906 resultados para Fresh-water Crocodile
The transport properties (adsorption and aggregation behavior) of virus-like particles (VLPs) of two strains of norovirus ("Norwalk" GI.1 and "Houston" GII.4) were studied in a variety of solution chemistries. GI.1 and GII.4 VLPs were found to be stable against aggregation at pH 4.0-8.0. At pH 9.0, GI.1 VLPs rapidly disintegrated. The attachment efficiencies (a) of GI.1 and GII.4 VLPs to silica increased with increasing ionic strength in NaCl solutions at pH 8.0. The attachment efficiency of GI.1 VLPs decreased as pH was increased above the isoelectric point (pH 5.0), whereas at and below the isoelectric point, the attachment efficiency was erratic. Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) dramatically increased the attachment efficiencies of GI.1 and GII.4 VLPs, which may be due to specific interactions with the VLP capsids. Bicarbonate decreased attachment efficiencies for both GI.1 and GII.4 VLPs, whereas phosphate decreased the attachment efficiency of GI.1, while increasing GII.4 attachment efficiency. The observed differences in GI.1 and GII.4 VLP attachment efficiencies in response to solution chemistry may be attributed to differential responses of the unique arrangement of exposed amino acid residues on the capsid surface of each VLP strain.
Antarctic ice-free areas contain lakes and ponds that have interesting limnological features and are of wide global significance as early warning indicators of climatic and environmental change. However, most linmological and paleolimnological studies in continental Antarctica are limited to certain regions. There are several ice-free areas in Victoria Land that have not yet been studied well. There is therefore a need to extend limnological studies in space and time to understand how different geological and climatic features affect the composition and biological activity of freshwater communities. With the aim of contributing to a better limnological characterization of Victoria Land, this paper reports data on sedimentary pigments (used to identify the main algal taxa) obtained through a methodology that is more sensitive and selective than that of previous studies. Analyses were extended to 48 water bodies in ice-free areas with differing lithology, latitude, and altitude, and with different morphometry and physical, chemical, and biological characteristics in order to identify environmental factors affecting the distribution and composition of freshwater autotrophic communities. A wider knowledge of lakes in a limnologically important region of Antarctica was obtained. Cyanophyta was found to be the most important algal group, followed by Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta, whereas latitude and altitude are the main factors affecting pigment distribution.
Evidence is presented from three estuarine tide gauges located in the
Sundarban area of southwest Bangladesh of relative sea level rise
substantially in excess of the generally accepted rates from altimetry, as
well as previous tide-gauge analyses. It is proposed that the difference
arises from the use of relative mean sea level (RMSL) to characterise the
present and future coastal flood hazard, since RMSL can be misleading in
estuaries in which tidal range is changing. Three tide gauges, one located in
the uninhabited mangrove forested area (Sundarban) of southwest
Bangladesh, the others in the densely populated polder zone north of the
present Sundarban, show rates of increase in RMSL ranging from 2.8 mm
a-1 to 8.8 mm a-1. However, these trends in RMSL disguise the fact that high
water levels in the polder zone have been increasing at an average rate of
15.9 mm a-1 and a maximum of 17.2 mm a-1. In an area experiencing tidal
range amplification, RMSL will always underestimate the rise in high water
levels; consequently, as an alternative to RMSL, the use of trends in high
water maxima or ‘Effective Sea Level Rise’ (ESLR) is adopted as a more
strategic parameter to characterise the flooding hazard potential. The rate
of increase in ESLR is shown to be due to a combination of deltaic
subsidence, including sediment compaction, and eustatic sea level rise, but
principally as a result of increased tidal range in estuary channels recently
constricted by embankments. These increases in ESLR have been partially
offset by decreases in fresh water discharge in those estuaries connected
to the Ganges. The recognition of increases of the effective sea level in the
Bangladesh Sundarban, which are substantially greater than increases in
mean sea level, is of the utmost importance to flood management in this
low-lying and densely populated area.
The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) requires that European Union Member States achieve "Good Environmental Status" (GES) in respect of 11 Descriptors of the marine environment by 2020. Of those, Descriptor 4, which focuses on marine food webs, is perhaps the most challenging to implement since the identification of simple indicators able to assess the health of highly dynamic and complex interactions is difficult. Here, we present the proposed food web criteria/indicators and analyse their theoretical background and applicability in order to highlight both the current knowledge gaps and the difficulties associated with the assessment of GES. We conclude that the existing suite of indicators gives variable focus to the three important food web properties: structure, functioning and dynamics, and more emphasis should be given to the latter two and the general principles that relate these three properties. The development of food web indicators should be directed towards more integrative and process-based indicators with an emphasis on their responsiveness to multiple anthropogenic pressures. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O objectivo deste trabalho é estudar a circulação da água na Ria de Aveiro, contribuindo para o conhecimento da qualidade da sua água. É apresentada a caracterização morfológica e hidrológica da Ria, pondo em evidência a complexidade da sua morfologia e o carácter lagunar desta massa de água, que é justificado pelo reduzido caudal de água proveniente dos rios. O balanço do volume de água no ciclo semi-diurno de maré permitiu calcular caudais e percursos de maré. É analisada a variação de volume de ciclo quinzenal e discutida a importância das correntes residuais no transporte de substâncias na Ria. É apresentado um método de amostragem para determinar salinidades médias em segmentos dos canais da Ria, que admite condições quase estacionárias. Foram calculados os tempos de residência da água doce nos segmentos dos canais, tendo-se obtido tempos baixos próximo da barra, que aumentam para o interior dos canais. Foram realizadas observações de correntes de maré, de salinidade e de concentração de partículas em suspensão, em duas secções do canal que vai até ao Largo do Laranjo. Os resultados obtidos são compatíveis com a existência de circulação residual no ramo da Murtosa, predominando a corrente de enchente no sul e nascente, e a de vazante no norte e poente. O predomínio do gradiente longitudinal de salinidade indica também que o transporte dispersivo é importante. A concentração de partículas em suspensão está relacionada com a velocidade da corrente, indicando que a deposição e a ressuspensão alternam. O aumento da concentração média de partículas quando a salinidade diminui revela a influência do sedimento transportado pelos rios. O balanço de substâncias resultante do transporte entre os segmentos dos canais foi representado por um modelo de segmentos de prisma de maré. Os valores dos coeficientes de retorno entre os segmentos foram calibrados por um procedimento automático, baseado nas salinidades médias observadas. O modelo simula com exito a evolução do campo médio de salinidade durante períodos longos.
Trabalho Final de mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica
A água é um recurso natural único, escasso e essencial a todos os seres vivos, o que a torna um bem de extrema importância. Nos dias de hoje, o desperdício deste bem, aliado ao aumento da sua procura, tornou-se um problema devido à decrescente disponibilidade de água doce no nosso planeta. Todas as águas que rejeitamos depois da sua utilização para diversos fins, designadas de águas residuais, necessitam de tratamento antes de serem devolvidas ao meio ambiente. O seu tratamento é realizado numa Estação de Tratamento de Águas Residuais (ETAR) e o processo de tratamento depende das suas características. A ETAR das Termas de S. Vicente, em Penafiel, trabalha no seu limite de capacidade, apresenta uma sobrecarga hidráulica gerada por uma afluência de águas pluviais e o processamento das lamas geradas não permite uma secagem tão completa como seria desejável. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo do funcionamento desta ETAR com a finalidade de propor soluções que o possam otimizar. As soluções propostas para otimizar o funcionamento da ETAR em estudo são: i) a substituição de grades de limpeza manual por grades de limpeza automática de forma a reduzir a necessidade da intervenção do operador ao nível da remoção e condicionamento dos gradados; ii) a construção de um desarenador arejado que além de remover areias de diâmetro superior a 0,2 mm promove também a remoção de gorduras, protegendo desta forma os equipamentos a jusante da abrasão/desgaste prematuros e reduzindo a formação de depósitos nas tubagens; iii) a construção de um tanque de equalização de forma a garantir uma distribuição mais uniforme dos caudais e da carga poluente; iv) a substituição do enchimento do leito percolador por um meio de suporte plástico que permite atingir melhores eficiências de remoção neste tratamento biológico; v) a alteração do agente de desinfeção para radiação ultravioleta, evitando a adição de produtos químicos na água residual e possível formação de subprodutos prejudiciais ao ambiente, como ocorreria no caso da cloragem; e vi) a substituição da desidratação de lamas em leitos de secagem por filtros de banda, que é um processo mais rápido, que ocupa menos espaço e permite atingir elevadas eficiências de remoção de humidade. Para cada uma das sugestões são apresentadas as correspondentes especificações técnicas e dimensionamento. As sugestões de melhoria apresentadas neste trabalho constituem uma alternativa mais económica do que a ampliação da ETAR, que genericamente corresponde à duplicação da linha de tratamento atual. Devido à menor complexidade em termos de construção, estas sugestões podem vir a ser implementadas num futuro próximo, prolongando assim um pouco mais a vida útil da ETAR atual.
Unraveling the effect of selection vs. drift on the evolution of quantitative traits is commonly achieved by one of two methods. Either one contrasts population differentiation estimates for genetic markers and quantitative traits (the Q(st)-F(st) contrast) or multivariate methods are used to study the covariance between sets of traits. In particular, many studies have focused on the genetic variance-covariance matrix (the G matrix). However, both drift and selection can cause changes in G. To understand their joint effects, we recently combined the two methods into a single test (accompanying article by Martin et al.), which we apply here to a network of 16 natural populations of the freshwater snail Galba truncatula. Using this new neutrality test, extended to hierarchical population structures, we studied the multivariate equivalent of the Q(st)-F(st) contrast for several life-history traits of G. truncatula. We found strong evidence of selection acting on multivariate phenotypes. Selection was homogeneous among populations within each habitat and heterogeneous between habitats. We found that the G matrices were relatively stable within each habitat, with proportionality between the among-populations (D) and the within-populations (G) covariance matrices. The effect of habitat heterogeneity is to break this proportionality because of selection for habitat-dependent optima. Individual-based simulations mimicking our empirical system confirmed that these patterns are expected under the selective regime inferred. We show that homogenizing selection can mimic some effect of drift on the G matrix (G and D almost proportional), but that incorporating information from molecular markers (multivariate Q(st)-F(st)) allows disentangling the two effects.
Visual stimuli and socialization influence exploratory behaviour in crayfish. The predominant components of spontaneous exploratory behaviour were determined by observing the activity of solitary adult crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in a glass aquarium containing fresh water and no objects. Five distinct behaviours were observed: rearing up (climbing on the wall), turning around, cornering (facing the comer), backward walking, and crossing (crossing the midline of the aquarium). The frequency of rearing up, cornering and turning around decreased when reflection from the glass wall was blocked with black cardboard, black paint or non-reflective transparent plastic. In a tank containing mirrors on one side and non-reflective plastic on the other, crayfish cornered, reared up, and turned around more in front of the mirrors. Socialization was necessary for crayfish to respond to the reflection. Crayfish that were housed in pairs for two weeks exhibited more rearing up, turning around and cornering in front of the mirrors than in the non-reflective side. Crayfish isolated for two weeks did not show these differences. Socialized crayfish also exhibited more rearing up, turning around and cornering than did isolated crayfish. Thus, crayfish respond to visual stimuli provided by a glass tank, but the responds depends on socialization.
Trilobites ¥tere collected from Ordovician and Devonian formations of Ontario} New York} Ohio} Oklahoma} and Indiana. Diversity was generally low} but 19..?telllS and Ph..~tY>ps ¥tere the most abundant species from the Ordovician and Devonian} respectively. Recent marine arthropods ¥tere collected from the Atlantic shore of the middle Florida Keys} and from the Pacific and lagoonal waters at Cape Beale} B. C. Fresh-water arthropods were collected along the shore of the Severn River in northcentral Ontario. Cuticles ¥tere analyzed for major} minor and trace elements, 180 and 13C isotopes, as ¥tell as examined by scanning electron micr?scope to identify original and diagenetic fabrics. Examination of trilobite cuticles by scanning electron microscope revealed several microstructures consistent with those observed in Recent arthropods. Microstructures} such as setae and tegumental gland duct openings} in like sized Lim/IllS and Isoteline trilobites may indicate common ancestral origins for these organisms, or simply parallel cuticle evolutions. The dendritic microstructure, originally' thought to be a diagenetic indicator, was found in Recent specimens and therefore its presence in trilobites may be suggestive of the delicate nature of diagenesis in trilobites. The absence of other primary microstructures in trilobites may indicate alteration, taxonomic control} or that there is some inherent feature of S EM examination which may' not allow detection of some features} while others are apparently visit·le onl~1 under SH.·1. The region of the cuticle sampled for examination is also a major influence in detecting pristine microstructures, as not all areas of trilobite and Recent arthropod cuticles will have microstructures identifiable in a SEM study. Subtleties in the process of alteration, however} ma~·· leave pristine microstructures in cuticles that are partial~/ silicified or do 10m itized, and degree and type of alteration may vary stratigraphically and longitudinally within a unit. The presence of fused matrices, angular calcite rhombs, and pyrite in the cuticle are thought to be indicative of altered cuticles, although pyritization may not affect the entire cuticle. t-~atural processes in Recent arthropods, such as molting, lead to variations in cuticle chemistries, and are thought to reflect the area of concentration of the elements during calcification. The level of sodium in Recent arthropods was found to be higher than that in trilobites, but highly mobile when sUbjected to the actions of VY'€'athering. Less saline water produced lovy'€'r magnesium and higher calcium values in Recent specimens .. and metal variations in pristine Ordovician trilobite cuticle appears to follow the constraints outlined for Recent arthropods, of regulation due to the chemislry of the surrounding medium. In diagenetic analysis, sodium, strontium and magnesium proved most beneficial in separating altered from least altered trilobites. Using this criterion, specimens from shale show the least amount of geochemical alteration, and have an original mineralogy of 1.7 - 2.4 mole % MgC03 (8000 t(> 9500 ppm magnesium) for both /s>..?/e/11S lJA'i.riff!11S and PseIAit'11J17ites I..itmirpin..itl/~ and 2.8 - 3.3 mole % MgC03 (5000 to 7000 ppm magnesium) for Ph.i{).?PS This is Slightly lower than the mineralogy of Recent marine arthropods (4.43 - 12.1 mole % MgC03), and slightly higher than that of fresh-water crayfish (0.96 - 1.82 mole % MgC03). Geochemically pristine trilobites were also found to possess primary microstructures. Stable isotope values and trends support the assertion that marine-meteoriclburial fluids were responsible for the alteration observed in a number of the trilobite specimens. The results of this stUdy suggest that fossil material has to be evaluated separately along taxonomic and lithological lines to arrive at sensible diagenetic and e nvironmenta I interpretations.
A partir de projets de conservation de la biodiversité ou de gestion intégrée des zones humides méditerranéennes, cet article montre que le développement durable de ces milieux relève avant tout d’une réflexion politique sur le maldéveloppement. Les projets de conservation de la biodiversité tentent de concilier conservation et développement avec divers succès. Parmi les obstacles, la réduction de la ressource en eau douce s’ajoute aux inégalités sociales et à la pauvreté. Favoriser et gérer les changements institutionnels, accroître le capital social des parties prenantes, apprendre et décider collectivement, constituent les éléments clés du développement durable.Il existe encore de nombreuses disparités dans les processus démocratiques aux échelles locales,régionales et nationales,mais un développement participatif est proposé. En étant davantage centré sur les besoins des populations locales que sur la croissance économique,en étant plus réflexif,en plaçant la critique de la science et la co-construction de projets au coeur du processus, le développement participatif des zones humides méditerranéennes peut offrir une alternative aux approches qui ont prévalues jusqu’à présent. Le développement durable des zones humides méditerranéennes est encore possible s’il accroît la capacité d’adaptation des systèmes sociaux et écologiques afin de repousser toute irréversibilité.
Les phytochélatines (PC) sont des polypeptides ayant la structure générale, (alpha-Glu-Cys)n-Gly, où n = 2 à 11. Leur synthèse est induite par un grand nombre de végétaux en réponse à une élévation de la concentration du milieu en métaux, en particulier le cadmium (ci-après, Cd). Le but de cette étude a été de développer un outil pour évaluer la biodisponibilité du Cd dans les eaux douces. Pour ce faire, une méthode analytique a été réalisée afin de déterminer les phytochélatines induites dans les algues C. reinhardtii. Celle-ci consiste à utiliser la chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse en tandem (LCHP-SM/SM) "on-line". L’ionisation des molécules est celle faite par électronébulisation (IEN) (traduction de electrospray ionisation). L’objectif principal de ce mémoire est la validation de cette méthode : la détermination des courbes de calibration et des limites de détection et l'identification d'interférences potentielles. L’utilisation de dithiothreitol (DTT) à une concentration de 25 mM a été nécessaire à la conservation de la forme réduite des phytochélatines. En effet, suite à la validation de la méthode d’analyse des phytochélatines il a été démontré qu’elle représente un potentiel d’application. Ceci dans la mesure où l’induction des phytochélatines (PC2, PC3 et PC4) dans les algues C. reinhardtii a été possible à deux concentrations de Cd (1 x 10-7 M et 1 x 10 6 M) et ce, après plusieurs temps d'induction (1, 2, 4, et 6 h). Ainsi, l’étude de la stabilité des phytochélatines a été réalisée et toutes les températures examinées ont démontré une diminution des phytochélatines analysées par HPLC-ESI-MS/MS. Il se pourrait que la cause de la dégradation des phytochélatines soit physique ou chimique plutôt que bactérienne. Toutefois, un approfondissement au niveau de la purification de la solution d’extraction serait nécessaire à la mise au point de la dite méthode analytique afin de quantifier les phytochélatines dans l’algue C. reinhardtii.
Le Québec, qui dispose de près de 3 % des ressources d’eau douce de la planète, a longtemps géré cette ressource selon une rationalité permissive, ce qui a encouragé la pollution de celle-ci. Le secteur industriel est à l’origine des rejets de polluants les plus difficiles à décomposer, lesquels auraient déjà occasionné une baisse de la biodiversité. Dès 1978, le Québec commence à réaffirmer le rôle de l’État dans la protection et la préservation de l’eau. À ce sujet, un programme d’assainissement des eaux, associé à une législation plus contraignante, a permis de récupérer les eaux des fleuves et des rivières les plus polluées. Avec l’adoption de la Politique nationale de l’eau et de la Loi affirmant le caractère collectif des ressources en eau et visant à renforcer leur protection, le Québec réaffirme de nouveau le rôle de l’État en tant que fiduciaire des ressources en eau dans le but de les préserver et de les gérer pour les générations futures.
Naguère perçue comme une ressource inépuisable, nous assistons actuellement à une crise mondiale de l’eau douce. Dans ce contexte, il est primordial de vérifier si et comment les individus peuvent bénéficier d’une protection adéquate en ce qui a trait à la fourniture d’eau et comment une telle protection pourrait être mise en place. Au moyen d’une approche juridicopolitique, le présent mémoire vise à renforcer l’existence d’un droit de l’homme à l’eau et à analyser la problématique de la gestion des ressources en eau à travers différents accords commerciaux et la gouvernance de l’eau, à l’échelle internationale et au Canada. Au final, le mémoire démontre qu’il pourrait exister une telle protection puisqu’un droit à l’eau évolue en droit international, mais le caractère exécutoire de ce droit est conditionnel à sa reconnaissance par les États. L’observation de ce cas a plutôt mis en lumière une tendance à la privatisation des ressources en eau à l’échelle internationale, tendance qui devrait être révisée afin que le droit à l’eau puisse être réalisé pour tous.
In the present thesis the petrographic, geochemical and digenetic variability of the sediments in the islands of Kavaratti and Minicoy has been investigated .The beach profile studies show that in the Kavaratti lagoon beach, the slope is steeper in the southern and south central part than in the northern end’s marginal deposition is taking place in the northern end of the Kavaratti island, whereas a marginal erosion is observed at the southern end. In Minicoy the slope of the lagoon beach is gentle in the south and is slightly steeper at the northern part of the beach. The southern and northern beach sections show a marginal deposition. Based on the mineralogical and geochemical studies it is concluded that the main digenetic changes observed is the transformation of aragonite to LMC.The transformation takes place mainly in the vadose zone and is caused by the abundance of fresh water infiltration.