E16 also reduced DA neuron count of fetal VM, measured by TH staining. However, there were no differences in DA neuron number in juvenile, adolescent, or adult offspring. Similarly, LPS exposure did not alter cell number or morphology of glial cells in the midbrains of affected offspring. In conclusion, this thesis indicated later rat pregnancy (E16) as vulnerable time for MIA to affect the development of the nigrostriatal pathway and subsequent behavioral outcomes, possibly implicating a role for MIA in increased risk for disorders associated with motor behavior, like PD. These effects may be mediated through alterations in the placenta and altered inflammatory mediators in the offspring brain. This thesis has also shown that MIA in earlier rat pregnancy (E12) results in altered mesocorticolimbic function, and in particular MIA on E12 resulted in a differential response to amphetamine in affected offspring, which may implicate a role for MIA in increasing the risk for disorders associated with this pathway, including drug tolerance and addiction.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Rare cases of possible materno-fetal transmission of cancer have been recorded over the past 100 years but evidence for a shared cancer clone has been very limited. We provide genetic evidence for mother to offspring transmission, in utero, of a leukemic cell clone. Maternal and infant cancer clones shared the same unique BCR-ABL1 genomic fusion sequence, indicating a shared, single-cell origin. Microsatellite markers in the infant cancer were all of maternal origin. Additionally, the infant, maternally- derived cancer cells had a major deletion on one copy of chromosome 6p that included deletion of HLA alleles that were not inherited by the infant (i.e., foreign to the infant), suggesting a possible mechanism for immune evasion.


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G6PC3 is a widely expressed isoform of glucose-6-phosphatase, found in many foetal and adult tissues. Mutations in this gene cause developmental abnormalities and severe neutropenia due to abolition of glucose recycling between the cytoplasm and endoplasmic reticulum. Low G6PC3 expression as a result of promoter polymorphisms or dysregulation could produce similar outcomes. Here we investigated the regulation of human G6PC3 promoter activity. HeLa and H4IIE cells were transiently transfected with G6PC3 promoter coupled to the firefly luciferase gene, and promoter activity was measured by dual luciferase assay. Activity was highest in a 453 bp segment of the G6PC3 promoter, from − 455 to − 3 relative to the transcriptional start site. This promoter was unresponsive to glucostatic hormones. Its activity increased significantly between 1 and 5.5 mM glucose, and was not elevated further by glucose concentrations up to 25 mM. Pyruvate increased its activity, but β-hydroxybutyrate and sodium acetate did not. Promoter activity was reduced by inhibitors of hexokinase, glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase and the oxidative branch of the pentose phosphate pathway, but not by a transketolase inhibitor. Deletion of two adjacent Enhancer-boxes (− 274 to − 279 and − 299 to − 304) reduced promoter activity and abolished the glucose effect, suggesting they could function as a glucose response element. Deletion of an additional downstream 140 bp (− 140 to − 306) restored activity, but not the glucose response, suggesting the presence of repressor elements in this region. 5-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide 1-β-d-ribofuranoside (AICAR) reduced promoter activity, showing dependence on AMP-kinase. Regulation of the G6PC3 promoter is thus radically different to that of the hepatic isoform, G6PC. It is sensitive to carbohydrate, but not to fatty acid metabolites, and at much lower physiological concentrations. Based on these findings, we speculate that reduced G6PC3 expression could occur during hypoglycemic episodes in vivo, which are common in utero and in the postnatal period. If such episodes lower G6PC3 expression they could place the foetus or infant at risk of impaired immune function and development, and this possibility requires further examination both in vitro and in vivo.


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Introduction. Acute intestinal obstruction in pregnancy is a rare, but life-threatening complication associated with high fetal and maternal mortality. Case report. A 20-year old gravida presented with a 24 hour history of several episodes of vomiting, complete constipation and severe crampy abdominal pain. The patient was admitted with the diagnosis of acute abdomen associated with septic shock. On examination echography showed distended intestinal loops and presence of free peritoneal fluid. Abdominal X-ray with shielding of the fetus revealed colonic air-fluid levels. The obstetrician consult diagnosed dead fetus in utero and was decided to operate immediately. On laparotomy was found complete cecal volvulus with gangrene of cecum, part of ascending colon and terminal ileum. A right hemicolectomy was performed with side to side ileotransverse anastomosis. Afterwards a lower segment cesarean section was made and a stillborn fetus was delivered. The patient made an uneventful recovery and was discharged on 9th postoperative day. Conclusion. Cecal volvulus during pregnancy is a rare, but serious surgical problem. Correct diagnosis may be difficult until exploratory laparotomy is performed. Undue delay in diagnosis and surgical treatment can increase the maternal and fetal mortality.


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Glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs) are the most globally used herbicides raising the risk of environmental exposition. Carcinogenic effects are only one component of the multiple adverse health effects of Glyphosate and GBHs that have been reported. Questions related to hazards and corresponding risks identified in relation to endocrine disrupting effects are rising. The present study investigated the possible reproductive/developmental toxicity of GBHs administered to male and female Sprague-Dawley rats under various calendar of treatment. Assessments included maternal and reproductive outcome of F0 and F1 dams exposed to GBHs throughout pregnancy and lactation and developmental landmarks and sexual characteristics of offspring. The study was designed in two stages. In the first stage Glyphosate, or its commercial formulation Roundup Bioflow, was administered to rats at the dose of 1.75 mg/kg bw/day (Glyphosate US Acceptable Daily Intake) from the prenatal period until adulthood. In the second stage, multiple toxicological parameters were simultaneously assessed, including multigeneration reproductive/developmental toxicity of Glyphosate and two GBHs (Roundup Bioflow and Ranger Pro). Man-equivalent doses, beginning from 0.5 mg/kg bw/day (ADI Europe) up to 50 mg/kg bw/day (NOAEL Glyphosate), were administered to male and female rats, covering specific windows of biological susceptibility. The results of stage 1 and preliminary data from stage 2 experiments characterize GBHs as probable endocrine disruptors as suggested by: 1) androgen-like effects of Roundup Bioflow, including a significant increase of anogenital distances in both males and females, delay of first estrous and increased testosterone in females; 2) slight puberty onset anticipation in the high dose of Ranger Pro group, observed in the F1 generation treated from in utero life until adulthood; 3) a delayed balano-preputial separation achievement in the high dose of Ranger Pro-treated males exposed only during the peri-pubertal period, indicating a direct and specific effect of GBHs depending on the timing of exposure.