999 resultados para Fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA)


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A new dual simultaneous detector was developed for capillary electrophoresis microchip. Confocal laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and moveable contactless conductivity detection (MCCD) were combined together for the first time. The two detection systems shared a common detection cell and could respond simultaneously. They were mutually independent and advantageous in analyses of mixtures containing organic and inorganic ions. The confocal LIF had high sensitivity and the MCCD could move along the separation channel and detect in different positions of the channel. The detection conditions of the dual detector were optimized. Rhodamine B was used to evaluate the performance of the dual detector. The limit of detection of the confocal LIF was < 5 nM, and that of the MCCD was 0.1 mu M. The dual detector had highly sensitivity and could offer response easily, rapidly and simultaneously. 


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We have theoretically investigated ballistic electron transport through a combination of magnetic-electric barrier based on a vertical ferromagnet/two-dimensional electron gas/ferromagnet sandwich structure, which can be experimentally realized by depositing asymmetric metallic magnetic stripes both on top and bottom of modulation-doped semiconductor heterostructures. Our numerical results have confirmed the existence of finite spin polarization even though only antisymmetric stray field B-z is considered. By switching the relative magnetization of ferromagnetic layers, the device in discussion shows evident magnetoconductance. In particular, both spin polarization and magnetoconductance can be efficiently enhanced by proper electrostatic barrier up to the optimal value relying on the specific magnetic-electric modulation. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3041477]


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A new dual simultaneous detector was developed for capillary electrophoresis microchip. Confocal laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and moveable contactless conductivity detection (MCCD) were combined together for the first time. The two detection systems shared a common detection cell and could respond simultaneously. They were mutually independent and advantageous in analyses of mixtures containing organic and inorganic ions. The confocal LIF had high sensitivity and the MCCD could move along the separation channel and detect in different positions of the channel. The detection conditions of the dual detector were optimized. Rhodamine B was used to evaluate the performance of the dual detector. The limit of detection of the confocal LIF was <5 nM, and that of the MCCD was 0.1 μM. The dual detector had highly sensitivity and could offer response easily, rapidly and simultaneously.


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Light microscopy has been one of the most common tools in biological research, because of its high resolution and non-invasive nature of the light. Due to its high sensitivity and specificity, fluorescence is one of the most important readout modes of light microscopy. This thesis presents two new fluorescence microscopic imaging techniques: fluorescence optofluidic microscopy and fluorescent Talbot microscopy. The designs of the two systems are fundamentally different from conventional microscopy, which makes compact and portable devices possible. The components of the devices are suitable for mass-production, making the microscopic imaging system more affordable for biological research and clinical diagnostics.

Fluorescence optofluidic microscopy (FOFM) is capable of imaging fluorescent samples in fluid media. The FOFM employs an array of Fresnel zone plates (FZP) to generate an array of focused light spots within a microfluidic channel. As a sample flows through the channel and across the array of focused light spots, a filter-coated CMOS sensor collects the fluorescence emissions. The collected data can then be processed to render a fluorescence microscopic image. The resolution, which is determined by the focused light spot size, is experimentally measured to be 0.65 μm.

Fluorescence Talbot microscopy (FTM) is a fluorescence chip-scale microscopy technique that enables large field-of-view (FOV) and high-resolution imaging. The FTM method utilizes the Talbot effect to project a grid of focused excitation light spots onto the sample. The sample is placed on a filter-coated CMOS sensor chip. The fluorescence emissions associated with each focal spot are collected by the sensor chip and are composed into a sparsely sampled fluorescence image. By raster scanning the Talbot focal spot grid across the sample and collecting a sequence of sparse images, a filled-in high-resolution fluorescence image can be reconstructed. In contrast to a conventional microscope, a collection efficiency, resolution, and FOV are not tied to each other for this technique. The FOV of FTM is directly scalable. Our FTM prototype has demonstrated a resolution of 1.2 μm, and the collection efficiency equivalent to a conventional microscope objective with a 0.70 N.A. The FOV is 3.9 mm × 3.5 mm, which is 100 times larger than that of a 20X/0.40 N.A. conventional microscope objective. Due to its large FOV, high collection efficiency, compactness, and its potential for integration with other on-chip devices, FTM is suitable for diverse applications, such as point-of-care diagnostics, large-scale functional screens, and long-term automated imaging.


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Advances in optical techniques have enabled many breakthroughs in biology and medicine. However, light scattering by biological tissues remains a great obstacle, restricting the use of optical methods to thin ex vivo sections or superficial layers in vivo. In this thesis, we present two related methods that overcome the optical depth limit—digital time reversal of ultrasound encoded light (digital TRUE) and time reversal of variance-encoded light (TROVE). These two techniques share the same principle of using acousto-optic beacons for time reversal optical focusing within highly scattering media, like biological tissues. Ultrasound, unlike light, is not significantly scattered in soft biological tissues, allowing for ultrasound focusing. In addition, a fraction of the scattered optical wavefront that passes through the ultrasound focus gets frequency-shifted via the acousto-optic effect, essentially creating a virtual source of frequency-shifted light within the tissue. The scattered ultrasound-tagged wavefront can be selectively measured outside the tissue and time-reversed to converge at the location of the ultrasound focus, enabling optical focusing within deep tissues. In digital TRUE, we time reverse ultrasound-tagged light with an optoelectronic time reversal device (the digital optical phase conjugate mirror, DOPC). The use of the DOPC enables high optical gain, allowing for high intensity optical focusing and focal fluorescence imaging in thick tissues at a lateral resolution of 36 µm by 52 µm. The resolution of the TRUE approach is fundamentally limited to that of the wavelength of ultrasound. The ultrasound focus (~ tens of microns wide) usually contains hundreds to thousands of optical modes, such that the scattered wavefront measured is a linear combination of the contributions of all these optical modes. In TROVE, we make use of our ability to digitally record, analyze and manipulate the scattered wavefront to demix the contributions of these spatial modes using variance encoding. In essence, we encode each spatial mode inside the scattering sample with a unique variance, allowing us to computationally derive the time reversal wavefront that corresponds to a single optical mode. In doing so, we uncouple the system resolution from the size of the ultrasound focus, demonstrating optical focusing and imaging between highly diffusing samples at an unprecedented, speckle-scale lateral resolution of ~ 5 µm. Our methods open up the possibility of fully exploiting the prowess and versatility of biomedical optics in deep tissues.


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We present an entanglement purification protocol for photonic mixed entangled states based on the two-mode polarization nondemolition parity detectors. Without the use of the controlled-NOT (CNOT) operations, the efficiency of our protocol can nearly approach that of the CNOT protocol. The total successful probability of our protocol can be nearly enhanced to the quantity twice as large as that of the linear-optics-based protocol. Besides, our protocol adopts common photon detectors rather than the sophisticated single-photon detectors required in the linear-optics-based protocol.


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Pulse compression through filamentation in an argon-filled cell was experimentally demonstrated by using circularly and linearly polarized pulses. A 53 fs circularly polarized pulse was successfully compressed to 15 fs. By using circularly polarized pulse input, the broadened spectrum was much wider and the incident energy in the gas cell can be increased by more than 3/2 times. Much shorter pulse could be compressed by using circularly polarized pulse input. [GRAPHICS] The temporal profile of the compressed pulse (C) 2008 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.


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We theoretically demonstrate that enhanced penetration depth in three-dimensional multiphoton microscopy can be achieved using concentric two-color two-photon (C2C2P) fluorescence excitation in which the two excitation beams are separated in space before reaching their common focal spot. Monte Carlo simulation shows that, in comparison with the one-color two-photon excitation scheme, the C2C2P fluorescence microscopy provides a significantly greater penetration depth for imaging into a highly scattering medium. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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Photoelectron angular distributions (PADs) from above-threshold ionization of O-2 and N-2 molecules irradiated by a bichromatic laser field of circular polarization are Studied. The bichromatic laser field is specially modulated such that it can be used to mimic a sequence of one-cycle laser pulses. The PADs are greatly affected by the molecular alignment, the symmetry of the initial electronic distribution, and the carrier-envelope phase of the laser pulses. Generally, the PADs do not show any symmetry, and become symmetric about an axis only when the symmetric axis of laser field coincides with the symmetric axis of molecules. This study shows that the few-cycle laser pulses call be used to steer the photoelectrons and perform the selective ionization of molecules. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The structure of the inhibition patterns is important to the stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy. Usually, Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) beam and the central zero-intensity patterns created by inserting phase masks in Gaussian beams are used as the erase beam in STED microscopy. Aberration is generated when focusing beams through an interface between the media of the mismatched refractive indices. By use of the vectorial integral, the effects of such aberration on the shape of depletion patterns and the size of fluorescence emission spot in the STED microscopy are studied. Results are presented as a comparison between the aberration-free case and the aberrated cases. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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We present a universal analyzer for the three-particle Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states with quantum nondemolition parity detectors and linear-optics elements. In our scheme, all of the three-photon GHZ states can be discriminated with nearly unity probability in the regime of weak nonlinearity feasible at the present state of the art experimentally. We also show that our scheme can be easily extended to the analysis of the multi-particle GHZ states.


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Optical microscopy is an essential tool in biological science and one of the gold standards for medical examinations. Miniaturization of microscopes can be a crucial stepping stone towards realizing compact, cost-effective and portable platforms for biomedical research and healthcare. This thesis reports on implementations of bright-field and fluorescence chip-scale microscopes for a variety of biological imaging applications. The term “chip-scale microscopy” refers to lensless imaging techniques realized in the form of mass-producible semiconductor devices, which transforms the fundamental design of optical microscopes.

Our strategy for chip-scale microscopy involves utilization of low-cost Complementary metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) image sensors, computational image processing and micro-fabricated structural components. First, the sub-pixel resolving optofluidic microscope (SROFM), will be presented, which combines microfluidics and pixel super-resolution image reconstruction to perform high-throughput imaging of fluidic samples, such as blood cells. We discuss design parameters and construction of the device, as well as the resulting images and the resolution of the device, which was 0.66 µm at the highest acuity. The potential applications of SROFM for clinical diagnosis of malaria in the resource-limited settings is discussed.

Next, the implementations of ePetri, a self-imaging Petri dish platform with microscopy resolution, are presented. Here, we simply place the sample of interest on the surface of the image sensor and capture the direct shadow images under the illumination. By taking advantage of the inherent motion of the microorganisms, we achieve high resolution (~1 µm) imaging and long term culture of motile microorganisms over ultra large field-of-view (5.7 mm × 4.4 mm) in a specialized ePetri platform. We apply the pixel super-resolution reconstruction to a set of low-resolution shadow images of the microorganisms as they move across the sensing area of an image sensor chip and render an improved resolution image. We perform longitudinal study of Euglena gracilis cultured in an ePetri platform and image based analysis on the motion and morphology of the cells. The ePetri device for imaging non-motile cells are also demonstrated, by using the sweeping illumination of a light emitting diode (LED) matrix for pixel super-resolution reconstruction of sub-pixel shifted shadow images. Using this prototype device, we demonstrate the detection of waterborne parasites for the effective diagnosis of enteric parasite infection in resource-limited settings.

Then, we demonstrate the adaptation of a smartphone’s camera to function as a compact lensless microscope, which uses ambient illumination as its light source and does not require the incorporation of a dedicated light source. The method is also based on the image reconstruction with sweeping illumination technique, where the sequence of images are captured while the user is manually tilting the device around any ambient light source, such as the sun or a lamp. Image acquisition and reconstruction is performed on the device using a custom-built android application, constructing a stand-alone imaging device for field applications. We discuss the construction of the device using a commercial smartphone and demonstrate the imaging capabilities of our system.

Finally, we report on the implementation of fluorescence chip-scale microscope, based on a silo-filter structure fabricated on the pixel array of a CMOS image sensor. The extruded pixel design with metal walls between neighboring pixels successfully guides fluorescence emission through the thick absorptive filter to the photodiode layer of a pixel. Our silo-filter CMOS image sensor prototype achieves 13-µm resolution for fluorescence imaging over a wide field-of-view (4.8 mm × 4.4 mm). Here, we demonstrate bright-field and fluorescence longitudinal imaging of living cells in a compact, low-cost configuration.