395 resultados para Immunotherapy.
Interleukin 15 (IL-15) gilt als eines der vielversprechendsten zukünftigen Medikamente für die Krebstherapie. Es fördert die Proliferation, Persistenz und Funktion von CD8+ T-Zellen und vermittelt zahlreiche Effekte, die es als überlegene Alternative für das derzeit in der Klinik verwendete IL-2 erscheinen lassen. Für den Einsatz von IL-15 in der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde zunächst ein Protokoll zur Herstellung von rekombinantem IL-15 in E. coli etabliert. Das hergestellte Protein hatte eine zu kommerziellen Produkten vergleichbare Bioaktivität und begünstigte die Persistenz und Aktivität antigenspezifischer, humaner CD8+ T Zellen nach adoptivem Transfer in NSG-Mäuse, wobei unter anderem ein verstärkter Effekt auf T Zellen mit TSCM-Phänotyp beobachtet wurde. Um die Bioaktivität von IL-15 zu steigern, wurden super-agonistische IL-15-Fusions¬proteine entworfen und im Expi293-System hergestellt. Dabei wurde IL 15 kovalent mit der Sushi-Domäne, der IL-15Rα-Kette und einer IgG1-Fc-Domäne verbunden, was zu einer gesteigerten Affinität der IL 15-Superagonisten zum physiologischen, niederaffinen IL 15Rβγ und zu einer stark erhöhten Halbwertszeit in Mausserum führte. Die gesteigerte Affinität der IL-15-Super¬agonisten wurde durch die IL 15Rα-Sushi-Domäne vermittelt. Eine um 13 Amino¬säuren verlängerte Sushi-Domäne zeigte im Vergleich zur normalen Form eine nochmals ge¬steigerte Affinität. Die längere Halbwertszeit wurde von der Sushi- und der IgG1-Fc-Domäne vermittelt. Die IgG1-Fc-Domäne verstärkte die Wirkung der Fusionsproteine zusätzlich über einen Mechanismus, der wahrscheinlich mit der Transpräsentation durch Fc Re¬ze¬ptoren zusammen–hängt. Die gesteigerte Bioaktivität der IL-15-Superagonisten wurde im Tiermodell mit humanen und murinen T-Zellen bestätigt und ILR13+-Fc wurde als das Fusionsprotein mit der höchsten Bioaktivität identifiziert. Im Vergleich zu anderen IL-15-Superagonisten vereint es alle derzeit bekannten Eigenschaften zur Bioaktivitätssteigerung in einem einzigen Protein. In therapeutischen Versuchen mit adoptivem Transfer tumorreaktiver T-Zellen konnte der Antitumoreffekt durch ILR13+-Fc maßgeblich verstärkt werden. Als Modellsysteme wurden NSG-Mäuse, die mit humanen AML-Blasten oder einem soliden Ovarialkarzinom engraftet wurden, verwendet. Dabei wurden sowohl antigenspezifische als auch unspezifische Effekte beobachtet. Die unspezifischen Effekte wurden wahrscheinlich durch eine ILR13+-Fc-vermittelte Überexpression von NKG2D, einem Rezeptor der angeborenen Immunantwort, auf den adoptiv transferierten T Zellen vermittelt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass IL-15 und die IL-15-Superagonisten die Proliferation und Reaktivität von CD8+ T-Zellen im Rahmen der Immuntherapie fördern können. Aufgrund der hohen Bioaktivität und potenzierten Wirksamkeit, könnten vor allem die IL 15-Superagonisten in Zukunft bei der Entwicklung effizienter Therapiemethoden eingesetzt werden und dadurch einen wichtigen Beitrag zu Behandlung von Krebs leisten. rnrn
Da nicht-synonyme tumorspezifische Punktmutationen nur in malignen Geweben vorkommen und das veränderte Proteinprodukt vom Immunsystem als „fremd“ erkannt werden kann, stellen diese einen bisher ungenutzten Pool von Zielstrukturen für die Immuntherapie dar. Menschliche Tumore können individuell bis zu tausenden nicht-synonymer Punktmutationen in ihrem Genom tragen, welche nicht der zentralen Immuntoleranz unterliegen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Hypothese zu untersuchen, dass das Immunsystem in der Lage sein sollte, mutierte Epitope auf Tumorzellen zu erkennen und zu klären, ob auf dieser Basis eine wirksame mRNA (RNA) basierte anti-tumorale Vakzinierung etabliert werden kann. Hierzu wurde von Ugur Sahin und Kollegen, das gesamte Genom des murinen B16-F10 Melanoms sequenziert und bioinformatisch analysiert. Im Rahmen der NGS Sequenzierung wurden mehr als 500 nicht-synonyme Punktmutationen identifiziert, von welchen 50 Mutationen selektiert und durch Sanger Sequenzierung validiert wurden. rnNach der Etablierung des immunologischen Testsysteme war eine Hauptfragestellung dieser Arbeit, die selektierten nicht-synonyme Punktmutationen in einem in vivo Ansatz systematisch auf Antigenität zu testen. Für diese Studien wurden mutierte Sequenzen in einer Länge von 27 Aminosäuren genutzt, in denen die mutierte Aminosäure zentral positioniert war. Durch die Länge der Peptide können prinzipiell alle möglichen MHC Klasse-I und -II Epitope abgedeckt werden, welche die Mutation enthalten. Eine Grundidee des Projektes Ansatzes ist es, einen auf in vitro transkribierter RNA basierten oligotopen Impfstoff zu entwickeln. Daher wurden die Impfungen naiver Mäuse sowohl mit langen Peptiden, als auch in einem unabhängigen Ansatz mit peptidkodierender RNA durchgeführt. Die Immunphänotypisierung der Impfstoff induzierten T-Zellen zeigte, dass insgesamt 16 der 50 (32%) mutierten Sequenzen eine T-Zellreaktivität induzierten. rnDie Verwendung der vorhergesagten Epitope in therapeutischen Vakzinierungsstudien bestätigten die Hypothese das mutierte Neo-Epitope potente Zielstrukturen einer anti-tumoralen Impftherapie darstellen können. So wurde in therapeutischen Tumorstudien gezeigt, dass auf Basis von RNA 9 von 12 bestätigten Epitopen einen anti-tumoralen Effekt zeigte.rnÜberaschenderweise wurde bei einem MHC Klasse-II restringierten mutiertem Epitop (Mut-30) sowohl in einem subkutanen, als auch in einem unabhängigen therapeutischen Lungenmetastasen Modell ein starker anti-tumoraler Effekt auf B16-F10 beobachtet, der dieses Epitop als neues immundominantes Epitop für das B16-F10 Melanom etabliert. Um den immunologischen Mechanismus hinter diesem Effekt näher zu untersuchen wurde in verschieden Experimenten die Rolle von CD4+, CD8+ sowie NK-Zellen zu verschieden Zeitpunkten der Tumorentwicklung untersucht. Die Analyse des Tumorgewebes ergab, eine signifikante erhöhte Frequenz von NK-Zellen in den mit Mut-30 RNA vakzinierten Tieren. Das NK Zellen in der frühen Phase der Therapie eine entscheidende Rolle spielen wurde anhand von Depletionsstudien bestätigt. Daran anschließend wurde gezeigt, dass im fortgeschrittenen Tumorstadium die NK Zellen keinen weiteren relevanten Beitrag zum anti-tumoralen Effekt der RNA Vakzinierung leisten, sondern die Vakzine induzierte adaptive Immunantwort. Durch die Isolierung von Lymphozyten aus dem Tumorgewebe und deren Einsatz als Effektorzellen im IFN-γ ELISPOT wurde nachgewiesen, dass Mut-30 spezifische T-Zellen das Tumorgewebe infiltrieren und dort u.a. IFN-γ sekretieren. Dass diese spezifische IFN-γ Ausschüttung für den beobachteten antitumoralen Effekt eine zentrale Rolle einnimmt wurde unter der Verwendung von IFN-γ -/- K.O. Mäusen bestätigt.rnDas Konzept der individuellen RNA basierten mutationsspezifischen Vakzine sieht vor, nicht nur mit einem mutations-spezifischen Epitop, sondern mit mehreren RNA-kodierten Mutationen Patienten zu impfen um der Entstehung von „escape“-Mutanten entgegenzuwirken. Da es nur Erfahrung mit der Herstellung und Verabreichung von Monotop-RNA gab, also RNA die für ein Epitop kodiert, war eine wichtige Fragestellungen, inwieweit Oligotope, welche die mutierten Sequenzen sequentiell durch Linker verbunden als Fusionsprotein kodieren, Immunantworten induzieren können. Hierzu wurden Pentatope mit variierender Position des einzelnen Epitopes hinsichtlich ihrer in vivo induzierten T-Zellreaktivitäten charakterisiert. Die Experimente zeigten, dass es möglich ist, unabhängig von der Position im Pentatop eine Immunantwort gegen ein Epitop zu induzieren. Des weiteren wurde beobachtet, dass die induzierten T-Zellfrequenzen nach Pentatop Vakzinierung im Vergleich zur Nutzung von Monotopen signifikant gesteigert werden kann.rnZusammenfassend wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit präklinisch erstmalig nachgewiesen, dass nicht-synonyme Mutationen eine numerisch relevante Quelle von Zielstrukturen für die anti-tumorale Immuntherapie darstellen. Überraschenderweise zeigte sich eine dominante Induktion MHC-II restringierter Immunantworten, welche partiell in der Lage waren massive Tumorabstoßungsreaktionen zu induzieren. Im Sinne einer Translation der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wurde ein RNA basiertes Oligotop-Format etabliert, welches Eingang in die klinische Testung des Konzeptes fand.rn
The function of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells, which may protect against both infectious and malignant diseases, can be impaired by ligation of their inhibitory receptors, which include CTL-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4) and programmed cell death 1 (PD-1). Recently, B and T lymphocyte attenuator (BTLA) was identified as a novel inhibitory receptor with structural and functional similarities to CTLA-4 and PD-1. BTLA triggering leads to decreased antimicrobial and autoimmune T cell responses in mice, but its functions in humans are largely unknown. Here we have demonstrated that as human viral antigen-specific CD8+ T cells differentiated from naive to effector cells, their surface expression of BTLA was gradually downregulated. In marked contrast, human melanoma tumor antigen-specific effector CD8+ T cells persistently expressed high levels of BTLA in vivo and remained susceptible to functional inhibition by its ligand herpes virus entry mediator (HVEM). Such persistence of BTLA expression was also found in tumor antigen-specific CD8+ T cells from melanoma patients with spontaneous antitumor immune responses and after conventional peptide vaccination. Remarkably, addition of CpG oligodeoxynucleotides to the vaccine formulation led to progressive downregulation of BTLA in vivo and consequent resistance to BTLA-HVEM-mediated inhibition. Thus, BTLA activation inhibits the function of human CD8+ cancer-specific T cells, and appropriate immunotherapy may partially overcome this inhibition.
The immune system must be tightly held in check to avoid bystander tissue damage as well as autoreactivity caused by overwhelming immune reactions. A novel family of immunoregulatory, carbohydrate-binding receptors, the Siglecs (sialic acid binding immunoglobulin-like lectins), has received particular attention in light of their capacity to mediate cell death, anti-proliferative effects and to regulate a variety of cellular activities. Siglec receptors are mainly expressed on leukocytes in a cell type-specific and differentiation-dependent manner. Siglecs might potentially be exploited as targets of novel immune- and glycotherapeutics for cell-directed therapies in autoimmune and allergic diseases, as well as in haematologic malignancies. Here we present novel insights on structural and functional characteristics, expression patterns and evolutionary aspects of Siglecs and their ligands. Pharmacological strategies using Siglec agonistic cross-linking therapeutics, such as monoclonal or engineered antibodies, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), or glycomimetics are discussed. Modulation of immune responses by targeting Siglecs using agonistic or antagonistic therapeutics may have important clinical implications and may pave the way for novel pharmacological avenues for the treatment of autoimmune and allergic diseases or for tumor immunotherapy.
A phase I study was conducted to investigate the safety, tolerability, and immunological responses to vaccination with a combination of telomerase-derived peptides GV1001 (hTERT: 611-626) and p540 (hTERT: 540-548) using granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) or tuberculin as adjuvant in patients with cutaneous melanoma.
Patients with birch pollen allergy (major allergen: Bet v 1) have often an associated oral allergy syndrome (OAS) to apple, which contains the cross-reactive allergen Mal d 1. As successful birch pollen immunotherapy does not consistently improve apple related OAS symptoms, we evaluated whether regular apple consumption has an effect on OAS and immune parameters of Mal d 1 or Bet v 1 allergy.
Despite promising reports of the use of omalizumab as add-on therapy in patients with systemic mastocytosis and recurrent anaphylaxis during specific venom immunotherapy (VIT), unpredicted adverse effects may lead to therapy failure. We present the case of a patient with systemic mastocytosis and Hymenoptera venom allergy who was administered omalizumab as add-on therapy to improve VIT tolerability after repeated severe adverse reactions despite H1/H2-antihistamine prophylaxis. We describe an unexpected discontinuation of omalizumab following successful initiation of VIT in a patient with systemic mastocytosis, with subsequent lack of tolerability of VIT. An interesting aspect of this case is the correlation of basophil activation test results with both clinical tolerability and VIT intolerance.
Salivary gland proteins of Culicoides spp. have been suggested to be among the main allergens inducing IgE-mediated insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH), an allergic dermatitis of the horse. The aim of our study was to identify, produce and characterize IgE-binding salivary gland proteins of Culicoides nubeculosus relevant for IBH by phage surface display technology. A cDNA library constructed with mRNA derived from C. nubeculosus salivary glands was displayed on the surface of filamentous phage M13 and enriched for clones binding serum IgE of IBH-affected horses. Ten cDNA inserts encoding putative salivary gland allergens were isolated and termed Cul n 2 to Cul n 11. However, nine cDNA sequences coded for truncated proteins as determined by database searches. The cDNA sequences were amplified by PCR, subcloned into high level expression vectors and expressed as hexahistidine-tagged fusion proteins in Escherichia coli. Preliminary ELISA results obtained with these fusions confirmed the specific binding to serum IgE of affected horses. Therefore, the putative complete open reading frames derived from BLAST analyses were isolated by RACE-PCR and subcloned into expression vectors. The full length proteins expressed in Escherichia coli showed molecular masses in the range of 15.5-68.7 kDa in SDS-PAGE in good agreement with the masses calculated from the predicted protein sequences. Western blot analyses of all recombinant allergens with a serum pool of IBH-affected horses showed their ability to specifically bind serum IgE of sensitized horses, and ELISA determinations yielded individual horse recognition patterns with a frequency of sensitization ranging from 13 to 57%, depending on the allergen tested. The in vivo relevance of eight of the recombinant allergens was demonstrated in intradermal skin testing. For the two characterized allergens Cul n 6 and Cul n 11, sensitized horses were not available for intradermal tests. Control horses without clinical signs of IBH did not develop any relevant immediate hypersensitivity reactions to the recombinant allergens. The major contribution of this study was to provide a repertoire of recombinant salivary gland allergens repertoire from C. nubeculosus potentially involved in the pathogenesis of IBH as a starting basis for the development of a component-resolved serologic diagnosis of IBH and, perhaps, for the development of single horse tailored specific immunotherapy depending on their component-resolved sensitization patterns.
The existing evidence for treatment of atopic eczema (atopic dermatitis, AE) is evaluated using the national standard Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evaluation. The consensus process consisted of a nominal group process and a DELPHI procedure. Management of AE must consider the individual symptomatic variability of the disease. Basic therapy is focused on hydrating topical treatment, and avoidance of specific and unspecific provocation factors. Anti-inflammatory treatment based on topical glucocorticosteroids and topical calcineurin inhibitors (TCI) is used for exacerbation management and more recently for proactive therapy in selected cases. Topical corticosteroids remain the mainstay of therapy, but the TCI tacrolimus and pimecrolimus are preferred in certain locations. Systemic immune-suppressive treatment is an option for severe refractory cases. Microbial colonization and superinfection may induce disease exacerbation and can justify additional antimicrobial treatment. Adjuvant therapy includes UV irradiation preferably with UVA1 wavelength or UVB 311 nm. Dietary recommendations should be specific and given only in diagnosed individual food allergy. Allergen-specific immunotherapy to aeroallergens may be useful in selected cases. Stress-induced exacerbations may make psychosomatic counselling recommendable. 'Eczema school' educational programs have been proven to be helpful. Pruritus is targeted with the majority of the recommended therapies, but some patients need additional antipruritic therapies.
The existing evidence for treatment of atopic eczema (atopic dermatitis, AE) is evaluated using the national standard Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evaluation. The consensus process consisted of a nominal group process and a DELPHI procedure. Management of AE must consider the individual symptomatic variability of the disease. Basic therapy is focused on hydrating topical treatment, and avoidance of specific and unspecific provocation factors. Anti-inflammatory treatment based on topical glucocorticosteroids and topical calcineurin inhibitors (TCI) is used for exacerbation management and more recently for proactive therapy in selected cases. Topical corticosteroids remain the mainstay of therapy, but the TCI tacrolimus and pimecrolimus are preferred in certain locations. Systemic immune-suppressive treatment is an option for severe refractory cases. Microbial colonization and superinfection may induce disease exacerbation and can justify additional antimicrobial treatment. Adjuvant therapy includes UV irradiation preferably with UVA1 wavelength or UVB 311 nm. Dietary recommendations should be specific and given only in diagnosed individual food allergy. Allergen-specific immunotherapy to aeroallergens may be useful in selected cases. Stress-induced exacerbations may make psychosomatic counselling recommendable. 'Eczema school' educational programs have been proven to be helpful. Pruritus is targeted with the majority of the recommended therapies, but some patients need additional antipruritic therapies.
Allergies to animals are behind the house-dust mite allergy the most frequent cause for indoor allergic respiratory symptoms. In case of persistent allergen exposure symptoms like rhinitis, itch of the skin or asthma are usually not perceived intensively and, thus, can not assigned to an animal or an animal source. In many cases animal allergies are based on a perennial allergen exposure. Although most likely all animals may be the cause of a respiratory allergy, cats, dogs, and horses are the most frequent elicitors. The diagnosis of an allergy to an animal needs to be set with due care, since it often causes emotional reactions, diverse conflicts, but also lack of understanding. Rarer are allergies to fungi even though fungi as allergen sources since decades belong to the differential diagnosis in respiratory allergies particularly in case of late summer asthma. Fungi are ubiquitous and present indoors as well as outdoors. Unfortunately the field of fungal allergy is not well explored and diagnostic possibilities are limited. The most promising therapy in both allergy to animals and fungi would be complete avoiding of contact with the respective allergen source. Indeed many preventive recommendations are given; however, realization is often not successful. In selected cases specific immunotherapy for both animal and fungal allergies is a potential therapeutic option.
House dust mites can be found all over the world where human beings live independent from the climate. Proteins from the gastrointestinal tract- almost all known as enzymes - are the allergens which induce chronic allergic diseases. The inhalation of small amounts of allergens on a regular base all night leads to a slow beginning of the disease with chronically stuffed nose and an exercise induced asthma which later on persists. House dust mites grow well in a humid climate - this can be in well isolated dwellings or in the tropical climate - and nourish from human skin dander. Scales are found in mattresses, upholstered furniture and carpets. The clinical picture with slowly aggravating complaints leads quite often to a delayed diagnosis, which is accidently done on the occasion of a wider spectrum of allergy skin testing. The beginning of a medical therapy with topical steroids as nasal spray or inhalation leads to a fast relief of the complaints. Although discussed in extensive controversies in the literature - at least in Switzerland with the cold winter and dry climate - the recommendation of house dust mite avoidance measures is given to patients with good clinical results. The frequent ventilation of the dwelling with cold air in winter time cause a lower indoor humidity. Covering encasings on mattresses, pillow, and duvets reduces the possibility of chronic contact with mite allergens as well as the weekly changing the bed linen. Another option of therapy is the specific immunotherapy with extracts of house dust mites showing good results in children and adults. Using recombinant allergens will show a better quality in diagnostic as well as in therapeutic specific immunotherapy.
Insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) is an allergic dermatitis of horses caused by IgE-mediated reactions to bites of Culicoides and sometimes Simulium spp. The allergens causing IBH are probably salivary gland proteins from these insects, but they have not yet been identified. The aim of our study was to identify the number and molecular weight of salivary gland extract (SGE) proteins derived from Culicoides nubeculosus which are able to bind IgE antibodies (ab) from the sera of IBH-affected horses. Additionally, we sought to investigate the IgG subclass (IgGa, IgGb and IgGT) reactivity to these proteins. Individual IgE and IgG subclass responses to proteins of C. nubeculosus SGE were evaluated by immunoblot in 42 IBH-affected and 26 healthy horses belonging to different groups (Icelandic horses born in Iceland, Icelandic horses and horses from different breeds born in mainland Europe). Additionally, the specific antibody response was studied before exposure to bites of Culicoides spp. and over a period of 3 years in a cohort of 10 Icelandic horses born in Iceland and imported to Switzerland. Ten IgE-binding protein bands with approximate molecular weights of 75, 66, 52, 48, 47, 32, 22/21, 19, 15, 13/12 kDa were found in the SGE. Five of these bands bound IgE from 50% or more of the horse sera. Thirty-nine of the 42 IBH-affected horses but only 2 of the 26 healthy horses showed IgE-binding to the SGE (p<0.000001). Similarly, more IBH-affected than healthy horses had IgGa ab binding to the Culicoides SGE (19/22 and 9/22, respectively, p<0.01). Sera of IBH-affected horses contained IgE, IgGa and IgGT but not IgGb ab against significantly more protein bands than the sera of the healthy horses. The cohort of 10 Icelandic horses confirmed these results and showed that Culicoides SGE specific IgE correlates with onset of IBH. IBH-affected horses that were born in Iceland had IgGa and IgGT ab (p< or =0.01) as well as IgE ab (p=0.06) against a significantly higher number of SGE proteins than IBH-affected horses born in mainland Europe. The present study shows that Culicoides SGE contains at least 10 potential allergens for IBH and that IBH-affected horses show a large variety of IgE-binding patterns in immunoblots. These findings are important for the future development of a specific immunotherapy with recombinant salivary gland allergens.
Recombinant human tumour necrosis factor (TNF) has a selective effect on angiogenic vessels in tumours. Given that it induces vasoplegia, its clinical use has been limited to administration through isolated limb perfusion (ILP) for regionally advanced melanomas and soft tissue sarcomas of the limbs. When combined with the alkylating agent melphalan, a single ILP produces a very high objective response rate. In melanoma, the complete response (CR) rate is around 80% and the overall objective response rate greater than 90%. In soft tissue sarcomas that are inextirpable, ILP is a neoadjuvant treatment resulting in limb salvage in 80% of the cases. The CR rate averages 20% and the objective response rate is around 80%. The mode of action of TNF-based ILP involves two distinct and successive effects on the tumour-associated vasculature: first, an increase in endothelium permeability leading to improved chemotherapy penetration within the tumour tissue, and second, a selective killing of angiogenic endothelial cells resulting in tumour vessel destruction. The mechanism whereby these events occur involves rapid (of the order of minutes) perturbation of cell-cell adhesive junctions and inhibition of alphavbeta3 integrin signalling in tumour-associated vessels, followed by massive death of endothelial cells and tumour vascular collapse 24 hours later. New, promising approaches for the systemic use of TNF in cancer therapy include TNF targeting by means of single chain antibodies or endothelial cell ligands, or combined administration with drugs perturbing integrin-dependent signalling and sensitizing angiogenic endothelial cells to TNF-induced death.
The effect of cancer immunotherapy on the endogenous immune response against tumors is largely unknown. Therefore, we studied immune responses against murine tumors expressing the glycoprotein (GP) and/or nucleoprotein of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) with or without adoptive T-cell therapy. In nontreated animals, CTLs specific for different epitopes as well as LCMV-GP-specific antibodies contributed to tumor surveillance. Adoptive immunotherapy with monoclonal CTLs specific for LCMV-gp33 impaired the endogenous tumor-specific antibody and CTL response by targeting antigen cross-presenting cells. As a consequence and in contrast to expectations, immunotherapy enhanced tumor growth. Thus, for certain immunogenic tumors, a reduction of tumor-specific B- and T-cell responses and enhanced tumor growth may be an unwanted consequence of adoptive immunotherapy.