This is the Effect of water quality on coarse fish productivity and movement in the Lower River Irwell and Upper Manchester Ship Canal: a watercourse recovering from historical pollution report produced by the Environment Agency in 2003. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of water quality upon coarse fish population dynamics in a lowland, urban watercourse. All of the research carried was undertaken in the lower River Irwell and upper Manchester Ship Canal, between February 1998 and December 2001. Of particular interest was the natural sustainability of the urban fishery given recent concern raised in the angling community over an apparent decline in coarse fish populations in lowland rivers. The research described in this report has concentrated upon the role of water quality in determining coarse fish population dynamics, and in particular: The impact of water quality upon fish growth and productivity; The impact of poor water quality and low dissolved oxygen concentrations upon fish distribution and movement; The impact of water quality upon the sexual development of fish.
This is the report on Habitats Directive, the Review of Consents Stage 1 and 2 by the Environment Agency of the Rochdale Canal cSAC. The Habitats Directive has the main aim to promote the maintenance of biodiversity by defining a common framework for the conservation of wild plants and animals and habitats of community interest. The Directive establishes a European ecological network known as "Natura 2000". The network comprises Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA). In the section on Stage 1 or Screening Process of the Habitat Directive, it is identified the likely impacts upon the Rochdale Canal of a project, plan or activities, either alone or in combination with other projects, plans or activities, and considers whether these impacts are likely to be significant. In the section on Stage 2 or Appropiate Assessment of the Habitat Directive, it is considered the impact on the integrity of the Rochdale Canal of the projects, plans or activities, either alone or in combination with other projects, plans or activities, with respect to the site’s structure and function and its conservation objectives. Additionally, where these are adverse impacts, an assessment of the potential mitigation of those impacts. The criteria used in this report to identify relevant projects, plans or activities and their impacts are water quality discharge consents, waste management licences, abstraction licences, Integration Pollution Control (IPC) and Integrated Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC) permits. Proformas, hydrogeological and GIS maps are included in the review.
Two fishermen and a boy transfering pike with a cylindrical keep net to Lancaster Canal, North West England, UK. This photo is part of a Photo Album that includes pictures from 1935 to 1954.
Two fishermen transfering pike using metal containers to the Lancaster Canal, North West of England, UK. This photo is part of a Photo Album that includes pictures from 1935 to 1954.
This is the Kendal, Lancaster and Preston canal fishery produced by Lancashire River Authority in 1970. The Kendal-Lancaster-Preston canal commenced at Stainton in Westmorland and terminated on the outskirts of Preston. Fishing in the canal with rod and line was controlled by the Northern Anglers’ Association. In the early 60’s anglers, had complained about, the extremely low numbers of fish that had been caught in the canal and various opinions had been expressed concerning the alleged shortages o f fish. Since 1967, in an endeavour to meet the fish re-stocking demands of the Association, 50,000 freshwater fish of different species had been introduced by the Lancashire River Authority, but catches had not increased. In 1969 was agreed by the Northern Anglers’ Association to carry out a study of the fish populations throughout the whole length of the canal and the chemical quality of the water analysed. This report is not produced as a scientific dissertation, but rather as a means of imparting to members of the Northern Anglers’ Association the fish potential available to them in their endeavours to catch fish.
A ciento veintidós años de las primeras menciones realizadas por Perugia en 1891 sobre peces del Canal Beagle, editamos la presente iconografía que incluye alrededor de treinta especies de las mencionadas por López et al., en 1996. Este trabajo, desarrollado en el CADIC dentro del proyecto Biología de los recursos ictícos del Canal de Beagle financiado por el CONICET, junto al publicado por Lloris y Rucabado (1991), proveyeron elementos de base para tener una visión más profunda del componente ictiofaunistíco de la región. En la presente publicación se destaca la magnífica obra del maestro Miguel Barbagallo, quién vuelca su capacidad y espíritu en estas láminas, las que además de su valor artístico son un aporte más a la consolidación del conocimiento de los recursos naturales de nuestro país.
The stomach contents of two length-groups of the catfish Mystus gulio collected from Vemblai Canal in Vypeen Island (Kochi) were examined by frequency of occurrence and points methods. Analyses using standard indices proved difference in diet composition between the two size-groups.
Assessment of the heavy metals among suspended particulates and dissolved phases in Suez Canal water
The concentrations and distribution of particulate and dissolved heavy metals, viz: Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Fe and Mn have been determined seasonally during 2003 in water samples collected from the Suez Canal. The presented data clarifies that the metals exhibited clear differences in their distribution between particulate and dissolved forms. The concentration of particulate heavy metals ranged between 0.09-3.13, 0.57-15.02, 0.18-3.87, 0.02-0.73, 2.74-49.62 and 0.15-5.08 µg/L for Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Fe and Mn, respectively. In the same respect, these values for dissolved forms were 0.28-4.12, 0.57-9.08, 0.27-2.50, 0.02-1.24, 1.94-42.50 and 0.11-3.65 µg/L. The concentrations of particulate metals viz: Zn, Pb, Cd, Fe and Mn were high was compared to the dissolved forms. Dissolved copper, rather than particulate, showed the highest percentage of total copper. The particulate forms of Pb, Cd, Fe and Mn always had higher concentrations than the dissolved forms during the course of study except in the summer season. The northern part of the Suez Canal at Port Said showed mean concentrations of particulate and dissolved Cu=1.43 and 2.10, Zn=8.61 and 3.17, Pb=1.72 and 1.23, Cd=0.35 and 0.35, Fe= 23.49 and 15.83 and Mn=2.09 and 1.82 µg/L. These high concentrations may be attributed to the greater activities, particularly loading and unloading operations at Port Said harbour s industrial effluents and domestic drainage of Port Said city. In contrast, the Sinai side could be considered as reference site, as it was almost clean, i.e., without harmful outfalls, where Cu=0.16 and 0.56, Zn=2.14 and 0.94, Pb=6.29 and 3.44, Cd=0.055 and 0.088, Fe=6.29 and 3.44 and Mn=0.56 and 0.26 µg/L for particulate and dissolved metals respectively.
Bighead carp is one of the most important freshwater filter-feeding fish of Chinese aquaculture. In recent decades, there have been a number of contradictory conclusions on the digestibility of algae by bighead carp based on the results from gut contents and digestive enzyme analysis or radiolabelled isotope techniques. Phytoplankton in the gut contents of bighead carp (cultured in a large net cage in Lake Donghu) were studied during March-May. In biomass, the dominant phytoplankters in the fore-gut contents were the centric diatom Cyclotella (average 54.5%, range 33.8-74.3%) and the dinoflagellate Cryptomonas (average 22.8%, range 6.8-55.8%). Phytoplankton in water samples were generally present in proportionate amounts in samples from the fore-guts of bighead carp. The size of most phytoplankton present in the intestine of bighead carp was between 8 and 20 mum in length. Bighead carp was also able to collect particles (as small as 5-6 mum) much smaller than their filtering net meshes, suggesting the importance of mucus in collecting small particles, Examination of the change in the integrity of Cyclotella on passage through the esophagus of bighead carp indicated that disruption of the algal cell walls is principally by the pharyngeal teeth, explaining the previous contradictory conclusions. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A utilização do Campo Sulino natural na pecuária de forma cada vez mais intensa e constante tem provocado a diminuição da sua condição produtiva. A excessiva remoção da parte aérea afeta o desenvolvimento das raízes. Um sistema radicular bem desenvolvido permite às plantas forrageiras explorar maior volume de solo, melhorando a absorção de água e nutrientes. As raízes também funcionam como órgão de reserva, assegurando rápida rebrota e produtividade das plantas forrageiras. O diferimento é uma prática de manejo de pastagens que pode ajudar a recuperar o campo por meio de descanso programado durante um tempo determinado. Este trabalho avaliou o efeito do tratamento de diferimento sobre o sistema radicular de campo natural após três anos de aplicação (agosto de 2000 a julho de 2003) na Embrapa Pecuária Sul (Bagé, RS). As avaliações foram realizadas no campo com presença animal durante todo o ano e sob diferimento de verão/outono (sem animais na área de março a junho). Foram coletadas 18 amostras de solo em cada tratamento, nas profundidades de 0?10 cm e 10?20 cm. As raízes e os rizomas foram separados do solo e entre si, secos e pesados. Houve diferença (p<0,05) para a porcentagem de raízes e a massa da matéria seca de rizomas. A testemunha apresentou 83,98% das raízes na camada de 0?10 cm e o diferimento, 77,5%. Na camada de 10?20 cm, sob diferimento houve aumento de 35% de raízes em relação à testemunha. A maior massa de matéria seca de rizomas foi obtida em pastagem sob diferimento, com 106% a mais em comparação à testemunha. Os resultados indicam vantagem do descanso da pastagem dos Campos Sulinos, tanto no acúmulo de reservas (maior quantidade de rizomas) voltado à propagação de gramíneas rizomatosas de interesse, quanto também no desenvolvimento de raízes na camada de 10?20 cm.
O alagamento é um problema encontrado em diversas áreas com potencial agrícola, afetando principalmente os produtores mais pobres. O milho ?Saracura? BRS 4154 foi desenvolvido no intuito de possibilitar o seu plantio em regiões sujeitas ao alagamento, estando atualmente no seu 18° ciclo de seleção. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos verificar as modificações nas características anatômicas radiculares relacionadas com o alagamento e o seu incremento ou não ao longo dos 18 ciclos de seleção em comparação com 2 variedades controle (BR 107 e BRS 1010) submetidas ao alagamento intermitente de 2 dias. As amostras radiculares foram preparadas pelas microtécnicas apropriadas e analisadas em microscopia óptica. Foram observados em relação ao grupo controle e aos ciclos anteriores: aumentos na capacidade de formação de aerênquima; diminuição no córtex; diminuição no diâmetro dos vasos; diminuição da camada subepidérmica; aumento na espessura do floema; e epiderme. Dessa forma, os sucessivos ciclos de seleção foram capazes de melhorar as características do milho Saracura e a sua adaptabilidade a ambientes alagados.
Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de caracterizar as modificações nas estruturas anatômicas radiculares em sucessivos ciclos de seleção (ciclo 1 ao ciclo 18 alternados) do milho Saracura BRS 4154 sob encharcamento do solo. Essa variedade possui capacidade de sobreviver e produzir em solos temporariamente alagados e foi desenvolvida, pela Embrapa Milho e Sorgo, por seleção recorrente fenotípica estratificada para plantio em solos de várzea. O ensaio foi conduzido em condições de campo, iniciando o alagamento do solo no estádio de seis folhas, aplicando uma lâmina de 20 cm de água três vezes por semana. No florescimento, amostras de raízes foram retiradas, fixadas e seccionadas para observação em microscópio de luz. Pelas fotomicrografias de secções transversais, foi observada, ao longo dos ciclos de seleção, maior quantidade de aerênquima, diminuição do córtex, diminuição da exoderme, aumento na proporção do cilindro vascular, metaxilemas menores e numerosos e aumento na espessura do floema e da epiderme. Essas modificações proporcionaram à planta de milho maior adaptação, aumentando sua capacidade de tolerar solos encharcados.