973 resultados para Hepatic neoplasia
Abstract Although digital angiography remains as the gold standard for imaging the celiac arterial trunk and hepatic arteries, multidetector computed tomography in association with digital images processing by software resources represents a useful tool particularly attractive for its non invasiveness. Knowledge of normal anatomy as well as of its variations is helpful in images interpretation and to address surgical planning on a case-by-case basis. The present essay illustrates several types of anatomical variations of celiac trunk, hepatic artery and its main branches, by means of digitally reconstructed computed tomography images, correlating their prevalence in the population with surgical implications.
We hypothesized that the analysis of mRNA level and activity of key enzymes in amino acid and carbohydrate metabolism in a feeding/fasting/refeeding setting could improve our understanding of how a carnivorous fish, like the European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax), responds to changes in dietary intake at the hepatic level. To this end cDNA fragments encoding genes for cytosolic and mitochondrial alanine aminotransferase (cALT; mALT), pyruvate kinase (PK), glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGDH) were cloned and sequenced. Measurement of mRNA levels through quantitative real-time PCR performed in livers of fasted seabass revealed a significant increase in cALT (8.5-fold induction)while promoting a drastic 45-fold down-regulation of PK in relation to the levels found in fed seabass. These observations were corroborated by enzyme activity meaning that during food deprivation an increase in the capacity of pyruvate generation happened via alanine to offset the reduction in pyruvate derived via glycolysis. After a 3-day refeeding period cALT returned to control levels while PK was not able to rebound. No alterations were detected in the expression levels of G6PDH while 6PGDH was revealed to be more sensitive specially to fasting, as confirmed by a significant 5.7-fold decrease in mRNA levels with no recovery after refeeding. Our results indicate that in early stages of refeeding, the liver prioritized the restoration of systemic normoglycemia and replenishment of hepatic glycogen. In a later stage, once regular feeding is re-established, dietary fuel may then be channeled to glycolysis and de novo lipogenesis.
We hypothesized that the analysis of mRNA level and activity of key enzymes in amino acid and carbohydrate metabolism in a feeding/fasting/refeeding setting could improve our understanding of how a carnivorous fish, like the European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax), responds to changes in dietary intake at the hepatic level. To this end cDNA fragments encoding genes for cytosolic and mitochondrial alanine aminotransferase (cALT; mALT), pyruvate kinase (PK), glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGDH) were cloned and sequenced. Measurement of mRNA levels through quantitative real-time PCR performed in livers of fasted seabass revealed a significant increase in cALT (8.5-fold induction)while promoting a drastic 45-fold down-regulation of PK in relation to the levels found in fed seabass. These observations were corroborated by enzyme activity meaning that during food deprivation an increase in the capacity of pyruvate generation happened via alanine to offset the reduction in pyruvate derived via glycolysis. After a 3-day refeeding period cALT returned to control levels while PK was not able to rebound. No alterations were detected in the expression levels of G6PDH while 6PGDH was revealed to be more sensitive specially to fasting, as confirmed by a significant 5.7-fold decrease in mRNA levels with no recovery after refeeding. Our results indicate that in early stages of refeeding, the liver prioritized the restoration of systemic normoglycemia and replenishment of hepatic glycogen. In a later stage, once regular feeding is re-established, dietary fuel may then be channeled to glycolysis and de novo lipogenesis.
Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a combination of several cardio-metabolic risk factors including obesity, hyperglycemia, hypertension and dyslipidemia. MetS has been associated with increased levels of apolipoprotein B (apoB) and low-density lipoprotein oxidation (OxLDL) and with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Aims: To establish the relation of apoB and OxLDL with the MetS development and to determine the status of MetS as a risk factor for adverse liver changes and for subclinical atherosclerosis. Subjects and Methods: The present thesis is part of the two large scale population-based, prospective, observational studies. Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study was launched in 1980 including 3,596 subjects aged 3-18 years. Thereafter follow-up studies have been conducted regularly. In the latest follow-ups that were performed in 2001 (N=2,283) and 2007 (N=2,204), non-invasive ultrasound studies were introduced to the study protocol to measure subclinical atherosclerosis i.e. carotid intima-media thickness (IMT), carotid artery distensibility (Cdist) and brachial flow-mediated dilatation (FMD). Alanine-aminotransferase (ALT) and gammaglutamyltransferase (GGT) were measured in 2007 to assess liver function. The Bogalusa Heart Study is a long-term epidemiologic study of cardiovascular risk factors launched in 1972 in a biracial community of Bogalusa, Louisiana, USA. Total of 374 youths (aged 9-18 years at baseline in 1984-88) who underwent non-invasive ultrasound studies of the carotid artery as adults, were included in the analyses of the present thesis. Results: The odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) for MetS incidence during a 6-year follow-up by quartiles of apoB were 2.0(1.0-3.8) for the second quartile, 3.1(1.7-5.7) for the third quartile and 4.2(2.3-7.6) for the fourth quartile. OxLDL was not independently associated with incident MetS. Youth (aged 9-18 years) with MetS or with high body mass index were at 2-3 times the risk of having MetS, high IMT, and type 2 diabetes 24-years later as adults. IMT increased 79±7μm (mean±SEM) in subjects with MetS and 42±2μm in subjects without the MetS (P<0.0001) during 6- years. Subjects who lost the MetS diagnosis during 6-year follow-up had reduced IMT progression compared to persistent MetS group (0.036±0.005vs.0.079±0.010 mm, P=0.001) and reduced Cdist change compared to incident MetS group (-0.12±0.05vs.-0.38±0.10 %/mmHg, P=0.03) over 6-year follow-up. MetS predicted elevated ALT (β±SEM=0.380±0.052, P<0.0001 in men and 0.160±0.052, P=0.002 in women) and GGT (β±SEM=0.240±0.058, P<0.0001 in men and 0.262±0.053, P<0.0001 in women) levels after 6-years. Conclusions: These findings suggest that apoB may give additional information on early metabolic disturbances predisposing MetS. MetS may be used to identify individuals at increased risk of developing atherosclerosis and non-alcoholic liver disease. However, recovery from the MetS may have positive effects on liver and vascular properties.
O câncer cérvico-uterino é muito comum em vários países da América Latina. As estatísticas de mortalidade e as taxas de incidência demonstram a sua real importância. O cânver cérvico-uterino freqüentemente é uma doença progressiva iniciada com mudanças intra-epiteliais, que podem se transformar em um processo invasivo, sendo o nosso objetivo tratar precocemente estas lesões quando ainda é possível a cura de 100%. Em nosso estudo prospectivo foram selecionadas 21 pacientes com neoplasia cervical intra-epitelial reatreadas pela citplogia e diagnosticadas pela histopatologia após biópsia dirigida pela colposcopia. O método terapêutico empregado foi a vaporização a laser com o CO2. Tiveram como pré-requisito os seguintes critérios: informação segura pela colposcopia da zona de transformação e afastar a presença de câncer invasivo; a neoplasia epitelial cervical deve ocupar a ectocervix sem nenhuma extensão para o canal cervical e correlação positiva entre a citologia, colposcopia e histologia. O uso de laser CO2 com microscópio permitiu precisão na aplicação e com vantagens de ser um procedimento ambulatorial diminuindo estresse cirúrgico das pacientes. Foi realizado sem anestesia e com duração média de 15 minutos. A cicatrização completou-se em torno de três semanas e com cuidados operatórios mínimos. Somente dois casos tiveram sangramento vaginal discreto no quinto e décimo dia de pós-operatório, resolvido com tamponamento vaginal por 24 horas. A colposcopia, cirurgia e o seguimento foram feitos pelo autor, tendo uma paciente sido submetida a uma segunda vaporização no quinto mês de controle. Somente uma paciente teve recidiva no 26° mês de seguimento e complementará o tratamento. As vinte outras restantes estão em controle sem recidiva de doença. Em vista dos resultados obtivemos um percentual de cura de 95%, que coincide com a literatura. O uso de laser CO2 no tratamento das neoplasias cervicais intra-epiteliais (NIC) ou virais tem sido estimulado como uma alternativa digna de ser seguida pelas seguintes razões: cirurgia de não contato, tratamento rápido e indolor, diminuição das custas da internação; complicações mínimas e sem efeito subseqüente sobre a fertilidade e competência cervical, menor necrose térmica, e possibilidade de novo tratamento ambulatorial. Por estas razões e pelo alto percentual de cura podemos concluir que a cirurgia proposta foi vantajosa para o tratamento da neoplasia cervical intra-epitelial, quando comparada com outros métodos de tratamento.
The papillary cystic and solid tumor of the pancreas is rare. It occurs predominantly in young women and most present a benign behavior. The most common clinical sign is a large palpable abdominal mass. The pathogenesis of this tumor has attracted a number of investigations but remains unclear. We present a 18 year old white woman with abdominal mass detected after cesarian. Clinical examination showed minimal tenderness. There was no history of weight loss or jaundice. Haematological parameters were normal, except anaemia. The computed tomography was performed and surprisingly showed a 10 cm mass in the region of the tail of the pancreas. An extended distal pancreatectomy was performed with splenic preservation. The patient had an uneventful recovery and two months later remains asymptomatic.
Papyllary cystic tumor of the pancreas, so-called Frantz's tumor, is rare. Clinical presentation of this disease is usually a slowly growing abdominal mass with or without abdominal pain, affecting predominantly young females. Its pathogenesis is still unknown . Surgical resection is usually curative, and prognosis is excellent. The authors report two pancreatic tumor cases(Frantz's tumor) in women aged 26 and 31 years old. Pre operative assessment showed a solid-cystic tumor of the tail and body of the pancreas. An extended distal pancreatectomy was performed without splenic preservation.
Cateteres venosos totalmente implantáveis em pacientes com neoplasia hematológica e não hematológica
OBJETIVO: Analisar se a presença de neoplasia hematológica acarreta maior risco de complicações para inserção de cateteres totalmente implantáveis e se há diferença de tempo cirúrgico quando o procedimento é realizado por punção ou dissecção venosa. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 68 pacientes com neoplasia internados no Hospital Santa Rita de Porto Alegre entre fevereiro de 1998 e dezembro de 1999, os quais necessitavam de acesso venoso central para tratamento quimioterápico, sendo 48 do sexo feminino e com idade média de 55,6 anos. Desses, 31 apresentavam neoplasia hematológica. RESULTADOS: Complicações pós-operatórias ocorreram em 13 pacientes (19%), sendo elas: obstrução do sistema (7%), hematoma (6%) e infecção (6%), não havendo diferença quanto ao tipo de neoplasia (p = 0,56). Foram realizadas dissecção e punção venosa em 30 e 38 pacientes, respectivamente, sem diferença em relação ao tempo de implantação do cateter (p = 0,42). CONCLUSÃO: Neoplasias hematológicas não aumentaram o risco de complicações quando do uso de cateteres totalmente implantáveis no presente estudo, além disso, ambas as técnicas cirúrgicas - dissecção ou punção - são exeqüíveis, haja visto o tempo cirúrgico semelhante entre elas, desde que sejam respeitados o valor sérico mínimo de plaquetas (50.000/mL) e a técnica cirúrgica apropriada, com hemostasia rigorosa e curativo compressivo.
A 33-year-old man presented to our department with a 4-month history of right quadrant abdominal pain. Physical examination was normal. A chest X-ray showed no remarkable findings. Ultrasonography demonstrated a hypoechoic mass measuring 6 cm in the head of the pancreas. Computed tomography confirmed a solid mass in the pancreas without Wirsung or bile duct dilatation. At laparotomy, excision a 6 cm egg-shaped and hypervascular mass in the head of the pancreas was performed. Histologically, the features were consistent with Castleman disease. Castleman's disease is a rare, usually benign lymphoid condition described by Castleman (1954) and characterized by giant lymph nodes. Surgical resection is diagnostic and curative.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a ação da timulina em pacientes com neoplasia maligna, submetidos ao tratamento, com e sem quimioterapia e radioterapia complementar (QT/RT). MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo realizado em 50 pacientes, analisando as variações das taxas de leucócitos, linfócitos totais e da relação de linfócitos CD4/CD8 após imunoestimulação com timulina. RESULTADOS: No grupo submetido à QT/RT ocorreu um aumento do número de leucócitos após seis meses em 43,33% dos casos, e em 83,33% após 12 meses. Com relação aos linfócitos totais, após seis meses, 63,33% apresentaram níveis maiores, e depois de 12 meses isto ocorreu em casos 90% dos casos. A relação de linfócitos CD4/CD8 mostrou um aumento em 66,66%, e em 90% depois após 6 e 12 meses respectivamente. A análise estatística se mostrou significante com o teste de ANOVA one way. No grupo não submetido à QT/RT a elevação dos níveis de leucócitos ocorreu em 85% dos pacientes aos seis meses e em 90% aos 12 meses. As taxas de linfócitos se elevaram em 60% dos casos em seis meses e em 85% após 12 meses. A relação CD4/CD8 se tornou maior tanto aos seis como aos 12 meses em 65%. A análise estatística mostrou relevância com o teste "t" de Student e o de ANOVA one way. Não houve necessidade de interrupção dos ciclos de QT/RT e nenhum paciente referiu intolerância à timulina. CONCLUSÃO: O uso da timulina foi capaz de restaurar a resposta imune, reduzir os danos imunossupressores e colaterais induzidos pela terapia antineoplásica e não apresentou efeitos colaterais.
OBJETIVO: Comparar os níveis séricos de CA19-9 e CEA e a expressão tecidual do CA19-9 e relacioná-los com os aspectos morfológicos do carcinoma colorretal. MÉTODOS: Quarenta e cinco pacientes com carcinoma colorretal foram operados com coleta de CEA e CA19-9 séricos pré-operatórios. Valores séricos de CEA = 5,0ng/mL e de CA19-9 = 37UI/mL foram considerados aumentados. A avaliação da imunoexpressão do CA19-9 no tecido neoplásico foi realizada por meio de estudo imunoistoquímico com anticorpo monoclonal anti-CA19-9. A intensidade de expressão do CA19-9 no tecido neoplásico foi semiquantificada em leve(+/+++), moderada(++/+++), intensa(+++/+++) e ausente. RESULTADOS: Os valores do CA19-9 sérico foram progressivamente maiores conforme o aumento da expressão do CA19-9 no tecido neoplásico, porém sem significância (p=0,06). O aumento do nível sérico do CA19-9 foi acompanhado de elevação significante (p<0,001) do nível sérico do CEA. O nível sérico do CA19-9, a imunoexpressão tecidual do CA19-9 e o nível sérico do CEA não apresentaram associação significante com características morfológicas do carcinoma colorretal. CONCLUSÃO: As expressões sérica e tissular do CA19-9 demonstraram relação diretamente proporcional entre si, enquanto que os aspectos morfológicos da neoplasia não tiveram influência no CEA e CA19-9 séricos ou na imunoexpressão do CA19-9 tissular.
OBJECTIVE: To verify whether the ileal exclusion interferes with liver and kidney functional changes secondary to extrahepatic cholestasis.METHODS: We studied 24 rats, divided into three groups with eight individuals each: Group 1 (control), Group 2 (ligation of the hepatic duct combined with internal biliary drainage), and Group 3 (bile duct ligation combined with internal biliary drainage and exclusion of the terminal ileum). Animals in Group 1 (control) underwent sham laparotomy. The animals of groups 2 and 3 underwent ligation and section of the hepatic duct and were kept in cholestasis for four weeks. Next, they underwent an internal biliary bypass. In Group 3, besides the biliary-enteric bypass, we associated the exclusion of the last ten centimeters of the terminal ileum and carried out an ileocolic anastomosis. After four weeks of monitoring, blood was collected from all animals of the three groups for liver and kidney biochemical evaluation (albumin, ALT, AST, direct and indirect bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, cGT, creatinine and urea).RESULTS: there were increased values of ALT, AST, direct bilirubin, cGT, creatinine and urea in rats from Group 3 (p < 0.05).CONCLUSION: ileal exclusion worsened liver and kidney functions in the murine model of extrahepatic cholestasis, being disadvantageous as therapeutic procedure for cholestatic disorders.
Objective : to evaluate the epidemiological variables and diagnostic and therapeutic modalities related to hepatic trauma patients undergoing laparotomy in a public referral hospital in the metropolitan region of Vitória-ES. Methods : we conducted a retrospective study, reviewing charts of trauma patients with liver injuries, whether isolated or in association with other organs, who underwent exploratory laparotomy, from January 2011 to December 2013. Results : We studied 392 patients, 107 of these with liver injury. The male: female ratio was 6.6 : 1 and the mean age was 30.12 years. Penetrating liver trauma occurred in 78.5% of patients, mostly with firearms. Associated injuries occurred in 86% of cases and intra-abdominal injuries were more common in penetrating trauma (p <0.01). The most commonly used operative technique was hepatorrhaphy and damage control surgery was applied in 6.5% of patients. The average amounts of blood products used were 6.07 units of packed red blood cells and 3.01 units of fresh frozen plasma. The incidence of postoperative complications was 29.9%, the most frequent being infectious, including pneumonia, peritonitis and intra-abdominal abscess. The survival rate of patients suffering from blunt trauma was 60%, and penetrating trauma, 87.5% (p <0.05). Conclusion : despite technological advances in diagnosis and treatment, mortality rates in liver trauma remain high, especially in patients suffering from blunt trauma in relation to penetrating one.
Objetivo: investigar alguns aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e patológicos dos vários graus de neoplasia intra-epitelial vilvar (NIV) e sua relação com o papilomavírus humano (HPV). Métodos: foram analisados os prontuários de 46 mulheres atendidas no Centro de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher da Universidade Estadual de Campinas de janeiro de 1986 a dezembro de 1997. Para análise estatística foram utilizados os testes do chi2, com correção de Yates quando necessário, e exato de Fisher. Em relação à gravidade da lesão vulvar, seis mulheres apresentavam NIV 1, seis NIV 2 e 34 NIV 3. Resultados: A idade, estado menstrual e idade da atividade sexual não estiveram relacionados com a gravidade da NIV, porém, as mulheres com mais de um parceiro sexual mostraram uma tendência maior a apresentar NIV 3 (p=0,090). O tabagismo esteve significativamente associado à gravidade da lesão vulvar (p= 0,031). O HPV foi mais freqüente nas mulheres com idade inferior a 35 anos (p=0,005) e naquelas com múltiplas lesões (p=0,089). Embora o número não tenha mostrado relação com a gravidade da NIV (p=0,703), lesões maiores que 2 cm estiveram significativamente associadas com NIV 3 (p=0,009). O tratamento mais utilizado para NIV 3 foi cirúrgico, com exérese ou vulvectomia simples. Entre as oito mulheres que apresentaram recidiva, apenas uma era portadora de NIV 2. Conclusões: Entre as mulheres com NIV, as fumantes e com mais de um parceiro sexual apresentaram lesões mais graves. A presença de HPV foi maior nas pacientes jovens com múltiplas lesões. Mulheres com NIV 3 apresentaram lesões maiores que 2 cm e uma alta taxa de recidiva, independentemente do tratamento utilizado.