956 resultados para Holzkamp, Klaus


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A software for the calculation of unsaturated soil hydraulic conductivity K(theta) is presented for commonly used methods found in the literature, based on field experiments in which a soil profile is submitted to water infiltration followed by internal drainage. The software is available at: dourado@esalq.usp.br.


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Knowledge about the fate of fertilizer nitrogen in agricultural systems is essential for the improvement of management practices in order to maximize nitrogen (N) recovery by the crop and reduce N losses from the system to a minimum. This study involves fertilizer management practices using the 15N isotope label applied in a single rate to determine the fertilizer-N balance in a particular soil-coffee-atmosphere system and to deepen the understanding of N plant dynamics. Five replicates consisting of plots of about 120 plants each were randomly defined within a 0.2 ha coffee plantation planted in 2001, in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. Nine plants of each plot were separated in sub-plots for the 15N balance studies and treated with N rates of 280 and 350 kg ha-1 during 2003/2004 and 2004/2005, respectively, both of them as ammonium sulfate enriched to a 15N abundance of 2.072 atom %. Plant shoots were considered as separate parts: the orthotropic central branch, productive branches, leaves of productive branches, vegetative branches, leaves of vegetative branches and fruit. Litter, consisting of dead leaves accumulated below the plant canopy, was measured by the difference between leaves at harvest and at the beginning of the following flowering. Roots and soil were sampled down to a depth of 1.0 at intervals of 0.2 m. Samples from the isotopic sub-plots were used to evaluate total N and 15N, and plants outside sub-plots were used to evaluate dry matter. Volatilization losses of NH3 were estimated using special collectors. Leaching of fertilizer-N was estimated from deep drainage water fluxes and 15N concentrations of the soil solution at 1 m soil depth. At the end of the 2-year evaluation, the recovery of 15N applied as ammonium sulfate was 19.1 % in aerial plant parts, 9.4 % in the roots, 23.8 % in the litter, 26.3 % in the fruit and 12.6 % remaining in the 0_1.0 m soil profile. Annual leaching and volatilization losses were very small (2.0 % and 0.9 %, respectively). After two years, only 6.2 % N were missing in the balance (100 %) which can be attributed to other non-estimated compartments and experimental errors. Results show that an enrichment of only 2 % atom 15N allows the study of the partition of fertilizer-N in a perennial crop such as coffee during a period of two years.


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O movimento da água através da matriz do solo é geralmente modelado pelas equações de Darcy, Darcy-Buckingam e Richards, cujo uso está baseado no conhecimento de algumas propriedades físicas do solo, como, por exemplo, a distribuição de poros e a retenção de água pelo solo. A retenção de água pelo solo é conhecida a partir da determinação de sua curva de retenção (CR) ou curva característica. O primeiro objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar um aparato simples, desenvolvido pela modificação do funil de placa porosa (funil de Haines), para a investigação e o levantamento de CRs detalhadas, em amostras de solos em condições de umidade próximas à saturação e em amostras com potenciais mátricos (ψm) que vão desde 0 kPa a aproximadamente -12 kPa (120 cm de altura de coluna de água). Foram investigados agregados de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico (LVd) de uma região do Estado do Paraná, cujos diâmetros médios e densidades variaram, respectivamente, entre 1,6 e 5,7 cm e 1,01 e 1,31 g cm-3, e amostras arenosas reconstituídas com areias de diâmetros médios entre 0,106 mm e 2,000 mm, com dimensões fractais de fracionamento (Df) entre 2,5 e 3,0. O segundo objetivo do trabalho foi inferir a distribuição de poros das amostras investigadas. Isso foi conseguido utilizando-se os parâmetros de ajuste da curva de van Genuchtenaos pontos das CRs obtidas para a determinação da Função Capacidade de Água (FCA). Pela análise dessas FCAs, observou-se que as amostras de agregados de solo apresentaram um sistema poroso de maior complexidade; e que a variação da granulometria do solo arenoso está diretamente relacionada às modificações de suas propriedades de retenção de água. Finalmente, a variação na densidade dos agregados investigados não alterou significativamente o comportamento das curvas de retenção na faixa de tensões estudadas.


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The estimation of non available soil variables through the knowledge of other related measured variables can be achieved through pedotransfer functions (PTF) mainly saving time and reducing cost. Great differences among soils, however, can yield non desirable results when applying this method. This study discusses the application of developed PTFs by several authors using a variety of soils of different characteristics, to evaluate soil water contents of two Brazilian lowland soils. Comparisons are made between PTF evaluated data and field measured data, using statistical and geostatistical tools, like mean error, root mean square error, semivariogram, cross-validation, and regression coefficient. The eight tested PTFs to evaluate gravimetric soil water contents (Ug) at the tensions of 33 kPa and 1,500 kPa presented a tendency to overestimate Ug 33 kPa and underestimate Ug1,500 kPa. The PTFs were ranked according to their performance and also with respect to their potential in describing the structure of the spatial variability of the set of measured values. Although none of the PTFs have changed the distribution pattern of the data, all resulted in mean and variance statistically different from those observed for all measured values. The PTFs that presented the best predictive values of Ug33 kPa and Ug1,500 kPa were not the same that had the best performance to reproduce the structure of spatial variability of these variables.


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A influência do manejo ou a adição de contaminante ao solo, normalmente, induz uma resposta mais rápida sobre a mesofauna do solo do que em outros atributos pedológicos, o que torna esses organismos bons indicadores de qualidade ambiental. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram identificar e quantificar os grupos de organismos da mesofauna dos solos e determinar os teores de Pb e Zn de plantas da área de mineração e metalurgia de Pb, no município de Adrianópolis (PR), de modo que fossem gerados indicadores biológicos da qualidade desses solos. Os solos selecionados apresentaram as seguintes características em relação às formas de contaminação: solo 1 - referência (mata nativa); solo 2 - resíduos incorporados ao perfil; solos 3 e 6 - próximos às chaminés da fábrica, com potencial de aporte de material particulado; e solo 5 - grande volume de rejeitos sobre o solo. Foram utilizados funis de Berlese, coletando-se amostras na profundidade de 0 a 5 cm (20 funis x 5 solos x 1 profundidade x 4 épocas = 400 amostras). Após separação da mesofauna, procedeu-se à triagem e identificação dos organismos com o auxílio de lupa. Amostras de formiga foram digeridas com HNO3 concentrado em sistema fechado de micro-ondas, e os teores de Pb e Zn foram determinados por espectroscopia de emissão atômica com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-AES). Plantas da família Poaceae foram coletadas em todos os solos e, após digestão das amostras da parte aérea e da raiz pelo método nítrico-perclórico, determinaram-se os teores de Pb e Zn por ICP-AES. O número total de organismos dos 21 grupos identificados e o Índice de Qualidade Ambiental da Mesofauna não foram bons indicadores do nível de contaminação dos solos por metais pesados. A ocorrência e distribuição de espécies isoladas mostraram-se mais eficientes nesse propósito. A melhor qualidade ambiental do solo 1 (teores naturais de Pb - solo de referência) foi atestada pela maior riqueza de grupos de organismos e ocorrência de representantes dos grupos Pseudoscorpiones, Mollusca e Isopoda apenas nesse solo. Os grupos Aracnídeos e Psocoptera também foram considerados bons indicadores ambientais, com incremento de suas populações nos solos com maiores teores de metais pesados (solos 2, 3 e 5), possivelmente devido à menor ocorrência de organismos competidores/predadores desses grupos. Os teores de metais pesados nos indivíduos do grupo Formicidae tiveram relação direta com os teores de Pb extraídos com HNO3 0,5 mol L-1 no solo. Quanto ao acúmulo de metais pesados nas plantas coletadas na área, com exceção do solo 1, todas as espécies encontravam-se sob efeito fitotóxico para Pb e Zn, o que sugere a proibição de pastejo na área.


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Most sedimentary modelling programs developed in recent years focus on either terrigenous or carbonate marine sedimentation. Nevertheless, only a few programs have attempted to consider mixed terrigenous-carbonate sedimentation, and most of these are two-dimensional, which is a major restriction since geological processes take place in 3D. This paper presents the basic concepts of a new 3D mathematical forward simulation model for clastic sediments, which was developed from SIMSAFADIM, a previous 3D carbonate sedimentation model. The new extended model, SIMSAFADIM-CLASTIC, simulates processes of autochthonous marine carbonate production and accumulation, together with clastic transport and sedimentation in three dimensions of both carbonate and terrigenous sediments. Other models and modelling strategies may also provide realistic and efficient tools for prediction of stratigraphic architecture and facies distribution of sedimentary deposits. However, SIMSAFADIM-CLASTIC becomes an innovative model that attempts to simulate different sediment types using a process-based approach, therefore being a useful tool for 3D prediction of stratigraphic architecture and facies distribution in sedimentary basins. This model is applied to the neogene Vallès-Penedès half-graben (western Mediterranean, NE Spain) to show the capacity of the program when applied to a realistic geologic situation involving interactions between terrigenous clastics and carbonate sediments.


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Inflammatory mechanisms are known to contribute to the pathophysiology of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Since bradykinin is one of the first mediators activated during inflammation, we investigated the role of bradykinin and its receptors in posttraumatic secondary brain damage. We subjected wild-type (WT), B(1)-, and B(2)-receptor-knockout mice to controlled cortical impact (CCI) and analyzed tissue bradykinin as well as kinin receptor mRNA and protein expression up to 48 h thereafter. Brain edema, contusion volume, and functional outcome were assessed 24 h and 7 days after CCI. Tissue bradykinin was maximally increased 2 h after trauma (P<0.01 versus sham). Kinin B(1) receptor mRNA was upregulated up to four-fold 24 h after CCI. Immunohistochemistry showed that B(1) and B(2) receptors were expressed in the brain and were significantly upregulated in the traumatic penumbra 1 to 24 h after CCI. B(2)R(-/-) mice had significantly less brain edema (-51% versus WT, 24 h; P<0.001), smaller contusion volumes ( approximately 50% versus WT 24 h and 7 d after CCI; P<0.05), and better functional outcome 7 days after TBI as compared with WT mice (P<0.05). The present results show that bradykinin and its B(2) receptors play a causal role for brain edema formation and cell death after TBI.


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Macroporosity is often used in the determination of soil compaction. Reduced macroporosity can lead to poor drainage, low root aeration and soil degradation. The aim of this study was to develop and test different models to estimate macro and microporosity efficiently, using multiple regression. Ten soils were selected within a large range of textures: sand (Sa) 0.07-0.84; silt 0.03-0.24; clay 0.13-0.78 kg kg-1 and subjected to three compaction levels (three bulk densities, BD). Two models with similar accuracy were selected, with a mean error of about 0.02 m³ m-3 (2 %). The model y = a + b.BD + c.Sa, named model 2, was selected for its simplicity to estimate Macro (Ma), Micro (Mi) or total porosity (TP): Ma = 0.693 - 0.465 BD + 0.212 Sa; Mi = 0.337 + 0.120 BD - 0.294 Sa; TP = 1.030 - 0.345 BD 0.082 Sa; porosity values were expressed in m³ m-3; BD in kg dm-3; and Sa in kg kg-1. The model was tested with 76 datum set of several other authors. An error of about 0.04 m³ m-3 (4 %) was observed. Simulations of variations in BD as a function of Sa are presented for Ma = 0 and Ma = 0.10 (10 %). The macroporosity equation was remodeled to obtain other compaction indexes: a) to simulate maximum bulk density (MBD) as a function of Sa (Equation 11), in agreement with literature data; b) to simulate relative bulk density (RBD) as a function of BD and Sa (Equation 13); c) another model to simulate RBD as a function of Ma and Sa (Equation 16), confirming the independence of this variable in relation to Sa for a fixed value of macroporosity and, also, proving the hypothesis of Hakansson & Lipiec that RBD = 0.87 corresponds approximately to 10 % macroporosity (Ma = 0.10 m³ m-3).


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