865 resultados para Gender based violence


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La Llei Integral de Mesures contra la Violència de Gènere estableix una sèrie de mesures legislatives que tenen per objecte el reconeixement dels drets de les víctimes de la violència, enfortir la sensibilitat ciutadana davant de la violència de gènere, instaurar un sistema de serveis socials d’atenció i de recuperació de les víctimes, garantir els seus drets econòmics i laborals, instaurar un sistema institucional de tutela, determinar un marc penal i processal i garantir la coordinació de tots aquells recursos que es dediquen a aquesta qüestió. Conscients de la importància d’aquesta Llei, de les dificultats que deriven de la seva aplicació, així com de la nostra experiència en la pràctica forense en casos de violència domèstica i de gènere, neix la idea de realitzar la recerca d’aquest estudi. Una recerca que pretén establir, a partir de l’anàlisi dels relats de dones víctimes de violència de gènere en la relació de parella, criteris de credibilitat que permetin validar les seves declaracions. Criteris obtinguts a partir de les mateixes paraules de les víctimes. Partint d’una metodologia mixta, quantitativa i qualitativa, hem obtingut uns resultats que ens han permès definir un sistema de criteris de credibilitat genuïns i discriminadors. Una discriminació obtinguda a partir de la comparació de les declaracions de dues mostres: víctimes reals i víctimes simulades. I, fruit d’aquesta comparació, la discontinuïtat narrativa, els detalls estranys, la reproducció de converses, les correccions espontànies, l’ambivalència i ambigüitat vers l’agressor, la violència indirecta, suscitant por i terror, la por a les represàlies, la imposició i intimitat del secret, la indefensió, l’evolució de la violència i progressió de la asimetria de poder, la dualitat de la conducta domèstica / imatge social de l’home, el control ampli masculí cognitiu-conductual, la descripció contextualitzada de microviolències, les estratègies de supervivència de la dona i el relat inhibit amb vergonya, han resultat criteris de credibilitat de les dones víctimes de violència de gènere que ens permetran validar el seu relat.


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Esta investigación contrasta los relatos de dos muestras de mujeres. La primera, víctimas reales de violencia de género en la relación de pareja; la segunda, deliberadamente ofrecen relatos falsos sobre esta misma problemática. Los resultados muestran una diferencia cualitativa significativa en base a los criterios de credibilidad definidos. Al mismo tiempo, el estudio ha encontrado otros criterios de credibilidad genuinos, que conforman el discurso explicativo que permite validar sus declaraciones.


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The present doctoral dissertation is aimed at analyzing how and with what consequences gay father families and their children’s schools negotiate possible differences in the construction of family and gender at home and in the families’ social milieus. This objective fits in with the broader goal of researching how family-school interactons are influenced by the social context such as hegemonic masculinity (Connell, 2002). The thesis is based on qualitative fieldwork carried out with 18 nonheterosexual parent families in Spain, comprising 30 interviews with 44 people. The principal participant group were 14 de novo (adoptive and surrogacy) gay father families with resident preadolescent children. The findings revealed that all the de novo families assumed open communication strategies at school with inclusive consequences: apart from incidental questions and reactions of surprise, the children did not suffer homophobic bullying. The analisis showed that the necessary condition for inclusion was not the open communication but rather illocutionary orientation (Habermas, 1984; Soler & Flecha, 2010), understood as the parents’ sensitivity to the attitudes of their children and schools. The schools received the families in an inclusive manner, which, however, was only receptive and not proactive, therefore some of the families (reconstituted ones), coerced by the social context, got excluded. Gender relations at home were predominantly androgynous, and outside home predominantly traditional, yet the children negotiated this difference with inclusive consequences. They participated in hegemonic collective practices, thus confirming the thesis on the similarity between homo- and heterosexual-parent families (Golombok, 2006). Consistently, also the families’ identity politics was “assimilationist” and non-queer. Admittedly, the analisis showed that such a politics was increased by social expectations. Still, the findings suggest that educational and other family policies should draw on broad agendas of gender and family diversity rather than on the politics of difference and the unique status of LGB families.


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Violence Against Women and Health The problem of Violence Against Women (VAW) continues to plague our society causing appalling damage to the lives of thousands of women and children. The immense negative repercussions of being exposed to physical, sexual, or psychological abuse have been well documented worldwide, and are well accepted by both professionals working in this field and society at large. Significant government funding has been directed to this area in order to provide support to women who experience abuse. However, rates of violence remain unacceptably high and services are still inadequate given the magnitude and the complexity of the problem. Click here to download PDF 478kb


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La recerca es fonamenta en el Pla de Polítiques de Dones pel període 2008/2011 de la Generalitat de Catalunya. En aquest treball de recerca i a partir d'aquest Pla és pretén conformar una geografia del que han estat les polítiques de dones, els seus resultats, si han estat efectives i la prospecció de quins poden ser els següents passos o fites tant a curt, mitjà i llarg termini. Així mateix, es farà una especial menció al tema de la violència masclista fent, en primer lloc, una aproximació interdisciplinar, per centrar-nos en el que pretén el Pla dins d'aquesta greu problemàtica tot procurant extreure unes conclusions.


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A process analysis was conducted in a community - based treatment programme for alcohol abuse. The aims of the study were: to evaluate assessment instruments and measures; to measure change following treatment; to monitor gender differences; to assess the importance of early and current relationships; and to evaluate the effects of therapists. Subjects (n=145, males 83/females 62) completed a semi-structured interview schedule, Severity of Alcohol Dependency Questionnaire (SADQ), Short Alcohol Dependence Data Questionnaire (SADD); General Health Questionnaire (GHQ 12), and Alcohol Problems Questionnaire (APQ). A further three non-standardised self-rated measures were devised by the author. Included was the opportunity to obtain qualitative data. Follow up data was collected at 3, 9 and 15 months following first assessment. The SADD, APQ and consumption measures using detailed drink diaries proved the most relevant assessment measures. Following treatment, there was significant reduction in clients' dependency levels at 3 months, maintained through 9 and 15 months. Key client-rated changes were progress in reducing consumption and alcohol problems leading to a better quality of life and health. Qualitative data augmented these quantitative results. Psychological and acquired cognitive behavioural skills emerged as the main reasons for positive change and the treatment programme was found to have played a significant role in their acquisition. It appears that addressing marital problems can lead to a reduction in alcohol dependency levels. Gender analysis showed that males and females were similar in demographic characteristics, alcohol history details and dependence levels. It was concluded that the differences found did not necessitate different treatment programmes for women. Early family relationships were more problematic for females. Therapist performance varied and that variance was reflected in their clients' outcomes.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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One in a series of six data briefings based on regional-level analysis of data from the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) undertaken by the National Obesity Observatory (NOO). The briefings are intended to complement the headline results for the region published in January 2010, at Quick Link 20510.


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A credible analysis or proposal to solve the problem of the treatment of violence in divided societies has to based in a good understanding of the micro-foundations of the political mobilization in these societies. Much of the engineering models seem to have been based on rather strong simplifications of the electoral behaviour of the citizens. This paper aims to contribute to the understanding of the underlying political competition in divided societies with a neo-downsian model of party competition that is based on the interpretation of Tsebelis (1991) of the consociationalism.


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Background: Specific physical loading leads to enhanced bone development during childhood. A general physical activity program mimicking a real-life situation was successful at increasing general physical health in children. Yet, it is not clear whether it can equally increase bone mineral mass. We performed a cluster-randomized controlled trial in children of both gender and different pubertal stages to determine whether a school-based physical activity (PA) program during one school-year influences bone mineral content (BMC) and density (BMD), irrespective of gender.Methods: Twenty-eight 1st and 5th grade (6-7 and 11-12 year-old) classes were cluster randomized to an intervention (INT, 16 classes, n = 297) and control (CON; 12 classes, n = 205) group. The intervention consisted of a multi-component PA intervention including daily physical education with at least 10 min of jumping or strength training exercises of various intensities. Measurements included anthropometry, and BMC and BMD of total body, femoral neck, total hip and lumbar spine using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). PA was assessed by accelerometers and Tanner stages by questionnaires. Analyses were performed by a regression model adjusted for gender, baseline height and weight, baseline PA, post-intervention pubertal stage, baseline BMC, and cluster.Results: 275 (72%) of 380 children who initially agreed to have DXA measurements had also post-intervention DXA and PA data. Mean age of prepubertal and pubertal children at baseline was 8.7 +/- 2.1 and 11.1 +/- 0.6 years, respectively. Compared to CON, children in INT showed statistically significant increases in BMC of total body, femoral neck, and lumbar spine by 5.5%, 5.4% and 4.7% (all p < 0.05), respectively, and BMD of total body and lumbar spine by 8.4% and 7.3% (both p < 0.01), respectively. There was no gender*group, but a pubertal stage*group interaction consistently favoring prepubertal children.Conclusion: A general school-based PA intervention can increase bone health in elementary school children of both genders, particularly before puberty. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: The literature shows how gender mandates contribute to differences in exposure and vulnerability to certain health risk factors. This paper presents the results of a study developed in the south of Spain, where research aimed at understanding men from a gender perspective is still limited. Objective: The aim of this paper is to explore the lay perceptions and meanings ascribed to the idea of masculinity, identifying ways in which gender displays are related to health. Design: The study is based on a mixed-methods data collection strategy typical of qualitative research. We performed a qualitative content analysis focused on manifest and latent content. Results: Our analysis showed that the relationship between masculinity and health was mainly defined with regard to behavioural explanations with an evident performative meaning. With regard to issues such as driving, the use of recreational drugs, aggressive behaviour, sexuality, and body image, important connections were established between manhood acts and health outcomes. Different ways of understanding and performing the male identity also emerged from the results. The findings revealed the implications of these aspects in the processes of change in the identity codes of men and women. Conclusions: The study provides insights into how the category ‘man’ is highly dependent on collective practices and performative acts. Consideration of how males perform manhood acts might be required in guidance on the development of programmes and policies aimed at addressing gender inequalities in health in a particular local context.


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OBJECTIVES: Street-based sex workers (SSWs) in Lausanne, Switzerland, are poorly characterised. We set out to quantify potential vulnerability factors in this population and to examine SSW healthcare use and unmet healthcare requirements. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey among SSWs working in Lausanne's red light district between 1 February and 31 July 2010, examining SSW socio-demographic characteristics and factors related to their healthcare. RESULTS: We interviewed 50 SSWs (76% of those approached). A fifth conducted their interviews in French, the official language in Lausanne. 48 participants (96%) were migrants, of whom 33/48 (69%) held no residence permit. 22/50 (44%) had been educated beyond obligatory schooling. 28/50 (56%) had no health insurance. 18/50 (36%) had been victims of physical violence. While 36/50 (72%) had seen a doctor during the preceding 12 months, only 15/50 (30%) were aware of a free clinic for individuals without health insurance. Those unaware of free services consulted emergency departments or doctors outside Switzerland. Gynaecology, primary healthcare and dental services were most often listed as needed. Two individuals (of 50, 4%) disclosed positive HIV status; of the others, 24/48 (50%) had never had an HIV test. CONCLUSIONS: This vulnerable population comprises SSWs who, whether through mobility, insufficient education or language barriers, are unaware of services they are entitled to. With half the participants reporting no HIV testing, there is a need to enhance awareness of available facilities as well as to increase provision and uptake of HIV testing.


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OBJECTIVES: To describe the occurrence of selected adverse life events in young-old men and women, as well as their perceived psychological consequences. METHODS: In 2005, 1,422 participants in the Lausanne Cohort 65+ study, born in 1934-1938, self-reported whether they experienced any of 26 life events during the preceding year. Most participants (N = 1,309, 92%) completed the geriatric adverse life events scale during a face-to-face interview, by rating the level of stress associated with each event, as well as its impact on their psychological well-being. RESULTS: Overall, 72% of the participants experienced at least one of the 26 events in the preceding year (range 1-9). Disease affecting the respondent (N = 525) or a close relative (N = 276) was most frequent, as well as the death of a friend or non-close relative (N = 274). Women indicated a higher frequency of events (mean 2.1 vs. 1.7 events, P < 0.001), as well as a higher level of stress and a stronger negative impact on well-being than men. In multivariate analyses adjusting for self-rated health, depressive symptoms and comorbidity, female gender remained significantly associated with the level of stress and negative impact on psychological well-being. CONCLUSION: This exploratory study shows that several types of adverse life events frequently occur at age 65-70, with gender differences both in the frequency of reporting and consequences of these events. However, information on this topic is limited and studies based on different populations and designs are needed to better understand the impact of such events.


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Participation research has documented the effect of partner and parenthood status, thereby ignoring the dynamic aspect of status changes. Based on theoretical insights on changes in political resources and interest, this study looks at partnership and parenthood as dynamic characteristics. Using data from the Swiss Household Panel (SHP), it examines to what extent important life-cycle transitions in partnership and parental status influence various forms of political and civic participation and whether they affect men and women's participation differently. Our regression analyses reveal that particularly the entry into separation or divorce is a main key point driving change in political and civic participation. Its effect is also highly gendered. Following separation, women participate less in voting, whereas men's participation rates are not affected in a negative way. Separation even increases men's level of anticipated activism. Children entering or leaving the household do not seem to represent key points of change in political and civic participation of the couple. Yet, the transition to having school-aged children significantly increases some types of participation, at least for women.


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OBJECTIVES: To establish the gambling prevalence among Swiss resident youths, to estimate the associations between gambling frequency and substance use, poor mental health and social support and to determine the correlation between gambling pattern and gambling frequency. METHODS: Cross-sectional population-based survey conducted in 2007. From 1233 eligible participants aged 15-24 years, adequate information was available for 1116 (582 males), distributed into: non- (n=577), occasional (n=388) and frequent gamblers (n=151). Outcome measures: Substance use, social activities, presence of a reliable person among friends or family, psychological distress, major depression and gambling pattern. RESULTS: Overall, the 48.3% (n=539) of youths who had gambled during the previous year; were older and more likely to be male than non-gamblers. 13.5% (n=151) gambled at least weekly and could be differentiated from occasional gamblers on the basis of their gambling pattern. After controlling for gender, age and language area, occasional gamblers were significantly more likely to be occasional binge drinkers, whereas frequent gamblers were more likely to be daily smokers. CONCLUSION: Almost half of Swiss resident youths are involved in gambling. Both occasional and frequent gambling are associated with further health compromising behaviour. Practitioners dealing with young people should be aware that gambling is a behaviour that might be part of a more global risky behaviour framework.


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We analyze the social representations of violence against women from the perspective of city managers, professionals and health workers in rural settings of the southern half of Rio Grande do Sul. The study has a qualitative approach and adds a theoretical/methodological perspective of social representations. The data were generated by means of the associative method, question-stimulus of words and expressions emergence. The analysis of word association was performed with EVOC software, considering frequency and order of association with inducing terms. Participants recognize violence against women as gender destination that induces consent, resignation, guilt and fear, and results in naturalization and trivialization of this social phenomenon. We highlight the need to produce ruptures in established and traditional forms of health care, in the conservative and stereotypical views of violence, favoring access to friendly service and avoiding the reproduction of gender inequalities.