928 resultados para Fine, Sidney, 1920-


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El objeto de este estudio es el análisis de las solidaridades campesinas y de su crisis en la etapa final del Antiguo Régimen. A través de la Cofradía de Labradores - que, en el siglo XVIII, representaba de hecho a la mayor parte del campesinado de Lleida -, se analiza la defensa de los comunales y la lucha contra el diezmo. Estos conflictos en el fondo traducen las dificultades del pequeño campesinado de Lleida para obtener los ingresos necesarios para reproducir la unidad familiar. Se estudian las dos vías - la campesina y la de los hacendados - de desarrollo social y económico en relación con la propiedad de la tierra en la etapa de reforma liberal. Ante el fracaso de la "vía campesina", se estudia el origen del asociacionismo tanto el impulsado por el pequeño campesinado -a través de sociedades de socorros mutuos en un primer momento- como aquél que tiene como objetivo la introducción de mejoras técnico-productivas. Como en el resto de Cataluña, en la parte occidental llana se desarrollarán estas experiencias de manera más intensa en el marco de la crisis finisecular y etapa posterior.


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The major antigen on the envelope of extracellular vaccinia virus particles is a polypeptide with an apparent molecular weight of 37,000 (p37K; G. Hiller and K. Weber, J. Virol. 55:651-659, 1985). The gene encoding p37K was mapped in the vaccinia virus genome by hybrid selection of RNA followed by in vitro translation. p37K was then identified among the in vitro translation products by immunoprecipitation with a monoclonal antibody. The gene is located close to the right-hand end of the HindIII F fragment. The corresponding region of the DNA was sequenced, and an open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 41,748 daltons was observed. The 5' end of the mRNA, as defined by nuclease S1 analysis, maps within only a few nucleotides of the translation initiation codon. Examination of the DNA sequence around the putative initiation site of transcription revealed a characteristic sequence, TAAATG, which includes the ATG translation initiation codon and which is conserved in all but one late gene so far analyzed. It is therefore likely that this sequence is an important regulatory signal for late gene expression in vaccinia virus.


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The role of competition for light among plants has long been recognized at local scales, but its potential importance for plant species' distribution at larger spatial scales has largely been ignored. Tree cover acts as a modulator of local abiotic conditions, notably by reducing light availability below the canopy and thus the performance of species that are not adapted to low-light conditions. However, this local effect may propagate to coarser spatial grains. Using 6,935 vegetation plots located across the European Alps, we fit Generalized Linear Models (GLM) for the distribution of 960 herbs and shrubs species to assess the effect of tree cover at both plot and landscape grain sizes (~ 10-m and 1-km, respectively). We ran four models with different combinations of variables (climate, soil and tree cover) for each species at both spatial grains. We used partial regressions to evaluate the independent effects of plot- and landscape-scale tree cover on plant communities. Finally, the effects on species' elevational range limits were assessed by simulating a removal experiment comparing the species' distribution under high and low tree cover. Accounting for tree cover improved model performance, with shade-tolerant species increasing their probability of presence at high tree cover whereas shade-intolerant species showed the opposite pattern. The tree cover effect occurred consistently at both plot and landscape spatial grains, albeit strongest at the former. Importantly, tree cover at the two grain sizes had partially independent effects on plot-scale plant communities, suggesting that the effects may be transmitted to coarser grains through meta-community dynamics. At high tree cover, shade-intolerant species exhibited elevational range contractions, especially at their upper limit, whereas shade-tolerant species showed elevational range expansions at both limits. Our findings suggest that the range shifts for herb and shrub species may be modulated by tree cover dynamics.


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This book explores Russian synthesis that occurred in Russian economic thought between 1890 and 1920. This includes all the attempts at synthesis between classical political economy and marginalism; the labour theory of value and marginal utility; and value and prices. The various ways in which Russian economists have approached these issues have generally been addressed in a piecemeal fashion in history of economic thought literature. This book returns to the primary sources in the Russian language, translating many into English for the first time, and offers the first comprehensive history of the Russian synthesis. The book first examines the origins of the Russian synthesis by determining the condition of reception in Russia of the various theories of value involved: the classical theories of value of Ricardo and Marx on one side; the marginalist theories of prices of Menger, Walras and Jevons on the other. It then reconstructs the three generations of the Russian synthesis: the first (Tugan-Baranovsky), the second, the mathematicians (Dmitriev, Bortkiewicz, Shaposhnikov, Slutsky, etc.) and the last (Yurovsky), with an emphasis on Tugan-Baranovsky's initial impetus. This volume is suitable for those studying economic theory and philosophy as well as those interested in the history of economic thought.


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Les traités scientifiques ne font que depuis peu d'années l'objet d'études en histoire des sciences. Pourtant, ces traités ont énormément à apporter car ils renseignent sur la manière de raisonner des auteurs, ainsi que sur le développement d'une discipline. Dans ce travail de doctorat, différents traités des maladies du système nerveux ont été dépouillés, notamment le traité de Sémiologie des affections du système nerveux (1914) de Jules Dejerine (1849-1917). Ce traité a été analysé de trois manières différentes. Il a tout d'abord été comparé à une édition précédente publiée sous forme de chapitre (1901), révélant un large remodelage du contenu du traité, suggérant une évolution rapide de la discipline neurologique en l'espace de quelques années. Deuxièmement, l'analyse de la Sémiologie a permis de recréer un réseau de professionnels avec qui Jules Dejerine était en contact et, en parcourant les livres publiés par ces auteurs, il a été possible de décrire de quelle manière ces auteurs se citent mutuellement. Finalement, ces livres contiennent de nombreuses illustrations, qui sont associées à la notion de « preuve » : les auteurs utilisent des images sous forme de dessins, de photographies ou de schémas qui illustrent des patients ou des pièces anatomiques pour « montrer » la maladie ou la lésion. Chaque illustration a un rôle à jouer pour décrire la lésion, montrer la progression de la maladie et elle aide le médecin à poser le diagnostic. Grâce à ces trois axes de recherche, un traité devient un outil de travail dynamique, qui évolue au fil des rééditions, influencé par les critiques et commentaires retrouvés dans d'autres traités et articles, et par les progrès accomplis dans la discipline traitée. Des, passages et certaines images de l'ouvrage circulent également de traité en traité et véhiculent l'autorité de l'auteur de ces passages et images qui en viennent à représenter la maladie. Ce transfert d'images joue également un rôle dans la standardisation du diagnostic et dans l'unification de la neurologie à travers le monde occidental au début du XXe siècle, une période charnière pour l'histoire de la médecine. -- Au début du XXe siècle, la neurologie est une jeune spécialité médicale qui se développe rapidement. Les différents médecins publient des traités, communiquent entre eux et échangent leurs données. Un traité scientifique est un outil de travail dynamique qui évolue avec les rééditions et le développement d'une discipline. Ces ouvrages recèlent toutes sortes d'informations et leur analyse ne fait que depuis peu de temps l'objet d'études en histoire des sciences. Ces traités regorgent notamment d'illustrations qui sont associées à la notion de « preuve » : les auteurs utilisent des images sous forme de dessins, de photographies ou de schémas qui représentent des patients ou des pièces anatomiques afin de « montrer » la maladie ou la lésion. Chaque illustration a un rôle à jouer pour décrire la pathologie, montrer la progression de la maladie et elle aide le médecin à poser le diagnostic. Les auteurs des traités, qui viennent d'Europe et d'Amérique du Nord, se citent mutuellement, permettant au lecteur de recréer leur réseau de professionnels au niveau international. De plus, comme ces auteurs réutilisent les observations et les illustrations des autres, celles-ci circulent de traité en traité et en viennent à représenter la maladie. Ce transfert d'images joue également un rôle dans la standardisation du diagnostic et dans l'unification de la neurologie à travers le monde occidental au début du XXe siècle, une période charnière pour l'histoire de la médecine. -- Until recently, the study of textbooks has been neglected in the history of the sciences. However, textbooks can provide fruitful sources of information regarding the way authors work and the development of a particular discipline. This dissertation reviews editions of a single textbook, the Sémiologie des affections du système nerveux (1914) by Jules Dejerine (1849-1917). This textbook enabled the description of three axes of research. Firstly, by comparing the book to a first edition published as a chapter, one can acknowledge an extensive remodeling of the content of the book, suggesting a vast increase in knowledge over time. Secondly, by looking at the authors that Dejerine quotes repeatedly, it becomes possible to recreate his professional network, to review the works of these authors and to determine how they cross-reference each other. Thirdly, these textbooks contain numerous medical illustrations, which are linked with the concept of "proof;" the authors demonstrate a willingness to "show" the lesion or the pathology by publishing an image. Drawings, schematic representations, radiographies, or photographs of patients or of anatomical preparations all have their own purpose in describing the lesion and the progression of the disease. They assist in the diagnosis of the pathology. By looking at all of these aspects, it is therefore possible to conclude that a neurological textbook is a dynamic object that evolves through re-editions, comments and references found in other textbooks and by the circulations of parts of these books, such as the images. The illustrations also carry the author's authority, since their ongoing use claims that the work by the owner of the image has been endorsed by others. At the same time, it validates the borrowers' arguments. By using medical illustrations from different authors worldwide, the authors are also making a claim to a common language, to a similar way of examining patients, and about how much they depend on medical imagery to prove their points. In that sense, by focusing upon these textbooks, one can affirm that neurology already existed as a worldwide specialty at the turn of the twentieth century. Much more than mere accompaniments to the text, images were of paramount importance to the unification of neurology.


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Recognition of environmental sounds is believed to proceed through discrimination steps from broad to more narrow categories. Very little is known about the neural processes that underlie fine-grained discrimination within narrow categories or about their plasticity in relation to newly acquired expertise. We investigated how the cortical representation of birdsongs is modulated by brief training to recognize individual species. During a 60-minute session, participants learned to recognize a set of birdsongs; they improved significantly their performance for trained (T) but not control species (C), which were counterbalanced across participants. Auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) were recorded during pre- and post-training sessions. Pre vs. post changes in AEPs were significantly different between T and C i) at 206-232ms post stimulus onset within a cluster on the anterior part of the left superior temporal gyrus; ii) at 246-291ms in the left middle frontal gyrus; and iii) 512-545ms in the left middle temporal gyrus as well as bilaterally in the cingulate cortex. All effects were driven by weaker activity for T than C species. Thus, expertise in discriminating T species modulated early stages of semantic processing, during and immediately after the time window that sustains the discrimination between human vs. animal vocalizations. Moreover, the training-induced plasticity is reflected by the sharpening of a left lateralized semantic network, including the anterior part of the temporal convexity and the frontal cortex. Training to identify birdsongs influenced, however, also the processing of C species, but at a much later stage. Correct discrimination of untrained sounds seems to require an additional step which results from lower-level features analysis such as apperception. We therefore suggest that the access to objects within an auditory semantic category is different and depends on subject's level of expertise. More specifically, correct intra-categorical auditory discrimination for untrained items follows the temporal hierarchy and transpires in a late stage of semantic processing. On the other hand, correct categorization of individually trained stimuli occurs earlier, during a period contemporaneous with human vs. animal vocalization discrimination, and involves a parallel semantic pathway requiring expertise.


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BACKGROUND: The measurement of calcitonin in washout fluids of thyroid nodule aspirate (FNA-calcitonin) has been reported as accurate to detect medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC). The results from these studies have been promising and the most updated version of ATA guidelines quoted for the first time that "FNA findings that are inconclusive or suggestive of MTC should have calcitonin measured in the FNA washout fluid." Here we aimed to systematically review published data on this topic to provide more robust estimates. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A comprehensive computer literature search of the medical databases was conducted by searching for the terms "calcitonin" AND "washout." The search was updated until April 2015. RESULTS: Twelve relevant studies, published between 2007 and 2014, were found. Overall, 413 thyroid nodules or neck lymph nodes underwent FNA-calcitonin, 95 were MTC lesions and 93 (97.9%) of these were correctly detected by this measurement regardless of their cytologic report. CONCLUSIONS: The present study shows that the above ATA recommendation is well supported. Almost all MTC lesions are correctly detected by FNA-calcitonin and this technique should be used to avoid false negative or inconclusive results from cytology. The routine determination of serum calcitonin in patients undergoing FNA should improve the selection of patients at risk for MTC, guiding the use of FNA-calcitonin in the same FNA sample and providing useful information to the cytopathologist for the morphological assessment and the application of tailored ancillary tests.


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Thyroid fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cytology is a fast growing field. One of the most developing areas is represented by molecular tests applied to cytological material. Patients that could benefit the most from these tests are those that have been diagnosed as 'indeterminate' on FNA. They could be better stratified in terms of malignancy risk and thus oriented with more confidence to the appropriate management. Taking in to consideration the need to improve and keep high the yield of thyroid FNA, professionals from various fields (i.e. molecular biologists, endocrinologists, nuclear medicine physicians and radiologists) are refining and fine-tuning their diagnostic instruments. In particular, all these developments aim at increasing the negative predictive value of FNA to improve the selection of patients for diagnostic surgery. These advances involve terminology, the application of next-generation sequencing to thyroid FNA, the use of immunocyto- and histo-chemistry, the development of new sampling techniques and the increasing use of nuclear medicine as well as molecular imaging in the management of patients with a thyroid nodule. Herein, we review the recent advances in thyroid FNA cytology that could be of interest to the 'thyroid-care' community, with particular focus on the indeterminate diagnostic category.


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Designing new teaching programs for both undergraduate and graduate university studies involves integrating concepts and methodologies regarding quality, work safety and hazard prevention, and environmental protection. One of the challenges facing Spanish research within the realm of European Higher Education concerns health and safety issues in the Arts.In the case of Fine Arts, student exploration is one of the fundamental pillars of the study program; therefore it is imperative that art studios be optimized. This optimization affects both designated resources (infrastructures, materials, equipment, etc.) and organization of the teaching force.In this context, the aim of our research is to improve educational practices by designing quality measures that are both friendly to the environment and hazardous free. The aim here is to assure adequate art studio and laboratory management, and provide students with hazard free health and environmentally safe concepts that can be incorporated in their professional lives.The school of Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona is part of a pilot program, where our experience in educational innovation and research is serving as a reference for the implantation of OSHAS 18001 norms.


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Designing new teaching programs for both undergraduate and graduate university studies involves integrating concepts and methodologies regarding quality, work safety and hazard prevention, and environmental protection. One of the challenges facing Spanish research within the realm of European Higher Education concerns health and safety issues in the Arts.In the case of Fine Arts, student exploration is one of the fundamental pillars of the study program; therefore it is imperative that art studios be optimized. This optimization affects both designated resources (infrastructures, materials, equipment, etc.) and organization of the teaching force.In this context, the aim of our research is to improve educational practices by designing quality measures that are both friendly to the environment and hazardous free. The aim here is to assure adequate art studio and laboratory management, and provide students with hazard free health and environmentally safe concepts that can be incorporated in their professional lives.The school of Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona is part of a pilot program, where our experience in educational innovation and research is serving as a reference for the implantation of OSHAS 18001 norms.