979 resultados para Genuius, loci


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An increased incidence of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is associated with the emergence of epidemic strains characterised by high genetic diversity. Among the factors that may have a role in CDI there is a family of 29 paralogs, the cell wall proteins (CWPs), which compose the outer layer of the bacterial cell and are likely to be involved in colonisation. Previous studies have shown that 12 of the29 cwp genes are clustered in the same region, named after slpA (cwp1) the slpA locus, whereas the remaining 17 paralogs are distributed throughout the genome. The variability of 14 of these 17 cwp paralogs was determined in 40 C. difficile clinical isolates belonging to six of the currently prevailing PCR ribotypes. Based on sequence conservation, these cwp genes were divided into two groups, one comprising cwp loci having highly conserved sequences in all isolates, and the other 5 loci showing low genetic conservation between isolates of the same PCR ribotype as well as between different PCR ribotypes. Three conserved CWPs, Cwp16, Cwp18 and Cwp25, and two variable ones, Cwp26 and Cwp27, were characterised further by Western blot analysis of total cell extracts or S-layer preparations of the C. difficile clinical isolates. Expression of genetically invariable CWPs is well conserved in all isolates, while genetically variable CWPs are not always expressed at comparable levels even in strains containing identical sequences but belonging to different PCR ribotypes. In addition, we chose to analyse the immune response obtained in a protection experiment, carried out in hamsters, using a protein microarray approach to study the in vivo expression and the immunoreactivity of several surface proteins, including 18 Cwps.


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La ricerca si propone di analizzare una di quelle stagioni architettoniche controverse e lontane dalle internazionali strade maestre del nascente Neues Bauen: il romanticismo-nazionale svedese riletto attraverso l’esperienza del suo massimo esponente, Ragnar Östberg (1866-1945). L’obiettivo della tesi non è solamente quello di una revisione della critica storiografica, facendo così luce su una di quelle personalità considerate marginali, quanto quello di ricavare dalla lettura comparata di due tra i suoi progetti, fino ad ora mai indagati, quegli elementi che fanno dell’architettura un “fatto urbano” in cui la collettività può riconoscersi e parallelamente un fatto di rappresentazione della stessa. L’arcipelago di Stoccolma e quel processo di “renovatio urbis” a cui fu sottoposta proprio agli albori del XX secolo furono gli scenari in cui presero vita i due progetti: il complesso formato dallo Stockholms Stadshuset e la vicina parte mai realizzata del Nämndhuset, e villa Geber. Condensano due dimensioni che la città immersa nel paesaggio contiene: la natura urbana dell’edificio municipale e quella domestica della villa urbana isolata. La ricerca intesse un itinerario di disvelamento attraverso una matrice duale di lettura: “genius loci” e memorie urbane. I capitoli cercano di dimostrare come i due casi-studio siano espressione di quella pendolarità di ricerca tra lo spirito del luogo e le rimembranze delle forme urbane della tradizione. Questa analisi ci conduce in un viaggio alla ricerca dell’atlante delle “memorie urbane”, raccolte nei viaggi e nella formazione, comprendendo così il mondo analogico di riferimenti culturali con altre architetture europee della tradizione. I due progetti sorgono in opposte aree di espansione di Stoccolma e, pur nella loro diversità di scala, sono chiara espressione di appropriatezza al luogo e di strutture formali analoghe. Stockholm Stadshuset-Nämndhuset e villa Geber esprimono il metodo di Östberg, dove i riferimenti raccolti dall’imagination passive sono tramutati ed assemblati grazie alla imagination active.


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L’anguilla europea, Anguilla anguilla, è una specie gravemente minacciata, sia da impatti diretti legati al sovrasfruttamento della specie a tutti gli stadi del ciclo vitale, che indiretti come l’urbanizzazione costiera e la perdita di habitat lagunari. Negli ultimi 45 anni è stata documentata una riduzione del tasso di reclutamento di anguilla europea del 90%. Lo scopo di questo studio è stato approfondire le modalità riproduttive di A. anguilla per via indiretta, attraverso un’analisi di paternità. Il Centro di ricerca universitario di Cesenatico (Laboratori di Acquacoltura ed Igiene delle Produzioni Ittiche – Università di Bologna) ha avviato le prime sperimentazioni su A. anguilla, al fine di mettere a punto un protocollo di riproduzione artificiale. Nell’estate 2015 i ricercatori hanno ottenuto sette riproduzioni spontanee in ambiente controllato, da queste sono state campionate casualmente e genotipizzate circa 40 larve per ogni mandata riproduttiva e i relativi riproduttori per condurre l’analisi di paternità. In ogni riproduzione è stata utilizzata sempre e soltanto una femmina e tre o quattro maschi; le analisi genetiche, condotte utilizzando 9 loci microsatelliti, si sono focalizzate sull’individuazione dei padri e l’assegnamento di paternità è avvenuto con un livello di confidenza medio dell’89%. Dalle analisi effettuate è emerso che: 1) i maschi di questa specie, precedentemente sottoposti a stimolazioni ormonali per indurne la riproduzione e la fertilità, sono in grado di partecipare con successo a più di una riproduzione; 2) più esemplari riescono a fecondare gli ovociti di una sola femmina e sembrano stabilirsi modelli gerarchici di dominanza in quanto si è osservato generalmente che un maschio prevale sugli altri, generando da solo più del 50% della prole. Questo studio pilota rappresenta, quindi, un punto di partenza per approfondimenti futuri sulle modalità riproduttive dell’anguilla europea.


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We undertook a meta-analysis of six Crohn's disease genome-wide association studies (GWAS) comprising 6,333 affected individuals (cases) and 15,056 controls and followed up the top association signals in 15,694 cases, 14,026 controls and 414 parent-offspring trios. We identified 30 new susceptibility loci meeting genome-wide significance (P < 5 × 10 ? ? ). A series of in silico analyses highlighted particular genes within these loci and, together with manual curation, implicated functionally interesting candidate genes including SMAD3, ERAP2, IL10, IL2RA, TYK2, FUT2, DNMT3A, DENND1B, BACH2 and TAGAP. Combined with previously confirmed loci, these results identify 71 distinct loci with genome-wide significant evidence for association with Crohn's disease.


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Saccular intracranial aneurysms are balloon-like dilations of the intracranial arterial wall; their hemorrhage commonly results in severe neurologic impairment and death. We report a second genome-wide association study with discovery and replication cohorts from Europe and Japan comprising 5,891 cases and 14,181 controls with approximately 832,000 genotyped and imputed SNPs across discovery cohorts. We identified three new loci showing strong evidence for association with intracranial aneurysms in the combined dataset, including intervals near RBBP8 on 18q11.2 (odds ratio (OR) = 1.22, P = 1.1 x 10(-12)), STARD13-KL on 13q13.1 (OR = 1.20, P = 2.5 x 10(-9)) and a gene-rich region on 10q24.32 (OR = 1.29, P = 1.2 x 10(-9)). We also confirmed prior associations near SOX17 (8q11.23-q12.1; OR = 1.28, P = 1.3 x 10(-12)) and CDKN2A-CDKN2B (9p21.3; OR = 1.31, P = 1.5 x 10(-22)). It is noteworthy that several putative risk genes play a role in cell-cycle progression, potentially affecting the proliferation and senescence of progenitor-cell populations that are responsible for vascular formation and repair.


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Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified numerous single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at four loci (SNCA, PARK16, LRRK2, BST1) that can modulate the risk of Parkinson's disease (PD). The strength of these associations has yet to be clarified in Mainland China. Ethnic specific effect is an important consideration in GWAS analysis. Using a case-control methodology, we genotyped multiple SNPs at these four loci to investigate their association with risk of PD in Mainland China. A total of 1,146 study subjects comprising 636 patients with PD and 510 unrelated healthy controls were recruited. The minor alleles at SNPs rs894278, rs1994090, rs2046932, rs4698412, and rs7304279 were found to be significantly higher in cases than in controls, while the minor alleles were found to significantly reduce the risk of developing PD at SNPs rs823128, rs823156, rs6532194, rs1191532, and rs16856139. These associations remained after taking into considerations the effects of age and gender. We showed that multiple SNPs at LRRK2 and SNCA increase risk of PD, while PARK16 SNPs are associated with a lower risk of PD in China. Our study findings will contribute to further research using GWAS-linked data and research on ethnic specific effect of common variants.


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Genome-wide association studies and candidate gene studies in ulcerative colitis have identified 18 susceptibility loci. We conducted a meta-analysis of six ulcerative colitis genome-wide association study datasets, comprising 6,687 cases and 19,718 controls, and followed up the top association signals in 9,628 cases and 12,917 controls. We identified 29 additional risk loci (P < 5 × 10(-8)), increasing the number of ulcerative colitis-associated loci to 47. After annotating associated regions using GRAIL, expression quantitative trait loci data and correlations with non-synonymous SNPs, we identified many candidate genes that provide potentially important insights into disease pathogenesis, including IL1R2, IL8RA-IL8RB, IL7R, IL12B, DAP, PRDM1, JAK2, IRF5, GNA12 and LSP1. The total number of confirmed inflammatory bowel disease risk loci is now 99, including a minimum of 28 shared association signals between Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.


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More than 1,000 susceptibility loci have been identified through genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of common variants; however, the specific genes and full allelic spectrum of causal variants underlying these findings have not yet been defined. Here we used pooled next-generation sequencing to study 56 genes from regions associated with Crohn's disease in 350 cases and 350 controls. Through follow-up genotyping of 70 rare and low-frequency protein-altering variants in nine independent case-control series (16,054 Crohn's disease cases, 12,153 ulcerative colitis cases and 17,575 healthy controls), we identified four additional independent risk factors in NOD2, two additional protective variants in IL23R, a highly significant association with a protective splice variant in CARD9 (P < 1 × 10(-16), odds ratio ≈ 0.29) and additional associations with coding variants in IL18RAP, CUL2, C1orf106, PTPN22 and MUC19. We extend the results of successful GWAS by identifying new, rare and probably functional variants that could aid functional experiments and predictive models.


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The protozoan parasite Tritrichomonas foetus is well known as an important causative agent of infertility and abortion in cattle (bovine trichomonosis). This World Organisation for Animal Health (O.I.E.) notifiable disease is thought to be under control in many countries including Switzerland. In recent studies, however, T. foetus has also been identified as an intestinal parasite that causes chronic large-bowel diarrhoea in cats. Since the feline isolates were considered indistinguishable from bovine isolates, the possibility and risk of parasite transmission from cats to cattle and vice versa has been intensively discussed in current literature. Therefore, we investigated if cat and cattle isolates are genetically distinct from each other or in fact represent identical genotypes. For this purpose, two independent genetic loci were selected that turned out to be well-suited for a PCR sequencing-based genotyping of trichomonad isolates: (i) previously published internal transcribed spacer region 2 (ITS-2) and (ii) a semi-conserved sequence stretch of the elongation factor-1 alpha (EF-1alpha) gene used for the first time in the present study. Respective comparative analyses revealed that both loci were sufficiently variable to allow unambiguous genetic discrimination between different trichomonad species. Comparison of both genetic loci confirmed that T. suis and T. mobilensis are phylogenetically very close to T. foetus. Moreover, these two genetic markers were suited to define host-specific genotypes of T. foetus. Both loci showed single base differences between cat and cattle isolates but showed full sequence identity within strains from either cat or cattle isolates. Furthermore, an additional PCR with a forward primer designed to specifically amplify the bovine sequence of EF-1alpha was able to discriminate bovine isolates of T. foetus from feline isolates and also from other trichomonads. The implications these minor genetic differences may have on the biological properties of the distinct isolates remain to be investigated.


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We report the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting carcass composition, carcass length, fat deposition and lean meat content using a genome scan across 462 animals from a combined intercross and backcross between Hampshire and Landrace pigs. Data were analysed using multiple linear regression fitting additive and dominance effects. This model was compared with a model including a parent-of-origin effect to spot evidence of imprinting. Several precisely defined muscle phenotypes were measured in order to dissect body composition in more detail. Three significant QTL were detected in the study at the 1% genome-wide level, and twelve significant QTL were detected at the 5% genome-wide level. These QTL comprise loci affecting fat deposition and lean meat content on SSC1, 4, 9, 10, 13 and 16, a locus on SSC2 affecting the ratio between weight of meat and bone in back and weight of meat and bone in ham and two loci affecting carcass length on SSC12 and 17. The well-defined phenotypes in this study enabled us to detect QTL for sizes of individual muscles and to obtain information of relevance for the description of the complexity underlying other carcass traits.


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In order to explore the genetic diversity within Echinococcus multilocularis (E. multilocularis), the cestode responsible for the alveolar echinococcosis (AE) in humans, a microsatellite, composed of (CA) and (GA) repeats and designated EmsB, was isolated and characterized in view of its nature and potential field application. PCR-amplification with specific primers exhibited a high degree of size polymorphism between E. multilocularis and Echinococcus granulosus sheep (G1) and camel (G6) strains. Fluorescent-PCR was subsequently performed on a panel of E. multilocularis isolates to assess intra-species polymorphism level. EmsB provided a multi-peak profile, characterized by tandemly repeated microsatellite sequences in the E. multilocularis genome. This "repetition of repeats" feature provided to EmsB a high discriminatory power in that eight clusters, supported by bootstrap p-values larger than 95%, could be defined among the tested E. multilocularis samples. We were able to differentiate not only the Alaskan from the European samples, but also to detect different European isolate clusters. In total, 25 genotypes were defined within 37 E. multilocularis samples. Despite its complexity, this tandem repeated multi-loci microsatellite possesses the three important features for a molecular marker, i.e. sensitivity, repetitiveness and discriminatory power. It will permit assessing the genetic polymorphism of E. multilocularis and to investigate its spatial distribution in detail.


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We describe a fast and unambiguous method for haplotyping the (TG)mTn repeat in IVS8 and determining three other single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in exons 10, 14a and 24 in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene affecting correct splicing of the CFTR pre-mRNA using primer extension and mass spectrometry. The diagnostic products are generated by primer extension (PEX) reactions, which require a single detection primer complementary to a region downstream of a target strand's variable site. On addition of a polymerase and an appropriate mixture of dNTP's and 2', 3'-dideoxynucleotide triphosphates (ddNTP's), the primer is extended through the mutation region until the first ddNTP is incorporated and the mass of the extension products determines the composition of the variable site. Analysis of patient DNA assigned the correct and unambiguous haplotype for the (TG)mTn repeat in intron 8 of the CFTR gene. Additional crucial SNPs influencing correct splicing in exon 10, 14 and 24 can easily be detected by biplexing the assay to genotype allelic variants important for correct splicing of the CFTR pre-mRNA. Different PEX reactions with subsequent mass spectrometry generate sufficient data, to enable unambiguous and easy haplotyping of the (TG)mTn repeat in the CFTR gene. The method can be easily extended to the inclusion of additional SNPs of interest by biplexing some of the PEX reactions. All experimental steps required for PEX are amenable to the high degree of automation desirable for a high-throughput diagnostic setting, facilitating the work of clinicians involved in the diagnosis of non-classic cystic fibrosis.


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The aim of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for osteochondrosis (OC) and palmar/plantar osseous fragments (POF) in fetlock joints in a whole-genome scan of 219 South German Coldblood horses. Symptoms of OC and POF were checked by radiography in 117 South German Coldblood horses at a mean age of 17 months. The radiographic examination comprised the fetlock and hock joints of all limbs. The genome scan included 157 polymorphic microsatellite markers. All microsatellite markers were equally spaced over the 31 autosomes and the X chromosome, with an average distance of 17.7 cM and a mean polymorphism information content (PIC) of 63%. Sixteen chromosomes harbouring putative QTL regions were further investigated by genotyping the animals with 93 additional markers. QTL that had chromosome-wide significance by non-parametric Z-means and LOD scores were found on 10 chromosomes. This included seven QTL for fetlock OC and one QTL on ECA18 associated with hock OC and fetlock OC. Significant QTL for POF in fetlock joints were located on equine chromosomes 1, 4, 8, 12 and 18. This genome scan is an important step towards the identification of genes responsible for OC in horses.