617 resultados para HYPERSENSITIVITY


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Les dyskinésies tardives (DT) sont des troubles moteurs associés à l’utilisation chronique des antagonistes des récepteurs dopaminergiques D2 tels que les antipsychotiques et le métoclopramide. Ces dyskinésies correspondent à une incoordination motrice portant préférentiellement sur la musculature oro-faciale. La gestion des DT s'est imposée comme défi de santé publique surtout en l’absence d’une alternative thérapeutique efficace et abordable. L’hypothèse classiquement avancée pour expliquer la physiopathologie des DT inhérente au traitement par les antipsychotiques s’articule autour de l’hypersensibilité des récepteurs dopaminergiques D2, cibles principales de ces molécules. Néanmoins, plusieurs données remettent la véracité de cette hypothèse en question. Hypothèse: nous proposons que le blocage chronique des récepteurs dopaminergiques soit effectivement responsable d’un phénomène d’hypersensibilisation mais contrairement à l’hypothèse classique, cette hypersensibilisation porterait sur des paramètres de la transmission dopaminergique autres que les récepteurs D2. De même nous postulons que cette hypersensibilisation se traduirait par des altérations des cascades signalétiques au niveau des cellules du striatum. Ces altérations aboutissent à des changements portant sur le récepteur nucléaire (Nur77), qui est hautement associé au système dopaminergique; l’induction de ces récepteurs déclencherait des cascades associées à la compensation ou à la genèse des DT. Matériels et méthodes: 23 femelles Cebus apella, réparties en 3 groupes: groupe halopéridol, groupe clozapine, et groupe contrôle, ont été exposées aux traitements respectifs pendant 6-36 mois. Après l’analyse comportementale, les animaux ont été décapités et leurs cerveaux isolés pour fin d’analyse. Hybridation in situ: nous avons fait appel à cette technique pour mesurer l’expression de l’ARNm de Nur77 et du neuropeptide enképhaline. Hybridation in situ double: nous avons exploités cette technique pour identifier les populations neuronales exprimant les récepteurs dopaminergiques D3 et localiser leur éventuelle induction. Autoradiographies des récepteurs dopaminergiques D1, D2 et D3 et autoradiographies des récepteurs i glutamatergiques mGluR5. Ces autoradiographies avaient pour objectif d’évaluer l’expression de ces différents récepteurs. Mutagenèse dirigée et transfection cellulaire: nous faisons appel à ces techniques pour reproduire le polymorphisme identifié au niveau de la région 3’UTR de l’ARNm Nur77 et évaluer l’impact que pourrait avoir ce polymorphisme sur la stabilité de l’ARNm Nur77 sinon sur l’expression de la protèine Nur77. Western Blot des kinases ERK 1 et 2: cette technique nous a servi comme moyen pour quantifier l’expression globale de ces kinases. Analyses statistiques: l’expression de l’ARNm Nur77 a été évaluée en utilisant l’analyse de la variance à un seul facteur (One way ANOVA). Nous avons procédé de la même façon pour mesurer l’expression des récepteurs D2, D3 et mGluR5. Résultats: le groupe des animaux traités par l’halopéridol montre une plus forte expression des récepteurs D3 par rapport aux sujets des autres groupes. Cette expression se produit au niveau des neurones de la voie directe. De plus, cette augmentation corrèle positivement avec la sévérité des DT. L’expression des récepteurs D2 et mGluR5 reste relativement inchangée entre les différents groupes, alors qu’un gradient d’expression a été observé pour le récepteur D1. Par ailleurs, Nur77 est induit par l’halopéridol, alors que son expression semble baisser chez les animaux traités par la clozapine. L’induction de l’expression de Nur77 par l’halopéridol est plus accrue chez les animaux non dyskinétiques. Les animaux traités par la clozapine démontrent une expression amoindrie de l’ARNm de Nur77 qui tend à être plus faible que l’expression de base. D’autre part, la présence du polymorphisme au niveau de la région 3’UTR semble affecter l’expression cellulaire de Nur77. Conclusion: ces résultats confortent notre hypothèse concernant l’existence d’un phénomène d’hypersensibilisation prenant place suite un traitement chronique par les antipsychotiques. Ce phénomène s’est traduit par une augmentation de l’expression des récepteurs D3 sans porter sur les récepteurs D2 tel que prôné classiquement. Cette hypersensibilisation des récepteurs D3 implique également l’existence d’un débalancement des voies striatales pouvant ainsi sous tendre l’apparition des DT. Ces résultats dévoilent ainsi un nouveau mécanisme qui pourrait contribuer à l’apparition des DT et pourraient permettre une meilleure gestion, nous l’espérons, des DT à l’échelle clinique.


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La prévalence de l’arthrose féline augmente fortement avec l’âge atteignant plus de 80% des chats de plus de 11 ans. L'arthrose induit une douleur chronique s’exprimant par des changements de comportements et une diminution de la mobilité. Il n'existe aucun outil validé pour évaluer la douleur chronique associée à l’arthrose chez le chat. Conséquemment, aucun traitement ciblant cette douleur n’a pu être validé. Notre hypothèse de recherche est que la douleur arthrosique chez le chat induit des handicaps fonctionnels, des changements neurophysiologiques et un état d'hypersensibilité qu'il faut évaluer pour quantifier de manière fiable cette douleur et ses répercussions sur la qualité de vie de l'animal. Nos objectifs étaient 1) de développer des outils adaptés aux chats mesurant les handicaps fonctionnels grâce à des outils cinématiques, cinétiques et de suivi de l'activité motrice ; 2) de caractériser les changements fonctionnels et neurophysiologiques secondaires à la douleur arthrosique et de tester avec ces outils un traitement analgésique à base d'anti-inflammatoire non stéroïdien ; 3) de développer une technique adaptée aux chats pouvant caractériser la présence du phénomène de sensibilisation centrale à l'aide d'une évaluation de la sommation temporelle mécanique ; 4) de tester la possibilité de mesurer le métabolisme glucidique cérébral par tomographie d’émission par positrons comme marqueur des changements supraspinaux secondaires à la chronicisation de la douleur. Grâce au développement d’outils de mesure de douleur chronique objectifs, sensibles et répétables nous avons caractérisé la douleur chez les chats arthrosiques. Ils présentent des signes de boiterie quantifiée par une diminution de l’amplitude de l’articulation ou par une diminution de la force verticale d’appui au sol et une diminution de l’activité motrice quotidienne. Ces deux derniers outils ont permis de démontrer qu’un anti-inflammatoire non stéroïdien (le méloxicam) administré pendant quatre semaines réduit la douleur arthrosique. De plus, grâce au développement de tests sensoriels quantitatifs et à l'utilisation d'imagerie cérébrale fonctionnelle, nous avons démontré pour la première fois que la douleur arthrosique conduisait à des modifications du système nerveux central chez le chat. Particulièrement, les chats arthrosiques développent le phénomène de sensibilisation centrale mis en évidence par un seuil de retrait aux filament de von Frey diminué (mesure réflexe) mais aussi par une facilitation de la sommation temporelle mécanique (mesure tenant compte de la composante cognitive et émotionnelle de la douleur). L'augmentation du métabolisme cérébral dans le cortex somatosensoriel secondaire, le thalamus et la substance grise périaqueducale, souligne aussi l'importance des changements liés à la chronicisation de la douleur. Un traitement analgésique adapté à l’arthrose permettra d’améliorer la qualité de vie des chats atteints, offrira une option thérapeutique valide aux praticiens vétérinaires, et profitera aux propriétaires qui retrouveront un chat actif et sociable. La découverte de l'implication du phénomène de sensibilisation central combiné à l'investigation des changements cérébraux secondaires à la douleur chronique associée à l'arthrose par imagerie fonctionnelle ouvre de nouvelles avenues de recherche chez le chat (développement et/ou validation de traitements adaptés à l'état d'hypersensibilité) et les humains (potentiel modèle naturel de douleur chronique associée à l'arthrose).


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Previous work in yeast has suggested that modification of tRNAs, in particular uridine bases in the anticodon wobble position (U34), is linked to TOR (target of rapamycin) signaling. Hence, U34 modification mutants were found to be hypersensitive to TOR inhibition by rapamycin. To study whether this involves inappropriate TOR signaling, we examined interaction between mutations in TOR pathway genes (tip41Δ, sap190Δ, ppm1Δ, rrd1Δ) and U34 modification defects (elp3Δ, kti12Δ, urm1Δ, ncs2Δ) and found the rapamycin hypersensitivity in the latter is epistatic to drug resistance of the former. Epistasis, however, is abolished in tandem with a gln3Δ deletion, which inactivates transcription factor Gln3 required for TOR-sensitive activation of NCR (nitrogen catabolite repression) genes. In line with nuclear import of Gln3 being under control of TOR and dephosphorylation by the Sit4 phosphatase, we identify novel TOR-sensitive sit4 mutations that confer rapamycin resistance and importantly, mislocalise Gln3 when TOR is inhibited. This is similar to gln3Δ cells, which abolish the rapamycin hypersensitivity of U34 modification mutants, and suggests TOR deregulation due to tRNA undermodification operates through Gln3. In line with this, loss of U34 modifications (elp3Δ, urm1Δ) enhances nuclear import of and NCR gene activation (MEP2, GAP1) by Gln3 when TOR activity is low. Strikingly, this stimulatory effect onto Gln3 is suppressed by overexpression of tRNAs that usually carry the U34 modifications. Collectively, our data suggest that proper TOR signaling requires intact tRNA modifications and that loss of U34 modifications impinges on the TORsensitive NCR branch via Gln3 misregulation.


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El traumatismo craneoencefálico, es la epidemia silenciosa de nuestra época, que genera gastos en salud, en países como Estados Unidos, cercanos a los 60 billones de dólares anuales, y cerca de 400 billones en rehabilitación de los discapacitados. El pilar del manejo médico del trauma craneoencefálico moderado o severo, es la osmoterapia, principalmente con sustancias como el manitol y las soluciones hipertónicas. Se realizó la revisión de 14 bases de datos, encontrando 4657754 artículos, quedando al final 40 artículos después de un análisis exhaustivo, que se relacionaban con el manejo de la hipertensión endocraneana y terapia osmótica. Resultados: Se compararon diferentes estudios, encontrando gran variabilidad estos, sin homogenización en los análisis estadísticos, y la poca rigurosidad no permitieron, la recolección de datos y la comparación entre los diferentes estudios, no permitió realizar el meta-análisis y por esto se decidió la realización de una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Se evidenció principalmente tres cosas: la primera es la poca rigurosidad con la que se realizan los estudios clínicos; la segunda, es que aún falta mucha más investigación principalmente, la presencia de estudios clínicos aleatorizados multicéntricos, que logren dar una sólida evidencia y que genere validez científica que se requiere, a pesar de la evidencia clara en la práctica clínica; la tercera es la seguridad para su uso, con poca presencia de complicaciones para las soluciones salinas hipertónicas.


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Las reacciones alérgicas a medicamentos cutáneas severas (RAM) como el Síndrome Stevens Johnson (SJS) y la Necrólisis Epidérmica Tóxica (NET),caracterizadas por exantema, erosión de la piel y las membranas mucosas, flictenas, desprendimiento de la piel secundario a la muerte de queratinocitos y compromiso ocular. Son infrecuentes en la población pero con elevada morbi-mortalidad, se presentan luego de la administración de diferentes fármacos. En Asia se ha asociado el alelo HLA-B*15:02 como marcador genético para SJS. En Colombia no hay datos de la incidencia de estas RAM, ni de la relación con medicamentos específicos o potenciales y tampoco estudios de aproximación genómica de genes de susceptibilidad.


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As reacções de hipersensibilidade relacionadas com os anti-inflamatórios não-esteróides (AINEs) são muito comuns na população, sendo consideradas como a segunda causa para o aparecimento deste tipo de reacções. Os AINEs podem desencadear reacções de hipersensibilidade alérgicas (imediatas e tardias) e reacções não alérgicas. Clinicamente, esta hipersensibilidade pode ser manifestada a nível respiratório, cutâneo e sistémico. O diagnóstico, in vivo (testes cutâneos e testes de provocação oral, nasal e de inalação) ou teste in vitro (BAT, CAST, ASPIteste e TTL), é um passo importante para prevenir o aparecimento de novas reacções e encontrar uma terapêutica alternativa para o paciente. Quando o paciente apresenta hipersensibilidade a um único AINE pode ser prescrito um AINE de outra família. Enquanto que se a hipersensibilidade for cruzada é mais seguro optar-se pelos inibidores selectivos da COX-2.


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The overall immunopathogenesis relevant to a large series of disorders caused by a drug or its associated hyperimmune condition is discussed based upon examining the genetics of severe drug-induced bullous skin problems (sporadic idiosyncratic adverse events including Stevens-Johnson syndrome and Toxic epidermal necrolysis). New results from an exemplar study on shared precipitating and perpetuating inner causes with other related disease phenotypes including aphtous stomatitis, Behcets, erythema multiforme, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, pemphigus, periodic fevers, Sweet's syndrome and drug-induced multisystem hypersensitivity are presented. A call for a collaborative, wider demographic profiling and deeper immunotyping in suggested future work is made.


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Background: Greatly increasing dietary flaxseed oil [rich in the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)] or fish oil [rich in the long-chain n-3 PUFAs eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids] can reduce markers of immune cell function. The effects of more modest doses are unclear, and it is not known whether ALA has the same effects as its long-chain derivatives. Objective: The objective was to determine the effects of enriching the diet with ALA or EPA+DHA on immune outcomes representing key functions of human neutrophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes. Design: In a placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel study, 150 healthy men and women aged 25-72 y were randomly assigned to I of 5 interventions: placebo (no additional n-3 PUFAs), 4.5 or 9.5 g ALA/d, and 0.77 or 1.7 g EPA+DHA/d for 6 mo. The n-3 PUFAs were provided in 25 g fat spread plus 3 oil capsules. Blood samples were taken at 0, 3, and 6 mo. Results: The fatty acid composition of peripheral blood mononuclear cell phospholipids was significantly different in the groups with higher intakes of ALA or EPA+DHA. The interventions did not alter the percentages of neutrophils or monocytes engaged in phagocytosis of Escherichia coli or in phagocytic activity, the percentages of neutrophils or monocytes undergoing oxidative burst in response to E. coli or phorbol ester, the proliferation of lymphocytes in response to a T cell mitogen, the production of numerous cytokines by monocytes and lymphocytes, or the in vivo delayed-type hypersensitivity response. Conclusion: An intake of f less than or equal to9.5 g ALA/d or less than or equal to1.7 g EPA+DHA/d does not alter the functional activity of neutrophils, monocytes, or lymphocytes, but it changes the fatty acid composition of mononuclear cells.


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TRPA1 is an excitatory ion channel expressed by a subpopulation of primary afferent somatosensory neurons that contain substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide. Environmental irritants such as mustard oil, allicin, and acrolein activate TRPA1, causing acute pain, neuropeptide release, and neurogenic inflammation. Genetic studies indicate that TRPA1 is also activated downstream of one or more proalgesic agents that stimulate phospholipase C signaling pathways, thereby implicating this channel in peripheral mechanisms controlling pain hypersensitivity. However, it is not known whether tissue injury also produces endogenous proalgesic factors that activate TRPA1 directly to augment inflammatory pain. Here, we report that recombinant or native TRPA1 channels are activated by 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE), an endogenous alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehyde that is produced when reactive oxygen species peroxidate membrane phospholipids in response to tissue injury, inflammation, and oxidative stress. HNE provokes release of substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide from central (spinal cord) and peripheral (esophagus) nerve endings, resulting in neurogenic plasma protein extravasation in peripheral tissues. Moreover, injection of HNE into the rodent hind paw elicits pain-related behaviors that are inhibited by TRPA1 antagonists and absent in animals lacking functional TRPA1 channels. These findings demonstrate that HNE activates TRPA1 on nociceptive neurons to promote acute pain, neuropeptide release, and neurogenic inflammation. Our results also provide a mechanism-based rationale for developing novel analgesic or anti-inflammatory agents that target HNE production or TRPA1 activation.


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Mediators involved in the generation of symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are poorly understood. Here we show that colonic biopsy samples from IBS patients release increased levels of proteolytic activity (arginine cleavage) compared to asymptomatic controls. This was dependent on the activation of NF-kappaB. In addition, increased proteolytic activity was measured in vivo, in colonic washes from IBS compared with control patients. Trypsin and tryptase expression and release were increased in colonic biopsies from IBS patients compared with control subjects. Biopsies from IBS patients (but not controls) released mediators that sensitized murine sensory neurons in culture. Sensitization was prevented by a serine protease inhibitor and was absent in neurons lacking functional protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR2). Supernatants from colonic biopsies of IBS patients, but not controls, also caused somatic and visceral hyperalgesia and allodynia in mice, when administered into the colon. These pronociceptive effects were inhibited by serine protease inhibitors and a PAR2 antagonist and were absent in PAR2-deficient mice. Our study establishes that proteases are released in IBS and that they can directly stimulate sensory neurons and generate hypersensitivity symptoms through the activation of PAR2.


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Pteridium aquilinum (bracken fern) is one of the most common plants. Epidemiological studies have revealed a higher risk of certain types of cancers (i.e., esophageal, gastric) in people who consume bracken fern directly ( as crosiers or rhizomes) or indirectly through the consumption of milk from livestock that fed on the plant. In animals, evidence exists regarding the associations between chronic bracken fern intoxication, papilloma virus infection, and the development of carcinomas. While it is possible that some carcinogens in bracken fern could be responsible for these cancers in both humans and animals, it is equally plausible that the observed increases in cancers could be related to induction of an overall immunosuppression by the plant/its various constituents. Under the latter scenario, normal tumor surveillance responses against nascent (non-bracken-induced) cancers or responses against viral infections ( specifically those linked to induction of cancers) might be adversely impacted by continuous dietary exposure to this plant. Therefore, the overall objective of this study was to evaluate the immunomodulatory effects of bracken fern following daily ingestion of its extract by a murine host over a period of 14 ( or up to 30) days. In C57BL/6 mice administered ( by gavage) the extract, histological analyses revealed a significant reduction in splenic white pulp area. Among a variety of immune response parameters/functions assessed in these hosts and isolated cells, both delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) analysis and evaluation of IFN gamma. production by NK cells during T(H)1 priming were also reduced. Lastly, the innate response in these hosts-assessed by analysis of NK cell cytotoxic functionality-was also diminished. The results here clearly showed the immunosuppressive effects of P. aquilinum and that many of the functions that were modulated could contribute to the increased risk of cancer formation in exposed hosts.


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There is increasing evidence that spinal glial cells play an important role in chronic pain states. However, so far no data on the role of microglia in muscle pain are available. The aim of the present study was to investigate the involvement of spinal microglial cells in chronic muscle pain. In a rat model of chronic muscle inflammation (injection of complete Freunds adjuvant into the gastrocnemius-soleus muscle) alterations of microglia were visualized with quantitative OX-42 immunohistochemistry in the dorsal horn of the segments L4 and L5 12 days after induction of inflammation. In behavioural experiments the influence of chronic intrathecally applied minocycline - a specific microglia inhibitor - or an antibody against tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha: a cytokine released from microglia) on pain-related behaviour was investigated after 1, 3, 6, and 12 days. The immunhistochemical data show that in the deep laminae of the spinal dorsal horn microglial cells reacted with morphological changes to the muscle inflammation. Following inflammation, the mean boundary length surrounding the OX-42 immunostained area was significantly shorter. This indicates that microglial cells were activated by the myositis and withdrew their processes. Chronic intrathecal administration of minocycline or anti TNF-alpha with an osmotic mini-pump largely normalised the inflammation-induced changes in spontaneous exploratory behaviour and attenuated the hypersensitivity to mechanical stimulation. Both the immunohistochemical and behavioural data show that spinal microglial cells are involved in nociceptive processes in the cause of a chronic muscle inflammation. (C) 2008 European Federation of International Association for the Study of Pain Chapters. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In vitro studies have provided conflicting evidence of temperature changes in the tooth pulp chamber after low-level laser irradiation of the tooth surface. The present study was an in vitro evaluation of temperature increases in the human tooth pulp chamber after diode laser irradiation (GaAlAs, lambda = 808 nm) using different power densities. Twelve human teeth (three incisors, three canines, three premolars and three molars) were sectioned in the cervical third of the root and enlarged for the introduction of a thermocouple into the pulp chamber. The teeth were irradiated with 417 mW, 207 mW and 78 mW power outputs for 30 s on the vestibular surface approximately 2 mm from the cervical line of the crown. The highest average increase in temperature (5.6A degrees C) was observed in incisors irradiated with 417 mW. None of the teeth (incisors, canines, premolars or molars) irradiated with 207 mW showed temperature increases higher than 5.5A degrees C that could potentially be harmful to pulp tissue. Teeth irradiated with 78 mW showed lower temperature increases. The study showed that diode laser irradiation with a wavelength of 808 nm at 417 mW power output increased the pulp chamber temperature of certain groups of teeth, especially incisors and premolars, to critical threshold values for the dental pulp (5.5A degrees C). Thus, this study serves as a warning to clinicians that ""more"" is not necessarily ""better"".


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This study evaluated the effects of cohabitation with a B16F10 melanoma-bearer cage mate on behavior and immune functions in mice. Five different experiments were conducted. In each of them, the female mice were divided into two groups: control and experimental. One mouse of each control pair was kept undisturbed and called ""companion of health partner"" (CHP). One mouse of each experimental pair was inoculated with B16FI0 cells and the other, the subject of this study, was called ""companion sick partner"" (CSP). On Day 20 of cohabitation, behavior and immune parameters from CHP and CSP mice were analyzed. In comparison to the CHP, the CSP mice: (1) presented an increased general locomotion in the open field and a decreased exploration time and number of entries in the plus-maze open arms; (2) had an enhanced expression of the CD80 costimulatory molecule on Iab(+)CD11c(+) spleen cells, but no differences were found on lymph nodes cells; (3) presented an altered differentiation of bone marrow cells in the presence of GM-CSF, IL-4, and LPS in vitro, resulting in a lower percentage of Iab(+)CD80(+) cells; (4) had a deficit in the establishment of a Delayed Type of Hypersensitivity to ovalbumin, which was associated to an in vitro proliferation of an IL-10-producing lymphocyte subpopulation after ovalbumin stimulation. Corticosterone levels detected on Day 20 of cohabitation were similar in CHP and CSP mice. It is shown here that DCs phenotype in mice is affected by conditions associated with behavioral alterations indicative of an anxiety-like state induced by the cohabitation with a tumor-bearer conspecific. This phenomenon occurred probably through a nondependent corticosterone mechanism. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the metabolism of odontoblast-like MDPC-23 cells subjected to direct LLL irradiation. The cells were seeded (20,000 cells/well) in 24-well plates and incubated for 24 hours at 37 degrees C. After this period, the culture medium (DMEM) was replaced by fresh DMEM supplemented with 2 or 5% (stress induction by nutritional deficit) or 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS). The cells were exposed to laser doses of 2, 4, 10, 15 and 25 J/cm(2) from a near infrared InGaAsP diode laser prototype (LASERTable; 780 +/- 3 nm, 40 mW). One control group (sham irradiation) was established for each experimental condition (laser dose x FBS supplementation). Three and 72 hours after the last irradiation, cells were analyzed with respect to metabolism, morphology, total protein expression and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity. Higher metabolism and total protein expression were observed 72 hours after the last irradiation at the doses of 15 and 25 J/cm(2) (Mann-Whitney; p<0.05). Higher ALP activity was obtained with 5% FBS when the cells were irradiated with doses of 2 and 10 J/cm(2). For the dose of 25 J/cm(2), the highest ALP activity was observed with 10% FBS. It was concluded that the LLLT parameters used in this study stimulated the metabolic activity of the MDPC-23 cells, especially at the doses of 15 and 25 J/cm(2).