979 resultados para Gravity segregation
In this note we show that the induced 2D-gravity SL(2, ℝ) currents can be defined in a gauge-independent way although they manifest themselves as generators of residual symmetries only in some special gauges. In the Coulomb gas representation we investigate two approaches, namely one resembling string field theory and another that emphasizes the SL(2, ℝ) structure in the phase space. In the conformal gauge we propose a solution of the Liouville theory in terms of the SL(2, ℝ) currents.
The great simplicity attained by the Weyl-van der Waerden spinor technique in the evaluation of helicity invariant amplitudes is shown to apply in the cumbersome calculations within the framework of linearized gravitation. Once the graviton couplings to spin-0, 1/2, 1, and 3/2 particles are given, we exhibit the reach of this method by evaluating, as an example, the helicity amplitudes for the process electron + positron → photon + graviton in a very straightforward way. © 1994 Plenum Publishing Corporation.
In the weak field approximation of higher order gravity theory a gravitational potential is described by a Newtonian plus a Yukawa-like term. This new term is used to explain some aspects of galactic dynamics, without considering dark matter. Its presence modifies the scattering probability of a massive intruder star and relaxation time of the stellar system.
The Bouguer gravity anomaly of the northwest Ceará state in north-central Brazil was separated into its regional and residual components which were interpreted separately. By assuming that the sources of the regional anomalies are the depth variations of the crust-mantle interface, the mapping of these variations permited identifying crustal thickening zones which may be related to regional structures. The gravity residual sources coincide with occurrences of high-grade rocks (granulites) associated to medium-grade gneisses. Besides, the major strike-slip zones present significant signatures in the gravity data. This geophysical interpretation is compatible with the interpretation that the tectonic framework of the area is related to two crustal blocks conjoined by an A-type suture. The blocks are displaced along an oblique ramp with dextral movement, which played an important role in uplifting high-grade rocks from the lower crust to upper crustal levels. The suture zone corresponds to an imbricated compressive system dipping to the east and complicated by late dextral strike-slip shear zones.
In the context of a gauge theory for the translation group, a conserved energy-momentum gauge current for the gravitational field is obtained. It is a true spacetime and gauge tensor, and transforms covariantly under global Lorentz transformations. By rewriting the gauge gravitational field equation in a purely spacetime form, it becomes the teleparallel equivalent of Einstein's equation, and the gauge current reduces to the Møller's canonical energy-momentum density of the gravitational field.
A simple algorithm for computing the propagator for higher derivative gravity theories based on the Barnes-Rivers operators is presented. The prescription is used, among other things, to obtain the propagator for quadratic gravity in an unconventional gauge. We also find the propagator for both gravity and quadratic gravity in an interesting gauge recently baptized the Einstein gauge [Hitzer and Dehnen, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 36 (1997), 559].
We discuss the possible influence of gravity in the neutronization process p+e-→νe, which is particularly important as a cooling mechanism of neutron stars. Our approach is semiclassical in the sense that leptonic fields are quantized on a classical background spacetime, while neutrons and protons are treated as excited and unexcited nucleon states, respectively. We expect gravity to have some influence wherever the energy content carried by the in state is barely above the neutron mass. In this case the emitted neutrinos would be soft enough to have a wavelength of the same order as the space curvature radius. ©2000 The American Physical Society.
Dijet production at the Tevatron including effects of virtual exchanges of spin-2 Kaluza-Klein modes in theories with large extra dimensions is considered. The experimental dijet mass and angular distribution are exploited to obtain stringent limits (> 1.2TeV) on the effective string scale M s.
The most general quantum mechanical wave equation for a massive scalar particle in a metric generated by a spherically symmetric mass distribution is considered within the framework of higher derivative gravity (HDG). The exact effective Hamiltonian is constructed and the significance of the various terms is discussed using the linearized version of the above-mentioned theory. Not only does this analysis shed new light on the long standing problem of quantum gravity concerning the exact nature of the coupling between a massive scalar field and the background geometry, it also greatly improves our understanding of the role of HDG's coupling parameters in semiclassical calculations.
Quadratic gravity in (2+1)D is nonunitarity at the tree level. When a topological Chern-Simons term is added to this theory, the harmless massive scalar mode of the former gives rise to a troublesome massive spin-0 ghost, while the massive spin-2 ghost is replaced by two massive physical particles both of spin-2. Therefore, unlike what it is claimed in the literature, quadratic Chern-Simons gravity in (2+1)D is nonunitary at the tree level. © 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
We establish a Green-Nagdhi model equation for capillary-gravity waves in (2+1) dimensions. Through the derivation of an asymptotic equation governing short-wave dynamics, we show that this system possesses (1 + 1) traveling-wave solutions for almost all the values of the Bond number θ (the special case θ=1/3 is not studied). These waves become singular when their amplitude is larger than a threshold value, related to the velocity of the wave. The limit angle at the crest is then calculated. The stability of a wave train is also studied via a Benjamin-Feir modulational analysis. ©2005 The American Physical Society.
General relativity and quantum mechanics are not consistent with each other. This conflict stems from the very fundamental principles on which these theories are grounded. General relativity, on one hand, is based on the equivalence principle, whose strong version establishes the local equivalence between gravitation and inertia. Quantum mechanics, on the other hand, is fundamentally based on the uncertainty principle, which is essentially nonlocal. This difference precludes the existence of a quantum version of the strong equivalence principle, and consequently of a quantum version of general relativity. Furthermore, there are compelling experimental evidences that a quantum object in the presence of a gravitational field violates the weak equivalence principle. Now it so happens that, in addition to general relativity, gravitation has an alternative, though equivalent, description, given by teleparallel gravity, a gauge theory for the translation group. In this theory torsion, instead of curvature, is assumed to represent the gravitational field. These two descriptions lead to the same classical results, but are conceptually different. In general relativity, curvature geometrizes the interaction while torsion, in teleparallel gravity, acts as a force, similar to the Lorentz force of electrodynamics. Because of this peculiar property, teleparallel gravity describes the gravitational interaction without requiring any of the equivalence principle versions. The replacement of general relativity by teleparallel gravity may, in consequence, lead to a conceptual reconciliation of gravitation with quantum mechanics. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.
We discuss conservation laws for gravity theories invariant under general coordinate and local Lorentz transformations. We demonstrate the possibility to formulate these conservation laws in many covariant and noncovariant(ly looking) ways. An interesting mathematical fact underlies such a diversity: there is a certain ambiguity in a definition of the (Lorentz-) covariant generalization of the usual Lie derivative. Using this freedom, we develop a general approach to the construction of invariant conserved currents generated by an arbitrary vector field on the spacetime. This is done in any dimension, for any Lagrangian of the gravitational field and of a (minimally or nonminimally) coupled matter field. A development of the regularization via relocalization scheme is used to obtain finite conserved quantities for asymptotically nonflat solutions. We illustrate how our formalism works by some explicit examples. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
Due to its underlying gauge structure, teleparallel gravity achieves a separation between inertial and gravitational effects. It can, in consequence, describe the isolated gravitational interaction without resorting to the equivalence principle, and is able to provide a tensorial definition for the energy-momentum density of the gravitational field. Considering the conceptual conflict between the local equivalence principle and the nonlocal uncertainty principle, the replacement of general relativity by its teleparallel equivalent can be considered an important step towards a prospective reconciliation between gravitation and quantum mechanics. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.
The gravitational properties of a straight cosmic string are studied in the linear approximation of higher-derivative gravity. These properties are shown to be very different from those found using linearized Einstein gravity: there exists a short range gravitational (anti-gravitational) force in the nonrelativistic limit; in addition, the deflection angle of a light ray moving in a plane orthogonal to the string depends on the impact parameter. © 2008 World Scientific Publishing Company.