937 resultados para Fungus growing ants
Rapid-growing mycobacteria (e.g. M. abscessus and M. chelonae) are emerging pathogens with various clinical manifestations. Among immunocompetent individuals, rapid-growing mycobacteria may be responsible of pulmonary, cutaneous, osteoarticular and postoperative infections, as well as lymphadenitis and catheter-associated infections. Among immunocompromised patients, disseminated infections are also observed. Diagnosis relies on specific microbiological investigations to confirm etiology and guide antibiotic treatment. The treatment requires a multi-disciplinary approach that includes specific long-term antibiotic treatment, surgical debridement and reduction of immunosuppression whenever possible.
Polyphenism is the phenomenon in which alternative phenotypes are produced by a single genotype in response to environmental cues. An extreme case is found in social insects, in which reproductive queens and sterile workers that greatly differ in morphology and behavior can arise from a single genotype. Experimental evidence for maternal effects on caste determination, the differential larval development toward the queen or worker caste, was recently documented in Pogonomyrmex seed harvester ants, in which only colonies with a hibernated queen produce new queens. However, the proximate mechanisms behind these intergenerational effects have remained elusive. We used a combination of artificial hibernation, hormonal treatments, gene expression analyses, hormone measurements, and vitellogenin quantification to investigate how the combined effect of environmental cues and hormonal signaling affects the process of caste determination in Pogonomyrmex rugosus. The results show that the interplay between insulin signaling, juvenile hormone, and vitellogenin regulates maternal effects on the production of alternative phenotypes and set vitellogenin as a likely key player in the intergenerational transmission of information. This study reveals how hibernation triggers the production of new queens in Pogonomyrmex ant colonies. More generally, it provides important information on maternal effects by showing how environmental cues experienced by one generation can translate into phenotypic variation in the next generation.
Owing to increasing resistance and the limited arsenal of new antibiotics, especially against Gram-negative pathogens, carefully designed antibiotic regimens are obligatory for febrile neutropenic patients, along with effective infection control. The Expert Group of the 4(th) European Conference on Infections in Leukemia has developed guidelines for initial empirical therapy in febrile neutropenic patients, based on: i) the local resistance epidemiology; and ii) the patient's risk factors for resistant bacteria and for a complicated clinical course. An 'escalation' approach, avoiding empirical carbapenems and combinations, should be employed in patients without particular risk factors. A 'de-escalation' approach, with initial broad-spectrum antibiotics or combinations, should be used only in those patients with: i) known prior colonization or infection with resistant pathogens; or ii) complicated presentation; or iii) in centers where resistant pathogens are prevalent at the onset of febrile neutropenia. In the latter case, infection control and antibiotic stewardship also need urgent review. Modification of the initial regimen at 72-96 h should be based on the patient's clinical course and the microbiological results. Discontinuation of antibiotics after 72 h or later should be considered in neutropenic patients with fever of unknown origin who are hemodynamically stable since presentation and afebrile for at least 48 h, irrespective of neutrophil count and expected duration of neutropenia. This strategy aims to minimize the collateral damage associated with antibiotic overuse, and the further selection of resistance.
Pathogens represent a threat to all organisms, which generates a coevolutionary arms race. Social insects provide an interesting system to study host-pathogen interactions, because their defences depend on both the individual and collective responses, and involve genetic, physiological, behavioral and organizational mechanisms. In this thesis, I studied the evolutionary ecology of the resistance of ant queens and workers to natural fungal pathogens. Mechanisms that increase within-colony genetic diversity, like polyandry and polygyny, decrease relatedness among colony mates, which reduces the strength of selection for the evolution and maintenance of altruistic behavior. A leading hypothesis posits that intracolonial genetic diversity is adaptive because it reduces the risk of pathogen transmission. In chapter 1, I examine individual resistance in ant workers of Formica selysi, a species that shows natural variation in colony queen number. I discuss how this variation might be beneficial to resist natural fungal pathogens in groups. Overall my results indicate that there is genetic variation for fungal resistance in workers, a requirement for the 'genetic diversity for pathogen resistance' hypothesis. However I was not able to detect direct evidence that group diversity improves the survival of focal ants or reduces pathogen transmission. Thus, although the coexistence of multiple queens increases the within-colony variance in worker resistance, it remains unclear whether it protects ant colonies from pathogens and whether it is comparable to polyandry in other social insects. Traditionally, it was thought that the immune system of invertebrates lacked memory and specificity. In chapter 2, I investigate individual immunity in ant queens and show that they may be able to adjust their pathogen defences in response to their current environment by means of immune priming, which bears similarities with the adaptive immunity of vertebrates. However, my results indicate that the expression of immune priming in ant queens may be influenced by factors like mating status, mating conditions or host species. In addition, I showed that mating increases pathogen resistance in çhe two ant species that I studied (F. selysi and Lasius niger). This raises the question of how ant queens invest heavily in both maintenance and reproduction, which I discuss in the context of the evolution of social organization. In chapter 3,1 investigate if transgenerational priming against a fungal pathogen protects the queen progeny. I failed to detect this effect, and discuss why the detection of transgenerational immune priming in ants is a difficult task. Overall, this thesis illustrates some of the individual and collective mechanisms that likely played a role in allowing ants to become one of the most diverse and ecologically successful groups of organisms. -- Les pathogènes représentent une menace pour tous les organismes, ce qui a engendré l'évolution d'une course aux armements. Les insectes sociaux sont un système intéressant permettant d'étudier les interactions hôtes-pathogènes, car leurs défenses dépendent de réponses aussi bien individuelles que collectives, et impliquent des mécanismes génétiques, physiologiques, comportementaux et organisationnels. Dans cette thèse, j'ai étudié l'écologie évolutive de la résistance des reines et des ouvrières de fourmis exposées à des champignons pathogènes. Les facteurs augmentant la diversité génétique à l'intérieur de la colonie, comme la polyandrie et la polygynie, diminuent la parenté, ce qui réduit la pression de sélection pour l'évolution et la maintenance des comportements altruistes. Une hypothèse dominante stipule que la diversité génétique à l'intérieur de la colonie est adaptative car elle réduit le risque de transmission des pathogènes. Dans le chapitre 1, nous examinons la résistance individuelle à des pathogènes fongiques chez les ouvrières de Formica selysi, une espèce présentant une variation naturelle dans le nombre de reines par colonie. Nous discutons aussi de la possibilité que ces variations individuelles augmentent la capacité du groupe à résister à des champignons pathogènes. Dans l'ensemble, nos résultats indiquent une variation génétique dans la résistance aux champignons chez les ouvrières, un prérequis à l'hypothèse que la diversité génétique du groupe augmente la résistance aux pathogènes. Cependant, nous n'avons pas pu détecter une preuve directe que la diversité du groupe augmente la survie de fourmis focales ou réduise la transmission des pathogènes. Ainsi, bien que la coexistence de plusieurs reines augmente la variance dans la résistance des ouvrières à l'intérieur de la colonie, la question de savoir si cela protège les colonies de fourmis contre les pathogènes et si cela est comparable à la polyandrie chez d'autres insectes sociaux reste ouverte. Traditionnellement, il était admis que le système immunitaire des invertébrés ne possédait pas de mémoire et était non-spécifique. Dans le chapitre 2, nous avons étudié l'immunité individuelle chez des reines de fourmis. Nous avons montré que les reines pourraient être capables d'ajuster leurs défenses contre les pathogènes en réponse à leur environnement, grâce à une pré-activation du système immunitaire (« immune priming ») ressemblant à l'immunité adaptative des vertébrés. Cependant, nos résultats indiquent que cette pré-activation du système immunitaire chez les reines dépend du fait d'être accouplée ou non, des conditions d'accouplement, ou de l'espèce. De plus, nous avons montré que l'accouplement augmente la résistance aux pathogènes chez les deux espèces que nous avons étudié (F. selysi et Lasius niger). Ceci pose la question de la capacité des reines à investir fortement aussi bien dans la maintenance que dans la reproduction, ce que nous discutons dans le contexte de l'évolution de l'organisation sociale. Dans le chapitre 3, nous étudions si la pré-activation trans-générationelle du système immunitaire [« trans-generational immune priming ») protège la progéniture de la reine contre un champignon pathogène. Nous n'avons par réussi à détecter cet effet, et discutons des raisons pour lesquelles la détection de la pré-activation trans-générationelle du système immunitaire chez les fourmis est une tâche difficile. Dans l'ensemble, cette thèse illustre quelques-uns des mécanismes individuels et collectifs qui ont probablement contribué à la diversité et à l'important succès écologique des fourmis.
It is now possible to perform resections of slow-growing tumors in awake patients. Using direct electrical stimulation, real-time functional mapping of the brain can be used to prevent the resection of essential areas near the tumor. Simple clinical observations of patients with a resection of slow-growing tumors have demonstrated substantial recovery within a few days of such 'awake surgery'. The aim of this study was to investigate the kinetics of recovery following the resection of slow-growing tumors invading the left parietal area and to focus mainly on its rapidity. Two patients were assessed by standard line bisection tests and compared with eight healthy individuals. Independently of the pure nature of the symptoms, we report that the patients rapidly and substantially recovered from pronounced right neglect. They were tested 48 hours after the surgery and the recovery was significant for both patients after less than 4 hours. Strikingly, for one patient, recovery was ultra fast and substantial in the first practice session within less than 7 minutes: it occurred without verbal feedback and was substantially retained during the following testing session. Its rapidity suggests a process of unmasking redundant networks. With the slow growth of the lesion, the contralesional hemisphere is probably progressively prepared for rapid unmasking of homologue networks. These results have major clinical implications. For patients with an invading left-side tumor, it is now clear that line bisections are required before, during, and after awake surgery to: plan the surgery, control the quality of the resection, and also optimize the rehabilitation of the patient
QUESTION UNDER STUDY: To investigate the change over time in the number of ED admissions with positive blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and to evaluate predictors of BAC level. METHODS: We conducted a single site retrospective study at the ED of a tertiary referral hospital (western part of Switzerland) and obtained all the BAC performed from 2002 to 2011. We determined the proportion of ED admissions with positive BAC (number of positive BAC/number of admissions). Regression models assessed trends in the proportion of admissions with positive BAC and the predictors of BAC level among patients with positive BAC. RESULTS: A total of 319,489 admissions were recorded and 20,021 BAC tests were performed, of which 14,359 were positive, divided 34.5% female and 65.5% male. The mean (SD) age was 41.7(16.8), and the mean BAC was 2.12(1.04) permille (g of ethanol/liter of blood). An increase in the number of positive BAC was observed, from 756 in 2002 to 1,819 in 2011. The total number of admissions also increased but less: 1.2 versus 2.4 times more admissions with positive BAC. Being male was independently associated with a higher (+0.19 permille) BAC, as was each passing year (+0.03). A significant quadratic association with age indicated a maximum BAC at age 53. CONCLUSION: We observed an increase in the percentage of admissions with positive BAC that was not limited to younger individuals. Given the potential consequences of alcohol intoxication, and the large burden imposed on ED teams, communities should be encouraged to take measures aimed at reducing alcohol intoxication.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) form symbioses with the majority of plants and form extensive underground hyphal networks simultaneously connecting the roots of different plant species. No empirical evidence exists for either anastomosis between genetically different AMF or genetic exchange.Five isolates of one population of Glomus intraradices were used to study anastomosis between hyphae of germinating spores. We show that genetically distinct AMF, from the same field, anastomose, resulting in viable cytoplasmic connections through which genetic exchange could potentially occur.Pairs of genetically different isolates were then co-cultured in an in vitro system.Freshly produced spores were individually germinated to establish new cultures.Using several molecular tools, we show that genetic exchange occurred between genetically different AMF. Specific genetic markers from each parent were transmitted to the progeny. The progeny were viable, forming symbioses with plant roots. The phenotypes of some of the progeny were significantly different from either parent.Our results indicate that considerable promiscuity could occur in these fungi because nine out of 10 combinations of different isolates anastomosed. The ability to perform genetic crosses between AMF experimentally lays a foundation for understanding the genetics and evolutionary biology of these important plants symbionts.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are highly successful plant symbionts. They reproduce clonally producing multinucleate spores. It has been suggested that some AMF harbor genetically different nuclei. However, recent advances in sequencing the Glomus irregulare genome have indicated very low within-fungus polymorphism. We tested the null hypothesis that, with no genetic differences among nuclei, no significant genetic or phenotypic variation would occur among clonal single spore lines generated from one initial AMF spore. Furthermore, no additional variation would be expected in the following generations of single spore lines. Genetic diversity contained in one initial spore repeatedly gave rise to genetically different variants of the fungus with novel phenotypes. The genetic changes represented quantitative changes in allele frequencies, most probably as a result of changes in the frequency of genetic variation partitioned on different nuclei. The genetic and phenotypic variation is remarkable, given that it arose repeatedly from one clonal individual. Our results highlight the dynamic nature of AMF genetics. Even though within-fungus genetic variation is low, some is probably partitioned among nuclei and potentially causes changes in the phenotype. Our results are important for understanding AMF genetics, as well as for researchers and biotechnologists hoping to use AMF genetic diversity for the improvement of AMF inoculum.
The microbial synthesis of nanoparticles is a green chemistry approach that combines nanotechnology and microbial biotechnology. The aim of this study was to obtain silver nanoparticles (SNPs) using aqueous extract from the filamentous fungus Fusarium oxysporum as an alternative to chemical procedures and to evaluate its antifungal activity. SNPs production increased in a concentration-dependent way up to 1 mM silver nitrate until 30 days of reaction. Monodispersed and spherical SNPs were predominantly produced. After 60 days, it was possible to observe degenerated SNPs with in additional needle morphology. The SNPs showed a high antifungal activity against Candida and Cryptococcus , with minimum inhibitory concentration values ≤ 1.68 µg/mL for both genera. Morphological alterations of Cryptococcus neoformans treated with SNPs were observed such as disruption of the cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane and lost of the cytoplasm content. This work revealed that SNPs can be easily produced by F. oxysporum aqueous extracts and may be a feasible, low-cost, environmentally friendly method for generating stable and uniformly sized SNPs. Finally, we have demonstrated that these SNPs are active against pathogenic fungi, such as Candida and Cryptococcus .
Radiotherapy is widely used to treat human cancer. Patients locally recurring after radiotherapy, however, have increased risk of metastatic progression and poor prognosis. The clinical management of postradiation recurrences remains an unresolved issue. Tumors growing in preirradiated tissues have an increased fraction of hypoxic cells and are more metastatic, a condition known as tumor bed effect. The transcription factor hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)-1 promotes invasion and metastasis of hypoxic tumors, but its role in the tumor bed effect has not been reported. Here, we show that tumor cells derived from SCCVII and HCT116 tumors growing in a preirradiated bed, or selected in vitro through repeated cycles of severe hypoxia, retain invasive and metastatic capacities when returned to normoxia. HIF activity, although facilitating metastatic spreading of tumors growing in a preirradiated bed, is not essential. Through gene expression profiling and gain- and loss-of-function experiments, we identified the matricellular protein CYR61 and alphaVbeta5 integrin as proteins cooperating to mediate these effects. The anti-alphaV integrin monoclonal antibody 17E6 and the small molecular alphaVbeta3/alphaVbeta5 integrin inhibitor EMD121974 suppressed invasion and metastasis induced by CYR61 and attenuated metastasis of tumors growing within a preirradiated field. These results represent a conceptual advance to the understanding of the tumor bed effect and identify CYR61 and alphaVbeta5 integrin as proteins that cooperate to mediate metastasis. They also identify alphaV integrin inhibition as a potential therapeutic approach for preventing metastasis in patients at risk for postradiation recurrences.
Fungalysins are secreted fungal peptidases with the ability to degrade the extracellular matrix proteins elastin and collagen and are thought to act as virulence factors in diseases caused by fungi. Fungalysins constitute a unique family among zinc-dependent peptidases that bears low sequence similarity to known bacterial peptidases of the thermolysin family. The crystal structure of the archetype of the fungalysin family, Aspergillus fumigatus metalloprotease (AfuMep), has been obtained for the first time. The 1.8 Å resolution structure of AfuMep corresponds to that of an autoproteolyzed proenzyme with separate polypeptide chains corresponding to the N-terminal prodomain in a binary complex with the C-terminal zinc-bound catalytic domain. The prodomain consists of a tandem of cystatin-like folds whose C-terminal end is buried into the active-site cleft of the catalytic domain. The catalytic domain harbouring the key catalytic zinc ion and its ligands, two histidines and one glutamic acid, undergoes a conspicuous rearrangement of its N-terminal end during maturation. One key positively charged amino-acid residue and the C-terminal disulfide bridge appear to contribute to its structural-functional properties. Thus, structural, biophysical and biochemical analysis were combined to provide a deeper comprehension of the underlying properties of A. fumigatus fungalysin, serving as a framework for the as yet poorly known metallopeptidases from pathogenic fungi.
The emergence of uncorrelated growing networks is proved when nodes are removed either uniformly or under the preferential survival rule recently observed in the World Wide Web evolution. To this aim, the rate equation for the joint probability of degrees is derived, and stationary symmetrical solutions are obtained, by passing to the continuum limit. When a uniformly random removal of extant nodes and linear preferential attachment of new nodes are at work, we prove that the only stationary solution corresponds to uncorrelated networks for any removal rate r ∈ (0,1). In the more general case of preferential survival of nodes, uncorrelated solutions are also obtained. These results generalize the uncorrelatedness displayed by the (undirected) Barab´asi-Albert network model to models with uniformly random and selective (against low degrees) removal of nodes
Red wood ants (Formica rufa group) constitute a group of species that are considered to be among the most promising bioindicators in forest ecosystems. However, because of their morphological similarity and intraspecific variability, morphological species identification can be difficult. Considerable expertise is necessary to discriminate between the sibling species F. lugubris and F. paralugubris, two species that often live in sympatry in the same Alpine forests. New taxonomic tools providing rapid and reliable species identification are needed. We present a simple and reliable molecular technique based on mtDNA (COI gene) and a restriction enzyme for discriminating between F. lugubris and F. paralugubris. We confirm the validity of this method with a Bayesian analysis based on microsatellites. This new molecular tool represents a clear breakthrough for discriminating between F. lugubris and F. paralugubris and is likely to be helpful in large-scale biomonitoring.
We present a continuum formalism for modeling growing random networks under addition and deletion of nodes based on a differential mass balance equation. As examples of its applicability, we obtain new results on the degree distribution for growing networks with a uniform attachment and deletion of nodes, and complete some recent results on growing networks with preferential attachment and uniform removal
The species Formica aquilonia and F. lugubris of the mound-building red wood ants have a disjunct boreoalpine distribution in Europe. The populations of F. aquilonia in Finland, Switzerland and the British Isles show little genetic differentiation, whereas the populations of F. lugubris show considerable differentiation. The Central European populations morphologically identified as F. lugubris can be genetically divided into two groups (here called types A and B). Type B is found in the Alps and the Jura mountains, and is genetically inseparable from F. aquilonia. Type A lives sympatrically with type B in the Jura mountains and is also found in the British Isles. Sympatry of the two types in the Jura shows that these are separate species. It remains open whether type B is morphologically atypical F. aquilonia or whether it is a separate species, perhaps with a past history of introgression between F. aquilonia and F. lugubris. The gene frequencies in the Finnish populations of F. lugubris differ from those of both types A and B. Genetic differences within F. lugubris indicate that the populations have evolved separately for a long time. The social structure of F. lugubris colonies also shows geographic variation. The nests in Finland and the British Isles seem to be mainly monogynous and monodomous, whereas the nests in Central Europe are polygynous and form polydomous colonies. F. aquilonia has polygynous and polydomous colonies in all populations studied.