969 resultados para Honey- Bees


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Le parasite Varroa destructor provoque depuis plus de 30 ans la perte de nombreuses colonies à travers le monde. L’utilisation d’acaricides de synthèse s’est avérée inefficace au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde à la suite de la sélection de varroas résistants. Dans ce contexte, il est devenu impératif de trouver de nouveaux moyens pour contrôler cette peste apicole. Ce travail original de recherche a pour but de déterminer les paramètres fondamentaux d’une lutte intégrée contre la varroase fondée sur l’utilisation périodique de différents pesticides organiques (l’acide oxalique, l’acide formique et le thymol) associée à des seuils d’interventions. Les seuils d’intervention ont été déterminés à l’aide de régressions linéaires entre les taux de parasitisme par V. destructor et la formance zootechnique des colonies d’abeilles mellifères (production de miel et force des colonies). Un total de 154 colonies d’abeilles du Centre de recherche en sciences animales de Deschambault (CRSAD) ont été suivies de septembre 2005 à septembre 2006. Les seuils calculés et proposés à la suite de cette recherche sont de 2 varroas par jour (chute naturelle) au début mai, 10 varroas par jour à la fin juillet et de 9 varroas par jour au début septembre. L’efficacité des traitements organiques avec l’acide oxalique (AO), l’acide formique (AF) et le thymol a été vérifiée en mai (avant la première miellée) en juillet (entre deux miellées), en septembre (après la miellée et pendant le nourrissage des colonies) et en novembre (avant l’hivernage). L’acide oxalique a été appliqué en utilisant la méthode d’égouttement (4% d’AO p/v dans un sirop de sucrose 1 :1 p/v). L’acide formique a été appliquée sous forme de MiteAwayII™ (tampon commercial imbibé d’AF 65% v/v placé sur le dessus des cadres à couvain), Mitewipe (tampons Dri-Loc™ 10/15cm imbibés de 35 mL d’AF 65% v/v placés sur le dessus des cadres à couvain) ou Flash (AF 65% coulé directement sur le plateau inférieur d’une colonie, 2 mL par cadre avec abeilles). Le thymol a été appliqué sous forme d’Apiguard™ (gélose contenant 25% de thymol p/v placée sur le dessus des cadres à couvain). Les essais d’efficacité ont été réalisés de 2006 à 2008 sur un total de 170 colonies (98 appartenant au CRSAD et 72 appartenant au privé). Les résultats montrent que les traitements de printemps testés ont une faible efficacité pour le contrôle des varroas qui sont en pleine croissance durant cette période. Un traitement avec l’AF à la mi-été permet de réduire les taux de parasites sous le seuil en septembre mais il y a risque de contaminer la récolte de miel avec des résidus d’AF. Les traitements en septembre avec le MiteAwayII™ suivis par un traitement à l’acide oxalique en novembre (5 mL par égouttement entre chaque cadre avec abeilles, 4% d’AO p/v dans un sirop de sucrose 1 :1 p/v) sont les plus efficaces : ils réduisent les niveaux de varroase sous le seuil de 2 varroas par jour au printemps. Nos résultats montrent également que les traitements réalisés tôt en septembre sont plus efficaces et produisent des colonies plus fortes au printemps comparativement à un traitement réalisé un mois plus tard en octobre. En conclusion, ce travail de recherche démontre qu’il est possible de contenir le développement de la varroase dans les ruchers au Québec en utilisant une méthode de lutte intégrée basée sur une combinaison d’applications d’acaricides organiques associée à des seuils d’intervention.


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La obra, aprobada por expertos en educación, trata temas reales de la vida. El lenguaje sencillo que se utiliza ayuda al niño a desarrollar su interés por la lectura y la curiosidad por el mundo en que vive. Tiene glosario alfabético.


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Bunny quiere a su mama. Ella le llama, 'Bunny mi miel'. Sus amigos, Little Miss Duckling y Miss Mouse, son también pequeños mieles. Todo es dulce y encantador hasta que un día Bunny se pierde en el bosque.


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Habitat loss poses a major threat to biodiversity, and species-specific extinction risks are inextricably linked to life-history characteristics. This relationship is still poorly documented for many functionally important taxa, and at larger continental scales. With data from five replicated field studies from three countries, we examined how species richness of wild bees varies with habitat patch size. We hypothesized that the form of this relationship is affected by body size, degree of host plant specialization and sociality. Across all species, we found a positive species–area slope (z ¼ 0.19), and species traits modified this relationship. Large-bodied generalists had a lower z value than small generalists. Contrary to predictions, small specialists had similar or slightly lower z value compared with large specialists, and small generalists also tended to be more strongly affected by habitat loss as compared with small specialists. Social bees were negatively affected by habitat loss (z ¼ 0.11) irrespective of body size. We conclude that habitat loss leads to clear shifts in the species composition of wild bee communities.


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Recent concerns regarding the decline of plant and pollinator species, and the impact on ecosystem functioning, has focused attention on the local and global threats to bee diversity. As evidence for bee declines is now accumulating from over broad taxonomic and geographic scales, we review the role of ecology in bee conservation at the levels of species, populations and communities. Bee populations and communities are typified by considerable spatiotemporal variation; whereby autecological traits, population size and growth rate, and plant-pollinator network architecture all play a role in their vulnerability to extinction. As contemporary insect conservation management is broadly based on species- and habitat-targeted approaches, ecological data will be central to integrating management strategies into a broader, landscape scale of dynamic, interconnected habitats capable of delivering bee conservation in the context of global environmental change.


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Pollinators provide essential ecosystem services, and declines in some pollinator communities around the world have been reported. Understanding the fundamental components defining these communities is essential if conservation and restoration are to be successful. We examined the structure of plant-pollinator communities in a dynamic Mediterranean landscape, comprising a mosaic of post-fire regenerating habitats, and which is a recognized global hotspot for bee diversity. Each community was characterized by a highly skewed species abundance distribution, with a few dominant and many rare bee species, and was consistent with a log series model indicating that a few environmental factors govern the community. Floral community composition, the quantity and quality of forage resources present, and the geographic locality organized bee communities at various levels: (1) The overall structure of the bee community (116 species), as revealed through ordination, was dependent upon nectar resource diversity (defined as the variety of nectar volume-concentration combinations available), the ratio of pollen to nectar energy, floral diversity, floral abundance, and post-fire age. (2) Bee diversity, measured as species richness, was closely linked to floral diversity (especially of annuals), nectar resource diversity, and post-fire age of the habitat. (3) The abundance of the most common species was primarily related to post-fire age, grazing intensity, and nesting substrate availability. Ordination models based on age-characteristic post-fire floral community structure explained 39-50% of overall variation observed in bee community structure. Cluster analysis showed that all the communities shared a high degree of similarity in their species composition (27-59%); however, the geographical location of sites also contributed a smaller but significant component to bee community structure. We conclude that floral resources act in specific and previously unexplored ways to modulate the diversity of the local geographic species pool, with specific disturbance factors, superimposed upon these patterns, mainly affecting the dominant species.


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The diversity of social bees was assessed at 15 sites across five locations of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, Western Ghats, India, from January to December 2007. We also conducted floristic analyses of local vegetation in each site using one-hectare sample plots. All woody species with a dbh (diameter at breast height) : 30 cm were recorded within the plots. A total area of 9.72 ha was assessed for floristic composition. Similarity of floristic composition between sites was determined using the Jaccard's distance measure and a dendrogram constructed based on the hierarchical clustering of floristic dissimilarities between sites. A Bee Importance Index (BII) was developed to give a measure of the bee diversity at each site. This index was a sum of the species richness of bee species in a site and their visitation frequencies to flowers, calculated as mean flower visits hour 1 within 2 focal patches within one hectare plots. The visits of bee species to flowers were also recorded. The Jaccard distance measure indicated that the montane sites were quite dissimilar to the low elevation sites in floristic diversity. The BII was 7-9 for the wet forest sites and ranged from 4-6 for drier forest sites. Seventy three plant species were identified as social bee plants and of them 45% were visited by one species of bee, 37% by two bee species and 18% by more than two bee species, indicating a certain degree of floral specialization among bees.


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Isolates of Armillaria mellea and A. gallica that differed in virulence to healthy blackcurrant, strawberry, Lawson cypress and privet were used to inoculate plants exposed to different watering regimes. Host plants from which water had either been withheld or their roots kept constantly flooded with water, both showed increased susceptibility compared to those plants, which had been watered regularly. At the end of the period of stress, roots from randomly selected plants from each treatment were harvested. Following chemical analysis of the roots for protein, lipids, and carbohydrates including starch, in vitro assays were carried out with these substances. The increased amounts of these nutrients in both groups of stressed plants are sufficient to stimulate the growth of both A. mellea and A. gallica and enhance their virulence.


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The effect of honey oligosaccharides on the growth of fecal bacteria was studied using an in vitro fermentation system. Prior to treatment, glucose and fructose (31.73 and 21.41 g/100 g of product, respectively) present in honey, which would be digested in the upper gut, were removed to avoid any influence on bacterial populations in the fermentations. Nanofiltration, yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) treatment, and adsorption onto activated charcoal were used to remove monosaccharides. Prebiotic (microbial fermentation) activities of the three honey oligosaccharide fractions and the honey sample were studied and compared with fructooligosaccharide (FOS), using 1% (w/v) fecal bacteria in an in vitro fermentation system (10 mg of carbohydrate, 1.0 mL of basal medium). A prebiotic index (PI) was calculated for each carbohydrate source. Honey oligosaccharides seem to present potential prebiotic activity (PI values between 3.38 and 4.24), increasing the populations of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, although not to the levels of FOS (PI of 6.89).


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Thirty genuine honey samples were analyzed for pH, acidity, water, ash, net absorbance, total polyphenols (Folin-Ciocalteau method) and glucose, fructose, melezitose and erlose (as their trimethylsilyl oximes and trimethylsilyl ethers) by capillary gas chromatography. The resulting data were used, along with palynological analysis, to characterize the samples in relation to their possible source (nectar, honeydew and mixture honeys). Some minor components (carboxylic acids and cyclitols), eluting before monosaccharides, were also determined. One of these compounds was quercitol (1,3,4/2,5-cyclohexane-pentol), a deoxyinositol which has been previously determined in Quercus sp. samples. Quercitol was present in a broad concentration range (0.01-1.50 g/100 g) in honeys whose major source was honeydew but it was never higher than 0.01 g/100 g in samples characterized as nectar honeys. Quercitol concentrations appear to be related to the presence and amount of Quercus sp. honeydew as honey source, although further research is required to confirm this. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Using an Osteobiographical approach, this contribution considers the identity of the woman found alongside the St Bees Man, one of the best-preserved archaeological bodies ever discovered. Osteological, isotopic and radiocarbon analyses, combined with the archaeological context of the burial and documented social history, provide the basis for the identification of a late 14th-century heiress whose activities were at the heart of medieval northern English geopolitics.