997 resultados para Green plants
Eggs from the Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, nesting population of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) were incubated at all-male-determining (26 degreesC) and all-female-determining (30 degreesC) temperatures. Oxygen consumption and embryonic growth were monitored throughout incubation, and hatchling masses and body dimensions were measured from both temperatures. Eggs hatched after 79 and 53 days incubation at 26 degreesC and 30 degreesC respectively. Oxygen consumption at both temperatures increased to a peak several days before hatching, a pattern typical of turtle embryos, and the rate of oxygen was higher at 30 degreesC than 26 degreesC. The total amount of energy consumed during incubation, and hatchling dimensions, were similar at both temperatures, but hatchlings from 26 degreesC had larger mass, larger yolk-free mass and smaller residual yolks than hatchlings from 30 degreesC. Because of the difference in mass of hatchlings, hatchlings from 30 degreesC had a higher production cost.
In this paper a methodology for integrated multivariate monitoring and control of biological wastewater treatment plants during extreme events is presented. To monitor the process, on-line dynamic principal component analysis (PCA) is performed on the process data to extract the principal components that represent the underlying mechanisms of the process. Fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering is used to classify the operational state. Performing clustering on scores from PCA solves computational problems as well as increases robustness due to noise attenuation. The class-membership information from FCM is used to derive adequate control set points for the local control loops. The methodology is illustrated by a simulation study of a biological wastewater treatment plant, on which disturbances of various types are imposed. The results show that the methodology can be used to determine and co-ordinate control actions in order to shift the control objective and improve the effluent quality.
This report outlines the development of optimized particle inflow gun (PIG) parameters for producing transgenic sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). Both transient and stable expression were examined when determining these parameters. The uidA reporter gene (GUS) encoding beta -glucuronidase was used in transient experiments and the green fluorescent protein (GFP) used to monitor stable expression. Initially, optimization was conducted using leaf segments, as the generation of sorghum callus in sufficiently large quantities is time-consuming. Following leaf optimization, experiments were conducted using callus, identifying a high similarity between the two tissue types (r(s) = 0.83). High levels of GUS expression were observed in both leaf and callus material when most distant from the DNA expulsion point, and using a pressure greater than 1800 kPa. A higher level of expression was also observed when the aperture of the helium inlet valve was constricted. Using the optimized conditions (pressure of 2200 kPa, distance to target tissue of 15 cm from the expulsion point, and the aperture of the helium inlet valve at one full turn), three promoters (Ubiquitin, Actin1 and CaMV 35S) were evaluated over a 72-h period using GUS as the reporter gene. A significantly higher number of GUS foci were counted with the Ubiquitin construct over this period, compared to the Actin1 and CaMV 35S constructs. Stable callus sectors (on 2 mg l(-1) bialaphos) with GFP expression were visualized for as long as 6 wk post-bombardment. Using this optimized protocol, several plants were regenerated after having been bombarded with the pAHC20 construct (containing the bar gene), with molecular evidence confirming integration.
GCR1 has been tentatively identified in Arabidopsis thaliana as the first plant G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) (Josefsson and Rask 1997) implicated in the cytokinin sensory pathway (Plakidou-Dymock et al. 1998). A protein fusion of GCR1 and green fluorescent protein has been expressed in Arabidopsis and shown GCR1 to be located on the plasma membrane. Studies of plants with altered GCR1 expression have led us to question GCR1's involvement in cytokinin signaling. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants containing sense and antisense constructs for GCR1 have been produced and over- and under-expression confirmed. The analysis of 12 antisense and 17 sense lines has failed to reveal the previously reported Dainty phenotype or altered cytokinin sensitivity. We have used the Gauntlet approach to test the plants' response to various plant hormones although this has not yet identified a mutant phenotype. The yeast-two hybrid system has been used and so far there is no evidence to suggest GCR1 interacts with heterotrimeric G proteins. Before GCR1 can be identified as genuine G-protein coupled receptor, the identification of a ligand and a proof of association with heterotrimeric G-proteins should be obtained.
Retention of green leaf area in grain sorghum under post-anthesis drought, known as stay-green, is associated with greater biomass production, lodging resistance and yield. The stay-green phenomenon can be examined at a cell, leaf, or whole plant level. At a cell level, the retention of chloroplast proteins such as LHCP2, OEC33 and Rubisco until late in senescence has been reported in sorghum containing the KS19 source of stay-green, indicating that photosynthesis may be maintained for longer during senescence in these genotypes. At a leaf level, longevity of photosynthetic apparatus is intimately related to nitrogen (N) status. At a whole plant level, stay-green can be viewed as a consequence of the balance between N demand by the grain and N supply during grain filling. To examine some of these concepts, nine hybrids varying in the B35 and KS19 sources of stay-green were grown under a postanthesis water deficit. Genotypic variation in delayed onset and reduced rate of leaf senescence were explained by differences in specific leaf nitrogen (SLN) and N uptake during grain filling. Matching N supply from age-related senescence and N uptake during grain tilling with grain N demand found that the shortfall in N supply for grain filling was greater in the senescent than stay-green hybrids, resulting in more accelerated leaf senescence in the former. We hypothesise that increased N uptake by stay-green hybrids is a result of greater biomass accumulation during grain filling in response to increased sink demand (higher grain numbers) which, in turn, is the result of increased radiation use efficiency and transpiration efficiency due to higher SLN. Delayed leaf senescence resulting from higher SLN should, in turn, allow snore carbon and nitrogen to be allocated to the roots of stay-green hybrids during grain filling, thereby maintaining a greater capacity to extract N from the soil compared with senescent hybrids.
Recent years have seen the introduction of new and varied designs of activated sludge plants. With increasing needs for higher efficiencies and lower costs, the possibility of a plant that operates more effectively has created the need for tools that can be used to evaluate and compare designs at the design stage. One such tool is the operating space diagram. It is the aim of this paper to present this tool and demonstrate its application and relevance to design using a simple case study. In the case study, use of the operating space diagram suggested changes in design that would improve the flexibility of the process. It also was useful for designing suitable control strategies.
The numerical implementation of the complex image approach for the Green's function of a mixed-potential integralequation formulation is examined and is found to be limited to low values of k(0) rho (in this context k(0) rho = 2 pirho/ lambda(0), where rho is the distance between the source and the field points of the Green's function and lambda(0) is the free space wavelength). This is a clear limitation for problems of large dimension or high frequency where this limit is easily exceeded. This paper examines the various strategies and proposes a hybrid method whereby most of the above problems can be avoided. An efficient integral method that is valid for large k(0) rho is combined with the complex image method in order to take advantage of the relative merits of both schemes. It is found that a wide overlapping region exists between the two techniques allowing a very efficient and consistent approach for accurately calculating the Green's functions. In this paper, the method developed for the computation of the Green's function is used for planar structures containing both lossless and lossy media.
The Green-striped burrowing frog. Cyclorana alboguttata survives extended drought periods by burrowing underground and aestivating. These frogs remain immobile within cocoons of shed skin and Mucus during aestivation and emerge from their burrows upon heavy rains to feed and reproduce. Extended periods of immobilisation in mammals typically result in muscle atrophy and a decrease in muscle performance. We examined the effect of aestivation and hence prolonged immobilisation, on skeletal Muscle mass. in vitro muscle performance, and locomotor performance in C. alboguttata. Frogs were aestivated in soil for 3 months and were compared with control animals that remained active, were fed, and had a continual supply of water. Compared to the controls, the wet mass of the gastrocnemius. sartorius, gracilus major. semimembranosus. peroneus, extensor cruris, tibialis posticus and tibialis anticus longus of aestivators remained unchanged indicating no muscle atrophy. The in-vitro performance characteristics of the gastroenemius muscle were maintained and burst swimming speed Was Unaffected, requiring no recovery from the extended period of immobilisation associated with aestivation. This preservation of muscle size, contractile condition and locomotor performance through aestivation enables C. alboguttata to compress their life history into unpredictable windows of opportunity, whenever heavy rains occur.
In nature, green turtles (Chelonia mydas) can exhibit nocturnal activity in addition to their typically diurnal activity cycle. We examined whether nocturnal activity in captive and free-living green turtles altered daily plasma profiles of melatonin (MEL) and corticosterone (CORT). In captivity, diurnally active green turtles expressed distinct diel cycles in MEL and CORT; a nocturnal rise was observed in MEL and a diurnal rise was observed in CORT. However, when induced to perform both low- and high-intensity nocturnal activity, captive green turtles exhibited a significant decrease in MEL, compared to inactive controls. In contrast, plasma CORT increased significantly with nocturnal activity, and further, the relative increase in CORT was correlated with the intensity of the nocturnal behavior. In free-living green turtles that performed nocturnal activity including: nesting, mate searching, and feeding/swimming behaviors, plasma profiles in MEL and CORT exhibited relatively little, or no, daily fluctuation. Our findings demonstrate that nocturnal activity in green turtles is often associated with MEL and CORT profiles that resemble those measured during the day. We speculate that these conspicuous changes in MEL and CORT during nocturnal activity could either support or promote behaviors that enable acquisition of transient resources important to the survival and reproductive success of green turtles. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).