992 resultados para Heavy ion collisions
Using data taken by SELEX during the 1996-1997 fixed target run at Fermilab, we study the production of charmed hadrons on copper and carbon targets with Sigma(-), p, pi(-), and pi(+) beams. Parametrizing the dependence of the inclusive production cross section on the atomic number A as A(alpha), we determine alpha for D(+), D(0), D(s)(+), D(+)(2010), Lambda(+)(c), and their respective anti-particles, as a function of their transverse momentum p(t) and scaled longitudinal momentum x(F). Within our statistics there is no dependence of alpha on x(F) for any charm species for the interval 0.1 < x(F) < 1.0. The average value of alpha for charm production by pion beams is alpha(meson) = 0.850 +/- 0.028. This is somewhat larger than the corresponding average alpha(baryon) = 0.755 +/- 0.016 for charm production by baryon beams (Sigma(-), p).
We present a method to determine the magnitude of the uncorrelated background distribution obtained with the event mixing technique, through the simultaneous observation of the projectile elastic scattering in different detectors, which correspond to random coincidences. The procedure is tested with alpha-d angular correlation data from the (6)Li + (59)Co reaction at E(lab) = 29.6 MeV. We also show that the method can be applied using the product of singles events, when singles measurements are available. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this work, we investigate the limitation of the use of strength coefficients on double folding potentials to study the presence of the threshold anomaly in the elastic scattering of halo nuclei at near barrier energies. For this purpose, elastic angular distributions and reaction cross sections for the He-6 on Bi-209 are studied. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Um dos problemas teóricos mais importantes da Física de Partículas de Altas Energias é a investigação de efeitos de alta densidade na Cromodinâmica Quântica (QCD), que é a teoria que descreve as interações fortes. Tais efeitos são importantes pois determinam os observáveis em colisõesde altas energias. Em processos hadrônicos de energia suficientemente alta, espera-se a formação de sistemas densos o suficiente para que efeitos não lineares de QCD passem a ser significativos na descrição e na unitarização da seção de choque. Na descrição de processos de espalhamento de altas energias, evidências experimentais indicam que os hádrons são constituídos por partículas puntuais, as quais chamamos de pártons. Os pártons carregam uma fração x do momentum total do hádron, e são de dois tipos, quarks e glúons. Na interação entre as partículas ocorre a troca de momentum, definida como Q2. A descrição perturbativa padrão para a evolução dinâmica das distribuições de quarks q(x, Q2) e glúons g(x, Q2), pode ser dada pelas equações de evolução DGLAP, e tem obtido sucesso na descrição dos resultados experimentais para as presentes energias. Na evolução DGLAP, são considerados apenas processos de emissão, como a emissão de um glúon por um quark, o decaimento de um glúon em um par de quarks ou em um par de glúons Estes processos de emissão tendem a aumentar a densidade de pártons na região de pequeno momentum, levando a um crescimento ilimitado das distribuições partônicas para x -+ O. Assim, é esperado que o crescimento da densidade de pártons leve a interação e recombinação destas partículas, dando origem a termos não lineares nas equações de evolução. O resultado seria um processo de saturação das distribuições de pártons na região de alta energia e pequena fração de momentum. Os efeitos que dão origem à redução do crescimento das distribuições de quarks e glúons em relação a evolução linear são chamados genericamente de efeitos de sombreamento. Um dos aspectos fenomenológicosinteressantes a ser investigado no regime cinemático abordado acima é o processo Drell-Yan de alta energia, o qual consiste em processos de espalhamento pp, pA e AA com a produção de pares de léptons. Com o advento dos novos aceleradores, novos resultados experimentais estarão disponíveis na literatura relacionados com este processo. Em nosso trabalho investigamos os efeitos das correções de unitariedade em processos pp, bem como os efeitos devido a presença do meio nuclear em colisõespA e AA, nas distribuições de quarks e glúons, para a descrição da seção de choque diferencial para o processo Drell-Yan em colisõespp, pA e AA, para energias existentes nos novos aceleradores RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider) e LHC (Large Ion Collider). Os efeitos de alta densidade são baseados no formalismo de Glauber-Mueller. Os resultados aqui apresentados mostram que os efeitos de alta densidade nas distribuições partônicas são importantes para altas energias, pois a descrição da seção de choque para o processo Drell-Yan, quando os efeitos de alta densidade são considerados, apresenta significativas diferenças da descrição onde não considera-se tais efeitos.
Extensive systematizations of theoretical and experimental nuclear densities and of optical potential strengths extracted from heavy-ion elastic scattering data analyses at low and intermediate energies are presented. The energy-dependence of the nuclear potential is accounted for within a model based on the nonlocal nature of the interaction. The systematics indicates that the heavy-ion nuclear potential can be described in a simple global way through a double-folding shape, which basically depends only on the density of nucleons of the partners in the collision. The possibility of extracting information about the nucleon-nucleon interaction from the heavy-ion potential is investigated.
Renormalized fixed-point Hamiltonians are formulated for systems described by interactions that originally contain point-like singularities (as the Dirac-delta and/or its derivatives). They express the renormalization group invariance of quantum mechanics. The present approach for the renormalization scheme relies on a subtracted T-matrix equation.
We briefly discuss four different possible types of transitions from quark to hadronic matter and their characteristic signatures in terms of correlations. We also highlight the effects arising from mass modification of hadrons in hot and dense hadronic matter, as well as their quantum statistical consequences: the appearance of squeezed quantum states and the associated experimental signatures, i.e., the back-to-back correlations of particle-antiparticle pairs. We briefly review the theoretical results of these squeezed quanta, generated by in-medium modified masses, starting from the first indication of the existence of surprising particle-antiparticle correlations, and ending by considering the effects of chiral dynamics on these correlation patterns. Nevertheless, a prerequisite for such a signature is the experimental verification of its observability. Therefore, the experimental observation of back-to-back correlations in high energy heavy ion reactions would be a unique signature, proving the existence of in-medium mass modification of hadronic states. on the other hand, their disappearance at some threshold centrality or collision energy would indicate that the hadron formation mechanism would have qualitatively changed: asymptotic hadrons above such a threshold are not formed from medium modified hadrons anymore, but rather by new degrees of freedom characterizing the medium. Furthermore, the disappearance of the squeezed BBC could also serve as a signature of a sudden, non-equilibrium hadronization scenario from a supercooled quark-gluon plasma phase.
Sharp transitions are perhaps absent in QCD, so that one looks for physical quantities which may reflect the phase change. One such quantity is the sound velocity which was shown in lattice theory to become zero at the transition point for pure glue. We show that even in a simple bag model the sound velocity goes to zero at temperature T = T(v) not-equal 0 and that the numerical value of this T(v) depends on the nature of the meson. The average thermal energy of mesons goes linearly with T near T(v), with much smaller slope for the pion. The T(v) - s can be connected with the Boltzmann temperatures obtained from transverse momentum spectrum of these mesons in heavy-ion collision at mid-rapidity. It would be interesting to check the presence of different T(v) - s in present day finite T lattice theory.
Extensive systematizations of theoretical and experimental nuclear densities and of optical potential strengths extracted from heavy-ion elastic scattering data analyses at low and intermediate energies are presented. The energy dependence of the nuclear potential is accounted for within a model based on the nonlocal nature of the interaction. The systematics indicates that the heavy-ion nuclear potential can be described in a simple global way through a double-folding shape, which basically depends only on the density of nucleons of the partners in the collision. The possibility of extracting information about the nucleon-nucleon interaction from the heavy-ion potential is investigated.
The usual particle emission scenario used in hydrodynamics presupposes that particles instantaneously stop interacting (freeze-out) once they reach some three dimensional surface. Another formalism has been developed recently where particle emission occurs continuously during the whole expansion of thermalized matter. Here we compare both mechanisms in a simplified hydrodynamical framework and show that they lead to a drastically different interpretation of data.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Recalibration of U-doped standard glasses through uranium thin film for neutron-fluence measurements
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Alfven eigenmodes (AEs) were studied in neutral beam injection (NBI) heated plasmas in the TJ-II stellarator using a heavy ion beam probe (HIBP) in the core, and by Langmuir (LP) and Mirnov probes (MP) at the edge. AEs were detected over the whole plasma radius by the HIBP with a spatial resolution of about 1 cm. AE-induced oscillations were detected in the plasma density n(e), electric potential phi and poloidal magnetic field B-pol with frequencies 50 kHz < f(AE) < 300 kHz. The LP, MP and HIBP data showed a high level of coherency for specific branches of AEs. Poloidal mode wave-vectors k(theta), mode numbers m (m < 8) and propagation velocities V-theta similar to 30 km s(-1) were detected for various branches of AEs, having different radial locations. When the density rose due to NBI fuelling, the AE frequency decreased as predicted by the Alfven law f(AE) similar to n(e)(-1/2). During the AE frequency decay the following new AE features were observed: (i) the poloidal wave-vector k(theta) and mode number m remained constant, (ii) the cross-phases between the oscillations in B-pol, n(e) and electric potential remained constant, having an individual value for each AE branch, (iii) V-theta decreased proportional to the AE frequency. The interaction of the AEs with the bulk (thermal) plasma resulted in clearly pronounced quasi-coherent peaks in the electrostatic turbulent particle flux spectra. Various AE branches exhibited different contributions to the particle flux: outward, inward and also zero, depending on the phase relations between the oscillations in E-pol and n(e), which are specific for each branch. A comparison with MHD mode modelling indicated that some of the more prominent frequency branches can be identified as radially extended helical AEs.
We consider the influence of breakup channels on the complete fusion of weakly bound systems in terms of dynamic polarization potentials. It is argued that the enhancement of the cross section at sub-barrier energies may be consistent with recent experimental observations that nucleon transfer, often leading to breakup, is dominant compared to direct breakup. The main trends of the experimental complete fusion cross sections are analyzed in the framework of the DPP approach. The qualitative conclusions are supported by CDCC calculations including a sequential breakup channel, the one neutron stripping of Li-7 followed by the breakup of Li-6.