931 resultados para Heat-shock Response


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Estudos recentes estabelecem uma ligação entre erros na tradução do mRNA e cancro, envelhecimento e neurodegeneração. RNAs de transferência mutantes que introduzem aminoácidos em locais errados nas proteínas aumentam a produção de espécies reactivas de oxigénio e a expressão de genes que regulam autofagia, ribofagia, degradação de proteínas não-funcionais e protecção contra o stress oxidativo. Erros na tradução do mRNA estão portanto relacionados com stress proteotóxico. Sabe-se agora que o mecanismo de toxicidade do crómio está associado à diminuição da fidelidade de tradução e à agregação de proteínas com malformações que destabilizam a sua estrutura terciária. Desta forma, é possível que os efeitos do stress ambiental ao nível da degeneração celular possam estar relacionados com a alteração da integridade da maquinaria da tradução. Neste estudo procedeu-se a uma avaliação alargada do impacto do stress ambiental na fidelidade da síntese de proteínas, utilizando S. cerevisiae como um sistema modelo. Para isso recorreu-se a repórteres policistrónicos de luciferase que permitiram quantificar especificamente a supressão de codões de terminação e o erro na leitura do codão AUG em células exposta a concentações não letais de metais pesados, etanol, cafeína e H2O2. Os resultados sugerem que a maquinaria de tradução é na generalidade muito resistente ao stress ambiental, devido a uma conjugação de mecanismos de homeostase que muito eficientemente antagonizam o impacto negativo dos erros de tradução. A nossa abordagem quantitativa permitiu-nos a identificar genes regulados por uma resposta programada ao stress ambiental que são também essenciais para mitigar a ocorrência de erros de tradução, nomeadamente, HSP12, HSP104 e RPN4. A exposição prolongada ao stress ambiental conduz à saturação dos mecanismos de homeostase, contribuindo para a acumulação de proteínas contendo erros de tradução e diminuindo a disponibilidade de proteínas funcionais directamente envolvidas na manutenção da fidelidade de tradução e integridade celular. Ao contrário de outras Hsps, a Hsp12p adopta normalmente uma localização membranar em condições de stress, que pode modular a fluidez e estabilidade membranar, sugerindo que a membrana plasmática é um alvo preferencial da perda de fidelidade da tradução. Para melhor compreender as respostas celulares aos erros de tradução, células contendo deleções em genes codificadores das Hsps foram transformadas com tRNAs mutantes que introduzem alterações no proteoma. Os nossos resultados demonstram que para além da resposta geral ao stress, estes tRNAs induzem alterações a nível do metabolismo celular e um aumento de aminoacilação com Metionina em vários tRNAs, sugerindo um mecanismo de protecção contra espécies reactivas de oxigénio. Em conclusão, este estudo sugere um papel para os erros de tradução na gestão de recursos energéticos e na adaptação das células a ambientes desfavoráveis.


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Neuropeptides are the largest group of signalling chemicals that can convey the information from the brain to the cells of all tissues. DPKQDFMRFamide, a member of one of the largest families of neuropeptides, FMRFamide-like peptides, has modulatory effects on nerve-evoked contractions of Drosophila body wall muscles (Hewes et aI.,1998) which are at least in part mediated by the ability of the peptide to enhance neurotransmitter release from the presynaptic terminal (Hewes et aI., 1998, Dunn & Mercier., 2005). However, DPKQDFMRFamide is also able to act directly on Drosophila body wall muscles by inducing contractions which require the influx of extracellular Ca 2+ (Clark et aI., 2008). The present study was aimed at identifying which proteins, including the membrane-bound receptor and second messenger molecules, are involved in mechanisms mediating this myotropic effect of the peptide. DPKQDFMRFamide induced contractions were reduced by 70% and 90%, respectively, in larvae in which FMRFamide G-protein coupled receptor gene (CG2114) was silenced either ubiquitously or specifically in muscle tissue, when compared to the response of the control larvae in which the expression of the same gene was not manipulated. Using an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) method, it was determined that at concentrations of 1 ~M- 0.01 ~M, the peptide failed to increase cAMP and cGMP levels in Drosophila body wall muscles. In addition, the physiological effect of DPKQDFMRFamide at a threshold dose was not potentiated by 3-lsobutyl-1-methylxanthine, a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, nor was the response to 1 ~M peptide blocked or reduced by inhibitors of cAMP-dependent or cGMP-dependent protein kinases. The response to DPKQDFMRFamide was not affected in the mutants of the phosholipase C-~ (PLC~) gene (norpA larvae) or IP3 receptor mutants, which suggested that the PLC-IP3 pathway is not involved in mediat ing the peptide's effects. Alatransgenic flies lacking activity of calcium/calmodul in-dependent protein kinase (CamKII showed an increase in muscle tonus following the application of 1 JlM DPKQDFMRFamide similar to the control larvae. Heat shock treatment potentiated the response to DPKQDFMRFamide in both ala1 and control flies by approximately 150 and 100 % from a non heat-shocked larvae, respectively. Furthermore, a CaMKII inhibitor, KN-93, did not affect the ability of peptide to increase muscle tonus. Thus, al though DPKQDFMRFamide acts through a G-protein coupled FMRFamide receptor, it does not appear to act via cAMP, cGMP, IP3, PLC or CaMKl1. The mechanism through which the FMRFamide receptor acts remains to be determined.


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Les urodèles amphibiens, dont fait partie l’axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum), ont la capacité de régénérer leurs organes et membres suite à une amputation, tout au long de leur vie. La patte est l’organe dont le processus de régénération est le mieux caractérisé et ce dernier est divisé en deux phases principales. La première est la phase de préparation et commence immédiatement suite à l’amputation. Elle renferme des étapes essentielles au processus de régénération comme la guérison de la plaie et la formation d’une coiffe apicale ectodermique. Par la suite, les fibroblastes du derme et certaines cellules musculaires vont revenir à un état pluripotent via un processus appelé dédifférenciation cellulaire. Une fois dédifférenciées, ces cellules migrent et s’accumulent sous la coiffe apicale pour former le blastème. Lors de la phase de redéveloppement, les cellules du blastème se divisent puis se redifférencient pour régénérer la partie amputée. Fait intéressant, la régénération d’un membre ou la guérison d’une plaie chez l’axolotl ne mène jamais à la formation d’une cicatrice. Afin d’en apprendre plus sur le contrôle moléculaire de la régénération, les gènes Heat-shock protein-70 (Hsp-70) et Transforming growth factor-β1 (Tgf-β1) ont été sélectionnés. Ces gènes jouent un rôle important dans la réponse au stress et lors de la guérison des plaies chez les mammifères. HSP-70 est une chaperonne moléculaire qui est produite pour maintenir l’intégrité des protéines cellulaires lorsqu’un stress se présente. TGF-β1 est une cytokine produite suite à une blessure qui active la réponse inflammatoire et qui stimule la fermeture de la plaie chez les amniotes. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse démontrent que Hsp-70 est exprimé et régulé lors du développement et de la régénération du membre chez l’axolotl. D’autre part, nos expériences ont mené à l’isolation de la séquence codante pour Tgf-β1 chez l’axolotl. Nos résultats montrent que Tgf-β1 est exprimé spécifiquement lors de la phase de préparation dans le membre en régénération. De plus, le blocage de la voie des Tgf-β avec l’inhibiteur pharmacologique SB-431542, lors de la régénération, mène à l’inhibition du processus. Ceci démontre que la signalisation via la voie des Tgf-β est essentielle à la régénération du membre chez l’axolotl.


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TDP-43 est une protéine multifonctionnelle possédant des rôles dans la transcription, l'épissage des pré-ARNm, la stabilité et le transport des ARNm. TDP-43 interagit avec d'autres hnRNP, incluant hnRNP A2, via son extrémité C-terminale. Plusieurs membres de la famille des hnRNP étant impliqués dans la réponse au stress cellulaire, alors nous avons émis l’hypothèse que TDP-43 pouvait y participer aussi. Nos résultats démontrent que TDP-43 et hnRNP A2 sont localisés au niveau des granules de stress, à la suite d’un stress oxydatif, d’un choc thermique, et lors de l’exposition à la thapsigargine. TDP-43 contribue à la fois à l'assemblage et au maintien des granules de stress en réponse au stress oxydatif. TDP-43 régule aussi de façon différentielle les composants clés des granules de stress, notamment TIA-1 et G3BP. L'agrégation contrôlée de TIA-1 est perturbée en l'absence de TDP-43. En outre, TDP-43 régule le niveau d`ARNm de G3BP, un facteur de granule de stress de nucléation. La mutation associée à la sclérose latérale amyotrophique, TDP-43R361S, compromet la formation de granules de stress. Ainsi, la fonction cellulaire de TDP-43 s'étend au-delà de l’épissage; TDP-43 est aussi un composant de la réponse cellulaire au stress central et un acteur actif dans le stockage des ARNs.


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La sclérose latérale amyotrophique (SLA) est une maladie neurodégénérative due à une dégénérescence des motoneurones. Plus de 40 mutations du gène TARDBP ont été identifiées chez des patients SLA. Les défauts biochimiques de ces mutations étant encore inconnus, les modèles animaux sont présentement la seule mesure possible d’un phénotype. Pour étudier les conséquences physiopathologiques d’une de ces mutations, nous avons développé deux lignées transgéniques de poisson zébré, exprimant le gène humain TARDBP soit de type sauvage, soit avec la mutation G348C liée à la SLA, sous le contrôle d’un promoteur de choc thermique. Ces lignées ont été étudiées sur trois générations, après avoir établi un protocole de choc thermique induisant une expression ubiquitaire du transgène. Les embryons transgéniques de la génération F2 de la lignée exprimant la mutation développent un phénotype moteur suite à un choc thermique de 38.5°C pendant 30 minutes lorsque les embryons sont à 18 heures post-fertilisation. 60% des embryons ont une réponse anormale au toucher. De plus, une réduction de 28% de la longueur de pré-branchement des axones des motoneurones est observée. Ces résultats indiquent que notre lignée exprimant la protéine mutante TDP-43 est un modèle génétique de la SLA prometteur, qui ouvre des perspectives pour la compréhension de la physiopathologie de la maladie et la découverte de molécules thérapeutiques.


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Els organismes responen a la temperatura i a molts altres estressos sintetitzant un grup de proteïnes anomenat proteïnes de xoc de calor (HSPs). En plantes les sHsps, d'entre 15 i 30 kDa formen el grup més abundant i divers, classificat en funció de la seva localització subcel.lular i homologia en: mitocondrials, cloroplàstiques, de reticle endoplasmàtic i citoplàsmiques de classe I i II. Les sHsps-CI s'ha descrit que s'indueixen per estrès tèrmic, hídric i oxidatiu (peròxid d'hidrògen, llum UV, ozó) i en resposta a algunes hormones. També s'expressen durant el desenvolupament, per exemple durant l'embriogènesi, on es creu que podrien tenir un paper protector de l'embrió enfront la dessecació. Tot i que hi ha abundants treballs que correlacionen la resistència a l'estrès i l'acumulació de sHsps-CI, els mecanismes moleculars d'aquesta activitat són poc conguts. Tot i això, per diverses sHsps-CI ha estat descrita una activitat xaperona in vitro i, més recentment, que la seva sobreexpressió augmenta la viabilitat de cèl.lules d'E.coli en condicions d'estrès tèrmic. L'estudi de l'acumulació de sHsps-CI en surera (Quercus suber) mitjançant immunodetecció en electroforesi bidimensional mostra uns patrons d'acumulació complexos i formats per dos grups d'espècies proteiques principals, a l'entorn dels 10 i 17 kDa respectivament, que mostren una inducció diferencial en funció del teixit i l'estrès. Mentre que les espècies proteiques de 17 kDa s'indueixen per temperatura però no per estrès oxidatiu, les de ca. 10 kDa ho fan per estrès oxidatiu i no per temperatura. Ambdós grups d'espècies proteiques s'acumulen conjuntament en fel.lema. Assajos de PCR i RT-PCR han permès clonar parcialment tres noves sHsps-CI en surera: Qshsp10-CI, QshspC-CI i QshspD-CI. Aquest fet confirma la multigeneïcitat de les sHsps-CI en surera que apuntava el patró bidimensional. Dels nous clons obtinguts destaca especialment Qshsp10-CI, un gen que presenta un codó stop enmig del domini -cristal.lí que fa que a la proteïna que se'n dedueix li manqui un 55% del domini -cristal.lí i tota l'extensió C-terminal. Es tractaria de la sHsp més petita i més truncada descrita fins al moment. L'anàlisi de l'expressió de Qshsp10-CI mitjançant RT-PCR mostra expressió en plantes tractades amb H2O2 però no en les que han estat sotmeses a un xoc de calor. Aprofitant l'oportunitat que oferia aquesta sHsp-CI de ser utilitzada com a model per l'estudi de la importància del domini -cristal.lí i l'extensió C-terminal en l'activitat protectora enfront l'estrès, es va voler determinar la capacitat que tenia d'augmentar la viabilitat de cèl.lules d'E. coli en condicions d'estrès tèrmic i oxidatiu. Els resultats mostren que la proteïna recombinant QsHsp10-CI, tot i la important truncació que té, és capaç de protegir cèl.lules d'E. coli en condicions d'estrès tèrmic i, remarcablement, en condicions d'estrès oxidatiu. Tots aquests resultats indiquen que les espècies proteiques de ca. 10 kDa podrien correspondre a Qshsp10-CI i tenir un paper en les cèl.lules del fel.lema en la protecció enfront l'estrès oxidatiu. L'estrès oxidatiu provoca lesions al DNA que poden produir errors en la replicació, transcripció o traducció i generar proteïnes aberrants. Donades les condicions d'estrès oxidatiu a les quals es troben sotmeses les cèl.lules del fel.lema, s'ha volgut estudiar la variabilitat dels seus àcids nucleics. La determinació de la taxa de mutació de la regió codificant del gen Qshsp17.4-CI en mRNA i DNA de fel.lema i àpex radicular, un teixit jove i en creixement actiu va mostrar unes taxes sorprenentment elevades en l'mRNA (1/1784 pb) i el DNA genòmic (1/1520 pb) del fel.lema. Aquestes taxes són les més altes descrites en un genoma nuclear eucariota i són similars a les dels virus d'RNA d'evolució ràpida com el virus de l'Hepatitis C. Amb aquestes taxes de mutació, un terç dels mRNAs del fel.lema de la surera contindrien missatges aberrants i la supervivència de les cel.lules es veuria compromesa. Això implica que el fel.lema hauria de ser considerat com un mosaic de cèl.lules genèticament heterogènies i, per tant, una sola seqüència no defineix en tota la seva amplitud un gen en aquest teixit. No es va detectar cap mutació en àpex de rel. Amb l'objectiu d'aprofundir en el coneixement de les mutacions que es donen en aquests dos teixits i per tal de poder fer una anàlisi qualitativa més completa que permetés especular sobre el seu origen, es va aplicar un mètode de selecció de seqüències mutants en base a la utilització d'enzims de restricció. Les mutacions detectades en fel.lema es corresponen amb les relacionades, en altres sistemes no nuclears (plasmidis, fags i DNA bacterià), amb l'estrès oxidatiu. En conseqüència, l'estrès oxidatiu al qual estan sotmeses les cèl.lules del fel.lema podria ser el causant de l'elevada taxa de mutació detectada. D'acord amb això, el tipus majoritari de productes d'oxidació de les bases del DNA que s'acumulen en brots de plàntules de surera en resposta al peròxid d'hidrògen produeixen el mateix tipus de mutacions detectades en l'mRNA del fel.lema de la surera. La major sensibilitat d'aquest nou mètode ha permès, a més, detectar mutacions en molècules d'mRNA de rel, un teixit en el qual no s'havia trobat cap mutació utilitzant el mètode de clonatge i seqüenciació directa. Tot i això, el tipus de mutacions predominants no estan relacionades amb l'estrès oxidatiu sinó amb erros en la reparació dels àcids nucleics.


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Background: The incidence of cardiovascular diseases increases after menopause, and soy consumption is suggested to inhibit disease development. Objective: The objective was to identify biomarkers of response to a dietary supplementation with an isoflavone extract in postmenopausal women by proteome analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Design: The study with healthy postmenopausal woman was performed in a placebo-controlled sequential design. Peripheral mononuclear blood cells were collected from 10 volunteers after 8 wk of receiving daily 2 placebo cereal bars and after a subsequent 8 wk of intervention with 2 cereal bars each providing 25 mg of isoflavones. The proteome of the cells was visualized after 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and peptide mass fingerprinting served to identify proteins that by the intervention displayed altered protein concentrations. Results: Twenty-nine proteins were identified that showed significantly altered expression in the mononuclear blood cells under the soy-isoflavone intervention, including a variety of proteins involved in an antiinflammatory response. Heat shock protein 70 or a lymphocyte-specific protein phosphatase and proteins that promote increased fibrinolysis, such as a-enolase, were found at increased intensities, whereas those that mediate adhesion, migration, and proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells, such as galectin-1, were found at reduced intensities after soy extract consumption. Conclusion: Protcome analysis identified in vivo markers that respond to a dietary intervention with isoflavone-enriched soy extract in postmenopausal women. The nature of the proteins identified suggests that soy isoflavones may increase the anti inflammatory response in blood mononuclear cells that might contribute to the atherosclerosis-preventive activities of a soy-rich diet.


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We examined the activation of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38-MAPK) pathway by the G protein-coupled receptor agonists, endothelin-1 and phenylephrine in primary cultures of cardiac myocytes from neonatal rat hearts. Both agonists increased the phosphorylation (activation) of p38-MAPK by approximately 12-fold. A p38-MAPK substrate, MAPK-activated protein kinase 2 (MAPKAPK2), was activated approximately fourfold and 10 microM SB203580, a p38-MAPK inhibitor, abolished this activation. Phosphorylation of the MAPKAPK2 substrate, heat shock protein 25/27, was also increased. Using selective inhibitors, activation of the p38-MAPK pathway by endothelin-1 was shown to involve protein kinase C but not Gi/Go nor the extracellularly responsive kinase (ERK) pathway. SB203580 failed to inhibit the morphological changes associated with cardiac myocyte hypertrophy induced by endothelin-1 or phenylephrine between 4 and 24 h. However, it decreased the myofibrillar organization and cell profile at 48 h. In contrast, inhibition of the ERK cascade with PD98059 prevented the increase in myofibrillar organization but not cell profile. These data are not consistent with a role for the p38-MAPK pathway in the immediate induction of the morphological changes of hypertrophy but suggest that it may be necessary over a longer period to maintain the response.


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Oxidative stress induces cardiac myocyte apoptosis. At least some effects are probably mediated through changes in gene expression. Using Affymetrix arrays, we examined the changes in gene expression induced by H(2)O(2) (0.04, 0.1, and 0.2mM; 2 and 4h) in rat neonatal ventricular myocytes. Changes in selected upregulated genes were confirmed by ratiometric RT-PCR. p21(Cip1/Waf1) was one of the only two genes upregulated in all conditions studied. Of the heat shock proteins, only Hsp70/70.1 was induced by H(2)O(2) with no change in the expression of Hsp25, Hsp60 or Hsp90. Heme oxygenase 1 was also potently upregulated, but not heme oxygenases 2 or 3. Of the intercellular adhesion proteins, syndecan-1 was significantly upregulated in response to H(2)O(2), with little change in the expression of other syndecans and no change in expression of any of the integrins studied. Thus, oxidative stress, exemplified by H(2)O(2), selectively promotes the expression of specific gene family members.


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Investigating the proteolytic activity of the recombinant Mycobacterium leprae Heat Shock Protein of 65 kDa (rHsp65), chaperonin 2 (cpn2), we observed that it displays high instability. The fragmentation process starts at the C-terminus followed by progressive degradation of the N-terminus, which leads to a stable fragment comprising the middle region of the molecule. Urea was able to prevent autolysis, probably due to its denaturing action, while EDTA increased degradation levels indicating the need for metal ions. Peptides originated from autolysis were purified and analyzed by mass spectrometry, generating a continuous map. Since the bacteria and mammalian Hsp60 are known to be targets of the immune response and have been implicated in autoimmune diseases and chronic inflammation, the in vivo effect of rHsp65 peptides was evaluated in the spontaneous Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) model developed by the (NZB/NZW)F(1) mouse hybrids, and their individual anti-rHsp65 IgG2a/IgG1 antibody titer ratio was determined. The results showed orientation toward a T(H)1 responsiveness, and the treatment with the rHsp65 peptides diminished the environmental variance of the survival time of treated animals. These results outline the fact that environmental factors may also act through the modified stability expression of Heat Shock Proteins intervening during autoimmune processes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The cellular and molecular characteristics of a cell line (BME26) derived from embryos of the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus were studied. The cells contained glycogen inclusions, numerous mitochondria, and vesicles with heterogeneous electron densities dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. Vesicles contained lipids and sequestered palladium meso-porphyrin (Pd-mP) and rhodamine-hemoglobin, suggesting their involvement in the autophagic and endocytic pathways. The cells phagocytosed yeast and expressed genes encoding the antimicrobial peptides (microplusin and defensin). A cDNA library was made and 898 unique mRNA sequences were obtained. Among them, 556 sequences were not significantly similar to any sequence found in public databases. Annotation using Gene Ontology revealed transcripts related to several different functional classes. We identified transcripts involved in immune response such as ferritin, serine proteases, protease inhibitors,. antimicrobial peptides, heat shock protein, glutathione S-transferase, peroxidase, and NADPH oxidase. BME26 cells transfected with a plasmid carrying a red fluorescent protein reporter gene (DsRed2) transiently expressed DsRed2 for up to 5 weeks. We conclude that BME26 can be used to experimentally analyze diverse biological processes that occur in R. (B.) microplus such as the innate immune response to tick-borne pathogens. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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HSP90 proteins are important molecular chaperones involved in multiple cellular processes. This work reports the characterization of cDNAs encoding two distinct HSP90 proteins (named HSP90A and HSP90B) from the chytridiomycete Blastocladiella emersonii. Deduced amino acid sequences of HSP90A and HSP90B exhibit signatures of the cytosolic and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) HSP90 proteins, respectively. A genomic clone encoding HSP90A was also characterized indicating the presence of a single intron of 184 bp interrupting the coding region, located near the amino-terminus of the protein. Expression of both HSP90A and HSP90B genes increases significantly during heat shock at 38 degrees C, with highest induction ratios observed in cells stressed during germination of the fungus. Changes in the amount of HSP90A transcript were also evaluated during B. emersonii life cycle at physiological temperature (27 degrees C), and its levels were found to increase both during germination and sporulation of the fungus. HSP90A protein levels were analyzed during B. emersonii life cycle and significant changes were observed only during sporulation. Furthermore, during heat stress a large increase in the amount of HSP90A protein was observed. Induction of HSP90A and HSP90B genes during heat stress indicates the importance of both genes in the response to high temperature in B. emersonii. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Introdução: Imunidade inata é a primeira linha de defesa do hospedeiro contra microorganismos invasores, a qual é mediada por moléculas específicas que reconhecem patógenos, chamadas receptores toll-símile (TLRs). Os TLRs são também capazes de reconhecer ligantes endógenos, tais como conteúdos de células necróticas e proteínas de choque térmico (HSP), resultando na produção de citocinas e ativação do sistema imune adquirido. A função exata dos TLRs ainda é pouco entendida em transplante de órgãos. No entanto, tem sido sugerido que eles podem estar envolvidos na rejeição aguda ou crônica e atuar na resposta do enxerto a lesão por isquemia e reperfusão. Objetivo: Examinar as alterações na expressão gênica dos TLRs durante a fase inicial do transplante pulmonar em humanos e sua relação com citocinas potencialmente envolvidas na lesão por isquemia e reperfusão em transplante de órgãos. Métodos: Foram analisadas biópsias pulmonares de 14 pacientes submetidos a transplante pulmonar (LTx). Estas amostras foram coletadas no final do período de isquemia fria (TIF, n=14), no final do período de isquemia quente (TIQ, n=13),1 hora (n=12) e 2 horas (n=8) após a reperfusão do enxerto. RNA total foi isolado a partir de tecido pulmonar e os níveis de RNA mensageiro (mRNA) dos TLRs (1-10) bem como citocinas (IL-8, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-γ, IL-1β) e proteína de choque térmico 70 (HSP70) foram medidos por reação em cadeia pela polimerase em tempo real. Resultados: Foi detectada a expressão de mRNA de todos TLRs em tecido pulmonar. Nas amostras no TIF, os níveis de mRNA dos TLRs apresentaram-se com diferentes expressões gênicas. Os níveis de expressão dos TLRs, com exceção para o TLR3, estavam altamente correlacionados entre si no TIF e com os níveis de mRNA de IFN-γ, IL-10 e IL-1β e menos significativamente com os níveis de IL-6 e IL-8. Houve diminuição dos níveis de mRNA na grande maioria dos TLRs após reperfusão, o que foi diferente para a maioria das citocinas e HSP70, que apresentaram tendência a aumentar após transplante. A expressão gênica de TLR4 apresentou-se correlacionada com os níveis de IL-8 e IL-1β antes e após transplante (P<0.05). Pulmões de doadores que foram intubados por períodos acima de 72 horas (n=5) apresentaram níveis mais elevados de TLR2 e TLR10 (P<0.05). Conclusão: Pela primeira vez, foi demonstrado que a expressão dos TLRs altera-se durante o período de isquemia e reperfusão em transplante pulmonar em humanos. O tempo de intubação dos doadores pulmonares pode influenciar a expressão de receptores Toll-símile específicos. A correlação entre TLR4 e IL-8/IL-1β sugere que os TLRs pulmonares podem ter alguma função na resposta precoce do enxerto.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)