967 resultados para Heat treatments
The aim of this work was to evaluate different management strategies to optimize rabbit production under chronic heat stress. To achieve it, three trials were conducted. In the first trial, to find the optimal cage density in tropical very dry forest condition, were measured growth performance, mortality rate, injured animals and carcass performance over an initial population of 300 cross-breed rabbits of New Zealand, California, Butterfly, Dutch and Satin, weaned at 30 days (535 ± 8 g, standard error). Treatments evaluated were: 6, 12, 18 and 24 rabbits/m2 (3, 6, 9 and 12 rabbits/cage, respectively, each cage of 0.5 m2). The maximal temperature-humidity index indicated a severe heat stress from weaning to 2.2 kg body weight (experimental time). At the end of experimental period 10, 20, 30 and 30 rabbits from the treatments of 6, 12, 18 and 24 rabbits/m2, respectively, were slaughtered and carcass performance recorded. Average daily gain and feed intake decreased by 0.31 ± 0.070 and 1.20 ± 0.25 g, respectively, per each unit that the density increased at the beginning of the experiment (P = 0.001). It increased the length of the fattening period by 0.91 ± 0.16 d (P = 0.001) per each unit of increment of density. However, rabbit production (kg/m2) increased linear and quadratically with the density (P < 0.008). Animals housed at the highest density compared to the lower one tended to show a higher incidence of ringworm (68.9 vs 39.4%; P = 0.075), injured animals (16.8 vs 3.03%; P = 0.12) and mortality (20.5 vs 9.63%; P = 0.043). The proportion of scapular fat (P = 0.042) increased linearly with increasing levels of density. Increasing density reduced linearly dorsal length (P = 0.001), and reduced linear and quadratically drip loss percentage (P = 0.097 and 0.018, respectively). In the second trial, 46 nulliparous rabbit does (23 clipped and 23 unclipped) with a BW of 3.67 ± 0.05 kg (s.e.) were used to evaluate heat stress and circadian rhythms comparing unclipped and clipped rabbit does, and to study if a more extensive breeding system increase litters performance at weaning without impairing rabbit doe performance,. Rectal temperature, feed and water 4 intake were recorded for 24 h. Rabbit does were mated 7 d after circadian measurements, and randomly assigned to two breeding systems. Control (C): mated at 14 d after parturition + litter weaned at 35 d of age. Extensive (E): mate at 21 after parturition + litter weaned at 42 d of age. The first three cycles were evaluated concerning to rabbit doe and litter performance. Two hundred twenty eight weaned rabbits, were divided into two cage sizes: 0.5 and 0.25 m2 with same density (16 rabbit/m2) and growing performance was recorded. Farm and rectal temperatures were minimal and feed and water intake maximal during the night (P < 0.001). Unclipped rabbit does showed higher rectal temperature (P = 0.045) and lower feed intake respect to clipped does (P = 0.019) which suggest a lower heat stress in the latter. Kits weaned per litter was reduced by 33% (P=0.038) in C group. This reduction was more important in the 2nd and 3rd cycles compared to the first (P ≤ 0.054). Rabbit doe feed efficiency tended to decrease in E respect C group (P = 0.093), whereas it was impaired from the first to the third cycle by 48% (P = 0.014). Growing rabbits from the E group were heavier at weaning (by 38%. P < 0.001), showed a higher feed intake (+7.4%) and lower feed efficiency (-8.4%) throughout the fattening period (P ≤ 0.056) respect to C group. Cage size had minor influence in growing performance. In the third trial, forty five non pregnant and non lactating rabbit does (21 nulliparous and 24 multiparous) were assigned randomly to farm water and to potable water to study if a water quality improvement can affect positively rabbit doe response to heat stress during pregnancy and lactation. A transponder was implanted in each animal to record subcutaneous temperature at 07:30 and 14:30 h. Experimental period extended from pregnancy (with no lactation) to the next lactation (until day 28). Body temperature and milk production were recorded daily, and body condition, feed and water intake weekly. Water quality did not affect any trait (P ≥ 0.15). Pregnant rabbit does were classified as does that weaned (W: 47%), not weaned (NW: 44%) or those pregnant that did not deliver (NB: 9%). Body temperature and feed intake decreased during pregnancy (P ≤ 0.031), but water intake remained constant. In this period body temperature decreased with metabolic weight (P ≤ 0.009). In W and NW does, 5 from mating to birth energy and protein balance impaired (P≤0.011). Body temperature of W does tended to be the lowest (P ≤ 0.090). Pregnancy length and total number of kits born tended to be longer and higher in NW than in W does (P = 0.10 and 0.053, respectively). Kit mortality at birth and from birth to 14 d of lactation was high, being worse for NW than for W does (97 vs. 40%; P<0.001). Body temperature during lactation was maximal at day 12, and milk production increased it (P ≤ 0.025). . In conclusion, in our heat stress conditions densities higher than 18 rabbits/m2 (34 kg/m2) at the end of fattening, are not recommended despite cage size, gestation and lactation productivity impaired not only when lactation is extended and along successive reproductive cycles but also due to a reduced embryo/kit survival and finally water quality improvement did not attenuate negative effect of heat stress. RESUMEN El propósito de éste trabajo fue evaluar diferentes estrategias de manejo para optimizar la producción de conejos bajo estrés térmico. Para lo cual se desarrollaron tres experimentos. En el primer experimento, para encontrar el número óptimo de gazapos por m2 de jaula durante el cebo en condiciones de bosque muy seco tropical, se estudiaron los rendimientos durante el cebo, mortalidad, animales lesionados y rendimiento de la canal sobre una población inicial de 300 conejos mestizos de Nueva Zelanda, California, Mariposa, Holandés y Satin, destetados a los 30 días de edad (535 ± 8g, error estándar). Los tratamientos evaluados fueron: 6, 12, 18 y 24 conejos/m2 (3, 6, 9 y 12 conejos/jaula, respectivamente, en jaulas de 0.5 m2). Durante el período experimental (destete a 2.2 kg de peso vivo), se observaron valores de THI correspondientes con un estrés térmico severo (THI max. De 31 a 35). Al final del período experimental, 10, 20, 30, y 30 conejos de los tratamientos con densidades de 6, 12, 18 y 24 conejos/m2, respectivamente, fueron sacrificados y su canal fue valorada. El promedio de la ganancia diaria y el consumo de alimento disminuyeron en 0.31 ± 0.070 y 1.20 ± 0.25 g, respectivamente, por cada unidad de incremento en la densidad al inicio del experimento (P=0.001). Esto alargó el período de engorde en 0.91 ± 0.16 d (P=0.001) por cada unidad de incremento de la densidad. Sin embargo, la producción de conejos (kg/m2) aumentó lineal y cuadráticamente con la densidad (P<0.008). Los animales alojados en las mayores densidades en comparación con el resto tendieron a mostrar una mayore incidencia de tiña (68.9 vs 39.4%; P=0.075), de cantidad de animales heridos (16.8 vs 3.03%; P=0.12), así como de mortalidad (20.5 vs 9.63%; P=0.043). El aumento en la densidad aumentó linealmente la proporción de grasa escapular (P=0.042) y redujo linealmente la longitud dorsal (P=0.001), y lineal y cuadráticamente el porcentaje de pérdida por goteo (P=0.018). En el segundo experimento, 46 conejas nulliparas (23 rasuradas y 23 no rasuradas) con un peso vivo de 3.67 ± 0.05 kg (e.e.) fueron usadas para evaluar el estrés 8 térmico y los ritmos circadianos comparando conejas rasuradas o no, y estudiar si un sistema de crianza más extensivo mejora el desempeño de la camada al destete sin perjudicar la productividad de la coneja. Durante 24 h se midió la temperatura rectal, consumo de alimento y de agua. Las conejas fueron montadas 7 días después, y distribuidas en dos sistemas de crianza. El control (C): monta a 14 días posparto y destete a 35 d de edad. El extensivo (E): monta a 21 días posparto y destete a 42 d de edad. Se controló la productividad de la coneja y la camada durante los tres primeros ciclos. Doscientos veintiocho gazapos fueron distribuidos en dos tamaños de jaulas (0.5 y 0.25 m2) con la misma densidad (16 conejos/m2) y se controlaron sus rendimientos productivos. Durante la noche se observaron los valores mínimos para la temperatura ambiental y rectal, y los máximos para consumo de alimento y agua (P< 0.001). Las conejas no rasuradas mostraron mayor temperatura rectal (P=0.045) y menores valores de consumo de alimento con respecto a las conejas rasuradas (P=0.019), lo que sugiere un menor estrés térmico en las últimas. El número de gazapos destetados por camada se redujo en 33% (P=0.038) en el grupo C. Este comportamiento se acentuó en el 2do y 3er ciclo en comparación con el primero (P≤0.054). La eficiencia alimenticia de las conejas tendió a disminuir en el grupo E con respecto al grupo C (P=0.093), dicha tendencia se acentúa del primer al tercer ciclo en un 48% (P=0.014). Los gazapos en fase de crecimiento provenientes del grupo E fueron más pesados al momento del destete (en 38% P<0.001), mostrando un mayor consumo de alimento (+7.4%) y menor eficiencia alimenticia (-8.4%) a lo largo del engorde (P≤0.056) con respecto al grupo C. El tamaño de la jaula tuvo una mínima influencia en el comportamiento durante el crecimiento de éstos gazapos. En el tercer experimento, cuarenta y cinco conejas no gestantes ni lactantes (21 nulíparas y 24 multíparas) se les asignó al azar agua dos tipos de agua: común de la granja y agua potable, con el fin de estudiar si una mejora en la calidad del agua puede afectar positivamente la respuesta de la coneja al estrés térmico durante la gestación y la lactancia. Se les implantó un transponder para registrar la temperatura subcutánea a las 7:30 y a las 14:30 h. El período experimental se extendió desde la gestación (sin 9 lactancia) hasta la lactanción consecutiva (hasta los 28 días). La temperatura corporal y la producción de leche se controlaron diariamente, y la condición corporal, consumo de agua y alimento, semanalmente. La calidad del agua no afectó a ninguna variable (P≥0.15). Las conejas preñadas fueron clasificadas como conejas que destetaron (W: 47%), que no destetaron (NW:44%) o aquellas que no parieron (NB: 9%). La temperatura corporal y consumo de alimento disminuyeron durante la gestación (P≤0.031), mientras que el consumo de agua se mantuvo constante. La temperatura corporal descendió con el peso metabólico durante la gestación (P≤0.009). El balance de energía y proteína disminuyó desde la monta al parto para las conejas W y NW (P≤0.011). Durante la gestación la temperatura corporal tendió a ser menor en las conejas W (P≤0.090). La longitud de la gestación y el número total de gazapos nacidos tendieron a ser mayores en conejas NW que en conejas W (P=0.10 y 0.053, respectivamente). La mortalidad de los gazapos al parto y del parto a los 14 días de lactancia fue alta, siendo peor para las conejas NW que para las W (97 vs 40%; P<0.001). Durante la lactancia la temperatura corporal alcanzó su valor máximo para el día 12, y la producción de leche indujo un incremento en la misma (P≤0.025). En conclusión, en nuestras condiciones de estrés térmico y sin importar el tamaño de la jaula, no se recomiendan densidades mayores a 18 conejos/m2 (34 kg/m2) al final del engorde. La productividad de la gestación y la lactancia disminuyen cuando la lactancia es mayor y se suceden varios ciclos reproductivos seguidos. Esto se debe al efecto negativo del estrés térmico sobre la vitalidad y supervivencia del embrión/gazapo. La mejora de la calidad del agua atenuó el efecto negativo del estrés térmico. Las conejas más productoras parece que son aquéllas que consiguen manejar mejor el estrés térmico.
In this study tetraploid Marsupenaeus japonicus (Bate) embryos were produced by preventing the first division in mitosis. The effectiveness of temperature and chemical shocks for producing tetraploid M. japonicus were assessed when applied at different times postspawning and for different durations. Tetraploid M. japonicus embryos (spawned at 27 degrees C) were produced by heat shocks at 35 degrees C and 36 degrees C in three and eight spawning samples respectively, and a cold shock at 5 degrees C in a single spawning sample. All temperature shocks inducing tetraploidy were applied 18-23 min postspawning for a 5-10 min duration. The percentage of spawnings successfully inducing tetraploid embryos (i.e., frequency of induction) ranged from 33.33% to 66.67% for the 21, 22 and 23 min postspawning heat shock treatment regimes. The percentage of tetraploid embryos within an induction (i.e., induction rate), as determined by flow cytometry, ranged from 8.82% to 98.12% (ave. S.E.) (34.4 +/- 21.4%) for the 35 degrees C shock treatments, from 13.12% to 61.02% (35.0 +/- 5.0%) for the 36 degrees C shock treatments and was 15% for the 5 degrees C cold shock treatment. No tetraploids were produced for spawnings that received heat shocks above 36 degrees C or below 35 degrees C, or for cold shocks above 5 degrees C for any of the tested postspawning treatment and duration times. Chemical shock with 150 mu M 6-dimethylaminopurine did not result in tetraploid M. japonicus embryos at any of the tested postspawning treatment times and durations. Tetraploid M. japonicus embryos were nonviable, with no tetraploid larvae being detected by flow cytometry. Based on our results heat shocking of M. japonicus embryos at 36 degrees C, 23 min postspawning for a 5-10 min duration is the most effective means to produce tetraploids through inhibition of the first mitotic division (taking into consideration the importance of frequency and induction rate equally).
The fatigue-crack propagation and threshold behaviour of a C-Mn steel containing boron has been investigated at a range of strength levels suitable for mining chain applications. The heat-treatment variables examined include two austenitizing temperatures (900 degree C and 1250 degree C) and a range of tempering treatments from the as-quenched condition to tempering at 400 degree C. In mining applications the haulage chains undergo a 'calibration' process which has the effect of imposing a tensile prestrain on the chain links before they go into service. Prestrain is shown to reduce threshold values in these steels and this behaviour is related to its effects on the residual stress distribution in the test specimens.
Background To our knowledge, there is little study on the interaction between nutrient availability and molecular structure changes induced by different processing methods in dairy cattle. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of heat processing methods on interaction between nutrient availability and molecular structure in terms of functional groups that are related to protein and starch inherent structure of oat grains with two continued years and three replication of each year. Method The oat grains were kept as raw (control) or heated in an air-draft oven (dry roasting: DO) at 120 °C for 60 min and under microwave irradiation (MIO) for 6 min. The molecular structure features were revealed by vibrational infrared molecular spectroscopy. Results The results showed that rumen degradability of dry matter, protein and starch was significantly lower (P <0.05) for MIO compared to control and DO treatments. A higher protein α-helix to β-sheet and a lower amide I to starch area ratio were observed for MIO compared to DO and/or raw treatment. A negative correlation (−0.99, P < 0.01) was observed between α-helix or amide I to starch area ratio and dry matter. A positive correlation (0.99, P < 0.01) was found between protein β-sheet and crude protein. Conclusion The results reveal that oat grains are more sensitive to microwave irradiation than dry heating in terms of protein and starch molecular profile and nutrient availability in ruminants.
Grapevine is an extremely important crop worldwide.In southern Europe, post-flowering phases of the growth cycle can occur under high temperatures, excessive light, and drought conditions at soil and/or atmospheric level. In this study, we subjected greenhouse grown grapevine, variety Aragonez, to two individual abiotic stresses, water deficit stress(WDS), and heat stress (HS). The adaptation of plants to stress is a complex response triggered by cascades of molecular net works involved in stress perception, signal transduction, and the expression of specific stress-related genes and metabolites. Approaches such as array-based transcript profiling allow assessing the expression of thousands of genes in control and stress tissues. Using microarrays, we analyzed the leaf transcriptomic profile of the grapevine plants. Photosynthesis measurements verified that the plants were significantly affected by the stresses applied. Leaf gene expression was obtained using a high-throughput transcriptomic grapevine array, the 23K custom-made Affymetrix Vitis GeneChip. We identified 1,594 genes as differentially expressed between control and treatments and grouped them into ten major functional categories using MapMan software. The transcriptome of Aragonez was more significantly affected by HS when compared with WDS. The number of genes coding for heat-shock proteins and transcription factors expressed solely in response to HS suggesting their expression as unique signatures of HS. However, across-talk between the response pathways to both stresses was observed at the level of AP2/ERF transcription factors.
Synthetic Fe—Mn alkoxide of glycerol samples are submitted to controlled heating conditions and examined by IR absorption spectroscopy. On the other hand, the same sample is studied by infrared emission spectroscopy (IRES), upon heating in situ from 100 to 600°C. The spectral techniques employed in this contribution, especially IRES, show that as a result of the thermal treatments ferromagnetic oxides (manganese ferrite) are formed between 350 and 400°C. Some further spectral changes are seen at higher temperatures.
A purified commercial double-walled carbon nanotube (DWCNT) sample was investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), thermogravimetry (TG), and Raman spectroscopy. Moreover, the heat capacity of the DWCNT sample was determined by temperature-modulated differential scanning calorimetry in the range of temperature between -50 and 290 °C. The main thermo-oxidation characterized by TG occurred at 474 °C with the loss of 90 wt% of the sample. Thermo-oxidation of the sample was also investigated by high-resolution TG, which indicated that a fraction rich in carbon nanotube represents more than 80 wt% of the material. Other carbonaceous fractions rich in amorphous coating and graphitic particles were identified by the deconvolution procedure applied to the derivative of TG curve. Complementary structural data were provided by TEM and Raman studies. The information obtained allows the optimization of composites based on this nanomaterial with reliable characteristics.
Experiments were undertaken to study drying kinetics of moist cylindrical shaped food particulates during fluidised bed drying. Cylindrical particles were prepared from Green beans with three different length:diameter ratios, 3:1, 2:1 and 1:1. A batch fluidised bed dryer connected to a heat pump system was used for the experimentation. A Heat pump and fluid bed combination was used to increase overall energy efficiency and achieve higher drying rates. Drying kinetics, were evaluated with non-dimensional moisture at three different drying temperatures of 30, 40 and 50o C. Numerous mathematical models can be used to calculate drying kinetics ranging from analytical models with simplified assumptions to empirical models built by regression using experimental data. Empirical models are commonly used for various food materials due to their simpler approach. However problems in accuracy, limits the applications of empirical models. Some limitations of empirical models could be reduced by using semi-empirical models based on heat and mass transfer of the drying operation. One such method is the quasi-stationary approach. In this study, a modified quasi-stationary approach was used to model drying kinetics of the cylindrical food particles at three drying temperatures.
In urban environments road traffic volumes are increasing and the density of living is becoming higher. As a consequence the urban community is being exposed to increasing levels of road traffic noise. It is also evident that the noise reduction potential of within-the-road-reserve treatments such as noise barriers, mounding and pavement surfacing has been exhausted. This paper presents a strategy that involves the comparison of noise ameliorative treatments both within and outside the road reserve. The noise reduction resulting from the within-the-road-reserve component of treatments has been evaluated using a leading application of the CoRTN Model, developed by the UK Department of Transport 1988 [1], and the outside road reserve treatment has been evaluated in accordance with the Australian Standard 3671, Acoustics – Road traffic noise intrusion – Building sitting and construction [5]. The evaluation of noise treatments has been undertaken using a decision support tool (DST) currently being developed under the research program conducted at RMIT University and Department of Main Roads, Queensland. The case study has been based on data from a real project in Queensland, Australia. The research described here was carried out by the Australian Cooperative Research Centre for Construction Innovation [9], in collaboration with Department of Main Roads, Queensland, Department of Public Works, Queensland, Arup Pty. Ltd., Queensland University of technology and RMIT University.
The climatic conditions of tropical and subtropical regions within Australia present, at times, extreme risk of physical activity induced heat illness. Many administrators and teachers in school settings are aware of the general risks of heat related illness. In the absence of reliable information applied at the local level, there is a risk that inappropriate decisions may be made concerning school events that incorporate opportunities to be physically active. Such events may be prematurely cancelled resulting in the loss of necessary time for physical activity. Under high or extremely high risk conditions however, the absence of appropriate modifications or continuation could place the health of students, staff and other parties at risk. School staff and other key stakeholders should understand the mechanisms of escalating risk and be supported to undertake action to reduce the level of risk through appropriate policies, procedures, resources and action plans.
A literature review was conducted to examine the evidence for nutritional interventions in depression. It revealed a number of significant conclusions. Interestingly, more positive clinical trials were found to support adjuvant, rather than monotherapeutic, use of nutrients to treat depression. Much evidence exists in the area of adjuvant application of folic acid, S-adenosyl-methionine, omega-3, and L-tryptophan with antidepressants. Current evidence does not support omega-3 as an effective monotherapy to treat depression. However, this may be due, at least in part, to olive oil being used as the control intervention, some studies using docosahexaenoic acid alone or a higher docosahexaenoic acid to eicosapentaenoic acid ratio, and significant heterogeneity regarding depressive populations. Nevertheless, adjunctive prescription of omega-3 with antidepressants, or in people with dietary deficiency, may be beneficial. Inositol lacks evidence as an effective antidepressant and cannot be currently recommended. Evidence on the use of L-trytophan for depression is inconclusive and additional studies utilizing a more robust methodology are required.