873 resultados para Goats -- Anatomy


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Floral nectaries have contributed to the systematics of different taxonomic groups. Since those of the neotropical genera included in subfamily Salacioideae-Cheiloclinium Miers, Peritassa Miers, Salacia L. and Tontelea Aubl.-have different forms and positions, we explored their anatomy to delimit more precisely the genera of subfamily Salacioideae. Buds and open flowers of six species were treated following the usual techniques in plant anatomy. The obtained data were helpful in characterizing the floral nectary anatomy of the studied species. Furthermore, some features such as form, position and surface of nectaries; form of their epidermal cells; presence and distribution of stomata; occurrence of idioblasts containing druses in the nectariferous parenchyma; and absence of nectary vascularization can contribute to the taxonomy and phylogeny of the Salacioideae studied. In most of the studied species the nectar is probably released by both the stomata and the nectary epidermal surface. In Cheiloclinium cognatum, the structure acknowledged as nectary is actually a vestigial tissue and the functions of attracting and rewarding pollinators has phylogenetically migrated to the stigmatic region. The druses and phenolic substances observed in the nectariferous parenchyma probably help defend flowers against herbivore attacks. The minute size of the nectaries of Salacioideae may explain the absence of vascularization. The floral nectaries of Salacia elliptica are epithelial while those of the other species are mesenchymal. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Wien.


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Hydrometra is considered a very important pathological condition, because it represents one of the main causes of temporary infertility in dairy goats. The objective was (i) to evaluate a protocol for the treatment of hydrometra associated (n=2) or not (n=17) with follicular ovarian cyst in 19 dairy goats and (ii) to assess its reproductive efficiency after treatment. For this purpose, 10. mg of dinoprost (PGF) divided in two equal doses were administered to all animals intravulvosubmucosally on Days 0 and 10. In addition, 500. IU hCG were administered on Day 7. Ultrasound exams were performed in all females from Days 0 to 3, 7 and 10 to 13 of treatment, in order to evaluate uterus drainage after each treatment. Goats were monitored for estrus after both treatments and mated after the second dose of PGF. Blood samples were collected from 11 goats to determine plasma progesterone concentrations before, during and after treatment. Of the 19 goats treated, 16 lost weight after the first dose, probably due to uterine discharge. Complete drainage of uterine fluid was observed in 11/19 (57.9%) and 17/19 (89.5%) after the first and second doses, respectively. Afterwards, we diagnosed 2 more goats with follicular cysts, for a total of 21.1% (4/19) of animals exhibiting hydrometra and ovarian cyst concomitantly. In one doe the diagnosis was on Day 2 and in the other on Day 11. All does showed progesterone concentrations superior to 1. ng/mL at Day 0, with an average of 10.6 ± 1.4. ng/mL. Out of the 10 goats mated, only two became pregnant after treatment, corresponding to 10.5% of the total (2/19). Although prostaglandin was effective to drain the uterine fluid and led to the onset of estrus, it did not improve the pregnancy rate. The use of hCG in female goats was not effective in luteinizing the cysts. It can be concluded that hydrometra alone or associated with ovarian follicular cyst may adversely affect goat reproductive performance. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Clinical, histopathological and ultrastructural findings of caprine dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (DEB) with autosomal recessive inheritance are reported. The goats presented with exungulation, erosions, crusts and scars on the skin and ulcers in the oral cavity. Microscopically, the skin showed subepidermal separation with clefts filled occasionally with clear eosinophilic fluid, cellular debris or neutrophils. Ultrastructurally, the site of blister formation was the sublamina densa in the epidermal basement membrane zone. In skin with blister formation and in clinically uninvolved skin, the basal lamina was preserved, but the anchoring fibrils were sparse and rudimentary. A twin brother of an affected kid was mated over 5 years with his mother; three out of the 10 kids born presented with epidermolysis bullosa, indicating that the disease has an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. It is suggested that the disease is similar to human severe generalized recessive DEB. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Paepalanthus sect. Diphyomene comprises 18 species with a convoluted taxonomic history. Aiming to correlate anatomical structures with the systematics of this group and its relatives, we studied the anatomy of scapes, reproductive axis bracts, and leaves of 20 Paepalanthus species. Bracts and leaves show differences in epidermal cell thickening; mesophyll width; vascular bundle arrangement; presence or absence of a hypodermis; types of cells in the vascular bundle sheath extensions; margin shape and composition; and presence or absence of aquiferous parenchyma. Scapes differ in contour, rib number, and pith size. Some diagnostic characters found are presence of aquiferous parenchyma and absence of vascular bundle sheath extensions in leaves of P. urbanianus; vascular bundles decreasing in size towards the margin of leaves and bracts, and scapes with a triangular contour in P. flaccidus; scapes with nine ribs in P. acanthophyllus and ten in P. macer. All anatomical features are summarized in tables. These results aid in the identification and characterization of the species of P. sect. Diphyomene. They also support the current section circumscription, reinforcing the relevance of the anatomical characters in order to define natural groups. © 2012 The New York Botanical Garden.


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Male goats of reproductive age that were serologically negative for Toxoplasma gondii were selected and distributed according to the following arrangement: (A) one goat infected orally with 2.0 × 105 oocysts; (B) one goat infected subcutaneously with 1.0 × 106 tachyzoites; and (C) one uninfected goat kept as a control. After T. gondii inoculation, 12 non-pregnant female breeder goats that were serologically negative for the main reproductive diseases, especially toxoplasmosis, were synchronized and then exposed to natural mating by the males that had previously been inoculated: five females exposed to natural mating by male A (group GI); five females exposed to natural mating by male B (group GII); and two females exposed to natural mating by the uninfected male C (group GIII). In serum samples obtained from all the female goats before and after natural mating, the presence of antibodies against T. gondii was investigated using the ELISA test. PCR was performed on semen samples, on females and fetal tissues and placenta. Ten out of the 12 females showed specific antibodies against T. gondii after natural mating: five in GI and five in GII. On several dates on which natural mating occurred, T. gondii was identified in semen samples from the infected males, using PCR. Subsequently, after the females had been sacrificed, it was also possible to identify T. gondii in tissue samples from the infected females and from their fetuses, stillbirths and offspring, using PCR. Therefore, these results prove, for the first time, that T. gondii infection can be transmitted sexually from male to female goats. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hebanthe eriantha (Poir.) Pedersen, a climbing species of the Amaranthaceae increases in stem thickness by forming successive cambia. The family is dominated by herbaceous species and is constantly under discussion due to its disputed nature of the meristem. In the young stem small alternate segments of vascular cambium cease to divide and new arc of cambium initiates outside to it. The newly formed arcs connect with pre-existing alternate segments of cambium to complete the ring. On the contrary, in thick stems, instead of small segments, complete ring of cambium is replaced by new one. These new alternate segments/cambia originate from the parenchyma cells located outside to the phloem produced by previous cambium. Cambium is storied and exclusively composed of fusiform initials while ray cells remain absent at least in the early part of the secondary growth. However, large heterocellular rays are observed in 15-mm diameter stems but their frequency is much lower. In some of the rays, ray cells become meristematic and differentiate into radially arranged xylem and phloem elements. In fully grown plants, stems are composed of several successive rings of secondary xylem alternating with secondary phloem. Secondary xylem is diffuse-porous and composed of vessels, fibres, axial parenchyma while exceptionally large rays are observed only in the outermost regions of thick stems. Vessel diameter increases progressively from the centre towards the periphery of stems. Although the origin of successive cambia and composition of secondary xylem of H. eriantha remains similar to other herbaceous members of Amaranthaceae, the occurrence of relatively wider and thick-walled vessels and large rays in fully grown plants is characteristic to climbing habit. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Wien.


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Para testar a técnica de aversão alimentar condicionada como método de controle para a intoxicação por I. carnea, foram realizados 3 experimentos administrando cloreto de lítio (LiCl) na dose de 175-200mg kg-1 após a ingestão da planta por caprinos. No primeiro, foram induzidos à aversão 10 caprinos que tinham o hábito de ingerir a planta e com sinais clínicos da intoxicação. Apesar da realização de diversos tratamentos aversivos, após os animais ingerirem a planta, a aversão não foi eficiente, demonstrando que a técnica não é eficiente em caprinos que já estão habituados a ingerir a planta. No segundo experimento, 14 caprinos foram adaptados a ingerir a planta na pastagem e, após ingerirem a planta a campo, foram induzidos à aversão com LiCl. Neste grupo, a aversão persistiu até o fim do Experimento, 2 anos e 8 meses após a aversão. Em outro experimento, 20 caprinos foram adaptados a consumir I. carnea e, em seguida, induzidos à aversão com LiCl. Esses animais foram transferidos para uma propriedade na Ilha de Marajó, onde foram realizadas 9 visitas com intervalos de 2-3 meses para verificar a duração da aversão. Após 2 anos de observações, nenhum animal voltou a ingerir a planta na pastagem e não foram observados casos de intoxicação, enquanto que, em 6 propriedades vizinhas, a doença foi observada com uma prevalência de até 60%. Esses resultados demonstram a eficiência da aversão alimentar condicionada para evitar a ingestão de I. carnea em caprinos recém adaptados a ingerir a planta, nas regiões invadidas por esta planta e nas condições naturais da Ilha de Marajó.


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Baccharis coridifolia é uma planta tóxica que possui forte poder aversivo em ruminantes. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram induzir aversão condicionada a Ipomoea carnea avar. fistulos em caprinos utilizando B. coridifolia como agente aversivo e comparar a eficiência desta aversão com a aversão induzida por cloreto de lítio (LiCl). Treze cabras foram divididas em dois grupos: o Grupo 1 com seis cabras foi avertido com 175mg/kg de peso corporal (pc) de LiCl e o Grupo 2, com sete cabras, foi avertido com 0,25g/kg de pc de B. coridifolia seco. Todas as cabras foram avertidas no dia 1 logo após a ingestão de I.carnea. A aversão foi repetida nos dias 2, 3 e 7 nos caprinos que ingeriram qualquer quantidade de I. carnea, utilizando-se o mesmo procedimento do dia 1. Os caprinos de ambos os grupos foram desafiados nas baias nos dias 23 e 38 após o último dia da aversão e desafiados na pastagem nos dias 11, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27 e 29 após o último dia da aversão. Posteriormente os caprinos foram desafiados a cada 15 dias na pastagem até o 330º dia após o último dia da aversão (7º dia). Duas cabras do Grupo 1 ingeriram I. carnea no primeiro dia do desafio na pastagem, quatro dias após o ultimo dia da aversão nas baias. Além disso, outra cabra do mesmo grupo reiniciou a ingestão da planta no 18º dia e outras duas no 20º dia. Uma cabra do Grupo 1 que nunca havia ingerido a planta após a aversão morreu no 55º dia. Uma cabra do Grupo 2 começou a ingerir I. carnea no primeiro dia de desafio na pastagem e uma segunda reiniciou o consumo da planta no 182º dia. No final do experimento no 330º as cinco cabras avertidas com B. coridifolia permaneciam sem ingerir a planta. Estes resultados sugerem que B. coridifolia ou algum princípio ativo dessa planta pode ser utilizado para induzir aversão condicionada a plantas tóxicas. A utilização de B. coridifolia como agente aversivo é aparentemente mais barato e mais fácil de ser utilizado do que o LiCl, o qual requer o uso de sonda oro-gástrica e pessoal qualificado para sua implementação.


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RESUMO O conhecimento relativo ao diásporo e ao desenvolvimento pós-seminal de Paspalum L. é importante para a conservação da biodiversidade dos campos, devido sua importância na representatividade e no melhoramento genético de pastagens. A morfologia do diásporo e do desenvolvimento pós-seminal de Paspalum dilatatum Poir. (rizomatosa); P. mandiocanum Trin. var. subaequiglume Barreto (estolonífera), P. pumilum Nees. (cespitosa decumbente) e P. urvillei Steud. (cespitosa ereta) foi descrita procurando distinguir as espécies com diferentes formas de crescimento, e levantar características úteis para a taxonomia. P. dilatatum se diferencia por apresentar diásporo oval, de maior tamanho que as demais, com cinco nervuras salientes e tricomas; P. urvillei por apresentar diásporo com uma nervura central mais desenvolvida do que as duas nervuras laterais e tricomas; P. mandiocanum var. subaequiglume por apresentar diásporo com tricomas apenas na margem; e P. pumilum por apresentar diásporo glabro. A cariopse envolve a semente que apresenta embrião diferenciado, disposto lateralmente; apresenta hilo elíptico em todas as espécies estudadas e rostelo em P. dilatatum e P. mandiocanum var. subaequiglume. O desenvolvimento pós-seminal é semelhante nas quatro espécies e se inicia com a germinação, que é marcada pela emergência da coleorriza, seguida pelo coleóptilo. Essas características são comuns às demais Poaceae já estudadas, indicando um padrão para a família e não diferenciam as formas de crescimento.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficiência do uso de duas doses de PGF associadas ou não à administração de hCG no início do estro sobre os parâmetros reprodutivos de cabras leiteiras. Um total de 29 cabras receberam duas doses de 30 µg d-cloprostenol pela via latero-vulvar com 10 dias de intervalo (Dia 1 e Dia 10). As cabras foram alocadas para receberem o hCG (250 IU) ou salina i.m. no momento em que o estro foi detectado. Depois da realização da segunda dose de PGF, o estro foi monitorado e exames ultrassonográficos foram realizados duas vezes ao dia. Todas as fêmeas foram inseminadas 16 h após o inicio do estro. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas diariamente para determinação das concentrações plasmáticas de progesterona. O uso do hCG no momento do início do estro não afetou os parâmetros estudados e, portanto, os dados serão apresentados agrupados. A taxa de manifestação de estro foi similar (P > 0,05) na primeira (75,9% - 22/29) ou na segunda dose de PGF (79,3% - 23/29). O intervalo entre a administração de PGF e o início do estro foi maior (P < 0,05) no Dia 1 (75,8±53,9 h) que no Dia 10 (47,7±10,1 h). Duração do estro também diferiu (P < 0,05) 35,4±15,9 (Dia 1) vs 26,8±15, 0 h (Dia 10). A taxa de ovulação foi 79,3% (23/29) após a segunda dose PGF. Não foi encontrada diferença (P>0,05) entre os grupos experimentais quanto aos parâmetros reprodutivos: intervalo entre a aplicação da segunda dose e a ovulação (86,6±11,4h), intervalo do estro a ocorrência da ovulação (39,9±12,3h), diâmetro do maior folículo (7,2±1,4) e número de ovulações (1,8±0,6). No Dia 1, 52,4% (11/21) apresentavam concentrações de progesterona < 1 ng/mL. No Dia 10, 100% dos animais apresentavam concentrações >1ng/mL. O presente estudo permite concluir que o estro pode ser eficientemente sincronizado em cabras leiteiras com duas doses de PGF intervaladas em 10 dias. Novas pesquisas devem se realizadas para avaliar diferentes doses e momentos de utilização do hCG.


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The objective of this study was to assess the reproductive response of adult and prepubertal goats subjected to repeated laparoscopic ovum pick-up (LOPU). The study animals were divided into two groups, specifically, adult nanny goats (GA, n=10) and prepubertal nanny goats (GP, n=10), which were subjected to estrous synchronization and ovarian stimulation for LOPU. Both groups underwent six LOPU procedures at seven-day intervals and were subsequently subjected to controlled mating and pregnancy diagnosis to evaluate their future fertility. The study showed a reduction in the number of follicles visualized and in the amount and quality of the oocytes that were recovered and exposed to in vitro maturation. As indicated by the fertility test, however, no complications were found during the laparoscopic procedures that would impair the reproductive future of the animals. Therefore, a viable number of oocytes were obtained even with the decreased reproductive efficiency, proving that repeated LOPUs do not interfere with the reproductive of adult and prepubertal nanny goats. These results indicate a positive aspect of this procedure, allowing for increasing reproductive performance of this kind, when used for the production in vitro.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Ipomoea carnea is a toxic plant in Brazil and other tropical countries that often poisons livestock; its primary toxin is swainsonine. Some substances that interact with the endocrine system have been called endocrine disruptors (EDs). Considering swainsonine's mode of action, it is feasible to hypothesize that this compound could act as an ED. Bisphenol A (BPA), an estrogen-mimic, is considered a classical ED in rodents. This study aimed to evaluate the possible ED actions of I. cameo and BPA in male goats. Seventeen adult male goats were divided into three homogeneous groups: control (C, n = 5); IC (n = 6, received 5.0 g/kg body weight of freshly harvested I. cornea per day), and BPA (n = 6, received 25.0 mg/kg body weight of BPA per day). The experimental period was 120 days. During the experiment, blood samples were collected at 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days for biochemical and hormonal evaluations. On the same days, semen samples were collected for andrological evaluation, and scrotal circumference and testicular consistency were determined. The males were castrated on day 121, and fragments of testicle and epididymis were collected for histopathological evaluation. A decrease in serum T3 and T4 was observed in the IC group as well as an increase in the number of sperm with morphological alterations. In the BPA group, reduced serum 14 and a decreased percentage of sperm with plasma membrane integrates were observed. A histopathological examination revealed the vacuolar degeneration of Sertoli cells and areas of laminar patterns of calcium deposits in the IC group and vacuolar degeneration in the rete testis in the BPA group. These results indicate that both I. cameo and BPA are potential EDs in goats. This study emphasized the susceptibility of livestock to ED actions. We also demonstrated the action of I. cameo acting as EDs in the endocrine and reproductive systems. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.