346 resultados para Iberia
El cinturón Varisco se formó cuando varios continentes interactuaron para acabar formando el supercontinente de Pangea. La tesis que aquí se presenta se enmarca en este contexto general de interacción continental y desarrollo orogénico. El principal objetivo es explorar la formación, las fuentes y el desarrollo de un terreno metamórfico de alto grado involucrado en la orogénesis Varisca. En esta tesis se hace especial hincapié en los Gneises Eclogíticos (Gneises Bandeados), los cuales están incluidos en el miembro de alta presión y alta temperatura (HP–HT) del Alóctono Superior del Complejo de Cabo Ortegal (NO de Iberia). También se aborda el estudio de otros miembros del Alóctono Superior, como la banda principal de eclogitas y los Gneises de Cariño, con el fin de tener más herramientas para abordar la evolución tectonotermal general. Para cumplir con los objetivos de esta tesis se han aplicado varios métodos. El primer grupo de métodos tenían por objetivo reconocer y describir el objeto de estudio, desde un punto de vista macroscópico (cartografía y representación detallada de secciones geológicas) hasta un punto de vista microscópico (observación y descripción de láminas delgadas). Una vez terminado el reconocimiento de las diferentes litologías y de la revisión bibliográfica pertinente, se llevaron a cabo determinaciones isotópicas detalladas. Se aplicaron métodos isotópicos U–Pb, Lu–Hf y Sm–Nd en las formaciones estudiadas para conocer las áreas fuente de los materiales detríticos, las edades de cristalización, las fuentes ígneas primigenias y la edad y las condiciones del metamorfismo de alto grado desarrollado en las rocas ígneas estudiadas...
Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco del proyecto de investigación BHA 2002-02028 De Ilici a Elo. Un proceso de transformación cultural en el sureste de la Península Ibérica, de la DGICYT del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, y se ha financiado en parte con fondos FEDER.
En el presente trabajo realizamos un aproximación mediante el análisis basado en la sintaxis espacial aplicado al espacio doméstico de las sociedades de la edad del Hierro de la franja central de la Iberia Mediterránea, entre los siglos VI y III a. C. En una primera sección se introduce la importancia de la configuración de las casas para comprender la sociedad ibérica. A continuación seleccionamos algunos ejemplos de la mitad meridional del País Valenciano para realizar nuestro análisis. Se identifican de dos modelos espaciales claramente definidos. Por último se relacionan estos esquemas constructivos con los procesos de agregación de unidades familiares para constituir las comunidades ibéricas.
Mass-wasting deposits characterize the Upper Jurassic(?) to Lower Cretaceous sedimentary record of the Iberia Abyssal Plain. These deposits include olistostromes at Site 897, olistostromes and/or possible rock-fall deposits at Site 899, a breccia succession at Site 1068, slumped and fractured deposits at Site 1069, and a breccia succession at Site 1070. Whereas the exact origin of these deposits is uncertain, the regional common occurrence of middle to upper Mesozoic mass-wasting deposits suggests that they record the early rifting evolution of the west Iberia margin. This data report presents both qualitative and semiquantitative results from XRD analyses of the breccia matrix at Site 1068. In this study the matrix is defined as the fine-grained particles (as viewed through a binocular microscope) plus cement. Results are based on analytical methods that aimed to isolate the desired matrix from larger clast contamination prior to XRD analyses. In addition, the breccia was sampled at a higher resolution than was conducted aboard ship, producing a more complete description of downcore matrix mineralogical changes. The data presented here may be used to (1) further justify the subunit designation of Unit IV made aboard ship, (2) help determine to what degree the matrix and the larger clasts (studied in thin section aboard ship; Shipboard Scientific Party, 1998, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.173.106.1998) are compositionally distinct, (3) help identify the extent of hydrothermal fluid migration in the breccia, and (4) support the proposed shipboard hypothesis that the Site 1068 breccia succession resulted from multiple mass-wasting.
Mesozoic calcareous nannofossil assemblages recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 149 from the Iberia Abyssal Plain off the coast of Portugal were examined to determine the age of the rifting processes that affected the western Iberia Margin. Dark carbonaceous claystones (black shales) recovered from Site 901 contain highly diverse and abundant Tithonian calcareous nannofossil assemblages. Careful examination and documentation of this material has extended the ranges of numerous Jurassic and Cretaceous species and detailed a significant Late Jurassic assemblage turnover observed in the calcareous nannofossil record. The Lower Cretaceous sequence consists of intervals of serpentinized peridotite intercalated between various breccias and dark claystones. With the exception of a few samples, calcareous nannofossils are few and moderately preserved. The age of nannofossils within these varied sedimentary lithologies ranges from the late Barremian to the late Aptian. Eight new species are described: Ansulasphaera covingtonii, Clepsilithus meniscus, Conusphaera sinespina, Crepidolithus parvulus, Diazomatholithus galicianus, Percivalia arata, Rotelapillus pleoseptatus, and Tranolithus incus. Also proposed are five new combinations.
Six sites were drilled on the southern Iberia Abyssal Plain during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 173. Three holes (1067A, 1068A, and 1069A) recovered Eocene sediments consisting of thinly bedded turbidite deposits with interbedded hemipelagic sediments (Bouma sequence Te) deposited near the calcite compensation depth. The hemipelagic sediments are barren of nannofossils, necessitating the use of the turbidite deposits to erect an Eocene biostratigraphy for these holes. Moderately preserved, diverse assemblages of nannofossils were recovered from silty clays (Bouma sequence Td) and poorly preserved, less diverse assemblages were recovered from sandy/silty clays (Bouma sequence Tc). Hole 1067A has a continuous record of sedimentation (Subzones CP9a-CP14a) and Holes 1068A and 1069A have similar continuous records (Subzones CP9a-CP12a), although all holes contain barren intervals. Holes 1067A, 1068A, 1069A, 900A (ODP Leg 149), and 398D (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 47B) display a similar increase in mass accumulation rates in the lowermost middle Eocene. A reliable Eocene biostratigraphy has been erected using nannofossil data from turbidite sequences, allowing for correlation between Iberia Abyssal Plain sites.
Five sites were drilled on the Iberia Abyssal Plain, west of the Iberian Peninsula. Four holes (897C, 897D, 899B, and 900A) yielded Eocene sediments that consist of turbidites and contourites. The Eocene section above the continental crust at Site 900 is continuous (from nannofossil Zones NP10 to NP20) and considerably expanded because of the site's relatively shallow depth, which remained consistently above the carbonate compensation depth (CCD). Sites 897 and 898, situated in deeper water above the ocean/continent transition, on the other hand, have noncontinuous, relatively short Eocene sections (from Zones NP14 to NP20 at Site 897 and from Zones NP19 to NP20 at Site 899). Nannofossils are abundant, diverse, and moderately to poorly preserved; they provide the primary means of dating the Eocene sediments recovered during Leg 149.
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Tesis doctoral Univ. Central, 1865.
Tesis de licenciatura, Univ. Central, 1864.