948 resultados para Forum Box : tila taiteelle
Photographic copy of the architectural rendering of the Argyros Forum, Chapman University, Orange, California. Architect: Bob Murrin. Groundbreaking September 16, 1991 and dedication October 26, 1992.
Detail of a door, Argyros Forum, Chapman University, Orange, California, ca. 1992.
Looking up at architectural details of Argyros Forum, Chapman University, Orange, California, ca. 1992.
Looking southeast at the Argyros Forum, Chapman University, Orange, California, 1992.
Looking north from inside Argyros Forum towards the athletic field, Chapman University campus, Orange, California, ca. 1992.
View of the Argyros Forum from the athletic field, Chapman University, Orange, California, ca. 1992.
Exterior detail of the Argyros Forum, Chapman University, Orange, California, an 100,000 square-foot building providing office, dining and classroom space; a bookstore, art galleries and lounge facilities.
Exterior photograph of the Argyros Forum, Chapman University, Orange, California, showing plaza area and steps leading to entrance.
Bust of Albert Schweitzer, on the Argyros Forum patio, Chapman University, Orange, California, ca. 1992. Text on base supporting the sculpture: "Albert Schweitzer (1975-1965) -- 'Search and see whether there is not some place where you may invest your humanity.' " Created by sculptor Sandro da Verscio in 1990.
Dr. Kurt Bergel speaking at the podum during the unveiling ceremony of the Albert Schweitzer sculpture on the Argyros Forum patio, November, 1992. The sculture was created by the Swiss artist Sandro da Verscio Muller for the 1990 United Nations colloquium on peace.
Dedication ceremony for Argyros Forum, with President James L. Doti speaking at the podium. George and Judi Argyros are on his right and Doy Henley seated at far right.
Unveiling ceremony for the Albert Schweitzer bust on the Argyros Forum patio, Chapman University, Orange, California, November, 1992. Dr. Kurt Bergel is speaking at the podium. The sculpture was created by the Swiss artist Sandro da Verscio Muller for the 1990 United Nations colloquium on peace.
The subject of the Internet's potential to foster a public sphere has become a growing area of research in the social sciences in the last two decades. My research explores comments made by participants on the CBC News online politics forum during the May 2011 federal election in Canada. Based on conditions proposed by Jurgen Habermas in his concept of the public sphere and operationalized by Lincoln Dahlberg in his pioneering study of the Minnesota e-Democracy listserv, my thesis explores the potential for the CBC News online forum to foster a public sphere for Canadians. While examining the CBC News online forum against the criteria of the public sphere, I also interrogate Habermas' concept of a universal public sphere using the works of Nancy Fraser and other scholars, who argue for multiple public spheres.
The box contained the chocolate elephant.
This pewter hinged flip-top box is 9 cm x 7 cm and has a 2 cm depth. It contains lit and unlit matches. It is worn and slightly dented.