946 resultados para Hypoeutectic Al-si Alloys
The aim of this study is to characterize the macrostructure and microstructure of Al - 1%Si alloy obtained in sand and metallic molds. Aluminium has good mechanical properties, but adding silicon, even in small quantities, can change the microstructure and improves mechanical behavior. Workpieces were castings in metallic and sand molds and one can see a difference in their cooling curve, macroscopic and microscopic structures. The sand mold casting has lower cooling rate and so its grains are larger. Due to the lower concentration of grain boundary, the hardness is lower compared to that found in metallic molds, which has smaller grains and a higher hardness. Therefore, it can be concluded that the cooling rate and alloying elements affect the final microstructure of the workpiece
Adding 1%Si to binary Al-5Mg alloy slightly increases the yield stress in comparison with the Si free alloy but dramatically reduces the ductility and tensile strength due to the formation of brittle eutectic Mg2Si and pi-Al8FeMg3Si6 particles. Adding 3%Si slightly reduces the yield stress, presumably due to some of the Mg being tied up in the Mg2Si, and further reduces the ductility due to the increased volume fraction of intermetallics. Solution heat treatment at 436degreesC decreases the yield stress of both Si containing alloys, and slightly increases the ductility in the alloy with 3%Si. Subsequent ageing at 180degreesC has no further effects on the strength or ductility. The loss in strength of the heat treated alloys seems to be due to overageing Of Mg2Si precipitates dispersed in the bulk of the alloy. (C) 2004 W. S. Maney Son Ltd.
Ti-rich Ti-Si-B alloys can be considered for structural applications at high temperatures (max. 700 degrees C), however, phase equilibria data is reported only for T = 1250 degrees C. Thus, in this work the phase stability of this system has been evaluated at 700 degrees C. In order to attain equilibrium conditions in shorter time, rapid solidified samples have been prepared and carefully characterized. The microstructural characterization of the produced materials were based on X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM-BSE), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), High Temperature X-ray diffraction with Synchrotron radiation (XRDSR) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). Amorphous and amorphous with embedded nanocrystals have been observed after rapid solidification from specific alloy compositions. The values of the crystallization temperature (Tx) of the alloys were in the 509-647 degrees C temperature range. After Differential Scanning Calorimetry and High Temperature X-ray Diffraction with Synchrotron radiation, the alloys showed crystalline and basically formed by two or three of the following phases: alpha Ti, Ti(6)Si(2)B; Ti(5)Si(3); Ti(3)Si and TiB. It has been shown the stability of the Ti(3)Si and Ti(6)Si(2)B phases at 700 degrees C and the proposition of an isothermal section at this temperature. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Aluminum sheets are currently produced by the direct-chill process (DC). The need for low-cost aluminum sheets is a challenge for the development of new materials produced by the twin roll caster (TRC) process. It is expected that sheets produced from these different casting procedures will differ in their microstructure. These differences in microstructure and in the crystallographic texture have great impact on sheet mechanical properties and formability. The present study investigated microstructure and evaluated texture of two strips of Al-Mn-Fe-Si (3003) aluminum alloy produced by TRC and by hot-rolling processes. It was possible to notice that the microstructure, morphology, and grain size of the TRC sample were more homogenous than those found in hot-rolled samples. Both strips, obtained by the two processes, showed strong texture gradient across the thickness.
A number of binary Cu-X alloys (X = Fe, Cr, Si and Al) with alloying elements up to approximate to 12 at % for Fe and Cr, and = 20 at% for Al and Si were cast into thin ribbons (30-50 mu m thickness) by chill block melt spinning. The structural state of the as-cast ribbons was determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and microstructures of the quenched alloys were compared with the ingot equivalent, It was possible to achieve solid solution and fine dispersion of secondary phase beyond XRD detection up to approximate to 8 at% solute for Fe and Cr, which is beyond the expected concentration limits from equilibrium phase diagrams. The effects of alloying on resistivity and microhardness are also presented.
Mass balance calculations were performed to model the effect of solution treatment time on A356 and A357 alloy microstructures. Image analysis and electron probe microanalysis were used to characterise microstructures and confirm model predictions. In as-cast microstructures, up to 8 times more Mg is tied up in the pi-phase than in Mg2Si. The dissolution of pi is accompanied by a corresponding increase in the amount of beta-phase. This causes the rate of pi dissolution to be limited by the rate of beta formation. It is predicted that solution treatments of the order of tens of minutes at 540degreesC produce near-maximum T6 yield strengths, and that Mg contents in excess of 0.52 wt% have no advantage.
Concentrations of eleven trace elements (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Co, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, and Si) were measured in 39 (natural and flavoured) water samples. Determinations were performed using graphite furnace electrothermetry for almost all elements (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Co, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Si). For Se determination hydride generation was used, and cold vapour generation for Hg. These techniques were coupled to atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The trace element content of still or sparkling natural waters changed from brand to brand. Significant differences between natural still and natural sparkling waters (p<0.001) were only apparent for Mn. The Mann–Whitney U-test was used to search for significant differences between flavoured and natural waters. The concentration of each element was compared with the presence of flavours, preservatives, acidifying agents, fruit juice and/or sweeteners, according to the labelled composition. It was shown that flavoured waters generally increase the trace element content. The addition of preservatives and acidifying regulators had a significant influence on Mn, Co, As and Si contents (p<0.05). Fruit juice can also be correlated to the increase of Co and As. Sweeteners did not provide any significant difference in Mn, Co, Se and Si content.
L’aparició de la demanda d’un nou tipus de professor de primària i secundària, que ha d’afegir a les competències professionals fins ara exigibles de tot bon professor, la capacitat d’ensenyar la seva matèria a través d’una llengua estrangera en aules denominades AICLE (Aprenentatge Integrat de Continguts i Llengua) en Semiimmersió (SI) justifica el treball desenvolupat en el marc del projecte 2006ARIE10011. Els formadors del Màster en Formació Inicial del Professorat de Secundària (FIPS) de la UAB (especialitats d’anglès, ciències socials i ciències naturals) i del Curs de Qualificació Pedagògica (CQP) de la UdL (especialitat d’anglès) han col•laborat en el disseny d’un component formatiu en tècniques d’ensenyament AICLE (CLILC), com a constituent del futur Màster Oficial que habilitarà per al exercici de la professió Professor d’Educació Secundaria Obligatòria i Batxillerat (ORDEN ECI/3858/2007, de 27 desembre; BOE 312)(...)
Després d’aplicar alguns tractaments d’elaboració i conservació als aliments, queden bacteris lesionats. Aquests bacteris perden la capacitat de créixer en els medis de cultiu selectiu convencionals, de manera que se’n subestima el recompte. Malgrat això, poden recuperar-se als aliments i suposar un risc per la salut, ja que alguns encara poden mantenir activitat metabòlica i integritat estructural. En aquest projecte, es van optimitzar protocols de preparació de mostres per citometria de flux (CF) per avaluar l’estat fisiològic de patògens alimentaris (Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella Enteritidis i Listeria monocytogenes) sotmesos a estrès. Es van estudiar principalment dos paràmetres fisiològics: la integritat de membrana, mitjançant iodur de propidi i fluorocroms de la família SYTO; i l’activitat respiratòria, per la reducció intracel•lular d’una sal de tetrazole, el CTC. En primer lloc, es van avaluar variables de protocol, com la concentració de colorant, la ràtio entre colorants, la solució de tinció i el temps d’incubació, en mostres control (cèl•lules sanes i mortes). A continuació, els protocols optimitzats es van aplicar a suspensions bacterianes en medi de cultiu que prèviament havien estat sotmeses a estressos físics i fisicoquímics. Durant l’etapa final del projecte, els coneixements adquirits sobre la preparació de mostres per CF es van aplicar a l’anàlisi de mostres de matriu complexa: amanides comercials inoculades amb E. coli O157:H7. Als assajos amb indicadors d’integritat de membrana en suspensions bacterianes sotmeses a estrès, es van poder quantificar cèl•lules amb la membrana parcialment danyada (presumptes cèl•lules lesionades). El recompte de cèl•lules que mantingueren l’activitat respiratòria després de ser sotmeses a estrès va ser superior al que es va obtenir mitjançant recompte en placa convencional, cosa que va evidenciar la presència de cèl•lules actives però no cultivables. La introducció d’estratègies per reduir les interferències provocades per les partícules alimentàries i l’ús d’un anticòs amb marcatge fluorescent va permetre detectar selectivament les cèl•lules d’E. coli O157:H7 i avaluar-ne la integritat de membrana simultàniament. L’anàlisi de cèl•lules bacterianes per CF requereix de la exhaustiva optimització dels protocols, que són específics per cada soca i matriu. Malgrat això, i a diferència del mètode convencional per recompte en placa, ofereix la possibilitat d’obtenir una gran quantitat d’informació sobre el sovint complex estat fisiològic d’una mostra.
A tensão de cisalhamento e a coesão do solo constituem importantes propriedades físicas do solo, podendo ser influenciadas pelo sistema de manejo e óxidos de Fe, Si e Al do solo. Os efeitos de diferentes sistemas de manejo de solo cultivado com cana-de-açúcar na tensão de cisalhamento, ângulo de atrito interno, coesão do solo e nos teores de óxidos de Fe, Si e Al de um Argissolo Amarelo Coeso foram estudados em quatro áreas da Usina Triunfo, no Estado de Alagoas. Os tratamentos abrangeram: uma área irrigada, uma área não irrigada, uma com aplicação de vinhaça e uma sob floresta nativa, como condição original. Amostras foram tiradas de cada área a 0,2-0,4 m e 0,4-0,8 m de profundidade. Os sistemas sequeiro e irrigado promoveram os maiores aumentos na coesão, ângulo de atrito interno e resistência ao cisalhamento do solo. Os teores de água e de óxidos no solo influíram nos valores de coesão do solo, tendo sido os maiores valores deste atributo obtidos em solos com teores de água mais baixos e solos com maiores teores de óxidos.
Measurements of the entropy change at the martensitic transition of two composition-related sets of Cu-Al-Mn shape-memory alloys are reported. It is found that most of the entropy change has a vibrational origin, and depends only on the particular close-packed structure of the low-temperature phase. Using data from the literature for other Cu-based alloys, this result is shown to be general. In addition, it is shown that the martensitic structure changes from 18R to 2H when the ratio of conduction electrons per atom reaches the same value as the eutectoid point in the equilibrium phase diagram. This finding indicates that the structure of the metastable low-temperature phase is reminiscent of the equilibrium structure.
We study the effect of a magnetic field on the martensitic transition of a Cu-Al-Mn shape-memory alloy. The martensitic transition has been studied through resistance measurements under applied magnetic fields ranging from 0 to 50 kOe. Negative magnetoresistance showing an almost linear dependence with the square of the magnetization has been observed. This magnetoresistive effect is associated with the existence of small ferromagnetic Mn-clusters. Its strength and thermal dependence is different in both phases. The martensitic transition temperature is slightly increased and its spread in temperature significantly reduced upon increasing the field. These results show the existence of magnetoelastic coupling, which favors the nucleation of those martensitic variants with the easy magnetization axis aligned with the field.