989 resultados para Huguenot Society of South Carolina
This is a list of the courts in all the circuits of South Carolina and the percentage of cases disposed of in 365 day or less. All but four of the courts met the 80% benchmark.
Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. Public Education in Ante-Bellum South Carolina by J. Perrin Anderson – Greenville High School The Grimké Sisters by F. Dudley Jones – Presbyterian College The International Peacetime Conference 1904-1914: A Study in Internationalism with Particular Reference to its Development in the United States by Frances D. Acomb – Winthrop College France, Germany, and the Congress of Berlin by R. H. Wienefeld – University of South Carolina The Genesis of an Up – Country Town by Mary C. Simms Oliphant
Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. James H. Hammond and the Southern Convention by Robert C. Tucker The Nesbitt Manufacturing Company’s Debt to the Bank of the State of South Carolina by J. M. Lesesne The Southern Movement to Reopen the African Slave Trade, 1854-1860: A Factor in Secession by Jack K. Williams Richard Yeadon, Confederate Patriot by John C. Ellen, Jr.
Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. Mitteleuropa as a Marxist Utopia by William L. Spalding, Jr. William Edward Dodd: Historian of the Old South by Jack K. Williams Sandino: Patriot or Bandit by Joseph O. Baylen The Study of South Carolina History by J. H. Easterby
Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. The Chinese Labor Issue in British Politics, 1904-1907 by E. B. Hannum – University of South Alabama A Statistical and Historical Analysis and Interpretation of British By-Elections, 1906-1909 by Michael C. Griffin Slavery and the Presence of Free Will by William F. Steirer Reconsideration: The University of South Carolina during Reconstruction by John Herbert Roper – University of North Carolina
The South Carolina Extension Homemakers Council History and Handbook collection consists of History of South Carolina Extension Homemakers Council: Fifty Years 1921-1971 by Mrs. W. E. Cochran, 1971 and a 1971-1972 Handbook of South Carolina Extension Homemakers Council.
Description based on: 1928.
This document is a fold-out aeronautical chart with diagrams of South Carolina airports.
The monograph is a systematic arrangement of the biographies and bibliographies of botanists in South Carolina who have contributed to the state’s reputation in botany.
The Lieutenant Governor’s Office on Aging hereby submits the Federal Fiscal Year 2017 – 2021 State Plan on Aging for the State of South Carolina to the Assistant Secretary on Aging of the United States Department of Health and Human Services. The plan is effective for the period of October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2020. This document lays out a long-term strategic blueprint that focuses on how the state will modernize its service delivery system, while expanding the service options available for older South Carolinians, adults with disabilities, and their families. It also sets goals for consumer choice, and person centered and self-directed services. It addresses marketing, outreach, and advocacy issues, as well as the development of initiatives geared toward promoting evidence-based, consumer-directed, and community-based long-term services and supports.
Within this booklet, teachers will find instructional resources covering a wide array of genres, including, dance, choral music, general music, instrumental music, media arts, theatre, and the visual arts. These lesson plans are explicitly designed to integrate artistic expression and comprehension with other academic disciplines, such as English, History, and Social Studies. Each submission highlights the grade level, artistic genre, sources, learning objectives, instructional plans, and modes of evaluation. This Arts Integration Supplement to the Teacher’s Guide to African American Historic Places in South Carolina outlines 22 lesson plans that meet the 2010 Visual and Performing Arts Standards of South Carolina and integrates the arts into classroom instruction. Where applicable, other standards, such as those for math and social studies, are listed with each lesson plan. The teaching activities in this supplement are provided to aid in the development of lesson plans or to complement existing lessons. Teaching activities are the simplest means of integrating art in classroom instruction.
This document gives abbreviated health statistics for the four regions of South Carolina.
Federal and state laws impose a range of collateral consequences that affect the opportunities available to youth involved in the juvenile and criminal justice systems. Children who have pled or have been found guilty of juvenile delinquency offenses face challenges in gaining employment finding housing and accessing educational opportunities. This publication provides a community resource containing the most current information on the short-term and long-term consequences of delinquency adjudications in South Carolina.
The purpose of South Carolina motion picture incentives is to bring economic benefit to the State of South Carolina by using South Carolina as a site for film and television production, promoting the hiring of South Carolina residents as staff, cast, and crew, and promoting the purchase of supplies and services from South Carolina companies.
A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets on religion.