855 resultados para Fiction (French)


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INTRODUCTION: Developments in technology, web-based teaching and whole slide imaging have broadened the teaching horizon in anatomic pathology. Creating online learning material including many types of media such as radiologic images, whole slides, videos, clinical and macroscopic photographs, is now accessible to most universities. Unfortunately, a major limiting factor to maintain and update the learning material is the amount of resources needed. In this perspective, a French-national university network was initiated in 2011 to build joint online teaching modules consisting of clinical cases and tests. The network has since expanded internationally to Québec, Switzerland and Ivory Coast. METHOD: One of the first steps of the project was to build a learning module on inflammatory skin pathology for interns and residents in pathology and dermatology. A pathology resident from Québec spent 6 weeks in France and Switzerland to develop the contents and build the module on an e-learning Moodle platform under the supervision of two dermatopathologists. The learning module contains text, interactive clinical cases, tests with feedback, virtual slides, images and clinical photographs. For that module, the virtual slides are decentralized in 2 universities (Bordeaux and Paris 7). Each university is responsible of its own slide scanning, image storage and online display with virtual slide viewers. RESULTS: The module on inflammatory skin pathology includes more than 50 web pages with French original content, tests and clinical cases, links to over 45 virtual images and more than 50 microscopic and clinical photographs. The whole learning module is being revised by four dermatopathologists and two senior pathologists. It will be accessible to interns and residents in the spring of 2014. The experience and knowledge gained from that work will be transferred to the next international resident whose work will be aimed at creating lung and breast pathology learning modules. CONCLUSION: The challenges of sustaining a project of this scope are numerous. The technical aspect of whole-slide imaging and storage needs to be developed by each university or group. The content needs to be regularly updated and its accuracy reviewed by experts in each individual domain. The learning modules also need to be promoted within the academic community to ensure maximal benefit for trainees. A collateral benefit of the project was the establishment of international partnerships between French-speaking universities and pathologists with the common goal of promoting pathology education through the use of multi-media technology including whole slide imaging.


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Abstract:This article illustrates Angela Carter's literary practice through her utilization of "Sleeping Beauty" in the radio play Vampirella and its prose variation The Lady of the House of Love. It argues that she vampirised European culture as she transfused old stories into new bodies to give them new life and bite. Carter's experiments with forms, genres and mediums in her vampire fiction capture the inherent hybridity of the fairy tale as it sheds new light on her main source, Charles Perrault's La Belle au bois dormant, bringing to the fore the horror and terror as well as the textual ambiguities of the French conte that were gradually obscured in favor of the romance element. Carter's vampire stories thus trace the 'dark' underside of the reception of the tale in Gothic fiction and in the subculture of comic books and Hammer films so popular in the 1970s, where the Sleeping Beauty figure is revived as a femme fatale or vamp who takes her fate in her own hands.Résumé:Cet article s'attache à montrer comment l'utilisation de La Belle au bois dormant dans deux histoires de vampire d'Angela Carter, la pièce radiophonique Vampirella et sa réécriture en prose The Lady of the House of Love, illustre la pratique littéraire de l'auteur, qui consiste à vampiriser la culture européenne et à transfuser les vieilles histoires dans de nouvelles formes, genres, et médias afin de leur donner une nouvelle vie. Le traitement du conte de fée permet d'aborder un aspect essentiel de la démarche créative de l'auteur, tout en offrant un éclairage inédit sur le conte de Perrault. En effet, Carter met en évidence les éléments inquiétants et l'atmosphère de menace qui caractérisent la deuxième partie du conte, tout en jouant sur les ambiguités du texte français souvent négligés au profit de la veine romanesque. A cet égard, ses histoires de vampire peuvent se lire comme une réflexion sur la réception 'obscure' du conte de fées dans la culture populaire, qui voit le personnage de la Belle au bois dormant prendre son destin en main et se réinventer en femme fatale ou vamp dans la bande dessinée et les séries B des années 1970.


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Déjà le récit de Cupidon et Psyché dans l'Asinus aureus pose le problème du genre de cette histoire enchâssée, racontée par une vieille - est-ce un mythe ou une fable philosophique ? - et, par voie de conséquence, celui du statut même des dieux qui y interviennent. Qu'on voie dans Partenopeu de Blois un lointain avatar du récit d'Apulée, dans lequel la fée se substitue à Cupidon, ou qu'on le rattache au folklore (celtique), la question est sensiblement la même au XIIe siècle : les auteurs médiévaux croyaient-ils aux « êtres faés » ou ceux-ci étaient-ils à leurs yeux les acteurs imposés par le choix d'un certain univers fictionnel ? Si la critique est fondamentalement d'accord pour parler d'une « rationalisation » ou d'une « moralisation » de la fée, la démarche par laquelle l'écrivain médiéval adapte et actualise le matériau issu d'une tradition est susceptible de subtiles variations : la « réécriture » est chaque fois tributaire du projet d'écriture respectif, qu'il s'agisse de Partenopeu de Blois ou du lai de Guigemar de Marie de France. Au-delà du statut de la fée et de l'altérité qu'elle représente, c'est le statut même de la femme et du héros qui sont en cause, leur place et leur fonction au sein de la société féodale. La « translittération » de parcours narratifs stéréotypés, voire universaux, n'a ici rien à voir avec la récupération politique du folklore, transmis par voie orale, à laquelle s'attelle, quelque deux siècles plus tard, Jean d'Arras dans sa Mélusine : il extrait la légende de la fée poitevine du domaine de la fabula en inscrivant la merveille dans l'histoire, la région et l'expérience vécue pour légitimer les droits du duc de Berry sur Lusignan.


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Abstract De nature interdisciplinaire, ma thèse de doctorat porte sur les récits littéraires traditionnellement nommés de «science-fiction» - peu étudiés dans le milieu universitaire jusqu'à maintenant - et, plus particulièrement, sur le dialogue critique que ce genre littéraire peut instituer entre tout lecteur et la société technoscientifique au sein de laquelle il évolue au quotidien. Afin que cette tâche puisse être menée de manière rigoureuse, j'ai été conduit à faire entrer en résonance divers champs cognitifs non nécessairement liés a priori, à savoir les études littéraires (théorie de la mimèsis, théorie de la réception, théorie schaefferienne de la fiction et situations-limites sartriennes), anthropologiques (fonction du récit chez Jean Molino et Jérôme Brunner), économiques (histoire et théories du libéralisme), philosophiques (méditations heisenbergienne et heideggérienne sur la technique) et épistémologiques (liens entre technologies, sciences et société). En débutant par une réflexion historique sur l'émergence de la science moderne et du libéralisme économique, il s'agissait pour moi de montrer qu'entre ces deux savoirs, une alliance originale s'est nouée et ce, dès la fin du XVIIIe siècle : l'un a besoin de l'autre, et réciproquement. Il est ensuite mis en lumière qu'à la naissance de la science-fiction à la fin du XIXe siècle, correspond la nécessité, pour certains écrivains du moins, de réfléchir à l'évolution technoscientifique prise par la société de leur temps, ainsi qu'aux conséquences que ce progrès pourrait induire sur l'être humain en tant que sujet moral - une problématisation du rapport homme/technoscience par le biais de la fiction, donc. Lors de cette partie, je discute, d'une part, des éléments fondamentaux qui sont essentiels pour établir une poétique originale de la science-fiction - la conjecture, la structure des univers et les thèmes - et, d'autre, part, des distinctions génériques qu'il est important de discerner - j'en délimite trois : science-fiction «apologétique », «neutre » et «critique ». Finalement, mon travail se conclut par une réflexion, à partir de la pensée de Hans Jonas et de Jean-Pierre Dupuy, sur la fonction active que peuvent jouer les romans de science-fiction au niveau éthique. Pour le dire autrement, la fin de mon étude propose, en premier lieu, d'esquisser une «pragmatique de la science-fiction» ; puis, en second lieu, mon enquête stipule que la prise en charge sérieuse de ces récits conduit à la possibilité de concevoir une forme particulière de «catastrophisme éclairé », que j'appelle «heuristique du catastrophisme éclairé » conjurer les dangers et les périls qui pourraient éventuellement nous menacer, c'est avant tout croire qu'ils pourraient se réaliser si on ne les pense pas ou si on n'agit pas. Cette étape, souhaitée par les éthiciens, est justement celle qui me semble caractériser les récits de science-fiction critique. En ce sens, je montre que si la science-fiction écrit «demain », ce n'est en tout cas pas pour le fantasmer ou le prédire, mais, au contraire, pour mieux penser ce qui lui donne forme : l'« aujourd'hui ».


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Food intake high in calcium content is important in the development of skeleton and the prevention of osteoporosis. From a public health perspective, it is therefore important to know the dietary calcium intake of a population. Two population surveys in the French and Italian parts of Switzerland (MONICA, 1988-1989, and Geneva, 1991), were combined to study nutritional habits related to calcium intake. A random population sample, aged 35 et 65 years, answered to a 24 hour recall questionnaire, either self-administered (MONICA, cantons of Vaud, Fribourg and Tessin, N = 2734) or by phone (canton of Geneva, N = 475). In the 4 cantons, for the previous day, 60% of participants ate dairy products, particularly whole milk and cheese. They drunk 3-4 dl/day of milk. A significant proportion (10%) of french and italian speaking Swiss did not consume any food high in calcium content. In Geneva, the mean daily calcium intake was 656 mg in men and 489 mg in women. In conclusion 1) eating habits related to calcium intake are similar across cantons; 2) women consume dairy products more frequently than men, but in smaller quantities; 3) about 60% of men and 80% of women do not get the daily amount of calcium recommended for the prevention of osteoporosis.


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In French the adjective petit 'small, little' has a special status: it fulfills various pragmatic functions in addition to semantic meanings and it is thus highly frequent in discourse. Résumé: This study, based on the data of two children, aged 1;6 to 2;11, argues that petit and its pragmatic meanings play a specific role in the acquisition of French adjectives. In contrast to what is expected in child language, petit favours the early development of a pattern of noun phrase with prenominal attributive adjective. The emergence and distribution of petit in the children's production is examined and related to its distribution in the input, and the detailed pragmatic meanings and functions of petit are analysed. Prenominal petit emerges early as the preferred and most productive adjective. Pragmatic meanings of petit appear to be predominant in this early age and are of two main types: expressions of endearment (in noun phrases) and mitigating devices whose scope is the entire utterance. These results, as well as instances of children's pragmatic overgeneralizations, provide new evidence that at least some pragmatic meanings are prior to semantic meanings in early acquisition.


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We report the case study of a French-Spanish bilingual dyslexic girl, MP, who exhibited a severe visual attention (VA) span deficit but preserved phonological skills. Behavioural investigation showed a severe reduction of reading speed for both single items (words and pseudo-words) and texts in the two languages. However, performance was more affected in French than in Spanish. MP was administered an intensive VA span intervention programme. Pre-post intervention comparison revealed a positive effect of intervention on her VA span abilities. The intervention further transferred to reading. It primarily resulted in faster identification of the regular and irregular words in French. The effect of intervention was rather modest in Spanish that only showed a tendency for faster word reading. Text reading improved in the two languages with a stronger effect in French but pseudo-word reading did not improve in either French or Spanish. The overall results suggest that VA span intervention may primarily enhance the fast global reading procedure, with stronger effects in French than in Spanish. MP underwent two fMRI sessions to explore her brain activations before and after VA span training. Prior to the intervention, fMRI assessment showed that the striate and extrastriate visual cortices alone were activated but none of the regions typically involved in VA span. Post-training fMRI revealed increased activation of the superior and inferior parietal cortices. Comparison of pre- and post-training activations revealed significant activation increase of the superior parietal lobes (BA 7) bilaterally. Thus, we show that a specific VA span intervention not only modulates reading performance but further results in increased brain activity within the superior parietal lobes known to housing VA span abilities. Furthermore, positive effects of VA span intervention on reading suggest that the ability to process multiple visual elements simultaneously is one cause of successful reading acquisition.


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De manière générale, l'autonomie des établissements de formation influence positivement la performance scolaire. Une enquête réalisée en Suisse romande auprès de 219 cadres scolaires permet, dans la présente contribution, de mesurer l'écart existant entre le degré d'autonomie souhaitée par les cadres scolaires d'une part et le degré d'autonomie dont ils disent disposer d'autre part. Le traitement descriptif des données de l'enquête démontre que, dans tous les domaines de gestion, les cadres scolaires souhaitent disposer de plus d'autonomie qu'ils n'en perçoivent. Ce constat est valable dans tous les cantons, tous les degrés du système éducatif et toutes les fonctions. Le degré d'autonomie souhaitée ne varie que peu selon les cantons, les degrés ou les fonctions. Sur cette base, il n'est pas possible de conclure à la nécessité ou à la pertinence d'un degré d'autonomie différenciée selon les cantons, les degrés ou les fonctions. Le traitement analytique des données de l'enquête identifie les facteurs expliquant l'écart entre les degrés d'autonomie souhaitée et perçue. Cet écart est plus élevé que la moyenne dans les cantons de Fribourg et de Genève, dans le degré primaire et dans la fonction de directeur. En d'autres termes, l'adéquation entre les degrés d'autonomie souhaitée et perçue est moins bonne dans ces cantons, ce degré et cette fonction. Un rattrapage en matière de délégation d'autonomie est dès lors possible. La reconnaissance, à l'intérieur de l'établissement, d'une faculté de conduite et de pilotage à la direction exerce un effet positif sur le degré d'autonomie souhaitée et un effet positif plus important encore sur le degré perçu. Par conséquent, il apparaît qu'une direction dont la faculté de conduite est avérée souhaite non seulement disposer de plus d'autonomie mais parvienne à obtenir (ou à « gagner ») plus d'autonomie. School autonomy has a positive influence on pupils' performance. This article presents the results of a survey conducted in the French-speaking part of Switzerland on 219 school leaders. The objective of the survey is to measure and to explain the gap between the level of autonomy desired by school leaders, and the level of autonomy that they perceive. Descriptive statistics show that, in every single management area, school leaders wish to have more autonomy than they actually have. This result is valid in all cantons, all levels of the education system and all types of job. The desired level of autonomy varies only slightly depending on the cantons, the levels of the education system and the types of job. On this basis, it is not possible to conclude that it is necessary and relevant to differentiate the level of autonomy depending on the cantons, the levels of the education system and the types of job. Analytical statistics identify the explanatory variables of the gap between the desired level of autonomy and the perceived level of autonomy. This gap is higher than average in the cantons of Fribourg and Geneva, in the primary level of education and in the position of head-teacher. In other words, the adequacy between the desired and the perceived levels of autonomy is worse in these cantons, this level and this position. As a result, a catch-up on the delegation of school autonomy is possible. Results also show that school leaders, whose management competence is recognized by its staff, not only want more autonomy but succeed in securing (or "gaining") more autonomy.


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The prescription information (summary of product characteristics, SPC) is compiled by the pharmaceutical industry as required by the national regulatory authorities. They vary in their content about the properties of drugs and about the usefulness of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) in the blood of patients. Based on a previous study carried out in Germany, the degree of agreement of French SPC for 59 psychotropic drugs with the existing medico-scientific evidence in the area of TDM was examined using a recently developed instrument. A summary score of SPC content (SPCC) related to TDM (SPCC(TDM)) has been calculated and compared with the level of recommendation of TDM of the AGNP-TDM expert group consensus guidelines for TDM in psychiatry [AGNP: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Neuropsychopharmakologie und Pharmakopsychiatrie (Association for neuropsychopharmacology and pharmacopsychiatry)]. Among the antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquillizers/hypnotic agents and mood stabilizers, the highest SPCC(TDM) scores in the French SPC were reached for imipramine (16), haloperidol (6), clonazepam (8) and lithium (23), respectively. Results were similar to those obtained from the analysis of German SPC, and considerable disagreement was found between the information on TDM in SPC and existing medico-scientific evidence, albeit less in the case of mood stabilizers. Taking into account the recommendations of the AGNP-TDM expert group guidelines, there is a deficit in the French SPC concerning TDM-relevant information. An amelioration of this situation could help to improve the clinical practice of TDM of psychotropic drugs, as the SPC is a widely used tool.


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BACKGROUND: In Switzerland, 30% of HIV-infected individuals are diagnosed late. To optimize HIV testing, the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) updated 'Provider Induced Counseling and Testing' (PICT) recommendations in 2010. These permit doctors to test patients if HIV infection is suspected, without explicit consent or pre-test counseling; patients should nonetheless be informed that testing will be performed. We examined awareness of these updated recommendations among emergency department (ED) doctors. METHODS: We conducted a questionnaire-based survey among 167 ED doctors at five teaching hospitals in French-Speaking Switzerland between 1(st) May and 31(st) July 2011. For 25 clinical scenarios, participants had to state whether HIV testing was indicated or whether patient consent or pre-test counseling was required. We asked how many HIV tests participants had requested in the previous month, and whether they were aware of the FOPH testing recommendations. RESULTS: 144/167 doctors (88%) returned the questionnaire. Median postgraduate experience was 6.5 years (interquartile range [IQR] 3; 12). Mean percentage of correct answers was 59 ± 11%, senior doctors scoring higher (P=0.001). Lowest-scoring questions pertained to acute HIV infection and scenarios where patient consent was not required. Median number of test requests was 1 (IQR 0-2, range 0-10). Only 26/144 (18%) of participants were aware of the updated FOPH recommendations. Those aware had higher scores (P=0.001) but did not perform more HIV tests. CONCLUSIONS: Swiss ED doctors are not aware of the national HIV testing recommendations and rarely perform HIV tests. Improved recommendation dissemination and adherence is required if ED doctors are to contribute to earlier HIV diagnoses.


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AIM: People suffering from mental illness are exposed to stigma. However, only few tools are available to assess stigmatization as perceived from the patient's perspective. The aim of this study is to adapt and validate a French version of the Stigma Scale (King et al., 2007 [8]). This self-report questionnaire has a three-factor structure: discrimination, disclosure and positive aspects of mental illness. Discrimination subscale refers to perceived negative reactions of others. Disclosure subscale refers mainly to managing disclosure to avoid discrimination and finally positive aspects subscale taps into how patients are becoming more accepting, more understanding toward their illness. METHOD: In the first step, internal consistency, convergent validity and test-retest reliability of the French adaptation of the 28-item scale were assessed in a sample of 183 patients. Results of confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) did not confirm the hypothesized structure. In the light of the failed attempts to validate the original version, an alternative 9-item short-form version of the Stigma Scale, maintaining the integrity of the original model, was developed based on results of exploratory factor analyses in the first sample and cross-validated in a new sample of 234 patients. RESULTS: Results of CFA did not confirm that the data fitted well to the three-factor model of the 28-item Stigma Scale (χ(2)/df=2.02, GFI=0.77, AGFI=0.73, RMSEA=0.07, CFI=0.77 and NNFI=0.75). Cronbach's α was excellent for discrimination (0.84) and disclosure (0.83) subscales but poor for potential positive aspects (0.46). External validity was satisfactory. Overall Stigma Scale total score was negatively correlated with the score on Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale (r=-0.49), and each subscale was significantly correlated with a visual analogue scale that referred to the specific aspect of stigma (0.43≤|r|≤0.60). Intraclass correlation coefficients between 0.68 and 0.89 indicated good test-retest reliability. The results of the CFA demonstrated that the items chosen for the short version of the Stigma Scale have the expected fit properties (χ(2)/df=1.02, GFI=0.98, AGFI=0.98, RMSEA=0.01, CFI=1.0 and NNFI=1.0). Considering the small number (three) of items in each subscale of the short version of the Stigma Scale, α coefficients for discrimination (0.57), disclosure (0.80) and potential positive aspects subscales (0.62) are considered as good. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that the 9-item French short version of the Stigma Scale is a useful, reliable and valid self-report questionnaire to assess perceived stigmatization in people suffering from mental illness. The time of completion is really short and questions are well understood and accepted by the patients.