989 resultados para GNSS, Precise Point Positioning, Navegação, Posicionamento Cinemático, GPS Toolkit
OBJECTIVES: To test whether the Global Positioning System (GPS) could be potentially useful to assess the velocity of walking and running in humans. SUBJECT: A young man was equipped with a GPS receptor while walking running and cycling at various velocity on an athletic track. The speed of displacement assessed by GPS, was compared to that directly measured by chronometry (76 tests). RESULTS: In walking and running conditions (from 2-20 km/h) as well as cycling conditions (from 20-40 km/h), there was a significant relationship between the speed assessed by GPS and that actually measured (r = 0.99, P < 0.0001) with little bias in the prediction of velocity. The overall error of prediction (s.d. of difference) averaged +/-0.8 km/h. CONCLUSION: The GPS technique appears very promising for speed assessment although the relative accuracy at walking speed is still insufficient for research purposes. It may be improved by using differential GPS measurement.
L'objectiu final d'aquest projecte ha estat el de fer un localitzador GPS.Inicialment es parteix d'un mòdul LCD amb retroil•luminació Optrex DMF-5005Ni un mòdul GPS Connexant TU30. De la unió d'aquests dos, més la circuiteriadissenyada, en sorgeix un sistema capaç de proporcionar dades fiables i útilsper a l'usuari, com són les coordenades, la velocitat, l'alçada, la data i l'hora,entre d'altres. El resultat final del projecte està contingut en una carcassa al frontal de la qual, hi podem veure el panell LCD, un pulsador per canvi de pantalla i un altre per variar la velocitat de quilòmetres per hora a nusos i a la inversa
L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és dotar a Servicleop d’un programari que li permeti millorar la gestió dels serveis de retirada de vehicles de la via pública, que actualment s’efectua a través del canal de veu. Això s’aconseguirà mitjançant l’ús de cartografia digital i localització GPS, que permetrà optimitzar l’assignació de retirades al saber quina grua es troba en millor disposició, i PDAs que es comunicaran amb un centre de control a través de GPRS des del qual s’assignaran aquest serveis. S’oferiran facilitats sempre que sigui possible en la introducció de dades, disminuint les probabilitats de cometre errors, i tot el procés quedarà enregistrat automàticament en base de dades per a poder generar estadístiques o informes. el projecte parteix d’un altre projecte intern de Knosos anomenat Micronav.Net Serveis, en el qual també he treballat molt activament i que ofereix una solució genèrica similar a la requerida per Servicleop, empresa a la que va destinada el sistema que es presenta en aquest projecte final de carrera
Aquest projecte es centra principalment en el detector no coherent d’un GPS. Per tal de caracteritzar el procés de detecció d’un receptor, es necessita conèixer l’estadística implicada. Pel cas dels detectors no coherents convencionals, l’estadística de segon ordre intervé plenament. Les prestacions que ens dóna l’estadística de segon ordre, plasmada en la ROC, són prou bons tot i que en diferents situacions poden no ser els millors. Aquest projecte intenta reproduir el procés de detecció mitjançant l’estadística de primer ordre com a alternativa a la ja coneguda i implementada estadística de segon ordre. Per tal d’aconseguir-ho, s’usen expressions basades en el Teorema Central del Límit i de les sèries Edgeworth com a bones aproximacions. Finalment, tant l’estadística convencional com l’estadística proposada són comparades, en termes de la ROC, per tal de determinar quin detector no coherent ofereix millor prestacions en cada situació.
Background: Physical activity (PA) and related energy expenditure (EE) is often assessed by means of a single technique. Because of inherent limitations, single techniques may not allow for an accurate assessment both PA and related EE. The aim of this study was to develop a model to accurately assess common PA types and durations and thus EE in free-living conditions, combining data from global positioning system (GPS) and 2 accelerometers. Methods: Forty-one volunteers participated in the study. First, a model was developed and adjusted to measured EE with a first group of subjects (Protocol I, n = 12) who performed 6 structured and supervised PA. Then, the model was validated over 2 experimental phases with 2 groups (n = 12 and n = 17) performing scheduled (Protocol I) and spontaneous common activities in real-life condition (Protocol II). Predicted EE was compared with actual EE as measured by portable indirect calorimetry. Results: In protocol I, performed PA types could be recognized with little error. The duration of each PA type could be predicted with an accuracy below 1 minute. Measured and predicted EE were strongly associated (r = .97, P < .001). Conclusion: Combining GPS and 2 accelerometers allows for an accurate assessment of PA and EE in free-living situations.
L’objectiu d’aquest treball és fer un estudi dels diferents tipus de sistemes de posicionament global que hi ha en el mercat, elegir un mòdul receptor assequible per poder analitzar-lo i veure si disposa de les característiques adequades per integrar-lo en un robot autònom d’exploració del projecte Sant Bernardo. S’hauran de fer les anàlisis de la precisió del mòdul en les diferents direccions cardinals, es a dir Nord, Sud, Est, Oest i altura i veure la diferència d’error que hi ha en cada una, veure si la precisió varia molt en diferents situacions, com en cel obert, en sotabosc, costat i interior edificis. A més a més s’haurà de mirar la repetibilitat, la diferencia d’error amb diferentnombre de satèl•lits connectats i si disposa de suficient velocitat de processat per a podar corregir la posició del robot en moviment. Un cop analitzades les característiques del mòdul receptor elegit, es decidirà si aquest ésadequat per fer les correccions de posició del robot, o s’haurà d’adquirir un mòdul de característiques superiors i per tant molt més car per a dura a terme adequadament la correcció de la posició
El projecte consisteix en el desenvolupament d'un algorisme que millori el posicionament final d'un sistema que adquireix les dades d'una antena de GPS estàndard. Aquest sistema en certs moments té pèrdua total de senyal GPS o rep senyal amb pertorbacions, derivant en un mal posicionament. Nosaltres hem proposat una solució que utilitza les coordenades del GPS, el filtre Kalman per resoldre els problemes de pertorbacions de senyal, bases de dades digitals geogràfiques per garantir la circulació del vehicle per sobre la carretera, i finalment combina la informació temporal de posicions anteriors i la de les bases de dades per posicionar el vehicle quan hi ha pèrdua total de senyal. Els experiments realitzats ens indiquen que s'obté una millora del posicionement.
This research involved two studies: one to determine the local geoid to obtain mean sea level elevation from a global positioning system (GPS) to an accuracy of ±2 cm, and the other to determine the location of roadside features such as mile posts and stop signs for safety studies, geographic information systems (GIS), and maintenance applications, from video imageries collected by a van traveling at traffic speed.
O conceito de Agricultura de Precisão está normalmente associado à utilização de equipamento de alta tecnologia (seja hardware, no sentido genérico do termo, ou software) para avaliar, ou monitorizar, as condições numa determinada parcela de terreno, aplicando depois os diversos factores de produção (sementes, fertilizantes, fitofármacos, reguladores de crescimento, água, etc.) em conformidade. Tanto a monitorização como a aplicação diferenciada, ou à medida, exigem a utilização de tecnologias recentes, como os sistemas de posicionamento a partir de satélites (v.g. GPS - Global Positioning System), os Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) ou os sensores electrónicos, associados quer a reguladores automáticos de débito nas máquinas de distribuição quer a medidores de fluxo nas máquinas de colheita. A Agricultura de Precisão aparece, geralmente, associada a dois objectivos genéricos: o aumento do rendimento dos agricultores; e, a redução do impacte ambiental resultante da actividade agrícola. O primeiro destes objectivos pode, por sua vez, ser alcançado por duas vias distintas mas complementares: a redução dos custos de produção; e, o aumento da produtividade (e, por vezes, também da qualidade) das culturas. O cumprimento do segundo daqueles objectivos está relacionado com o rigor do controlo da aplicação dos factores de produção (sobretudo, produtos químicos, atendendo às externalidades ambientais negativas que lhes estão normalmente associadas), que deverá ser feita, tanto quanto possível, na justa medida das necessidades das plantas. De facto, se soubermos, por exemplo, que as necessidades de azoto em duas áreas distintas de uma mesma parcela de terreno não são iguais, por hipótese, em função dos resultados da análise de terras para as duas situações, teremos, do ponto de vista estritamente técnico e teórico, vantagem em fazer variar a quantidade de adubo azotado em conformidade. Deste modo, seríamos naturalmente tentados a aplicar mais adubo na área em que as necessidades ou o potencial produtivo são maiores, e a reduzir a quantidade na área em que o potencial produtivo ou as necessidades são menores, em vez de, como usualmente sucede, aplicar um valor médio e igual em toda a parcela. Com esta forma de actuar, não só aumentaríamos a produção, aplicando mais adubo onde este é necessário, como também reduziríamos os custos e o impacte ambiental da actividade, não aplicando adubo em excesso e precavendo a provável lixiviação do azoto. Na prática, tudo isto seria inquestionável, não fôra o caso de as tecnologias associadas à Agricultura de Precisão serem, quase sempre, complexas e caras. É exactamente por esta razão que o conceito não se encontra hoje em dia mais divulgado, nomeadamente no nosso país. Em primeiro lugar, só fará sentido recorrer à Agricultura de Precisão se os benefícios económicos daí decorrentes forem superiores ao investimento necessário à sua adopção; ora, infelizmente, são muito poucas as explorações, sobretudo em Portugal, com dimensão suficiente para, só por si, justificar ou viabilizar tais investimentos. Note-se que os investimentos a que nos referimos não passam apenas pela aquisição de determinados equipamentos (GPS, sensores, etc.), mas também pelo levantamento da situação de base e pela construção de um sistema de informação geograficamente referenciada. Em segundo lugar, existe ainda um longo caminho a percorrer pelas tecnologias de informação associadas, especialmente no que se refere à sua facilidade de uso e de integração no negócio, isto é, ainda é necessário um esforço razoável para efectuar a recolha e processamento da informação necessária à prática da agricultura de precisão, esforço este com custos muitas vezes inaceitáveis para o agricultor, nomeadamente quanto ao dispêndio do seu tempo/atenção. Em terceiro lugar, na hipótese de que os investimentos sejam rentáveis, é necessário que existam pessoas (agricultores e/ou técnicos) com conhecimentos suficientes para ajustar, desenvolver e utilizar estas tecnologias. O futuro, apesar de tudo, apresenta-se mais favorável. Por um lado, os equipamentos de alta tecnologia tendem a diminuir de preço, por vezes de forma muito marcada (um GPS de gama baixa, por exemplo, custava mais de 5000 euros há dez anos, existindo hoje à venda modelos similares por menos de 200 euros). Por outro, o nível educacional dos agricultores tem vindo a aumentar, existindo hoje cada vez mais estruturas de apoio técnico na agricultura. O nascimento e desenvolvimento de empresas especializadas no aluguer de máquinas e equipamentos agrícolas, que se tem vindo a registar nos últimos anos, pode igualmente contribuir para ultrapassar uma das maiores limitações à adopção destas tecnologias: a reduzida dimensão das explorações e os elevados custos de amortização daí decorrentes.
PURPOSE: The objective was to explore whether a satellite-based navigation system, global positioning system used in differential mode (DGPS), could accurately assess the speed of running in humans. METHODS: A subject was equipped with a portable GPS receptor coupled to a receiver for differential corrections, while running outdoors on a straight asphalt road at 27 different speeds. Actual speed (reference method) was assessed by chronometry. RESULTS: The accuracy of speed prediction had a standard deviation (SD) of 0.08 km x h(-1) for walking, 0.11 km x h(-1) for running, yielding a coefficient of variation (SD/mean) of 1.38% and 0.82%, respectively. There was a highly significant linear relationship between actual and DGPS speed assessment (r2 = 0.999) with little bias in the prediction equation, because the slope of the regression line was close to unity (0.997). CONCLUSION: the DGPS technique appears to be a valid and inconspicuous tool for "on line" monitoring of the speed of displacement of individuals located on any field on earth, for prolonged periods of time and unlimited distance, but only in specific environmental conditions ("open sky"). Furthermore, the accuracy of speed assessment using the differential GPS mode was improved by a factor of 10 as compared to non-differential GPS.
During free walking, gait is automatically adjusted to provide optimal mechanical output and minimal energy expenditure; gait parameters, such as cadence, fluctuate from one stride to the next around average values. It was described that this fluctuation exhibited long-range correlations and fractal-like patterns. In addition, it was suggested that these long-range correlations disappeared if the participant followed the beep of metronome to regulate his or her pace. Until now, these fractal fluctuations were only observed for stride interval, because no technique existed to adequately analyze an extended time of free walking. The aim of the present study was to measure walking speed (WS), step frequency (SF) and step length (SL) with high accuracy (<1 cm) satellite positioning method (global positioning system or GPS) in order to detect long-range correlations in the stride-to-stride fluctuations. Eight participants walked 30 min under free and constrained (metronome) conditions. Under free walking conditions, DFA (detrended fluctuation analysis) and surrogate data tests showed that the fluctuation of WS, SL and SF exhibited a fractal pattern (i.e., scaling exponent alpha: 0.5 < alpha < 1) in a large majority of participants (7/8). Under constrained conditions (metronome), SF fluctuations became significantly anti-correlated (alpha < 0.5) in all participants. However, the scaling exponent of SL and WS was not modified. We conclude that, when the walking pace is controlled by an auditory signal, the feedback loop between the planned movement (at supraspinal level) and the sensory inputs induces a continual shifting of SF around the mean (persistent anti-correlation), but with no effect on the fluctuation dynamics of the other parameters (SL, WS).
New Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers allow now to measure a location on earth at high frequency (5Hz) with a centimetric precision using phase differential positioning method. We studied whether such technique was accurate enough to retrieve basic parameters of human locomotion. Eight subjects walked on an athletics track at four different imposed step frequencies (70-130steps/min) plus a run at free pace. Differential carrier phase localization between a fixed base station and the mobile antenna mounted on the walking person was calculated. In parallel, a triaxial accelerometer, attached to the low back, recorded body accelerations. The different parameters were averaged for 150 consecutive steps of each run for each subject (total of 6000 steps analyzed). We observed a perfect correlation between average step duration measured by accelerometer and by GPS (r=0.9998, N=40). Two important parameters for the calculation of the external work of walking were also analyzed, namely the vertical lift of the trunk and the velocity variation per step. For an average walking speed of 4.0km/h, average vertical lift and velocity variation were, respectively, 4.8cm and 0.60km/h. The average intra-individual step-to-step variability at a constant speed, which includes GPS errors and the biological gait style variation, were found to be 24. 5% (coefficient of variation) for vertical lift and 44.5% for velocity variation. It is concluded that GPS technique can provide useful biomechanical parameters for the analysis of an unlimited number of strides in an unconstrained free-living environment.
This report is on state-of-the-art research efforts specific to infrastructure inventory/data collection with sign inventory as a case study. The development of an agency-wide sign inventory is based on feature inventory and location information. Specific to location, a quick and simple location acquisition tool is critical to tying assets to an accurate location-referencing system. This research effort provides a contrast between legacy referencing systems (route and milepost) and global positioning system- (GPS-) based techniques (latitude and longitude) integrated into a geographic information system (GIS) database. A summary comparison of field accuracies using a variety of consumer grade devices is also provided. This research, and the data collection tools developed, are critical in supporting the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Statewide Sign Management System development effort. For the last two years, a Task Force has embarked on a comprehensive effort to develop a sign management system to improve sign quality, as well as to manage all aspects of signage, from request, ordering, fabricating, installing, maintaining, and ultimately removing, and to provide the ability to budget for these key assets on a statewide basis. This effort supported the development of a sign inventory tool and is the beginning of the development of a sign management system to support the Iowa DOT efforts in the consistent, cost effective, and objective decision making process when it comes to signs and their maintenance.
Five test flights were conducted to study the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) in Photogrammetry, three in Iowa, one each in California and Texas. These tests show that GPS can be used to establish ground control by the static method and to determine camera location by the kinematic method. In block triangulation, six GPS controls are required and additional elevation control along the centerline is also required in strip triangulation. The camera location determined by aerial triangulation depends on the scale of the photography. The 1:3000 scale photography showed that the absolute accuracy of the camera location by GPS is better than five centimeters. The 1:40000 scale photography showed that the relative accuracy of the camera location by GPS is about one millimeter. In a strip triangulation elevation control is required in addition to the camera location by GPS. However, for block triangulation camera location by GPS is sufficient. Pre-targeting of pass and tie points gives the best results in both block and strip triangulation. In normal mapping for earth work computations the use of 1:6000 scale photography with GPS control instead of 1:3000 scale is recommended. It is recommended that research be done in the use of GPS for navigation in aerial photographic missions. It is highly recommended that research be done in the use of GPS to determine tip and tilt of the aerial camera, that is required in stereoplotting.
This report describes a project begun in January 1989 and completed December 1990, with the primary objective of obtaining sufficiently accurate horizontal and vertical control by using Global Positioning System (GPS) for highway applications. The ISU research group studied the operations of the Ashtech GPS receiver in static, pseudo-static, kinematic, and pseudo-kinematic modes. By using the Electronic Distance Measuring Instrument (EDMI) Calibration Baseline at ISU, the GPS receiver was tested for distance measurement accuracy. It was found that GPS measurements differed from the baseline distance by about 5.3 mm. Four projects were undertaken to further evaluate and improve the horizontal as well as the vertical accuracies of the GPS receiver -- (1) The Campus Project: with all points concentrated within a one-mile radius; (2) The Des Moines Project: a typical DOT project with all the points within a five-mile radius; (3) The Iowa Project: with all points within a 100-mile radius in the state of Iowa; and (4) The Mustang Project: an extension of the Iowa project, including a typical DOT project of about 10 miles within the inner 30 mile radius of the Iowa project.