988 resultados para Gomes, Alair 1921-1992.


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The Iowa DOT has been using the AASHTO Present Serviceability Index (PSI) rating procedure since 1968 to rate the condition of pavement sections. A ride factor and a cracking and patching factor make up the PSI value. Crack and patch surveys have been done by sending crews out to measure and record the distress. Advances in video equipment and computers make it practical to videotape roads and do the crack and patch measurements in the office. The objective of the study was to determine the feasibility of converting the crack and patch survey operation to a video recording system with manual post processing. The summary and conclusions are as follows: Video crack and patch surveying is a feasible alternative to the current crack and patch procedure. The cost per mile should be about 25 percent less than the current procedure. More importantly, the risk of accidents is reduced by getting the people and vehicles off the roadway and shoulder. Another benefit is the elimination of the negative public perceptions of the survey crew on the shoulder.


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In 1990, early distress had shown up on US 20 in Hamilton/Webster counties, three years after paving. Since that time, over a dozen more projects, constructed between 1984 and 1994, have been found to exhibit similar early distress. Several changes to the concrete and Portland cement specifications occurred in 1994 and 1996. This study was undertaken to investigate in place concrete pavements before and after specification changes were implemented. The objective of this research is to evaluate the impact of Portland cement and concrete specification changes made in 1994 and 1996 on PCC durability. Cores were obtained in 1998 and 2003 from projects constructed in 1992, before specification changes, and 1997 after specification changes. The following is a brief summary of the conclusions: 1. The pavements in the study constructed under the new specifications are performing much better after 5 years of service than the pavements constructed under the old specifications. 2. According to ISU, micro-cracking is evident in all concrete that has been in service, due to thermal stresses and loading stresses. Also, the low vacuum SEM will desiccate the concrete enough to cause micro-cracking. The SEM should not be used as a tool to indicate micro-cracking. 3. Use of Type II cement (C3A <8%) and a 3.0% SO3 limit does not completely eliminate ettringite infilling in air voids, as indicated in the bottom of the 1997 cores. 4. In areas of high moisture (bottom of the core), infilling is present in most of the 1997 cores. 5. Low air content and high spacing factor in the top of 1992 cores apparently causes F/T cycling cracking and then increased moisture paths from cracking causes infilling. 6. Use of ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) and fly ash reduces ettringite infilling either by diluting the aluminate (C3A) or lowering permeability, which slows ingress of moisture. 7. The specification changes that made the biggest impact on pavement durability are the limits on vibration and increase in air content in September 1994. 8. Investigations of cores from pavements placed in 2002 and 2003 indicate improved air contents and spacing factors. In-place air content and spacing factors should be monitored to determine if appropriate air void parameters are being met.


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This five-year plan,1992-1996,describes the needs, goals, objectives, and methodology for each of the Library Services and Construction Act goals. The LSCA long range plan is revised and issued on an annual basis.


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This summary of legislation enacted by the General Assembly has been prepared for the use of legislators and other interested parties. The summary of each legislative enactment has been assigned to a major subject category. This compilation provides interested persons with quick reference to legislation enacted in specific areas and generally informs persons of the contents and effective date of the legislation. NOTE: This is a large file and may take a few minutes to load.


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Fa 20 anys que la ràdio española gaudeix de la libertad informativa que li va ser negada durant la dictadura. En aquests 20 anys, l’evolució del macro-gènere información ens ha portat des de l’anomenat “boom de la ràdio informativa” fins al naixement, al nostre país, de les primeres emissores dedicades íntegrament a la información, en primer lloc, Catalunya Informació, i més tard, Radio 5 Todo Noticias. El que pretenem amb aquest estudié s tractar del naixement i la consolidació del primer format radiofònic informatiu, un format sobre el qual no hi ha encara gaires referències bibliogràfiques.


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The major objective of this project is to evaluate image analysis for characterizing air voids in Portland cement contract (PCC) and asphalt concrete (AC) and aggregate gradation in asphalt concrete. Phase 1 of this project has concentrated on evaluation and refinement of sample preparation techniques, evaluation of methods and instruments for conducting image analysis, and finally, analysis and comparison of a select portion of samples. Preliminary results suggest a strong correlation between the results obtained from the linear traverse method and image analysis methods for determining percent air voids in concrete. Preliminary work with asphalt samples has shown that damage caused by a high vacuum of the conventional scanning electron microscope (SEM) may too disruptive. Alternative solutions have been explored, including confocal microscopy and low vacuum electron microscopy. Additionally, a conventional high vacuum SEM operating at a marginal operating vacuum may suffice.


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The major objective of this research project is to utilize thermal analysis techniques in conjunction with x-ray analysis methods to identify and explain chemical reactions that promote aggregate related deterioration in Portland cement concrete. The first year of this project has been spent obtaining and analyzing limestone and dolomite samples that exhibit a wide range of field service performance. Most of the samples chosen for the study also had laboratory durability test information (ASTM C 666, method B) that was readily available. Preliminary test results indicate that a strong relationship exists between the average crystallite size of the limestone (calcite) specimens and their apparent decomposition temperatures as measured by thermogravimetric analysis. Also, premature weight loss in the thermogravimetric analysis tests appeared to be related to the apparent decomposition temperature of the various calcite test specimens.


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The disposal of discarded tires has become a major problem. Different methods of recycling have been researched. Currently, Iowa is researching the use of ground recycled crumb rubber from discarded tires in asphalt rubber cement. Six projects have been completed in Iowa using asphalt rubber cement. This project is located on IA 947 (University Avenue) in Cedar Falls/Waterloo. The project contains one section with asphalt rubber cement used in both the binder and surface courses and one section using asphalt rubber cement in the surface course with a conventional binder. There are two control sections where conventional asphalt pavement was placed.


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Au sujet du "Roi Candaule" : craint de ne pouvoir achever l'instrumentation dans les délai fixé s'il lui faut reconstruire un acte entier : "N'y aurait-il pas un moyen d'ajouter au quatre, après le grand ensemble et sans rien y changer ce que vous voulez faire dire au Roi - ce serait en ce cas assez bref - et amener là les danses et les chants de la Résurrection d'Atys pour lesquels la nuit n'est point indispensable." (30 juin 1914) L'informe également que la lettre de Carré est une "excellente amorce pour Candaule" et qu'il faudrait agir dès le retour de Donnay : "les réceptions vont être innombrables à l'Opéra Comique et il ne faudrait pas que février nous devançât" (25 octobre 1918). Lui fixe un rendez-vous pour la lecture du livret au vendredi 20 juin 1919. (16 juin 1919) Évoque un autre projet avec son librettiste : "Avec quelle joie je commencerai la partition de ce "Jean-Jacques" auquel je ne cesse de penser et qui me passionne de plus en plus. Je vous devrai encore de belles heures." (27 juillet 1921)