283 resultados para Gifted underachievement


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Depression is the most common mental disorder for young people, and it is associated with educational underachievement, self-harm, and suicidality. Current psychological therapies for adolescent depression are usually focused only on individual-level change and often neglect family or contextual influences. The efficacy of interventions may be enhanced with a broader therapeutic focus on family factors such as communication, conflict, support, and cohesion. This article describes a structured multi-family group approach to the treatment of adolescent depression: Behaviour Exchange Systems Therapy for adolescent depression (BEST MOOD). BEST MOOD is a manualized intervention that is designed to address both individual and family factors in the treatment of adolescent depression. BEST MOOD adopts a family systems approach that also incorporates psychoeducation and elements of attachment theories. The program consists of eight multifamily group therapy sessions delivered over 2 hours per week, where parents attend the first four sessions and young people and siblings join from week 5. The program design is specifically aimed to engage youth who are initially resistant to treatment and to optimize youth and family mental health outcomes. This article presents an overview of the theoretical model, session content, and evaluations to date, and provides a case study to illustrate the approach.


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Dirk de Bruyn is one of Australia’s most successful and acclaimed abstract animators. It may be too soon to truly call this program a ‘retrospective’ but de Bruyn’s career none-the-less spans a significant portion of the history of abstract and experimental animation in Australia. His films are as addictive as they are bold and uncompromising examples of the genre. He displays a remarkable ability to learn the lessons gifted us by earlier greats and yet produce a flowing, beautifully realised river of imagery that is all his own. His film contain, in many instances, the spirit and ghost-narratives of his own life. MIAF is thrilled to be able to present this program and the chance to have him discuss these works in person will be one of the festival highlights.


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Dirk de Bruyn is one of Australia’s most successful and acclaimed abstract animators. His career spans a significant portion of the history of abstract and experimental animation in Australia and his films are as addictive as they are bold and uncompromising examples of the genre. He displays a remarkable ability to learn the lessons gifted us by earlier greats and yet produce a flowing, beautifully realised river of imagery that is all his own. MIAF’s look at the various iterations of de Bruyn’s work continues with this special one-off live performance in which he will utilise three projectors to create an experience that blends a suite of moving image artwork drawn from his practice with an improvised sound track. Hosted by the VCA, this performance is FREE and will take place in VCA’s Founders Gallery at 234 St Kilda Rd just a few short minutes walk from ACMI.


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Soon after joining the Canadian Confederation in 1867, the province of Quebec adopted the phrase « Je me souviens » ("As I recall") as its "national" motto, although many Québécois do not remember today what they were supposed to memorize, as collective subject, when their government voted this motion. My thesis is that contrary to other countries which have a strong sense of history based on a secular tradition, this process was more complicated in Quebec — as if a collective memory loss lied at the heart of it's history. Through a rereading of Hubert Aquin's cult novel, Trou de mémoire (in its English translation Blackout), first published in 1968, I try to illustrate this paradox and to emphasize the heuristic functions of memory blanks, gaps and lapses in certain postmodern narratives, after the historical breakdown of "the great narratives" (Lyotard). In this perspective, the example of Quebec, through the voice of one of its more gifted yet controversial novelist, can be seen as emblematic of what happens when the mnemonic impossibility of rewriting history opens up new possibilities for writing fiction.


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Soon after joining the Canadian Confederation in 1867, the province of Quebec adopted the phrase « Je me souviens » ("As I recall") as its "national" motto, although many Québécois do not remember today what they were supposed to memorize, as collective subject, when their government voted this motion. My thesis is that contrary to other countries which have a strong sense of history based on a secular tradition, this process was more complicated in Quebec — as if a collective memory loss lied at the heart of it's history. Through a rereading of Hubert Aquin's cult novel, Trou de mémoire (in its English translation Blackout), first published in 1968, I try to illustrate this paradox and to emphasize the heuristic functions of memory blanks, gaps and lapses in certain postmodern narratives, after the historical breakdown of "the great narratives" (Lyotard). In this perspective, the example of Quebec, through the voice of one of its more gifted yet controversial novelist, can be seen as emblematic of what happens when the mnemonic impossibility of rewriting history opens up new possibilities for writing fiction.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.


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It is generally accepted that Attention‐Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) results from a dysfunction of the central nervous system, which has led to a commonly held belief that environmental factors play little role in the behavioural problems of children identified as having ADHD. Therefore, the two studies reported in this article investigated the relationship between parental divorce and the psychological well‐being of children with ADHD. Subjects, aged 6 to 18 years, were diagnosed with either the inattentive or combined subtype of the disorder. Firstly, differences in children's behaviour between divorced and non‐divorced families were examined, and subtype, age, and gender differences were evaluated in terms of symptom severity and comorbid conditions. Secondly, parents' perceptions of the impact of their children's behaviour on marital status and family/parental functioning were examined. Parental divorce was associated with greater symptom severity, more externalizing/ internalizing behaviours, and poorer social functioning, but less with academic underachievement. Further, parental divorce was related to adjustment differences in ADHD subtypes, age, and gender. However, the correlation between behaviour problems of children with ADHD and marital/family dysfunction was weak. It may be concluded that parental divorce was associated with the psychological well‐being in children with ADHD, and there is some suggestion that ADHD should be viewed as a bio‐psychosocial disorder.


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This article explores the politically contentious issue of White working-class student under-achievement within one particular school – a large and culturally diverse comprehensive secondary school in the greater London area. The article examines the equity philosophies and identity politics articulated by staff in their understanding of and approach to this under-achievement. It challenges the distributive logic and group identity politics that simplify, dislocate and distort equity issues. The article provides an illustration and theorising of remedies that offer potential in raising the educational performance of White working-class students – remedies not based on ethnic identity but rather on destabilising the patterns of economic distribution and social disengagement that compromise these students’ schooling attainment.


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Each year the South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities produces an annual accountability report for the South Carolina General Assembly and the Budget and Control Board. Included is an executive summary, organizational profile, and discussion of the elements of the Malcolm Baldrige Award criteria


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Each year the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science & Mathematics produces an annual accountability report for the South Carolina General Assembly and the Budget and Control Board. Included is an executive summary, organizational profile, and discussion of the elements of the Malcolm Baldrige Award criteria.


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El proyecto de grado titulado “Análisis del posicionamiento estratégico del café del Huila y el desarrollo de los cafés especiales” tiene el objetivo general de estudiar y hacer públicas las ventajas de producir café de alta calidad en el departamento del Huila, puesto que existen algunas zonas del departamento que no tienen una producción de calidad certificada, lo cual ha generado cuellos de botella en relación a la demanda potencial y real con la Unión Europea. En la investigación se busca la manera de incrementar la zona productora de cafés especiales para satisfacer el mercado Europeo que es gustador del tipo de café que se cultiva en la región Huilense por la suavidad, aroma, entre otras variables influyentes. El desarrollo de este proyecto en esta región del país, se sustenta por la mayor producción de café a nivel nacional. Asimismo, también porque es el abanderado en cafés especiales y cuenta con la mayoría de fincas certificadas con algún sello de conducta en Colombia. Lo anterior, se ha alcanzado con la aplicación de buenas prácticas para la sostenibilidad del cultivo, la gran labor de renovación de cafetales y al don cafetero que tiene la gente del Huila debido a que es el negocio agrícola más importante.


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Esta investigación se centra en analizar la danza del vientre como una práctica sociocultural que transforma las subjetividades de sus practicantes, en el caso particular de las mujeres integrantes de la academia Anasi de Bogotá. Basada en la autoetnografía y a partir de experiencias individuales y colectivas de las mujeres integrantes del lugar, la danza es presentada como un proceso que conduce al empoderamiento femenino individual y colectivo. Esto sucede en el marco de una sociedad patriarcal, donde los cuerpos femeninos están cargados de connotaciones y limitaciones. Además de que el estilo dancístico ha sido dotado histórica y socialmente de prejuicios y nociones sexistas y machistas en torno a él y a sus bailarinas.


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A Revolução Industrial consistiu num amplo conjunto de mudanças que ocorreu nos séculos XVIII e XIX na Europa, em que a grande metamorfose na sociedade sucedeu devido à substituição do trabalho manual pelo uso da máquina. Constituiu-se como fenómeno abrangente que congregou fatores demográficos, sociais, ideológicos, políticos e económicos. A busca de melhores condições de vida e de trabalho, foi fator decisivo para o aumento de população nos grandes núcleos urbanos, circunstância que determinou a procura de uma solução que resolvesse a questão do alojamento da classe trabalhadora. Surgiram assim teorias utópicas e sociais e também modelos urbanísticos dos quais se salientam: o Falanstério de Charles Fourier, Familistério de Jean-Baptiste Godin entre outros. Em Portugal, a industrialização ocorreu mais tarde que na restante Europa, assim como as evoluções e transformações associadas a esta. É neste contexto, que a partir do século XIX, o sector agrícola no país foi sendo gradualmente substituído pela indústria. O aumento da industrialização conduziu a um incremento da concentração de mão-de-obra próxima de grandes cidades industriais, ocorrência que fomentou o aparecimento dos primeiros núcleos habitacionais destinados à classe operária. A cidade sofreu, assim, alterações assinaladas por uma série de acontecimentos resultantes da Revolução Industrial, a par da falta de estratégias ligadas à questão da habitação para as classes desfavorecidas. É neste enquadramento que surge o Bairro do Pessoal da Empresa de Cimento de Leiria, Maceira-Liz. Este procurou responder às necessidades dos trabalhadores oferecendo-lhes boa qualidade de vida. Foi dotado de infraestruturas e equipamentos como a “Casa do Pessoal” ou a Cooperativa Abastecedora, entre outros, necessários ao bom funcionamento e permitindo uma maior sociabilidade entres os seus habitantes Desta forma, para demostrar a sua importância, introduz-se o Bairro do Pessoal da E.C.L no estudo do contexto internacional e nacional. Observam-se e criam-se relações com os modelos das cidades utópicas do século XIX e os conjuntos industriais em Portugal, detentores de alojamento destinado à classe trabalhadora, fazendo uma análise urbanística detalhada do Bairro do Pessoal de Maceira- Liz, uma “Utopia” construída segundo o espirito progressista do seu fundador Henrique Sommer.A partir do estudo dos fundamentos teórico-práticos, da forma de implantação e construção, bem como dos vários planos elaborados para este complexo - que demonstravam uma tentativa de inovar, através da construção de respostas às mudanças da sociedade e arquitetura em Portugal- poderá observar- -se que Maceira-Liz tinha alternativas para resolver a situação sócio- laboral dos operários e tentava resolver questões como a insalubridade da habitação operária da I República. O Bairro do Pessoal de E.C.L. ou Bairro de Maceira-Liz é um dos mais significativos exemplos de urbanismo do tipo fabril em Portugal, que permite fazer uma reflexão crítica e arquitetónica do papel que a arquitetura assume face à questão das diferenças sociais de classes, ao mesmo tempo que se propõe uma solução de revitalização do Bairro a fim de contribuir para a sua preservação e conservação da sua identidade; ABSTRACT: The Industrial Revolution consisted in a wide range of changes that occurred in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in Europe, where the great metamorphosis in society succeeded due to the replacement of manual work by the use of machinery. It was established as a wide-ranging phenomenon which gathered demographic, social, ideological, political and economic factors. The search of better conditions of life and work was a decisive factor for the increase of population in major urban centers, a circumstance that led to the search for a solution to solve the question of working-class housing. Thus, utopian and social theories emerged, as also as urban models, of which we stand out: the Charles Fourier Phalanstery, Jean- Baptiste Godin Familistère and others. In Portugal, the industrialization occurred later than in the rest of Europe, as well as developments and changes associated with this. It is in this context that, starting in the nineteenth century, the agricultural sector in the country had been gradually replaced by the industry. The increased industrialization has led to an enlarged concentration of labor work close to major industrial cities, occurrence that fomented the appearance of the first housing units for the working class. So, the city suffered changes shown by a series of events resulting from the Industrial Revolution, together with the lack of strategies linked to the issue of housing for disadvantaged classes. It is in this context that comes the Neighborhood “Bairro do Pessoal da Empresa de Cimento de Leirio, Maceira – Liz”. This tried to respond to workers’ needs by offering them good quality of life. It was gifted with infrastructure and equipment as the “Staff Home” or the Cooperative Supplying, among others, needed for a proper functioning and allowing a greater sociability among its inhabitants. So, to demonstrate its importance, the Quarter of the Cement Company is introduced in the study of national and international context. Relationships with models of utopian cities in the nineteenth and the industrial plants in Portugal, owners of housing for the working class, are observed and created, making a detailed and urban analysis of the Quarter of the Cement Company, a “utopia “ built according to the progressive spirit of its founder Henry Sommer . From the study of the theoretical and practical fundamentals, the way of implementation and construction, as well as the various plans drawn up for this complex - which showed a determination to innovate by building responses to changes in society and architecture in Portugal - it can be founded that Maceira -Liz had alternatives to solve the socio- labor situation of the workers and tried to solve issues such as the unhealthiness of the working room of the First Republic. The Quarter of the Cement Company is one of the most significant examples of the industrial type urbanism in Portugal, which allows a critical and architectural reflection of the role that architecture assumes in what concerns the social class differences issues, while it is proposed a revitalization solution for the Neighborhood in order to contribute to the preservation and conservation of its identity