409 resultados para Huesos - Fracturas
Valorar el proceso formal de implantación del segundo ciclo de ESO en Andalucía. Establecer las condiciones de inicio de la implantación del ciclo atendiendo a las características culturales de los centros. Analizar el uso que la comunidad educativa hace del cambio curricular durante el proceso inicial de institucionalización. Valorar el impacto en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje que se realiza en los centros. 3 Institutos de Educación Secundaria (IES) públicos de Andalucía. 4 profesores-as de cada centro. 118 profesores-as de los tres centros. Se analiza el marco conceptual y la legislación sobre el cambio curricular, la profesionalización docente y la evaluación institucional. Se realiza el análisis del contexto normativo-administrativo, de los Proyectos Curriculares de los centros seleccionados y tres estudios de caso para analizar el proceso de institucionalización y nivel de uso de la implantación y el impacto de la innovación en el profesorado afectado. Los datos se recogen mediante documentos, entrevistas y un inventario de opiniones. Para el análisis de los datos cualitativos se realizan análisis documentales y análisis de contenido, y para los datos cuantitativos se usan análisis descriptivos, factorial y cluster. Se realiza el análisis de cada uno de los estudios de caso y un análisis cruzado de la información obtenida en cada caso. Inventario de opiniones. Respecto a las condiciones de inicio del cambio se detectan diversos períodos del desarrollo de la implantación de la ESO en Andalucía que presentan fracturas y cambios de rumbo en la política normativa seguida que causa cierta desorientación en los centros y el profesorado. El análisis de la documentación curricular permite describir situaciones parecidas de diseño de las nuevas enseñanzas en los tres centros a pesar de la diversidad de cultura organizativa. El profesorado se muestra de manera muy crítica con los planteamientos filosóficos de las nuevas enseñanzas y, señala su falta de interés y motivación para comprometerse con el cambio. Se observa que el profesorado opina mayoritariamente que las nuevas orientaciones sí están en la línea de lo que ellos piensan que debería ser la enseñanza, aunque señalan la falta de formación para implantar los nuevos currículos como una deficiencia grave para el éxito de la implantación de la etapa..
Se intenta demostrar cómo el museo, más allá de la práctica inmediata a que da lugar, a pesar de las inevitables fracturas a las que somete a la realidad, es un espacio dotado de unas propiedades particulares cuyo estudio y desarrollo pueden dar frutos muy positivos en el terreno de la investigación científica y la educación. El estudio analiza la justificación del museo como un servicio al publico, al que se le dan a conocer los objetos en él expuestos. A través de un estudio de las distintas concepciones del museo, se le muestra como 'Facultad de la Cultura' y se le propone como foco educativo dentro del medio social en el que se inserta y que le justifica. El museo universal es de hecho un espacio generado por la vocación de coexistencia y entendimiento en la diversidad cultural que implica el concepto moderno de civilización o bien el concepto unitario de civilización en su fase de madurez como instrumento esencialmente educativo destinado a abrirse a todas las fuentes de la creatividad y a custodiar, preservar, administrar y distribuir sus frutos con el mayor beneficio posible. Necesidad de abrir una línea de investigación cuyo fin sea arbitrar la relación más idónea posible de disciplinas referentes, como el Folklore y la Etnología, dentro del contexto más ámplio de la Antropología Social, con la Museología y la Pedagogía, con vistas a la ejecución de programas concretos para la creación de Museos-Taller. Tales programas tendrían el valor de coordinar iniciativas desinteresadas e introducirlas en un circuito de auténtica experimentación constructiva.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
The Onyar River basin is situated in the depression of la Selva. His origins are related to tectonic activity during Neogen in this region. In his evolution, we note a slowly and continuous downfall which directs the morphodinamical behaviour. In this sense, the drainage network has a directional trend towards the north, as consecuence of fault systems, and specially the N-S oriented one. A fault of this system has an important influence in the basin morphology, directs the drainage towards the north and avoids a closely drainage in the basin
La presente tesis trata del auge de las prácticas de la adivinación en la ciudad. Dichas prácticas deben entenderse a partir de las percepciones mágicas y míticas que desde tiempos inmemorables ha tenido la humanidad sobre el universo, la naturaleza, la vida y la muerte. Pero también deben comprenderse desde la necesidad que tienen las personas, en las sociedades contemporáneas, de hallar nuevas certezas y formas de reencantarse con el mundo. Bajo este panorama, el primer propósito de esta investigación fue realizar una contextualización teórica que permitiera establecer de dónde se desprenden las nuevas sensibilidades de la comunicación, como dinámicas culturales de los escenarios urbanos. Se inicia hablando de las consecuencias que ha provocado la denominada modernidad desencantada, que junto a la globalización de la informática y de las comunicaciones, está redefiniendo las maneras de habitar el mundo, pues las sociedades globalizadas hoy experimentan sentimientos constantes de riesgos e incertidumbres. Con formas de vida tan complejas y multifacéticas, y para tratar de abordar el estudio de las prácticas culturales desde otros márgenes, no queda otra opción que preguntarse por el mundo de la vida, es decir, por las instancias a partir de las cuales las personas buscan solventar sus situaciones prácticas, buscando por ejemplo, nuevas formas de curar su cuerpo, de manejar sus situaciones amorosas o de socializar sus historias de vida y sus crisis económicas. Las prácticas de la adivinación y los adivinos como sus máximos representantes, se erigen como una de estas opciones. Por lo mismo, y para entender cómo los múltiples códigos de la adivinación son usados para tratar de saldar estas fracturas sociales, en un segundo momento se procedió a escoger y estudiar uno de sus locus de enunciación en la ciudad de Bogotá. Luego de identificar el lugar desde donde hablan, se pasó a explorar las estrategias discursivas que utilizan estos actores sociales para aplicar sus saberes, buscando, según ellos, la solución de los problemas del mundo de la vida de sus consultantes. En definitiva, la presente tesis no es una celebración u homenaje a las prácticas de la adivinación. Sólo es una investigación que indaga algunas de las razones por las cuales estas prácticas son una dinámica social vigente y las formas como sus saberes se insertan en la comunicación mass mediática y en la comunicación de la vida cotidiana.
Northeastern Brazil is mainly formed by crystalline terrains (around 60% in area). Moreover, this region presents a semi-arid climate so that it is periodically subject to drought seasons. Furthermore, ground water quality extracted fromwells usually presents poor quality because of their high salinity contents. Nevertheless, ground water is still a very important source of water for human and animal consumption in this region. Well sitting in hard rocks terrains in Northeastern Brazil offers a mean success index of aboul 60%, given that a successful siting is defined by a well producing at least 0.5 m³/h. This low index reveals lack of knowledga about the true conditions of storage and percolation of ground water in crystalline rocks. Two models for structures storing and producing ground water in crystalline rocks in Northeastem Brazil have been proposed in the literature. The first model,tradnionally used for well sitting since the sixties are controlled by faults or fractures zones. This model is commonly referred, in Brazilian hydrogeological literature, as the "creek-crack" model (riacho-fenda in Portuguese). Sites appearing to present dense drainage network are preferred for water well siting - particularly at points where the drainages cross-cul each other. Field follow up work is usually based only on geological criteria. The second model is the "eluvio-alluvial through" (calha eluvio-aluvionar in Portuguese); it is also described in the literature but it is not yet incorporated in well sitting practice. This model is based on the hypothesis that reclilinear drainages can also be controlled by the folietion of the rock. Eventually, depending upon the degree of weathering, a through-shaped structure filled with sediments (alluvium and regolith) can be developed which can store and water can be produced from. Using severalfield case studies, this Thesis presents a thorough analysis ofthe two above cited models and proposes a new model. The analysis is based on an integrated methodological approach using geophysics and structural geology. Both land (Resitiviy and Ground Penetrating Radar- GPR) and aerogeophysical (magnetics and frequency domain eletromagnetics) surveys were used. Slructural analysis emphasized neolectonic aspects; in general, itwas found that fractures in the E-W direction are relatively open, as compared to fracturas inthe N-S direction, probably because E-W fractures were opened by the neotectonic stress regime in Northeastern Brazil, which is controlled by E-W compression and N-S extension. The riacho-fenda model is valid where drainages are controlled by fractures. The degree of fracturing and associated weathering dictale the hydrogeological potential of the structure. Field work in structural analogues reveals that subvertical fractures show consistent directions both in outcrop and aerophotograph scales. Geophysical surveys reveal subvertical conductive anomalies associated to the fracture network controlling the drainage; one of the borders of the conductive anomaly usually coincide wih the drainage. An aspect of particular importance to the validation of fracture control are the possible presence of relalively deep conductive anomalies wihoul continuation or propagalion to the surface. The conductive nature of lhe anomaly is due to the presence of wealhered rock and sedirnenls (alluvium and/or regolilh) storing ground waler which occur associated to the fracture network. Magnetic surveys are not very sensisnive to these structures.lf soil or covering sedirnents are resislive (> 100 Ohm.m), GPR can ba used to image precisely lhe fracture network. A major limialion of riacho-fenda model, revealed by GPR images, is associated to the fact thal subhorizontal fractures do play a very important role in connecting the fracture network, besides connect shallow recharge zones to relalively deep subvertical frecture zones. Iffractures play just a secondary control on the drainage, however, r/acho-fenda model may have a very limiled validny; in these cases, large portions oflhe drainage do nol coincide wilh frectures and mosl oflhewells localed in lhe drainage surrounding would resull dry. Usually, a secondary conlrol on lhe drainage by Ihefraclure networkcan be revealed only wilh detailed geophysical survey. The calha elClv1o-aluvlonarmodel is valid where drainages are conlrolled by folialion. The degree 01 wealhering 01 lhe lolialion planes dictales lhe hydrogeological polenlial 01 lhe slruclure. Outcrop analysis reveals Ihal lolialion and drainage direclions are parallel and Ihal no Iraclures, orfraclures wilh diflerent directions 01 lhe drainage direclion occur. Geophysical surveys reveal conduclive anomalies in a slab lorm associaled 10 lhe Ihrough 01 lhe wealhered rock and sedimenls (alluvium and/or regolith). Magnelic surveys can ofler a very good conlrol on lolialion direclion. An importanl aspect 10 validale lolialion conlrol are lhe presence 01 conductive anomalies showing shallow and deep portions area which are linked. Illhere is an exlensive soil cover, r/acho-fenda and calha eIClv1o-aluv/onar conlrols can be easily misinlerpreled in lhe absence 01 geophysical conlrol. Certainly, Ihis lacl could explain at leasl a part of lhe failure index in well sitting. The model wealhering sack (bolsllo de Intempertsmo in Portuguese) is proposed to explain cases where a very inlensive wealhering occur over lhe crystalline rock so Ihal a secondary inlerslilial porosity is crealed. The waler is Ihen stored in lhe porous of lhe regolilh in a similar mannerlo sedimentary rocks. A possible example ofthis model was delecled by using land geophysical survey where a relalivelyvery deep isolaled conduclive anomaly, in a slab form, was delected. Iflhis structure does store ground waler, certainly Ihere must be a link 01 lhe deep slructure wilh lhe surface in orderlo provide walerfeeding. This model mighl explain anomalous waler yields as greal as 50 m³/h Ihalsomelimescan occur in crystalline rocks in Northeaslern Brazil
A adolescência é um período fundamental para a aquisição da massa óssea. em adolescentes atletas, o pico de massa óssea pode apresentar maior incremento, em virtude do estresse mecânico imposto aos ossos pelo exercício físico praticado. O objetivo desta revisão foi investigar o papel do treinamento esportivo vigoroso e precoce sobre a saúde óssea de atletas adolescentes. Através da revisão da literatura científica, envolvendo adolescentes atletas de diferentes modalidades e de ambos os sexos, é possível inferir que a densidade mineral óssea é potencializada pelos exercícios, quando grupos de atletas são comparados com grupos de controle. Entretanto, muito se discute na literatura quanto à recomendação da intensidade adequada da prescrição de exercício físico para população adolescente, uma vez que, caso o treinamento se torne muito extenuante, os benefícios gerados pela atividade sobre a saúde dos ossos podem ser minimizados ou anulados. Embora muita controvérsia ainda envolva o tema, independente do tipo de esporte praticado, o aumento de intensidade do treinamento deve ser razoável e coerente com as metas, sendo enfatizado treinamento seguro e eficaz para cada uma das faixas de idade e momentos da maturação biológica, independente dos calendários competitivos.
Incluye Bibliografía
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of the present study was to analyze the etiology, type and treatment employed in the orbito-zygomatic fractures (OZ). Also, postoperative complications are described and correlated with the type of treatment used. Fifty patients with OZ fractures were evaluated. Orbital fractures in which the zygomatic bone was not involved were excluded. Epidemiologic data and characteristics of treatment such as the type of material used for osteosynthesis, number of anatomical sites on which rigid internal fixation (RIF) was applied, surgical approaches and associated complications were recorded. The main causes of trauma were motorcycle and bicycle accidents, constituting 52% of the sample. The osteosynthesis system used was the 2.0 mm, except in four patients in whom the 1.5mm system was used for fixation at the infra-orbital rim. A total of 18% of the patients required reconstruction of the internal orbit and in all cases titanium mesh was used. 46% of the patients received RIF in three anatomical sites, most in the fronto-zygomatic suture, infra-orbital rim and zygomatic-maxillary buttress. The most frequent complication was paresthesia of the infra-orbital nerve (34 patients, 68%). Other findings were also discussed with the intent of better understanding the treatment of the OZ fractures.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The response of bone metabolism is directly related to hormonal factors and mechanical stimuli that the bone is exposed. The ultrasonic energy on bone healing have been shown to be crucial for the stimulation and improvement in quality of newly formed tissue. The aim of this study was to analyze the action of low intensity ultrasound on bone healing of tibial osteotomy in rats subjected to tail suspension, through histological analysis and histomorphometry. Eighteen Rattus norvegicus albinos, Wistar, adults were divided into three groups, arranged as follows: G1 (n = 6), who remained free for a period of 15 days, G2 (n = 5), suspended by the tail for a period of 15 days and G3 (n = 7), suspended by the tail for a period of 36 days. In all three groups, both tibias were subjected to mono-cortical bone injury 4X2 mm in the medial region of the diaphysis, and the left limb was used as control and the right limb undergoing treatment with ultrasound (U.S.). The right tibia was treated with pulsed ultrasound at a frequency of 1.5 MHz, duty cycle 1:4, 30mW/cm2, for 12 sessions of 20 minutes each. Samples of tibia were subjected to histological analysis, blindly, with light microscopy and histomorphometric analysis by specific software Image-Pro 6.1. The average percentage of new bone formation were subjected to analysis of variance in subdivided parcels and multiple comparison test "Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK), with a significance level of 5%. The average values and standard deviations of the percentage of newly formed bone for the groups showed the least amount of bone repair G1t (13.62% ± 4.88%) - G1c (8.68% ± 4.16%) compared G2t groups (27.17% ± 11.36%) - G2c (10.10% ± 7.90%) and G3t (23.19% ± 5.61%) - G3c (15.74% ± 7 08%). However, the mean values and standard deviations of the percentage of newly formed bone repair in the tibia treated G2t and G3t were significantly higher when compared to the repair of tibia in the control group (G2c and G3c). Consequently, we conclude that ultrasound has helped to accelerate bone repair in both the presence and absence of cargo.
Many incisions have been described for approaches to zygomatic fractures. Precise repositioning of zygomatic complex fractures is difficult. The traditional approach is through an eyebrow incision, but it can produce a scar that causes aesthetic and psychological problems for the patient. We describe the supratarsal fold approach to expose the frontozygomatic suture and to reduce small displacements of frontal sinus anterior wall; it gives good access and excellent aesthetic results.
Low-intensity laser has been used as a physical agent in various fields of medical sciences such as bone and tissue repair. Meanwhile little is known about its effects in adverse conditions such as abolition of load and osteopenic. With the assumption that the laser Ga-Al-As accelerates the process of bone consolidation, goal of this study was to evaluate bone mineral density (BMD) in incomplete transverse osteotomies of tibia in adult rats, treated with low power laser therapy in three different groups: G1 (n = 10), reference 15 days; G2 (n=10), suspended by the tail and, accordingly, treated with laser for 12 days; G3 (n = 10), suspended by the tail by 36 days and that after 21 days, there was laser treatment for 12 days. The right tibia treated with laser and left served as control. The laser was used to Ga-Al-As, DMC - Flash Lase® III, with wavelength 830nm, 100 mW, 4J, 140 J / cm ², 40s of application in 12 sessions. It was used densitometer-Lunar DPX®, with computer program for "small animals", and the analysis of BMD was made in the bone throughout the region and the osteotomy. The results showed no efficacy of laser therapy in the process of bone repair, both in animals of group 1, as in group 2 and 3. It follows that either the low-power laser was not an effective performance or the effects of laser therapy is not only manifested at the site of irradiation as well as the systemic level.
The zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMC) is the second highly incidental of facial fractures. According to the anatomical complexity, there are many reports in the literature about this trauma, mainly related to treatment for these fractures. With the purpose of evaluating clinically and radiographically the stability of unilateral zygomatic fractures treated by surgical reduction and fixed in two points by stable internal fixation, this research was proposed. Twenty patients with zygomatic fractures were evaluated and compared with twenty nonfractured patients. The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences among the obtained data, perimeter and area, of the treated and contra-lateral sides of the experimental group. When compared to the control group the differences were not statistically significant. We also performed a comparison of the distance between the nasal bone and zygomatic prominence in all groups the results were also satisfactory.