962 resultados para Full 2-Fluid Model
La presente tesis analiza la integración del sector de las telecomunicaciones con los de TI y medios que conforman el actual hiper-sector de las TIC, para abordar una propuesta de valor que se plantea a dos niveles. Se expone de un lado, la iniciativa WIMS 2.0, que aborda los aspectos tecnológicos y estratégicos de la convergencia telco e Internet para, posteriormente, definir un nuevo modelo de negocio, que adaptado al nuevo sector integrado y siguiendo paradigmas inéditos como los que plantea la innovación abierta, permita generar nuevos flujos de ingresos en áreas no habituales para los operadores de telecomunicaciones. A lo largo del capítulo 2, el lector encontrará la contextualización del entorno de las comunicaciones de banda ancha desde tres vertientes: los aspectos tecnológicos, los económicos y el mercado actual, todo ello enfocado en una dimensión nacional, europea y mundial. Se establece de esta manera las bases para el desarrollo de los siguientes capítulos al demostrar cómo la penetración de la banda ancha ha potenciado el desarrollo de un nuevo sistema de valor en el sector integrado de las TIC, alrededor del cual surgen propuestas de modelos de negocio originales que se catalogan en una taxonomía propia. En el tercer capítulo se detalla la propuesta de valor de la iniciativa WIMS 2.0, fundada y liderada por el autor de esta tesis. WIMS 2.0, como iniciativa abierta, se dirige a la comunidad como una propuesta de un nuevo ecosistema y como un modelo de referencia integrado sobre el que desplegar servicios convergentes. Adicionalmente, sobre el planteamiento teórico definido se aporta el enfoque práctico que supone el despliegue del modelo de referencia dentro de la arquitectura de un operador como Telefónica. El capítulo 4 muestra el modelo de negocio Innovación 2.0, basado en la innovación abierta con el objetivo de capturar nuevos flujos de ingresos incrementando el portfolio de servicios innovadores gracias a las ideas frescas y brillantes de start-ups. Innovación 2.0 lejos de quedarse en una mera propuesta teórica, muestra sus bondades en el éxito práctico en el mercado que ha validado las hipótesis planteadas. El último capítulo plantea las líneas futuras de investigación tanto en el ámbito de la iniciativa WIMS 2.0 como en el modelo de Innovación 2.0, algunas de las cuales se están comenzando a abordar. 3 Abstract This thesis examines the integration of telecommunications sector with IT and media that make up the current hyper-ICT sector, to address a value proposition that arises at two levels. On one side, WIMS 2.0 initiative, which addresses the technological and strategic aspects of the telco and Internet convergence to later define a new business model, adapted to the new integrated sector and following original paradigms such as those posed by open innovation, which generates new revenue streams in areas not typical for telecom operators. Throughout Chapter 2, the reader will find the contextualization of the broadband communications environment from three aspects: technological, economic and the current market all focused on a national, European and world scale. Thus it establishes the basis for the development of the following chapters by demonstrating how the penetration of broadband has led to the development of a new value system in the integrated sector of the ICT, around which arise proposals of originals business models, which are categorized in a own taxonomy. The third chapter outlines the value proposition of the WIMS 2.0 initiative, founded and led by the author of this thesis. WIMS 2.0, as open initiative, presents to the community a proposal for a new ecosystem and an integrated reference model on which to deploy converged services. Additionally, above the theoretical approach defined, WIMS 2.0 provides the practical approach is provided which is the deployment of the reference model into the architecture of an operator such as Telefónica. Chapter 4 shows the Innovation 2.0 business model, based on open innovation with the goal of capturing new revenue streams by increasing the portfolio of innovative services thanks to the fresh and brilliant ideas from start-ups. Innovation 2.0, far from being a mere theoretical proposition, shows its benefits in the successful deployment in the market, which has validated the hypotheses. The last chapter sets out the future research at both the WIMS 2.0 initiative and Innovation 2.0 model, some of which are beginning to be addressed.
Esta tesis presenta un análisis teórico del funcionamiento de toberas magnéticas para la propulsión espacial por plasmas. El estudio está basado en un modelo tridimensional y bi-fluido de la expansión supersónica de un plasma caliente en un campo magnético divergente. El modelo básico es ampliado progresivamente con la inclusión de términos convectivos dominantes de electrones, el campo magnético inducido por el plasma, poblaciones electrónicas múltiples a distintas temperaturas, y la capacidad de integrar el flujo en la región de expansión lejana. La respuesta hiperbólica del plasma es integrada con alta precisión y eficiencia haciendo uso del método de las líneas características. Se realiza una caracterización paramétrica de la expansión 2D del plasma en términos del grado de magnetización de iones, la geometría del campo magnético, y el perfil inicial del plasma. Se investigan los mecanismos de aceleración, mostrando que el campo ambipolar convierte la energía interna de electrones en energía dirigida de iones. Las corrientes diamagnéticas de Hall, que pueden hallarse distribuidas en el volumen del plasma o localizadas en una delgada capa de corriente en el borde del chorro, son esenciales para la operación de la tobera, ya que la fuerza magnética repulsiva sobre ellas es la encargada de confinar radialmente y acelerar axialmente el plasma. El empuje magnético es la reacción a esta fuerza sobre el motor. La respuesta del plasma muestra la separación gradual hacia adentro de los tubos de iones respecto de los magnéticos, lo cual produce la formación de corrientes eléctricas longitudinales y pone el plasma en rotación. La ganancia de empuje obtenida y las pérdidas radiales de la pluma de plasma se evalúan en función de los parámetros de diseño. Se analiza en detalle la separación magnética del plasma aguas abajo respecto a las líneas magnéticas (cerradas sobre sí mismas), necesaria para la aplicación de la tobera magnética a fines propulsivos. Se demuestra que tres teorías existentes sobre separación, que se fundamentan en la resistividad del plasma, la inercia de electrones, y el campo magnético que induce el plasma, son inadecuadas para la tobera magnética propulsiva, ya que producen separación hacia afuera en lugar de hacia adentro, aumentando la divergencia de la pluma. En su lugar, se muestra que la separación del plasma tiene lugar gracias a la inercia de iones y la desmagnetización gradual del plasma que tiene lugar aguas abajo, que permiten la separación ilimitada del flujo de iones respecto a las líneas de campo en condiciones muy generales. Se evalúa la cantidad de plasma que permanece unida al campo magnético y retorna hacia el motor a lo largo de las líneas cerradas de campo, mostrando que es marginal. Se muestra cómo el campo magnético inducido por el plasma incrementa la divergencia de la tobera magnética y por ende de la pluma de plasma en el caso propulsivo, contrariamente a las predicciones existentes. Se muestra también cómo el inducido favorece la desmagnetización del núcleo del chorro, acelerando la separación magnética. La hipótesis de ambipolaridad de corriente local, común a varios modelos de tobera magnética existentes, es discutida críticamente, mostrando que es inadecuada para el estudio de la separación de plasma. Una inconsistencia grave en la derivación matemática de uno de los modelos más aceptados es señalada y comentada. Incluyendo una especie adicional de electrones supratérmicos en el modelo, se estudia la formación y geometría de dobles capas eléctricas en el interior del plasma. Cuando dicha capa se forma, su curvatura aumenta cuanto más periféricamente se inyecten los electrones supratérmicos, cuanto menor sea el campo magnético, y cuanto más divergente sea la tobera magnética. El plasma con dos temperaturas electrónicas posee un mayor ratio de empuje magnético frente a total. A pesar de ello, no se encuentra ninguna ventaja propulsiva de las dobles capas, reforzando las críticas existentes frente a las propuestas de estas formaciones como un mecanismo de empuje. Por último, se presenta una formulación general de modelos autosemejantes de la expansión 2D de una pluma no magnetizada en el vacío. El error asociado a la hipótesis de autosemejanza es calculado, mostrando que es pequeño para plumas hipersónicas. Tres modelos de la literatura son particularizados a partir de la formulación general y comparados. Abstract This Thesis presents a theoretical analysis of the operation of magnetic nozzles for plasma space propulsion. The study is based on a two-dimensional, two-fluid model of the supersonic expansion of a hot plasma in a divergent magnetic field. The basic model is extended progressively to include the dominant electron convective terms, the plasma-induced magnetic field, multi-temperature electron populations, and the capability to integrate the plasma flow in the far expansion region. The hyperbolic plasma response is integrated accurately and efficiently with the method of the characteristic lines. The 2D plasma expansion is characterized parametrically in terms of the ion magnetization strength, the magnetic field geometry, and the initial plasma profile. Acceleration mechanisms are investigated, showing that the ambipolar electric field converts the internal electron energy into directed ion energy. The diamagnetic electron Hall current, which can be distributed in the plasma volume or localized in a thin current sheet at the jet edge, is shown to be central for the operation of the magnetic nozzle. The repelling magnetic force on this current is responsible for the radial confinement and axial acceleration of the plasma, and magnetic thrust is the reaction to this force on the magnetic coils of the thruster. The plasma response exhibits a gradual inward separation of the ion streamtubes from the magnetic streamtubes, which focuses the jet about the nozzle axis, gives rise to the formation of longitudinal currents and sets the plasma into rotation. The obtained thrust gain in the magnetic nozzle and radial plasma losses are evaluated as a function of the design parameters. The downstream plasma detachment from the closed magnetic field lines, required for the propulsive application of the magnetic nozzle, is investigated in detail. Three prevailing detachment theories for magnetic nozzles, relying on plasma resistivity, electron inertia, and the plasma-induced magnetic field, are shown to be inadequate for the propulsive magnetic nozzle, as these mechanisms detach the plume outward, increasing its divergence, rather than focusing it as desired. Instead, plasma detachment is shown to occur essentially due to ion inertia and the gradual demagnetization that takes place downstream, which enable the unbounded inward ion separation from the magnetic lines beyond the turning point of the outermost plasma streamline under rather general conditions. The plasma fraction that remains attached to the field and turns around along the magnetic field back to the thruster is evaluated and shown to be marginal. The plasmainduced magnetic field is shown to increase the divergence of the nozzle and the resulting plasma plume in the propulsive case, and to enhance the demagnetization of the central part of the plasma jet, contrary to existing predictions. The increased demagnetization favors the earlier ion inward separation from the magnetic field. The local current ambipolarity assumption, common to many existing magnetic nozzle models, is critically discussed, showing that it is unsuitable for the study of plasma detachment. A grave mathematical inconsistency in a well-accepted model, related to the acceptance of this assumption, is found out and commented on. The formation and 2D shape of electric double layers in the plasma expansion is studied with the inclusion of an additional suprathermal electron population in the model. When a double layer forms, its curvature is shown to increase the more peripherally suprathermal electrons are injected, the lower the magnetic field strength, and the more divergent the magnetic nozzle is. The twoelectron- temperature plasma is seen to have a greater magnetic-to-total thrust ratio. Notwithstanding, no propulsive advantage of the double layer is found, supporting and reinforcing previous critiques to their proposal as a thrust mechanism. Finally, a general framework of self-similar models of a 2D unmagnetized plasma plume expansion into vacuum is presented and discussed. The error associated with the self-similarity assumption is calculated and shown to be small for hypersonic plasma plumes. Three models of the literature are recovered as particularizations from the general framework and compared.
Numerical investigations on mutual interactions between two spatially overlapping standing electromagnetic solitons in a cold unmagnetized plasma are reported. It is found that an initial state comprising of two overlapping standing solitons evolves into different end states, depending on the amplitudes of the two solitons and the phase difference between them. For small amplitude solitons with zero phase difference, we observe the formation of an oscillating bound state whose period depends on their initial separation. These results suggest the existence of a bound state made of two solitons in the relativistic cold plasma fluid model.
La evolución de Internet al modelo Web 2.0, ha creado el nuevo sistema denominado Social Media, donde han proliferado un número ingente de redes sociales, que han cambiado las formas de relación y colaboración entre los usuarios, así como la relaciones de éstos y las empresas. En respuesta a estos dramáticos cambios sociales y tecnológicos, que actualmente están dando forma a las relaciones negocio-empresa, las empresas están descubriendo que es necesario modificar la estrategia de utilización del CRM (Customer Relationship Management) con sus clientes y desarrollar nuevas capacidades que permitan la creación de valor con los clientes. Y es aquí donde aparece el concepto de Social CRM, entendido como una estrategia centrada en entender, anticiparse y responder mejor a las necesidades de los clientes existentes o potenciales, aprovechando los datos sociales, para crear unas fuertes relaciones beneficiosas para ambas partes. En este trabajo se describe un modelo de adopción de Social CRM, aplicando un método de análisis “Top-Down”, y basado en el modelo de Gartner denominado “The Eight Building Blocks of CRM” [1]. El presente trabajo descompone el modelo de adopción descrito por Gartner, en los siguientes puntos. - Una decisión estratégica de la compañía - Asomarse a la realidad social - Analizar las redes sociales. - Metodología de adopción. - Despliegue y extensión en todos los departamentos de la compañía y la adaptación de los recursos humanos. - Selección e integración con las plataformas tradicionales de CRM - Análisis de herramientas de monitorización de Social CRM El modelo propuesto tiene dos objetivos, por un lado pretende proporcionar la visión de cómo CRM puede influir en los resultados empresariales en la era del cliente social, y por otro, proporcionar a los administradores cómo las inversiones y los recursos existentes de CRM puede ser integrados con las nuevas tecnologías y procesos para formar capacidades que pueden mejorar el rendimiento del negocio. ABSTRACT. “The Internet evolution to Web 2.0 model has created a new system called Social Media, where have proliferated a huge number of social networks which have changed the relationship and collaboration forms user-to-user and user-to-company. In response to these dramatic social and technological changes that are currently shaping the business-business relationships, companies are finding it necessary to modify the strategy for use of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) with customers and develop new capabilities to creating value with customers. And here is where the concept of Social CRM appears, understood as a focus on understanding, anticipating and responding to the needs of existing and potential customers strategy, leveraging social data to create a strong mutually beneficial relationships. In this paper describes an adoption model of Social CRM, using a "Top-Down" analysis method and based on the model of Gartner called "The Eight Building Blocks of CRM" [1]. This paper decomposes the adoption model described by Gartner in the following points. - A company strategic decision. - Look at social reality. - Analyze social networks. - Methodology adoption. - Deployment and extension in all departments of the company and the adaptation of human resources. - Selection and integration with traditional CRM platforms. - Analysis of monitoring tools for Social CRM. The proposed model has two objectives, firstly aims to provide insight into how CRM can influence business outcomes in the era of the social customer, and secondly, to provide administrators how investments and existing resources can be integrated CRM with new technologies and processes for developing capabilities that can increase business performance”.
If only Fluid Mechanics aspects are considered, the configuration appearing in the floating zone technique for crystal growth can be modelled as a mass of liquid spanning between two solid rods. Besides, if now the influence of temperature gradients and heat flow are not considered, the simplest fluid model consists of an isothermal liquid mass of constant properties (density and surface tension) held by capillary forces between two solid disks placed a distance L apart: the so called liquid bridge. As it is well known, if both supporting disks were parallel, coaxial and of the same diameter, 2R, the volume of liquid, V, were equal to that of a cylinder of the same L and R (V=KR~L) and no body forces were acting on the liquid column, the fluid configuration (under these conditions of cylindrical shape) will become unstable when the distance between the disks equals the length of the circumference of the supporting disks (L=2KR, the so-called Rayleigh stability limit). One should be aware that the Rayleigh stability limit can be dramatically modified when the geometry differs from the above described cylinder (due to having non-coaxial disks, different diameter disks, liquid volume different from the cylindrical one, etc) or when other external effects like accelerations either axial or lateral are considered. In this paper the stability limits of liquid bridges considering different types of perturbations are reviewed.
Recently, Block and coworkers [Visscher, K., Schnitzer, M. J., & Block, S. M. (1999) Nature (London) 400, 184–189 and Schnitzer, M. J., Visscher, K. & Block, S. M. (2000) Nat. Cell Biol. 2, 718–723] have reported extensive observations of individual kinesin molecules moving along microtubules in vitro under controlled loads, F = 1 to 8 pN, with [ATP] = 1 μM to 2 mM. Their measurements of velocity, V, randomness, r, stalling force, and mean run length, L, reveal a need for improved theoretical understanding. We show, presenting explicit formulae that provide a quantitative basis for comparing distinct molecular motors, that their data are satisfactorily described by simple, discrete-state, sequential stochastic models. The simplest (N = 2)-state model with fixed load-distribution factors and kinetic rate constants concordant with stopped-flow experiments, accounts for the global (V, F, L, [ATP]) interdependence and, further, matches relative acceleration observed under assisting loads. The randomness, r(F,[ATP]), is accounted for by a waiting-time distribution, ψ\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{1}^{+}}}\end{equation*}\end{document}(t), [for the transition(s) following ATP binding] with a width parameter ν ≡ 〈t〉2/〈(Δt)2〉≃2.5, indicative of a dispersive stroke of mechanicity ≃0.6 or of a few (≳ν − 1) further, kinetically coupled states: indeed, N = 4 (but not N = 3) models do well. The analysis reveals: (i) a substep of d0 = 1.8–2.1 nm on ATP binding (consistent with structurally based suggestions); (ii) comparable load dependence for ATP binding and unbinding; (iii) a strong load dependence for reverse hydrolysis and subsequent reverse rates; and (iv) a large (≳50-fold) increase in detachment rate, with a marked load dependence, following ATP binding.
Another class of growth hormone (GH) secretagogues has been discovered by altering the backbone structure of a flexible linear GH-releasing peptide (GHRP). In vitro and in vivo characterization confirms these GH secretagogues as the most potent and smallest (M(r) < 500) reported. Anabolic efficacy is demonstrated in rodents with intermittent delivery. A convergent model of the bioactive conformation of GHRPs is developed and is supported by the NMR structure of a highly potent cyclic analog of GHRP-2. The model and functional data provide a logical framework for the further design of low-molecular weight secretagogues and illustrate the utility of an interdisciplinary approach to elucidating potential bound-state conformations of flexible peptide ligands.
Subaerially erupted tholeiites at Hole 642E were never exposed to the high-temperature seawater circulation and alteration conditions that are found at subaqueous ridges. Alteration of Site 642 rocks is therefore the product of the interaction of rocks and fluids at low temperatures. The alteration mineralogy can thus be used to provide information on the geochemical effects of low temperature circulation of seawater. Rubidium-strontium systematics of leached and unleached tholeiites and underlying, continentally-derived dacites reflect interactions with seawater in fractures and vesicular flow tops. The secondary mineral assemblage in the tholeiites consists mainly of smectite, accompanied in a few flows by the assemblage celadonite + calcite (+/- native Cu). Textural relationships suggest that smectites formed early and that celadonite + calcite, which are at least in part cogenetic, formed later than and partially at the expense of smectite. Smectite precipitation occurred under variable, but generally low, water/rock conditions. The smectites contain much lower concentrations of alkali elements than has been reported in seafloor basalts, and sequentially leached fractions of smectite contain Sr that has not achieved isotopic equilibrium. 87Sr/86Sr results of the leaching experiments suggest that Sr was mostly derived from seawater during early periods of smectite precipitation. The basalt-like 87Sr/86Sr of the most readily exchangeable fraction seems to suggest a late period of exposure to very low water /rock. Smectite formation may have primarily occurred in the interval between the nearly 58-Ma age given by the lower series dacites and the 54.5 +/- 0.2 Ma model age given by a celadonite from the top of the tholeiitic section. The 54.5 +/- 0.2 Ma Rb-Sr model age may be recording the timing of foundering of the Voring Plateau. Celadonites precipitated in flows below the top of the tholeiitic section define a Rb-Sr isochron with a slope corresponding to an age of 24.3 +/- 0.4 Ma. This isochron may be reflecting mixing effects due to long-term chemical interaction between seawater and basalts, in which case the age provides only a minimum for the timing of late alteration. Alternatively, inferrential arguments can be made that the 24.3 +/- 0.4 isochron age reflects the timing of the late Oligocene-early Miocene erosional event that affected the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. Correlation of 87Sr/86Sr and 1/Sr in calcites results in a two-component mixing model for late alteration products. One end-member of the mixing trend is Eocene or younger seawater. Strontium from the nonradiogenic endmember can not, however, have been derived directly from the basalts. Rather, the data suggest that Sr in the calcites is a mixture of Sr derived from seawater and from pre-existing smectites. For Site 642, the reaction involved can be generalized as smectite + seawater ++ celadonite + calcite. The geochemical effects of this reaction include net gains of K and CO2 by the secondary mineral assemblage. The gross similarity of the reactions involved in late, low-temperature alteration at Site 642 to those observed in other sea floor basalts suggests that the transfer of K and C02 to the crust during low-temperature seawater-ocean crust interactions may be significant in calculations of global fluxes.
The Quaternary climate of southern Europe (south Italy and Greece) is investigated by pollen analysis of the sapropels which were deposited in the deep eastern Mediterranean Sea during the last 1 million year (Ma). The time-scale of core KC01b in the Ionian Sea has been established by tuning its oxygen isotopic record to the ice volume model of Imbrie and Imbrie (1980, doi:10.1126/science.207.4434.943). For the last 250,000 year (250 ka), the previous pollen studies and astronomical tuning have been confirmed. Sapropels were deposited under a large range of Mediterranean climates: fully interglacial, fully glacial, and intermediary, as revealed mainly by the balance between the respective pollen abundances of oak (Quercus) and sage-brush (Artemisia). The high value of the oak reveals the warm and wet climate of an Interglacial, and the high value of the sage-brush, the dry and cold climate of a Glacial. Whereas the Mediterranean climate is directly related to the variation of the high-latitude ice sheets, the deposition of sapropels is not so. In contrast with the wide climatic range, sapropels were deposited only when summer insolation in the low latitudes reached its highest peaks. However, between 250 ka and 1 Ma, that stable pattern is not yet established. Only six sapropels are observed, many expected ones do not appear, even as ghosts signalled by peaks of barium abundance, that remain after the post-deposition oxidation of organic matter. The pattern of sapropel formation in stable and direct relationship to highest insolation does not seem to apply. For five of those sapropels, neither climate extremes are observed; they mainly formed during intermediary types of Mediterranean climate. In contrast, one sapropel (and one ghost) relates to a relatively low peak of insolation, and its climate is of a unique, composite type not seen later. This might suggest an unsuspected, more complex pattern linking the formation of Mediterranean sapropels to the astronomical configuration.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Background: Lean bodyweight (LBW) has been recommended for scaling drug doses. However, the current methods for predicting LBW are inconsistent at extremes of size and could be misleading with respect to interpreting weight-based regimens. Objective: The objective of the present study was to develop a semi-mechanistic model to predict fat-free mass (FFM) from subject characteristics in a population that includes extremes of size. FFM is considered to closely approximate LBW. There are several reference methods for assessing FFM, whereas there are no reference standards for LBW. Patients and methods: A total of 373 patients (168 male, 205 female) were included in the study. These data arose from two populations. Population A (index dataset) contained anthropometric characteristics, FFM estimated by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA - a reference method) and bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) data. Population B (test dataset) contained the same anthropometric measures and FFM data as population A, but excluded BIA data. The patients in population A had a wide range of age (18-82 years), bodyweight (40.7-216.5kg) and BMI values (17.1-69.9 kg/m(2)). Patients in population B had BMI values of 18.7-38.4 kg/m(2). A two-stage semi-mechanistic model to predict FFM was developed from the demographics from population A. For stage 1 a model was developed to predict impedance and for stage 2 a model that incorporated predicted impedance was used to predict FFM. These two models were combined to provide an overall model to predict FFM from patient characteristics. The developed model for FFM was externally evaluated by predicting into population B. Results: The semi-mechanistic model to predict impedance incorporated sex, height and bodyweight. The developed model provides a good predictor of impedance for both males and females (r(2) = 0.78, mean error [ME] = 2.30 x 10(-3), root mean square error [RMSE] = 51.56 [approximately 10% of mean]). The final model for FFM incorporated sex, height and bodyweight. The developed model for FFM provided good predictive performance for both males and females (r(2) = 0.93, ME = -0.77, RMSE = 3.33 [approximately 6% of mean]). In addition, the model accurately predicted the FFM of subjects in population B (r(2) = 0.85, ME -0.04, RMSE = 4.39 [approximately 7% of mean]). Conclusions: A semi-mechanistic model has been developed to predict FFM (and therefore LBW) from easily accessible patient characteristics. This model has been prospectively evaluated and shown to have good predictive performance.
Iron (Fe) bioavailability in unpolished, polished grain and bran fraction of five rice genotypes with a range of Fe contents was measured by in vitro digestion and cultured Caco-2 cells of cooked grain. There was a significant difference in Fe bioavailability among the five rice genotypes tested, in both the unpolished and polished grain. The range of Fe bioavailability variation in polished rice was much wider than that of unpolished, suggesting the importance of using Fe levels and bioavailability in polished rice grain as the basis for selecting high-Fe rice cultivars for both agronomic and breeding purposes. Milling and polishing the grain to produce polished (or white) rice increased Fe bioavailability in all genotypes. Iron bioavailability in polished rice was high in the UBON2 and Nishiki, intermediate in both IR68144 and KDML105, and low in CMU122. All genotypes had low bioavailability of Fe in bran fraction compared to unpolished and polished grain, except in CMU122. CMU122 contained the lowest level of bioavailable Fe in unpolished and polished grain and bran, because of the dark purple pericarp colored grain and associated tannin content. The level of bioavailable Fe was not significantly correlated with grain Fe concentration or grain phytate levels among these five genotypes tested. The negative relationship between Fe bioavailability and the levels of total extractable phenol was only observed in unpolished (r = -0.83**) and bran fraction (r = -0.50*). The present results suggested that total extractable phenol and tannin contents could also contribute to lowering bioavailability of Fe in rice grain, in addition to phytate. (c) 2006 Society of Chemical Industry
We study a generalized Hubbard model on the two-leg ladder at zero temperature, focusing on a parameter region with staggered flux (SF)/d-density wave (DDW) order. To guide our numerical calculations, we first investigate the location of a SF/DDW phase in the phase diagram of the half-filled weakly interacting ladder using a perturbative renormalization group (RG) and bosonization approach. For hole doping 6 away from half-filling, finite-system density-matrix renormalizationgroup (DMRG) calculations are used to study ladders with up to 200 rungs for intermediate-strength interactions. In the doped SF/DDW phase, the staggered rung current and the rung electron density both show periodic spatial oscillations, with characteristic wavelengths 2/delta and 1/delta, respectively, corresponding to ordering wavevectors 2k(F) and 4k(F) for the currents and densities, where 2k(F) = pi(1 - delta). The density minima are located at the anti-phase domain walls of the staggered current. For sufficiently large dopings, SF/DDW order is suppressed. The rung density modulation also exists in neighboring phases where currents decay exponentially. We show that most of the DMRG results can be qualitatively understood from weak-coupling RG/bosonization arguments. However, while these arguments seem to suggest a crossover from non-decaying correlations to power-law decay at a length scale of order 1/delta, the DMRG results are consistent with a true long-range order scenario for the currents and densities. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A small, isolated population of the threatened western prairie fringed orchid (Platanthera praeclara Sheviak & Bowles) occurs at Pipestone National Monument, Minnesota, in a mesic prairie that is periodically burned to control invasive cool-season grasses. During 1995-2004, monitoring counts of flowering orchids in the monument varied considerably for different years. Similar precipitation amounts in the spring and histories of burning suggest that fire and precipitation in the spring were not the causes of the variation. For the eight non-burn years in the monitoring record, we compared the number of flowering plants and the precipitation amounts during six growth stages of the orchid and found a 2-variab1e model (precipitation during senescence/bud development and precipitation in the dormant period) explained 77% of the annual variation in number of flowering plants. We also conducted a fire experiment in early May 2002, the typical prescribed burn period for the monument, and found that the frequency of flowering, vegetative, and absent plants observed in July did not differ between burned and protected locations of orchids. We used the model and forecasts of precipitation in the spring to develop provisional burn decision scenarios. We discussed management implications of the scenarios.
Prior studies have shown that innovative information systems (IS) adoption behaviour by small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is greatly dependent on organizational and environmental characteristics. Government influence (i.e., federal and local government agencies) was found to play an important role in the promotion or enforcement of innovative IS adoption by SMEs, and it is vital for ensuring adoption of nationwide innovative IS, particularly in developing economies. This study introduces the construct of enacted capabilities and examines the enacted capabilities that motivate SMEs to use innovative IS (i.e., a government's electronic procurement systems) to its full potential. A model of how enacted capabilities affect IS adoption behaviour through perceived net benefits and attitude is developed. A survey (and follow-up interviews) of CEOs/owners from Malaysian SMEs was conducted. Results indicate the enacted capabilities possessed by SMEs play a prominent role in determining the adoption of government electronic procurement systems by these enterprises.