976 resultados para Fractional Integrals
Nonregular two-level fractional factorial designs are designs which cannot be specified in terms of a set of defining contrasts. The aliasing properties of nonregular designs can be compared by using a generalisation of the minimum aberration criterion called minimum G2-aberration.Until now, the only nontrivial designs that are known to have minimum G2-aberration are designs for n runs and m n–5 factors. In this paper, a number of construction results are presented which allow minimum G2-aberration designs to be found for many of the cases with n = 16, 24, 32, 48, 64 and 96 runs and m n/2–2 factors.
Minimum aberration is the most established criterion for selecting a regular fractional factorial design of maximum resolution. Minimum aberration designs for n runs and n/2 less than or equal to m < n factors have previously been constructed using the novel idea of complementary designs. In this paper, an alternative method of construction is developed by relating the wordlength pattern of designs to the so-called 'confounding between experimental runs'. This allows minimum aberration designs to be constructed for n runs and 5n/16 less than or equal to m less than or equal to n/2 factors as well as for n/2 less than or equal to m < n.
An incidence matrix analysis is used to model a three-dimensional network consisting of resistive and capacitive elements distributed across several interconnected layers. A systematic methodology for deriving a descriptor representation of the network with random allocation of the resistors and capacitors is proposed. Using a transformation of the descriptor representation into standard state-space form, amplitude and phase admittance responses of three-dimensional random RC networks are obtained. Such networks display an emergent behavior with a characteristic Jonscher-like response over a wide range of frequencies. A model approximation study of these networks is performed to infer the admittance response using integral and fractional order models. It was found that a fractional order model with only seven parameters can accurately describe the responses of networks composed of more than 70 nodes and 200 branches with 100 resistors and 100 capacitors. The proposed analysis can be used to model charge migration in amorphous materials, which may be associated to specific macroscopic or microscopic scale fractal geometrical structures in composites displaying a viscoelastic electromechanical response, as well as to model the collective responses of processes governed by random events described using statistical mechanics.
The relative contributions of five variables (Stereoscopy, screen size, field of view, level of realism and level of detail) of virtual reality systems on spatial comprehension and presence are evaluated here. Using a variable-centered approach instead of an object-centric view as its theoretical basis, the contributions of these five variables and their two-way interactions are estimated through a 25-1 fractional factorial experiment (screening design) of resolution V with 84 subjects. The experiment design, procedure, measures used, creation of scales and indices, results of statistical analysis, their meaning and agenda for future research are elaborated.
In this paper we propose methods for computing Fresnel integrals based on truncated trapezium rule approximations to integrals on the real line, these trapezium rules modified to take into account poles of the integrand near the real axis. Our starting point is a method for computation of the error function of complex argument due to Matta and Reichel (J Math Phys 34:298–307, 1956) and Hunter and Regan (Math Comp 26:539–541, 1972). We construct approximations which we prove are exponentially convergent as a function of N , the number of quadrature points, obtaining explicit error bounds which show that accuracies of 10−15 uniformly on the real line are achieved with N=12 , this confirmed by computations. The approximations we obtain are attractive, additionally, in that they maintain small relative errors for small and large argument, are analytic on the real axis (echoing the analyticity of the Fresnel integrals), and are straightforward to implement.
We discuss the modelling of dielectric responses of amorphous biological samples. Such samples are commonly encountered in impedance spectroscopy studies as well as in UV, IR, optical and THz transient spectroscopy experiments and in pump-probe studies. In many occasions, the samples may display quenched absorption bands. A systems identification framework may be developed to provide parsimonious representations of such responses. To achieve this, it is appropriate to augment the standard models found in the identification literature to incorporate fractional order dynamics. Extensions of models using the forward shift operator, state space models as well as their non-linear Hammerstein-Wiener counterpart models are highlighted. We also discuss the need to extend the theory of electromagnetically excited networks which can account for fractional order behaviour in the non-linear regime by incorporating nonlinear elements to account for the observed non-linearities. The proposed approach leads to the development of a range of new chemometrics tools for biomedical data analysis and classification.