989 resultados para Garnett, Constance, 1861-1946
Ensino do Direito internacional nas arcadas – José Mendes foi professor ordinário da disciplina (1911-1918) – sua obra Direito internacional público – preleções (1913) completa cem anos de publicação.
[ES] Estudio monográfico que trata de desvelar los hechos y las claves históricas del servicio de suministro de agua potable en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, complejo y eterno problema para el Ayuntamiento de esta ciudad.
La definizione di «scrittura dell’interpretazione» comprime in una sola locuzione la descrizione dell’oggetto principale del nostro studio, ovvero il problema della trascrizione musicale, descritta, non tanto come un determinato genere musicale, quanto come una ragione di osmosi e interferenze tra il fatto compositivo e quello interpretativo. Ad una traversata di quel territorio ci si appresta incentrando la trattazione intorno alla figura e all’opera del giovane compositore e direttore Bruno Maderna, autore di diverse trascrizioni della cosiddetta musica antica (dall’Odhecaton A, Monteverdi, Viadana, Frescobaldi, Legrenzi, ed altri ancora). Attraverso gli esempi presentati si intende mostrare come l’approccio maderniano alla trascrizione musicale si giustifichi a partire dalla sua stessa teoria e pratica dell’interpretazione musicale, più che in base a concetti forti definiti sul versante della scrittura, quali ad esempio quelli di analisi e parodia. Pari attenzione si offre al contesto storico degli anni in cui egli gravita, opera e si afferma come musicista (1946-1952 circa), dedicando ampio spazio alle figure di Gian Francesco Malipiero, Angelo Ephrikian e Luigi Nono, autori a loro volta di trascrizioni e revisioni di opere del Cinquecento, del Seicento e del Settecento. Intorno ai loro rapporti viene fornita una documentazione significativa, in buona parte inedita o poco conosciuta dagli studiosi, resa disponibile grazie alle ricerche d’archivio di cui si avvantaggia la nostra trattazione.
When highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 (HPAI H5N1) arrived at Lake Constance in February 2006, little was known about its ecology and epidemiology in wild birds. In order to prevent virus transmission from wild birds to poultry, the adjacent countries initiated the tri-national, interdisciplinary research program <
René Sand (1877-1953) and His Contribution to International Social Work, IASSW-President 1946 – 1953
The extraordinary significance of the life and work of René Sand lies in his central position as a mediator, promoter and coordinator of social work on an increasingly international level during the interwar-period and it can hardly be overestimated. To approach the achievements of Sand’s life and work you have to work archaeologically as he does not seem to have left any traces in the literature on social history. In Germany, even within the field of social work his name is hardly known. His biographical sketch and his importance for the development of the profession of social work have fallen into oblivion. The situation is a little different in the French-speaking countries where a biography has been published (compare Anciaux 1988a, b, c) which contains a detailed record of Sand’s writings. Altogether this lack of interest is regrettable because it doesn’t consider that René Sand is exemplary and in some parts fundamental to the emergence of professional social work in the 1920s in Belgium and Europe. Professional social work was established by a consequent international orientation and an emancipation from neighbouring fields such as social medicine and hygiene. Therefore it is a rewarding task to draw attention to this pioneer of social work and make the public appreciate his work. I want to emphasize explicitly that in this portrait Sand’s achievements concerning social work will be the main focus, even if this is an inevitable reduction of his accomplishments in the field of medicine and social medicine.
Salomon belongs to the known and nevertheless unknown ‘pioneers’ of social work in the world. She founded one of the first Schools of Social Work (Berlin 1908) and was the first president of the International Association of Schools of Social Work (1929-1937). Her theoretical work however is almost forgotten or not really part of the debate about social work history.