872 resultados para Harrison


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The primary purposes of this investigation are: 1) To delineate flood plain deposits with different geologic and engineering properties. 2) To provide basic data necessary for any attempt at stabilizing flood plain deposits. The alluvial valley of the Missouri River adjacent to Iowa was chosen as the logical place to begin this study. The river forms the western boundary of the state for an airline distance of approximately 139 miles; and the flood plain varies from a maximum width of approximately 18 miles (Plates 2 and 3, Sheets 75 and 75L) to approximately 4 miles near Crescent, Iowa (Plate 8, Sheet 66). The area studied includes parts of Woodbury, Monona, Harrison, Pottawattamie, Mills, and Fremont counties in Iowa and parts of Dakota, Thurston, Burt, Washington, Douglas, Sarpy, Cass and Otoe counties in Nebraska. Plate l is an index map of the area under consideration.


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This report covers the construction in 1961 of the soil-cement base and related pavement structure on Iowa 37 from Soldier to Dunlap, (F-861(6), Crawford, Harrison, Monona). The report also contains an account of the experimental work performed on the same road under research project HR-75.


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This report concerns a proposed Parkway and Scenic Highway along both sides of the Missouri River in Harrison, Pottawattamie and Mills County in Iowa and Washington, Douglas and Sarpy Counties in Nebraska. This Parkway will make the Missouri River valley accessible to the public, link existing and planned attractions and facilitate planned development while at the same time preserving for posterity the best of the natural attributes of the area.


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BACKGROUND: Developing and updating high-quality guidelines requires substantial time and resources. To reduce duplication of effort and enhance efficiency, we developed a process for guideline adaptation and assessed initial perceptions of its feasibility and usefulness. METHODS: Based on preliminary developments and empirical studies, a series of meetings with guideline experts were organised to define a process for guideline adaptation (ADAPTE) and to develop a manual and a toolkit made available on a website (http://www.adapte.org). Potential users, guideline developers and implementers, were invited to register and to complete a questionnaire evaluating their perception about the proposed process. RESULTS: The ADAPTE process consists of three phases (set-up, adaptation, finalisation), 9 modules and 24 steps. The adaptation phase involves identifying specific clinical questions, searching for, retrieving and assessing available guidelines, and preparing the draft adapted guideline. Among 330 registered individuals (46 countries), 144 completed the questionnaire. A majority found the ADAPTE process clear (78%), comprehensive (69%) and feasible (60%), and the manual useful (79%). However, 21% found the ADAPTE process complex. 44% feared that they will not find appropriate and high-quality source guidelines. DISCUSSION: A comprehensive framework for guideline adaptation has been developed to meet the challenges of timely guideline development and implementation. The ADAPTE process generated important interest among guideline developers and implementers. The majority perceived the ADAPTE process to be feasible, useful and leading to improved methodological rigour and guideline quality. However, some de novo development might be needed if no high quality guideline exists for a given topic.


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Activity decreases, or deactivations, of midline and parietal cortical brain regions are routinely observed in human functional neuroimaging studies that compare periods of task-based cognitive performance with passive states, such as rest. It is now widely held that such task-induced deactivations index a highly organized"default-mode network" (DMN): a large-scale brain system whose discovery has had broad implications in the study of human brain function and behavior. In this work, we show that common task-induced deactivations from rest also occur outside of the DMN as a function of increased task demand. Fifty healthy adult subjects performed two distinct functional magnetic resonance imaging tasks that were designed to reliably map deactivations from a resting baseline. As primary findings, increases in task demand consistently modulated the regional anatomy of DMN deactivation. At high levels of task demand, robust deactivation was observed in non-DMN regions, most notably, the posterior insular cortex. Deactivation of this region was directly implicated in a performance-based analysis of experienced task difficulty. Together, these findings suggest that task-induced deactivations from rest are not limited to the DMN and extend to brain regions typically associated with integrative sensory and interoceptive processes.


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The Prostate Cancer Programme of the European School of Oncology developed the concept of specialised interdisciplinary and multiprofessional prostate cancer care to be formalized in Prostate Cancer Units (PCU). After the publication in 2011 of the collaborative article "The Requirements of a Specialist Prostate Cancer Unit: A Discussion Paper from the European School of Oncology", in 2012 the PCU Initiative in Europe was launched. A multiprofessional Task Force of internationally recognized opinion leaders, among whom representatives of scientific societies, and patient advocates gathered to set standards for quality comprehensive prostate cancer care and designate care pathways in PCUs. The result was a consensus on 40 mandatory and recommended standards and items, covering several macro-areas, from general requirements to personnel to organization and case management. This position paper describes the relevant, feasible and applicable core criteria for defining PCUs in most European countries delivered by PCU Initiative in Europe Task Force.


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The World Health Organization (WHO) plans to submit the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) to the World Health Assembly in 2018. The WHO is working toward a revised classification system that has an enhanced ability to capture health concepts in a manner that reflects current scientific evidence and that is compatible with contemporary information systems. In this paper, we present recommendations made to the WHO by the ICD revision's Quality and Safety Topic Advisory Group (Q&S TAG) for a new conceptual approach to capturing healthcare-related harms and injuries in ICD-coded data. The Q&S TAG has grouped causes of healthcare-related harm and injuries into four categories that relate to the source of the event: (a) medications and substances, (b) procedures, (c) devices and (d) other aspects of care. Under the proposed multiple coding approach, one of these sources of harm must be coded as part of a cluster of three codes to depict, respectively, a healthcare activity as a 'source' of harm, a 'mode or mechanism' of harm and a consequence of the event summarized by these codes (i.e. injury or harm). Use of this framework depends on the implementation of a new and potentially powerful code-clustering mechanism in ICD-11. This new framework for coding healthcare-related harm has great potential to improve the clinical detail of adverse event descriptions, and the overall quality of coded health data.


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Arbetet går ut på en systematisering rörande bedömningen av USA:s presidenter. Detta sker genom att utarbeta fyra värderingskriterier. Dessa kriterier benämns \"problem\" (= vilken typ av utmaningar presidenten har ställts inför samt på vilket sätt presidenten har löst dessa utmaningar), \"ämbete\" (= på vilket sätt presidentämbetets tyngd har påverkats av ämbetsinnehavaren), \"popularitet\" (= på vilket sätt presidenten har fått gehör för sina åtgärder hos allmänhet och de politiska eliterna) samt \"USA\" (= på vilket sätt presidenten har påverkat USA:s styrka som nation rent generellt). Tidigare utvärderingar av USA:s presidenter har tenderat att vara något jippo-betonade, även i de fall där akademiker ligger bakom. Vanligen har man haft en expertpanel bestående av allt från några dussin bedömare till närmare 1.000. Antingen har man inte haft några värderingskriterier alls att gå efter eller så har de varit något oklart formulerade - för att inte tala om de fall där de har varit så pass många att de har överlappat varandra. Vidare finns en tradition där en del forskare förkastar hela tanken på att kunna bedöma presidenter från olika tidsperioder. Strävan har varit att råda bot på tidigare missförhållanden i den diskussion som har förts på området. Eftersom samtliga presidenter dessutom har verkat under samma konstitution bör en jämförelse/utvärdering vara fullt möjlig att genomföra. De som klarar sig bäst i min utvärdering är Washington, Lincoln och F. Roosevelt. Vidare klarar sig t.ex. McKinley och Reagan bättre än de vanligen klarar sig i motsvarande bedömningar. Till de som klarar sig sämre hör t.ex. L. Johnson och J. Madison. Allra sämst klarar sig de presidenter som verkade strax före Lincoln (Pierce och Buchanan) alternativt strax efter (A. Johnson). Den sittande presidenten (Obama) samt de två mest kortvariga presidenterna (Garfield och W.H. Harrison) har lämnats bort från arbetet. Själva tyngdpunkten i arbetet ligger dock i själva systematiseringen av värderingskriterierna även om arbetet rent volymmässigt domineras av då kriterierna appliceras på de enskilda presidenterna.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi utilizar métodos bacteriológicos e moleculares para a identificação do Mycobacteriumbovis em lesões observadas em carcaças de bovinos durante a inspeção postmortem de rotina em matadouros-frigoríficos com serviço de inspeção oficial. Foi acompanhado o abate e a inspeção de 825.394 bovinos, sadios ao exame ante mortem pelo serviço de inspeção oficial em dez matadouros-frigoríficos do estado da Bahia. Carcaça de 180 bovinos apresentaram lesões sugestivas de tuberculose e por outras linfadenites. No isolamento bacteriano, 25 amostras apresentaram crescimento disgônico de colônias de coloração creme-amareladas em meio de cultura Stonebrink-Leslie. Desses isolados, 14 foram identificados como M. bovis PCR multiplex e pela técnica do spoligotyping foram discriminados oito diferentes espoligotipos do M. bovis, sendo sete descritos na literatura e um novo spoligotipo sem descrição anterior. O espoligotipo majoritário foi o SB0121, com cinco amostras, sendo descrito no Brasil e em outros países, seguidos por dois clusters, SB295 e SB1055, com dois isolados cada. O espoligotipo SB1145 e SB1648 foram referidos apenas no Brasil e Dinamarca, respectivamente. O espoligotipo SB140 já foi encontrado no Brasil, Argentina, Uruguai e Paraguai. Estes resultados demonstram que os espoligotipos obtidos são compartilhados, até o momento, entre estados brasileiros e entre países da América Latina e Europa. Sendo assim, a discriminação molecular de isolados de M. bovis através do Spoligotyping constitui-se numa ferramenta para estudos epidemiológicos da tuberculose bovina no Estado da Bahia.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014