997 resultados para Geometric pattern


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In this paper, we consider the setting of the pattern maximum likelihood (PML) problem studied by Orlitsky et al. We present a well-motivated heuristic algorithm for deciding the question of when the PML distribution of a given pattern is uniform. The algorithm is based on the concept of a ``uniform threshold''. This is a threshold at which the uniform distribution exhibits an interesting phase transition in the PML problem, going from being a local maximum to being a local minimum.


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Group VB and VIB M-Si systems are considered to show an interesting pattern in the diffusion of components with the change in atomic number in a particular group (M = V, Nb, Ta or M = Mo, W, respectively). Mainly two phases, MSi2 and M5Si3 are considered for this discussion. Except for Ta-silicides, the activation energy for the integrated diffusion of MSi2 is always lower than M5Si3. In both phases, the relative mobilities measured by the ratio of the tracer diffusion coefficients, , decrease with an increasing atomic number in the given group. If determined at the same homologous temperature, the interdiffusion coefficients increase with the atomic number of the refractory metal in the MSi2 phases and decrease in the M5Si3 ones. This behaviour features the basic changes in the defect concentrations on different sublattices with a change in the atomic number of the refractory components.


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This paper reports first observations of transition in recirculation pattern from an open-bubble type axisymmetric vortex breakdown to partially open bubble mode through an intermediate, critical regime of conical sheet formation in an unconfined, co-axial isothermal swirling flow. This time-mean transition is studied for two distinct flow modes which are characterized based on the modified Rossby number (Ro(m)), i.e., Ro(m) <= 1 and Ro(m) > 1. Flow modes with Ro(m) <= 1 are observed to first undergo cone-type breakdown and then to partially open bubble state as the geometric swirl number (S-G) is increased by similar to 20% and similar to 40%, respectively, from the baseline open-bubble state. However, the flow modes with Ro(m) > 1 fail to undergo such sequential transition. This distinct behavior is explained based on the physical significance associated with Ro(m) and the swirl momentum factor (xi). In essence, xi represents the ratio of angular momentum distributed across the flow structure to that distributed from central axis to the edge of the vortex core. It is observed that xi increases by similar to 100% in the critical swirl number band where conical breakdown occurs as compared to its magnitude in the S-G regime where open bubble state is seen. This results from the fact that flow modes with Ro(m) <= 1 are dominated by radial pressure gradient due to swirl/rotational effect when compared to radial pressure deficit arising from entrainment (due to the presence of co-stream). Consequently, the imparted swirl tends to penetrate easily towards the central axis causing it to spread laterally and finally undergo conical sheet breakdown. However, the flow modes with Ro(m) > 1 are dominated by pressure deficit due to entrainment effect. This blocks the radial inward penetration of imparted angular momentum thus preventing the lateral spread of these flow modes. As such these structures fail to undergo cone mode of vortex breakdown which is substantiated by a mere 30%-40% rise in xi in the critical swirl number range. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Oxidation of small organic molecules in a fuel cell is a viable method for energy production. However, the key issue is the development of suitable catalysts that exhibit high efficiencies and remain stable during operation. Here, we demonstrate that amine-modified ZnO nanorods on which ultrathin Au nanowires are grown act as an excellent catalyst for the oxidation of ethanol. We show that the modification of the ZnO nanorods with oleylamine not only modifies the electronic structure favorably but also serves to anchor the Au nanowires on the nanorods. The adsorption of OH- species on the Au nanowires that is essential for ethanol oxidation is facilitated at much lower potentials as compared to bare Au nanowires leading to high activity. While ZnO shows negligible electrocatalytic activity under normal conditions, there is significant enhancement in the activity under light irradiation. We demonstrate a synergistic enhancement in the photoelectrocatalytic activity of the ZnO/Au nanowire hybrid and provide mechanistic explanation for this enhancement based on both electronic as well as geometric effects. The principles developed are applicable for tuning the properties of other metal/semiconductor hybrids with potentially interesting applications beyond the fuel cell application demonstrated here.


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We demonstrate a new technique to generate multiple light-sheets for fluorescence microscopy. This is possible by illuminating the cylindrical lens using multiple copies of Gaussian beams. A diffraction grating placed just before the cylindrical lens splits the incident Gaussian beam into multiple beams traveling at different angles. Subsequently, this gives rise to diffraction-limited light-sheets after the Gaussian beams pass through the combined cylindrical lens-objective sub-system. Direct measurement of field at and around the focus of objective lens shows multi-sheet pattern with an average thickness of 7.5 mu m and inter-sheet separation of 380 mu m. Employing an independent orthogonal detection sub-system, we successfully imaged fluorescently-coated yeast cells (approximate to 4 mu m) encaged in agarose gel-matrix. Such a diffraction-limited sheet-pattern equipped with dedicated detection system may find immediate applications in the field of optical microscopy and fluorescence imaging. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America


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We consider Ricci flow invariant cones C in the space of curvature operators lying between the cones ``nonnegative Ricci curvature'' and ``nonnegative curvature operator''. Assuming some mild control on the scalar curvature of the Ricci flow, we show that if a solution to the Ricci flow has its curvature operator which satisfies R + epsilon I is an element of C at the initial time, then it satisfies R + epsilon I is an element of C on some time interval depending only on the scalar curvature control. This allows us to link Gromov-Hausdorff convergence and Ricci flow convergence when the limit is smooth and R + I is an element of C along the sequence of initial conditions. Another application is a stability result for manifolds whose curvature operator is almost in C. Finally, we study the case where C is contained in the cone of operators whose sectional curvature is nonnegative. This allows us to weaken the assumptions of the previously mentioned applications. In particular, we construct a Ricci flow for a class of (not too) singular Alexandrov spaces.


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We quantize the space of 2-charge fuzzballs in IIB supergravity on K3. The resulting entropy precisely matches the D1-D5 black hole entropy, including a specific numerical coefficient. A partial match (ie., a smaller coefficient) was found by Rychkov a decade ago using the Lunin-Mathur subclass of solutions - we use a simple observation to generalize his approach to the full moduli space of K3 fuzzballs, filling a small gap in the literature.


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Let be a set of points in the plane. A geometric graph on is said to be locally Gabriel if for every edge in , the Euclidean disk with the segment joining and as diameter does not contain any points of that are neighbors of or in . A locally Gabriel graph(LGG) is a generalization of Gabriel graph and is motivated by applications in wireless networks. Unlike a Gabriel graph, there is no unique LGG on a given point set since no edge in a LGG is necessarily included or excluded. Thus the edge set of the graph can be customized to optimize certain network parameters depending on the application. The unit distance graph(UDG), introduced by Erdos, is also a LGG. In this paper, we show the following combinatorial bounds on edge complexity and independent sets of LGG: (i) For any , there exists LGG with edges. This improves upon the previous best bound of . (ii) For various subclasses of convex point sets, we show tight linear bounds on the maximum edge complexity of LGG. (iii) For any LGG on any point set, there exists an independent set of size .


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Fringe tracking and fringe order assignment have become the central topics of current research in digital photoelasticity. Isotropic points (IPs) appearing in low fringe order zones are often either overlooked or entirely missed in conventional as well as digital photoelasticity. We aim to highlight image processing for characterizing IPs in an isochromatic fringe field. By resorting to a global analytical solution of a circular disk, sensitivity of IPs to small changes in far-field loading on the disk is highlighted. A local theory supplements the global closed-form solutions of three-, four-, and six-point loading configurations of circular disk. The local theoretical concepts developed in this paper are demonstrated through digital image analysis of isochromatics in circular disks subjected to three-and four-point loads. (C) 2015 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)


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The optimal power-delay tradeoff is studied for a time-slotted independently and identically distributed fading point-to-point link, with perfect channel state information at both transmitter and receiver, and with random packet arrivals to the transmitter queue. It is assumed that the transmitter can control the number of packets served by controlling the transmit power in the slot. The optimal tradeoff between average power and average delay is analyzed for stationary and monotone transmitter policies. For such policies, an asymptotic lower bound on the minimum average delay of the packets is obtained, when average transmitter power approaches the minimum average power required for transmitter queue stability. The asymptotic lower bound on the minimum average delay is obtained from geometric upper bounds on the stationary distribution of the queue length. This approach, which uses geometric upper bounds, also leads to an intuitive explanation of the asymptotic behavior of average delay. The asymptotic lower bounds, along with previously known asymptotic upper bounds, are used to identify three new cases where the order of the asymptotic behavior differs from that obtained from a previously considered approximate model, in which the transmit power is a strictly convex function of real valued service batch size for every fade state.


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The Exact Cover problem takes a universe U of n elements, a family F of m subsets of U and a positive integer k, and decides whether there exists a subfamily(set cover) F' of size at most k such that each element is covered by exactly one set. The Unique Cover problem also takes the same input and decides whether there is a subfamily F' subset of F such that at least k of the elements F' covers are covered uniquely(by exactly one set). Both these problems are known to be NP-complete. In the parameterized setting, when parameterized by k, Exact Cover is W1]-hard. While Unique Cover is FPT under the same parameter, it is known to not admit a polynomial kernel under standard complexity-theoretic assumptions. In this paper, we investigate these two problems under the assumption that every set satisfies a given geometric property Pi. Specifically, we consider the universe to be a set of n points in a real space R-d, d being a positive integer. When d = 2 we consider the problem when. requires all sets to be unit squares or lines. When d > 2, we consider the problem where. requires all sets to be hyperplanes in R-d. These special versions of the problems are also known to be NP-complete. When parameterizing by k, the Unique Cover problem has a polynomial size kernel for all the above geometric versions. The Exact Cover problem turns out to be W1]-hard for squares, but FPT for lines and hyperplanes. Further, we also consider the Unique Set Cover problem, which takes the same input and decides whether there is a set cover which covers at least k elements uniquely. To the best of our knowledge, this is a new problem, and we show that it is NP-complete (even for the case of lines). In fact, the problem turns out to be W1]-hard in the abstract setting, when parameterized by k. However, when we restrict ourselves to the lines and hyperplanes versions, we obtain FPT algorithms.


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Eutectic growth is an interesting example for exploring the topic of pattern-formation in multi-phase systems, where the growth of the phases is coupled with the diffusive transport of one or more components in the melt. While in the case of binary alloys, the number of possibilities are limited (lamellae, rods, labyrinth etc.), their number rapidly increases with the number of components and phases. In this paper, we will investigate pattern formation during three-phase eutectic solidification using a state-of-the art phase-field method based on the grand-canonical density formulation. The major aim of the study is to highlight the role of two properties, which are the volume fraction of the solid phases and the solid-liquid interfacial energies, in the self-organization of the solid phases during directional growth. Thereafter, we will show representative phase-field simulations of a micro-structure in a real alloy (Ag-Al-Cu) using an asymmetric phase diagram as well as interfacial properties.


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Self-assembly has been recognized as an efficient tool for generating a wide range of functional, chemically, or physically textured surfaces for applications in small scale devices. In this work, we investigate the stability of thin films of polymer solutions. For low concentrations of polymer in the solution, long length scale dewetting patterns are obtained with wavelength approximately few microns. Whereas, for concentrations above a critical value, bimodal dispersion curves are obtained with the dominant wavelength being up to two orders smaller than the usual dewetting length scale. We further show that the short wavelength corresponds to the phase separation in the film resulting in uniformly distributed high and low concentration regions. Interestingly, due to the solvent entropy, at very high concentration values of polymer, a re-entrant behaviour is observed with the dominant length scale now again corresponding to the dewetting wavelength. Thus, we show that the binary films of polymer solutions provide additional control parameters that can be utilized for generating functional textured surfaces for various applications. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The Load/Unload Response Ratio (LURR) method is proposed for short-to-intermediate-term earthquake prediction [Yin, X.C., Chen, X.Z., Song, Z.P., Yin, C., 1995. A New Approach to Earthquake Prediction — The Load/Unload Response Ratio (LURR) Theory, Pure Appl. Geophys., 145, 701–715]. This method is based on measuring the ratio between Benioff strains released during the time periods of loading and unloading, corresponding to the Coulomb Failure Stress change induced by Earth tides on optimally oriented faults. According to the method, the LURR time series usually climb to an anomalously high peak prior to occurrence of a large earthquake. Previous studies have indicated that the size of critical seismogenic region selected for LURR measurements has great influence on the evaluation of LURR. In this study, we replace the circular region usually adopted in LURR practice with an area within which the tectonic stress change would mostly affect the Coulomb stress on a potential seismogenic fault of a future event. The Coulomb stress change before a hypothetical earthquake is calculated based on a simple back-slip dislocation model of the event. This new algorithm, by combining the LURR method with our choice of identified area with increased Coulomb stress, is devised to improve the sensitivity of LURR to measure criticality of stress accumulation before a large earthquake. Retrospective tests of this algorithm on four large earthquakes occurred in California over the last two decades show remarkable enhancement of the LURR precursory anomalies. For some strong events of lesser magnitudes occurred in the same neighborhoods and during the same time periods, significant anomalies are found if circular areas are used, and are not found if increased Coulomb stress areas are used for LURR data selection. The unique feature of this algorithm may provide stronger constraints on forecasts of the size and location of future large events.