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During infection, the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana is capable of activating long lasting defence responses both in tissue directly affected by the pathogen and in more distal tissue. Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is a type of systemic defence response deployed against biotrophic pathogens resulting in altered plant gene expression and production of antimicrobial compounds. One such gene involved in plant defence is called pathogenesis-related 1 (PR1) and is under the control of several protein regulators. TGA II-clade transcription factors (namely TGA2) repress PR1 activity prior to infection by forming large oligomeric complexes effectively blocking gene transcription. After pathogen detection, these complexes are dispersed by a mechanism unknown until now and free TGA molecules interact with the non-expressor of pathogenesis-related gene 1 (NPR1) protein forming an activating complex enabling PR1 transcription. This study elucidates the TGA2 dissociation mechanism by introducing protein kinase CK2 into this process. This enzyme efficiently phosphorylates TGA2 resulting in two crucial events. Firstly, the DNA-binding ability of this transcription factor is completely abolished explaining how the large TGA2 complexes are quickly evicted from the PR1 promoter. Secondly, a portion of TGA2 molecules dissociate from the complexes after phosphorylation which likely makes them available for the formation of the TGA2-NPR1 activating complex. We also show that phosphorylation of a multiserine motif found within TGA2’s N terminus is responsible for the change of affinity to DNA, while modification of a single threonine in the leucine zipper domain seems to be responsible for deoligomerization. Despite the substantial changes caused by phosphorylation, TGA2 is still capable of interacting with NPR1 and these proteins together form a complex on DNA promoting PR1 transcription. Therefore, we propose a change in the current model of how PR1 is regulated by adding CK2 which targets TGA2 displacing it’s complexes from the promoter and providing solitary TGA2 molecules for assembly of the activating complex. Amino acid sequences of regions targeted by CK2 in Arabidopsis TGA2 are similar to those found in TGA2 homologs in rice and tobacco. Therefore, the molecular mechanism that we have identified may be conserved among various plants, including important crop species, adding to the significance of our findings.
La stabilité génomique, qui est essentielle à la vie, est possible grâce à la réplication et la réparation de l’ADN. Une des enzymes responsables de la réplication et de la réparation de l’ADN est la ribonucleotide reductase (RNR), qui est retrouvée chez la levure et chez l’humain. Cette enzyme catalyse la formation de déoxyribonucléotides et maintien le pool de dNTP requis pour la réparation et la réplication de l’ADN. L’enzyme RNR est un tétramère α2β2 constitué d’une grande (R1, α2) et d’une petite (R2, β2) sous-unité. Chez S. cerevisiae, les gènes RNR1 et RNR3 encodent la sous-unité α2 (R1). L’activité catalytique de RNR dépend d’une interaction avec le fer et de la formation d’un complexe entre R1 et R2. L’expression de toutes les sous-unités est inductible par les dommages causés à l’ADN. Dans cette étude, nous démontrons que des cellules qui n’expriment pas une des sous-unités, Rnr4, du complexe RNR sont sensibles à divers agents endommageant l’ADN, tels que le méthyl méthane sulfonate, la bléomycine, le péroxyde d’hydrogène et les rayons ultraviolets (UVC 254 nm). Au contraire, le mutant est résistant au 4-nitroquinoline-1- oxide (4-NQO), un composé qui engendre des lésions encombrantes. Par conséquent, le mutant rnr4Δ démontre une réduction marquée en mutations induites par le 4-NQO comparativement à la souche parentale. Nous voulions identifier la voie de réparation de l’ADN qui conférait cette résistance au 4-NQO ainsi que les protéines impliquées. Les voies BER, NER et MMR n’ont pas aboli la résistance au 4-NQO de la souche rnr4Δ. La protéine recombinante Rad51 ne joue pas un rôle critique dans la réparation de l’ADN et dans la résistance au 4-NQO. La délétion du gène REV3, qui encode une polymérase de contournement, impliquée dans la réparation post-réplication, a partiellement aboli la résistance au 4-NQO dans rnr4Δ. Ces résultats suggèrent que la polymérase Rev3 et possiblement d’autres polymérases translésion (Rev1, Rev7, Rad30) pourraient être impliquées dans la réparation de lésions encombrantes dans l’ADN dans des conditions de carence en dNTP. La réparation de l’ADN, un mécanisme complexe chez la levure, implique une vaste gamme de protéines, dont certaines encore inconnues. Nos résultats indiquent qu’il y aurait plus qu’une protéine impliquée dans la résistance au 4-NQO. Des investigations plus approfondies seront nécessaires afin de comprendre la recombinaison et la réparation post-réplication.
Résumé Les premières études électrophysiologiques et anatomiques ont établi le rôle crucial du cortex somatosensoriel primaire et secondaire (SI et SII) dans le traitement de l'information somatosensorielle. Toutefois, les récentes avancées en techniques d’imagerie cérébrale ont mis en question leur rôle dans la perception somatosensorielle. La réorganisation du cortex somatosensoriel est un phénomène qui a été proposé comme cause de la douleur du membre fantôme chez les individus amputés. Comme la plupart des études se sont concentrées sur le rôle du SI, une étude plus approfondie est nécessaire. La présente série d'expériences implique une exploration du rôle des régions somatosensorielles dans la perception des stimuli douleureux et non-douleureux chez des volontaires sains et patients avec des douleurs de membre fantôme. La première étude expérimentale présentée dans le chapitre 3 est une méta-analyse des études de neuro-imagerie employant des stimuli nociceptifs chez des volontaires sains. En comparaison aux précédentes, la présente étude permet la génération de cartes quantitatives probabilistes permettant la localisation des régions activées en réponse à des stimuli nociceptifs. Le rôle du cortex somatosensoriel dans la perception consciente de stimuli chauds a été étudié dans le chapitre 4 grâce à une étude d'imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle, dans laquelle des stimuli thermiques douloureux et non-douloureux ont été administrés de manière contrebalancée. Grâce à cette procédure, la perception de la chaleur fut atténuée par les stimuli douloureux, ce qui permit la comparaison des stimuli consciemment perçus avec ceux qui ne le furent pas. Les résultats ont montrés que les stimulations chaudes perçues ont engendré l’activation de l’aire SI controlatérale, ainsi que de la région SII. Grâce à l’évaluation clinique de patients amputés présentant une altération de leurs perceptions somatosensorielles, il est également possible de dessiner un aperçu des régions corticales qui sous-tendent ces modifications perceptuelles. Dans le chapitre 5 nous avons émis l'hypothèse proposant que les sensations du membre fantôme représentent un corrélat perceptuel de la réorganisation somatotopique des représentations sensorielles corticales. En effet, la réorganisation des sensations peut donner des indices sur les régions impliquées dans la genèse des sensations référées. Ainsi, un protocole d’évaluation sensoriel a été administré à un groupe de patients affligés de douleur au niveau du membre fantôme. Les résultats ont montré que, contrairement aux études précédentes, les sensations diffèrent grandement selon le type et l'intensité des stimuli tactiles, sans évidence de la présence d’un modèle spatialement localisé. Toutefois, les résultats actuels suggèrent que les régions corticales à champs récepteurs bilatéraux présentent également des modifications en réponse à une déafférentation. Ces études présentent une nouvelle image des régions corticales impliquées dans la perception des stimuli somatosensoriels, lesquelles comprennent les aires SI et SII, ainsi que l'insula. Les résultats sont pertinents à notre compréhension des corrélats neurologiques de la perception somatosensorielle consciente.
La vie commence par la fusion des gamètes pour générer un zygote, dans lequel les constituants à la fois de l'ovocyte et des spermatozoïdes sont partagés au sein d'un syncytium. Le syncytium consiste en des cellules ou tissus dans lesquels des cellules nucléées individuelles distinctes partagent un cytoplasme commun. Alors que l’avantage du syncytium durant la fécondation est tout à fait évident, les syncytia se produisent également dans de nombreux contextes de développement différents dans les plantes, les champignons et dans le règne animal, des insectes aux humains, pour des raisons qui ne sont pas immédiatement évidentes. Par exemple, la lignée germinale de nombreuses espèces de vertébrés et d'invertébrés, des insectes aux humains, présente une structure syncytiale, suggérant que les syncytia constituent des phases conservées de développement de la lignée germinale. Malgré la prévalence commune des syncytia, ces derniers ont cependant confondu les scientifiques depuis des décennies avec des questions telles que la façon dont ils sont formés et maintenus en concurrence avec leurs homologues diploïdes, et quels sont les avantages et les inconvénients qu'ils apportent. Cette thèse va décrire l'utilisation de la lignée germinale syncytiale de C. elegans afin d'approfondir notre compréhension de l'architecture, la fonction et le mode de formation des tissus syncytiaux. Les cellules germinales (CGs) dans la lignée germinale de C. elegans sont interconnectées les unes aux autres par l'intermédiaire de structures appelées des anneaux de CG. En utilisant l'imagerie des cellules vivantes, nous avons d'abord analysé l'architecture syncytiale de la lignée germinale au long du développement et démontré que la maturation de l'anneau de CG se produit progressivement au cours de la croissance des larves et que les anneaux de CG sont composés de myosine II, de l'anilline canonique ANI-1, et de la courte isoforme d’anilline ANI-2, qui n'a pas les domaines de liaison à l’actine et à la myosine, depuis le premier stade larvaire, L1. Parmi les composants de l'anneau de CG, ANI-2 est exprimé au cours du développement et exclusivement enrichi entre les deux CGs primordiales (CGPs) au cours de l'embryogenèse de C. elegans, indiquant qu’ANI-2 est un composant bona fide des anneaux de CG. Nous avons en outre montré que les anneaux de CG sont largement absents dans les animaux mutants pour ani-2, montrant que leur maintien repose sur l'activité d'ANI-2. Contrairement à cela, nous avons trouvé que la déplétion d’ANI-1 a augmenté à la fois le diamètre des anneaux de CG et la largeur du rachis. Fait intéressant, la déplétion d’ANI-1 dans les mutants d’ani-2 a sauvé les défauts d'anneaux de CG des gonades déficientes en ani-2, ce qui suggère que l'architecture syncytiale de la lignée germinale de C. elegans repose sur un équilibre de l'activité de ces deux protéines Anilline. En outre, nous avons montré que lors de leur entrée à l'âge adulte, les mutants ani-2 présentent de sévères défauts de multinucléation des CGs qui découlent de l'effondrement des membranes de séparation des CGs individuelles. Cette multinucléation a coïncidé avec le début de la diffusion cytoplasmique, dont le blocage réduit la multinucléation des gonades mutantes pour ani-2, suggérant que les anneaux de CG résistent au stress mécanique associé au processus de diffusion cytoplasmique. En accord avec cela, nous avons trouvé aussi que la gonade peut soutenir la déformation élastique en réponse au stress mécanique et que cette propriété repose sur la malléabilité des anneaux de CGs. Dans une étude séparée afin de comprendre le mécanisme de formation du syncytium, nous avons suivi la dynamique de division de la cellule précurseur de la lignée germinale, P4 en deux CGP dans l’embryon de C. elegans. Nous avons démontré que les CGPs commencent la cytocinèse de manière similaire aux cellules somatiques, en formant un sillon de clivage, qui migre correctement et transforme ainsi l'anneau contractile en anneau de « midbody ring » (MBR), une structure qui relie de manière transitoire les cellules en division. Malgré cela, les CGPs, contrairement à leurs homologues somatiques, ne parviennent pas à accomplir la dernière étape de la cytocinèse, qui est la libération abscission-dépendante du MBR. Au lieu de cela, le MBR persiste à la frontière entre les CGPs en division et subit une réorganisation et une maturation pour se transformer finalement en structures en forme d'anneau qui relient les cellules en division. Nous montrons en outre que les composants du MB/MBR; UNC-59Septin, CYK-7, ZEN-4Mklp1, RHO-1RhoA sont localisés à des anneaux de CG au long du développement de la lignée germinale du stade L1 à l'âge adulte, ce qui suggère que les anneaux de CG sont dérivés des MBR. Bien qu'il reste encore beaucoup à faire pour comprendre pleinement le mécanisme précis de la formation du syncytium, le maintien, ainsi que la fonction du syncytium, nos résultats appuient un modèle dans lequel la stabilisation du MBR et la cytocinèse incomplète pourraient être une option conservée dans l’évolution pour la formation du syncytium. En outre, notre travail démontre que les régulateurs de la contractilité peuvent jouer un rôle dans la maturation et l’élasticité de l'anneau de CG au cours du développement de la lignée germinale, fournissant un ajout précieux pour une plus ample compréhension de la syncytiogenèse et de sa fonction.
The present study examines the importance of low saline waters and resulting barrier layer in the dynamics of the ASWP using observational data.The oceanic general circulation models (OGCM) are very useful for exploring the processes responsible for the ASWP and their variability. The circulation and thermohaline structure stimulated by an OGCM changes a lot when the resolution is increased from mesoscale to macro scale. For a reasonable simulation of the ASWP, we must include the mesoscale turbulence in numerical models. Especially the SEAS is an eddy prominent region with a horizontal dimension of 100 to 500 km and vertical extent of hundred meters. These eddies may have an important role on the evolution of ASWP, which has not been explored so far.Most of the earlier studies in the SEAS showed that the heat buildup in the mixed layer during the pre-monsoon (March-May) is primarily driven by the surface heat flux through the ocean-atmosphere interface, while the 3-dimensional heat budget of the ML physical processes that are responsible for the formation of the ASWP are unknown. With this background the present thesis also examines the relative importance of mixed layer processes that lead to the formation of warm pool in the SEAS.
This is an attempt to understand the important factors that control the occurrence, development and hydrochemical evolution of groundwater resources in sedimentary multi aquifer systems. The primary objective of this work is an integrated study of the hydrogeology and hydrochemistry with a view to elucidate the hydrochemical evolution of groundwater resources in the aquifer systems. The study is taken up in a typical coastal sedimentary aquifer system evolved under fluvio-marine environment in the coastal area of Kerala, known as the Kuttanad. The present study has been carried out to understand the aquifer systems, their inter relationships and evolution in the Kuttanad area of Kerala. The multi aquifer systems in the Kuttanad basin were formed from the sediments deposited under fluvio-marine and fluvial depositional environments and the marine transgressions and regressions in the geological past and palaeo climatic conditions influenced the hydrochemical environment in these aquifers. The evolution of groundwater and the hydrochemical processes involved in the formation of the present day water quality are elucidated from hydrochemical studies and the information derived from the aquifer geometry and hydraulic properties. Kuttanad area comprises of three types of aquifer systems namely phreatic aquifer underlain by Recent confined aquifer followed by Tertiary confined aquifers. These systems were formed by the deposition of sediments under fluvio-marine and fluvial environment. The study of the hydrochemical and hydraulic properties of the three aquifer systems proved that these three systems are separate entities. The phreatic aquifers in the area have low hydraulic gradients and high rejected recharge. The Recent confined aquifer has very poor hydraulic characteristics and recharge to this aquifer is very low. The Tertiary aquifer system is the most potential fresh water aquifer system in the area and the groundwater flow in the aquifer is converging towards the central part of the study area (Alleppey town) due to large scale pumping of water for water supply from this aquifer system. Mixing of waters and anthropogenic interferences are the dominant processes modifying the hydrochemistry in phreatic aquifers. Whereas, leaching of salts and cation exchange are the dominant processes modifying the hydrochemistry of groundwater in the confined aquifer system of Recent alluvium. Two significant chemical reactions modifying the hydrochemistry in the Recent aquifers are oxidation of iron in ferruginous clays which contributes hydrogen ions and the decomposition of organic matter in the aquifer system which consumes hydrogen ions. The hydrochemical environment is entirely different in the Tertiary aquifers as the groundwater in this aquifer system are palaeo waters evolved during various marine transgressions and regressions and these waters are being modified by processes of leaching of salts, cation exchange and chemical reactions under strong reducing environment. It is proved that the salinity observed in the groundwaters of Tertiary aquifers are not due to seawater mixing or intrusion, but due to dissolution of salts from the clay formations and ion exchange processes. Fluoride contamination in this aquifer system lacks a regional pattern and is more or less site specific in natureThe lowering of piezometric heads in the Tertiary aquifer system has developed as consequence of large scale pumping over a long period. Hence, puping from this aquifer system is to be regulated as a groundwater management strategy. Pumping from the Tertiary aquifers with high capacity pumps leads to well failures and mixing of saline water from the brackish zones. Such mixing zones are noticed from the hydrochemical studies. This is the major aquifer contamination in the Tertiary aquifer system which requires immediate attention. Usage of pumps above 10 HP capacities in wells taping Tertiary aquifers should be discouraged for sustainable development of these aquifers. The recharge areas need to be identified precisely for recharging the aquifer systems throughartificial means.
This article, which is based on the fourteenth McDonald Lecture, considers two tensions in contemporary archaeology. one is between interpretations of specific structures, monuments and deposits as the result of either 'ritual' 'practical' activities in the past, and the other is between an archaeology that focuses on subsistence and adaptation and one that emphasizes cognition, meaning, and agency. It suggests that these tensions arise from an inadequate conception of ritual itself. Drawing on recent studies of ritualization, it suggests that it might be more helpful to consider how aspects of domestic life took on special qualities in later prehistoric Europe. The discussion is based mainly on Neolithic enclosures and other monuments, Bronze Age and Iron Age settlement sites and the Viereckschanzen of central Europe. it may have implications for field archaeology as well as social archaeology, and also for those who study the formation of the archaeological record.
Time-resolved kinetic studies of the reaction of silylene, SiH2, with H2O and with D2O have been carried out in the gas phase at 296 and at 339 K, using laser flash photolysis to generate and monitor SiH2. The reaction was studied over the pressure range 10-200 Torr with SF6 as bath gas. The second-order rate constants obtained were pressure dependent, indicating that the reaction is a third-body assisted association process. Rate constants at 339 K were about half those at 296 K. Isotope effects, k(H)/k(D), were small averaging 1.076 0.080, suggesting no involvement of H- (or D-) atom transfer in the rate determining step. RRKM modeling was undertaken based on a transition state appropriate to formation of the expected zwitterionic donoracceptor complex, H2Si...OH2. Because the reaction is close to the low pressure (third order) region, it is difficult to be definitive about the activated complex structure. Various structures were tried, both with and without the incorporation of rotational modes, leading to values for the high-pressure limiting (i.e., true secondorder) rate constant in the range 9.5 x 10(-11) to 5 x 10(-10) cm(3) molecule' s(-1). The RRKM modeling and mechanistic interpretation is supported by ab initio quantum calculations carried out at the G2 and G3 levels. The results are compared and contrasted with the previous studies.
Two sets of ligands, set-1 and set-2, have been prepared by mixing 1,3-diaminopentane and carbonyl compounds (2-acetylpyridine or pyridine-2-carboxaldehyde) in 1:1 and 1:2 ratios, respectively, and employed for the synthesis of complexes with Ni(II) perchlorate, Ni(II) thiocyanate and Ni(II) chloride. Ni(II) perchlorate yields the complexes having general formula [NiL2](ClO4)(2)(L = L-1 [N-3-(1-pyridin-2-yl-ethylidene)-pentane-1,3-diamine] for complex 1 or L-2[N-3-pyridin-2-ylmethylene-pentane-1,3-diamine] for complex 2) in which the Schiff bases are monocondensed terdentate, whereas Ni(II) thiocyanate results in the formation of tetradentate Schiff base complexes, [NiL(SCN)(2)] (L = L-3[N,N'-bis-(1-pyridin-2- yl-ethylidine)-pentane-1,3-diamine] for complex 3 or L-4 [N,N'-bis(pyridin-2-ylmethyline)-pentane-1,3- diamine] for complex 4) irrespective of the sets of ligands used. Complexes 5 {[NiL3(N-3)(2)]} and 6 {[NiL4(N-3)(2)]} are prepared by adding sodium azide to the methanol solution of complexes 1 and 2. Addition of Ni(II) chloride to the set-1 or set-2 ligands produces [Ni(pn)(2)]Cl-2, 7, as the major product, where pn = 1,3-diaminopentane. Formation of the complexes has been explained by the activation of the imine bond by the counter anion and thereby favouring the hydrolysis of the Schiff base. All the complexes have been characterized by elemental analyses and spectral data. Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies con. firm the structures of three representative members, 1, 4 and 7; all of them have distorted octahedral geometry around Ni(II). The bis-complex of terdentate ligands, 1, is the mer isomer, and complexes 4 and 7 possess trans geometry. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
Recently the BTBP-family of solvating ligands have been studied for their ability to separate trivalent actinides from lanthanides. Five of the BTBPs were evaluated for their ability to extract nickel(II) from aqueous nitrate media into cyclohexanone. It was shown by both solvent extraction and X-ray diffraction experiments that the BTBPs are capable of forming both 1: 1 and 1:2 complexes with nickel(II). When the BTBP concentration is low the nickel distribution ratio is governed by the formation of the nickel/BTBP complex while at higher BTBP concentrations the partitioning of the nickel complex between the two phases dictates the nickel distribution ratio.
Biologically-inspired peptide sequences have been explored as auxiliaries to mediate self-assembly of synthetic macromolecules into hierarchically organized solution and solid state nanostructures. Peptide sequences inspired by the coiled coil motif and "switch" peptides, which can adopt both amphiphilic alpha-helical and beta-strand conformations, were conjugated to poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). The solution and solid state self-assembly of these materials was investigated using a variety of spectroscopic, scattering and microscopic techniques. These experiments revealed that the folding and organization properties of the peptide sequences are retained upon conjugation of PEG and that they provide the driving force for the formation of the different nanoscale structures which were observed. The possibility of using defined peptide sequences to direct structure formation of synthetic polymers together with the potential of peptide sequences to induce a specific biological response offers interesting prospects for the development of novel self-assembled and biologically active materials.
The structure and thermal properties of polymers containing dibenzo-18-crown-6 ether units in the main chain linked to an aliphatic spacer of different lengths (C10-C14) is reported. X-ray diffraction patterns of all the studied samples exhibit a peak in the medium angle region, revealing the existence of a lamellar structure. Simultaneous calorimetry and small, medium (SAXS-MAXS) and wide (WAXS) X-ray measurements during cooling and subsequent heating of the samples reveal that a layer phase is formed upon cooling. In the case of the homopolymers, this phase is almost simultaneously accompanied by the appearance of some reflections in the wide angle region as an indication of lateral crystallization. However, by copolymerization, the formation of the layer phase is decoupled from lateral crystallization, being stable in a wide temperature region.
Proteomic analysis using electrospray liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (ESI-LC-MS) has been used to compare the sites of glycation (Amadori adduct formation) and carboxymethylation of RNase and to assess the role of the Amadori adduct in the formation of the advanced glycation end-product (AGE), N-is an element of-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CIVIL). RNase (13.7 mg/mL, 1 mM) was incubated with glucose (0.4 M) at 37 degreesC for 14 days in phosphate buffer (0.2 M, pH 7.4) under air. On the basis of ESI-LC-MS of tryptic peptides, the major sites of glycation of RNase were, in order, K41, K7, K1, and K37. Three of these, in order, K41, K7, and K37 were also the major sites of CIVIL formation. In other experiments, RNase was incubated under anaerobic conditions (1 mM DTPA, N-2 purged) to form Amadori-modified protein, which was then incubated under aerobic conditions to allow AGE formation. Again, the major sites of glycation were, in order, K41, K7, K1, and K37 and the major sites of carboxymethylation were K41, K7, and K37. RNase was also incubated with 1-5 mM glyoxal, substantially more than is formed by autoxidation of glucose under experimental conditions, but there was only trace modification of lysine residues, primarily at K41. We conclude the following: (1) that the primary route to formation of CIVIL is by autoxidation of Amadori adducts on protein, rather than by glyoxal generated on autoxidation of glucose; and (2) that carboxymethylation, like glycation, is a site-specific modification of protein affected by neighboring amino acids and bound ligands, such as phosphate or phosphorylated compounds. Even when the overall extent of protein modification is low, localization of a high proportion of the modifications at a few reactive sites might have important implications for understanding losses in protein functionality in aging and diabetes and also for the design of AGE inhibitors.
The forelimbs of higher vertebrates are composed of two portions: the appendicular region (stylopod, zeugopod and autopod) and the less prominent proximal girdle elements (scapula and clavicle) that brace the limb to the main trunk axis. We show that the formation of the muscles of the proximal limb occurs through two distinct mechanisms. The more superficial girdle muscles (pectoral and latissimus dorsi) develop by the “In–Out” mechanism whereby migration of myogenic cells from the somites into the limb bud is followed by their extension from the proximal limb bud out onto the thorax. In contrast, the deeper girdle muscles (e.g. rhomboideus profundus and serratus anterior) are induced by the forelimb field which promotes myotomal extension directly from the somites. Tbx5 inactivation demonstrated its requirement for the development of all forelimb elements which include the skeletal elements, proximal and distal muscles as well as the sternum in mammals and the cleithrum of fish. Intriguingly, the formation of the diaphragm musculature is also dependent on the Tbx5 programme. These observations challenge our classical views of the boundary between limb and trunk tissues. We suggest that significant structures located in the body should be considered as components of the forelimb.
Reaction of tin(II) chloride with Li(CPhCPh2) at –78 °C in diethyl ether–hexane–tetrahydrofuran affords a deep red solution whose colour fades on warming, and which we believe contains the (unstable) first dialkenyltin(II) species. The latter survives long enough at low temperatures to undergo intermolecular oxidative addition, and one such adduct leads ultimately to the formation of Sn(CPhCPh2)3Bun, which has been fully characterised including a crystal and molecular structure study. The mechanism of formation of the final product has been examined and results are reported.