769 resultados para Gansfort, Wessel, 1419-1489.


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Nota sobre la muerte del profesor Otto Hahn, el 28 de julio de 1968, premio Nobel de Química en 1994, y famoso por descubrir, en 1938, la forma de separar el átomo de uranio, dando lugar al desarrollo de la bomba atómica.


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Se muestra el quinto volumen de una serie de cinco libros que tratan de forma gradual los contenidos canarios, que seg??n la normativa deben contemplarse en los curr??culos de la Educaci??n Primaria y Secundaria. El objetivo es facilitar al profesorado de las ??reas de Conocimiento del Medio Natural, Social y Cultural la organizaci??n y programaci??n de tales contenidos, con materiales y actividades que desarrollen en el alumnado el conocimiento y valoraci??n de las Islas. Este volumen trata de que el alumnado conozca los elementos identificativos de los abor??genes, su forma de vida y el proceso de colonizaci??n, con sus cambios y consecuencias en la historia de Canarias. Se estudian los personajes m??s destacados del arte y la cultura, as?? como la identificaci??n de las tradiciones (juegos, fiestas y deportes) como un legado que hay que descubrir y conservar.


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Resumen en ingl??s


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Este projecto avaliou a importância da Intervenção Precoce em crianças com Autismo e a sua contribuição para o seu desenvolvimento e inclusão. Além de profissionais especializados contribuírem para o desenvolvimento destas crianças, a família assume um papel importante. É desta forma que a Intervenção Precoce deve actuar, centrada na família. Com este projecto pretendeu-se demonstrar a realidade das crianças com Autismo e avaliar a importância da Intervenção Precoce nestas crianças, bem como a perspectiva dos Educadores e Professores de Educação Especial. Definiu-se assim, no Enquadramento Teórico, uma abordagem à Educação Inclusiva, ao Autismo e à Intervenção Precoce. Na segunda parte deste trabalho, a do Enquadramento Empírico, apresentou-se a metodologia (metodologia quantitativa), os instrumentos utilizados na recolha dos dados (Inquérito por Questionário), a caracterização do meio e da amostra (Educadores e Professores de Educação Especial). A última parte disse respeito à recolha, análise e discussão dos resultados. Assim sendo, confirmou-se que a Intervenção Precoce é um veículo de estimulação para o desenvolvimento das crianças com Autismo promovendo a inclusão destas crianças nas escolas do ensino regular.


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This paper examines the effect of amplification bandwidth on speech intelligibility using multiple speech samples.


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This paper presents basic and immediate resources for parents with hearing impaired children between the ages of birth and five years. Resources include those dealing with educational options, basic literature, government resources, legal rights, parent advocacy issues and financial aid.


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El delito de trata de personas es considerado como un tema de interés actual para la sociedad, en vista de que se encuentra catalogado como la nueva forma de esclavitud moderna, el entender que el término “trata” el término oficial utilizado por Naciones Unidas para hacer referencia al comercio de seres humanos y a la explotación por parte de terceros a estos, especialmente en los ámbitos: sexual, laboral, militar, religioso e incluso familiar, ha permitido que nuestro país, debido a los compromisos adquiridos con la comunidad internacional, adopte el principio de la debida diligencia para implementar políticas destinadas a la prevención, persecución y protección en esta clase de delito, y que cada vez su estudio y conocimiento general se debe incrementar para evitar que existan más víctimas de un delito de lesa humanidad, como está considerado la trata de personas.


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La autora lee la Brevísima, de Bartolomé de las Casas, en el contexto del auge del imaginario caballeresco en el siglo XVI español, propiciado por las empresas de la Conquista y la Colonia, y que alcanzó igualmente a las gestas religiosas. Estudia este reflejo caballeresco –ensombrecido tal vez por el dramatismo y la violencia de lo narrado, entre otras razones–, empezando por la promesa lascasiana de ennoblecer a campesinos pacíficos a cambio de que colonizaran con justicia, resalta el carácter cortés y pacífico de los indios, así como de sus valores de tinte caballeresco («lo mismo los varones que las mujeres, muertas antes que entregar su honra o faltar a sus esposos», destaca su respeto a la jerarquía, natural o adquirida, y a las responsabilidades de cada cual, incluidas las del buen rey, que protege a sus vasallos y defiende los límites de su territorio), incluso distingue su delicadeza corporal como signo de nobleza. El patrón narrativo de la Brevísima es similar al de muchas obras de la tradición caballeresca. Utiliza todos estos elementos en un retrato civilizado de los indios, presentados viviendo en sociedad y según las virtudes cristianas antes de la llegada de los españoles, en un equilibrio que sería amenazado por los afanes desmedidos de los conquistadores.


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Toxic trace elements present an environmental hazard in the vicinity of mining and smelting activities. However. the processes of transfer of these elements to groundwater and to plants are not always clear. Tharsis mine. in the Iberian pyrite belt (SW Spain), has been exploited since 2500 BC, with extensive smelting, taking place front the 1850S until the 1920s. Sixty four soil (mainly topsoils) and vegetation samples were collected in February 2001 and analysed by ICP-AES for 23 elements. Concentrations are 6-6300 mg kg(-1) As and 14-24800 mg kg(-1) Pb in soils, and 0.20-9 mg kg(-1) As and 2-195 mg Pb in vegetation. Trace element concentrations decrease rapidly away from the mine. with As and Pb concentrations in the range 6-1850 mg kg(-1) (median 22 mg kg(-1)) and 14-31 mg, kg(-1) (median 43 mg, kg(-1)), respectively, 1 km away from the mine. These concentrations are low when compared to other well-studied mining and smelting areas (e.g. 600 mg kg(-1) As at 8 km from Yellowknife smelter, Canada; >100 mg kg(-1) Pb over 270 km(2) around the Pb-Zn Port Pirie smelter. South Australia: mean of 1419 mg kg(-1) Pb around Aberystwyth smelter, Wales, UK). The high metal content of the vegetation and the low soil pH (mean pH 4.93) indicate the potential for trace element mobility which Could explain the relatively low concentration of metals in Tharsis topsoils and cause threats to plans to redevelop the Tharsis area as an orange plantation.


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A ring-contractive and highly diastereoselective [2,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement occurs when N-methyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine is treated with sub-stoichiometric amounts of copper or rhodium salts, in the presence of ethyl diazoacetate, giving ethyl cis-N-methyl-3-ethenyl proline (4).


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The first examples of highly enantioselective [2,3]-sigmatropic rearrangements of acyclic allylic ammonium ylids are reported. Thus, a range of N-{2‘-[(N‘-allyl-N‘,N‘-dialkyl)ammonium]}acetyl camphor sultams undergo rearrangement at 0 °C in DME solution with high diastereofacial control (up to 99:1 dr) to give allylglycines in generally high yield. The power of the method has been demonstrated in a rapid and efficient synthesis of (R)-allyl glycine.


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Although chronic fish oil intervention had been shown to have a positive impact on vascular reactivity, very little is known about their acute effects during the postprandial phase. Our aim was to examine the impact of a fish oil-enriched test meal on postprandial vascular reactivity in healthy younger ( < 50 years) v. older ( ≥ 50 years) men. Vascular reactivity was measured at baseline (0 h), 2 and 4 h after the meal by laser Doppler iontophoresis and blood samples taken at 0 and 4 h for the measurement of plasma lipids, total nitrite, glucose and insulin. Acetylcholine- (ACh, endothelial-dependent vasodilator) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP, endothelial-independent vasodilator)-induced reactivities were greater at 4 h than at baseline or 2 h in the younger men (P < 0·04). These changes were not observed in the older men. Comparison of the male groups revealed significantly greater responses to ACh (P = 0·006) and SNP (P = 0·05) at 4 h in the younger compared with the older males. Postprandial NEFA concentrations were also greater at 4 h in the younger compared with the older men (P = 0·005), with no differences observed for any of the other analytes. Multiple regression analysis revealed age to be the most significant predictor of both ACh and SNP induced reactivity 4 h after the meal. In conclusion, the ingestion of a meal enriched in fish oil fatty acids was shown to improve postprandial vascular reactivity at 4 h in our younger men, with little benefit evident in our older men.


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Recent changes in climate have had a measurable impact on crop yield in China. The objective of this study is to investigate how climate variability affects wheat yield in China at different spatial scales. First the response of wheat yield to the climate at the provincial level from 1978 to 1995 for China was analysed. Wheat yield variability was only correlated with climate variability in some regions of China. At the provincial level, the variability of precipitation had a negative impact on wheat yield in parts of southeast China, but the seasonal mean temperature had a negative impact on wheat yield in only a few provinces, where significant variability in precipitation explained about 23–60% of yield variability, and temperature variability accounted for 37–41% of yield variability from 1978 to 1995. The correlation between wheat yield and climate for the whole of China from 1985 to 2000 was investigated at five spatial scales using climate data. The Climate Research Unit (CRU) and National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) proportions of the grid cells with a significant yield–precipitation correlation declined progressively from 14.6% at 0.5° to 0% at 5° scale. In contrast, the proportion of grid cells significant for the yield–temperature correlation increased progressively from 1.9% at 0.5° scale to 16% at 5° scale. This indicates that the variability of precipitation has a higher association with wheat yield at small scales (0.5°, 2°/2.5°) than at larger scales (4°/5.0°); but wheat yield has a good association with temperature at all levels of aggregation. The precipitation variable at the smaller scales (0.5°, 2°/2.5°) is a dominant factor in determining inter-annual wheat yield variability more so than at the larger scales (4°/5°). We conclude that in the current climate the relationship between wheat yield and each of precipitation and temperature becomes weaker and stronger, respectively, with an increase in spatial scale.