418 resultados para Fenomenological hermeneutics
La tematica dell’abuso del diritto in campo fiscale ha conosciuto, negli ultimi anni, una diffusione particolarmente rilevante. Questo lavoro, dopo una necessaria premessa introduttiva alla problematica, affronta l’abuso del diritto in campo tributario tramite l’analisi degli strumenti classici dell’ermenutica, constatando come si arrivi ad un intreccio tra lo strumento della clausola generale anti-abuso e il principio di divieto d’abuso del diritto sviluppatosi a livello europeo, concretizzazione del più ampio principio dell’effettività del diritto dell’Unione Europea. L’analisi prende a modello, da un lato, la clausola generale anti-abuso tedesca, adottata già nel primo dopoguerra, e le sue diverse modifiche legislative occorse negli anni, e dall’altro, il principio europeo di divieto d’abuso del diritto. L’esame congiunto rivela un cortocircuito interpretativo, posto che il principio europeo espone gli stessi concetti della clausola nazionale tedesca pre riforma, la quale, in seguito, alle sentenze Halifax e Cadbury Schweppes, ha subito un’importante modifica, cosicchè la clausola generale abbisogna ora del princìpio europeo per essere interpretata. La tesi evidenzia, inoltre, come tale circuito sia aggravato anche da tensioni interne alle stesse Istituzioni europee, posto che, nonostante l’esistenza di un principio di elaborazione giurisprudenziale, gli Stati Membri sono stati invitati ad introdurre una clausola generale anti-abuso, la cui formulazione rimanda al principio di divieto d’abuso del diritto elaborato dalla Corte di Giustizia.
Post-soviet countries are in the process of transformation from a totalitarian order to a democratic one, a transformation which is impossible without a profound shift in people's way of thinking. The group set themselves the task of determining the essence of this shift. Using a multidisciplinary approach, they looked at concrete ways of overcoming the totalitarian mentality and forming that necessary for an open democratic society. They studied the contemporary conceptions of tolerance and critical thinking and looked for new foundations of criticism, especially in hermeneutics. They then sought to substantiate the complementary relation between tolerance and criticism in the democratic way of thinking and to prepare a a syllabus for teaching on the subject in Ukrainian higher education. In a philosophical exploration of tolerance they began with relgious tolerance as its first and most important form. Political and social interests often lay at the foundations of religious intolerance and this implicitly comprised the transition to religious tolerance when conditions changed. Early polytheism was more or less indifferent to dogmatic deviations but monotheism is intolerant of heresies. The damage wrought by the religious wars of the Reformations transformed tolerance into a value. They did not create religious tolerance but forced its recognition as a positive phenomenon. With the weakening of religious institutions in the modern era, the purely political nature of many conflicts became evident and this stimulated the extrapolation of tolerance into secular life. Each historical era has certain acts and operations which may be interpreted as tolerant and these can be classified as to whether or not they are based on the conscious following of the principle of tolerance. This criterion requires the separation of the phenomenon of tolerance from its concept and from tolerance as a value. Only the conjunction of a concept of tolerance with a recognition of its value can transform it into a principle dictating a norm of conscious behaviour. The analysis of the contemporary conception of tolerance focused on the diversity of the concept and concluded that the notions used cannot be combined in the framework of a single more or less simple classification, as the distinctions between them are stimulated by the complexity of the realty considered and the variety of its manifestations. Notions considered in relation to tolerance included pluralism, respect and particular-universal. The rationale of tolerance was also investigated and the group felt that any substantiation of the principle of tolerance must take into account human beings' desire for knowledge. Before respecting or being tolerant of another person different from myself, I should first know where the difference lies, so knowledge is a necessary condition of tolerance.The traditional division of truth into scientific (objective and unique) and religious, moral, political (subjective and so multiple) intensifies the problem of the relationship between truth and tolerance. Science was long seen as a field of "natural" intolerance whereas the validity of tolerance was accepted in other intellectual fields. As tolerance eemrges when there is difference and opposition, it is essentially linked with rivaly and there is a a growing recognition today that unlimited rivalry is neither able to direct the process of development nor to act as creative matter. Social and economic reality has led to rivalry being regulated by the state and a natural requirement of this is to associate tolerance with a special "purified" form of rivalry, an acceptance of the actiivity of different subjects and a specification of the norms of their competition. Tolerance and rivalry should therefore be subordinate to a degree of discipline and the group point out that discipline, including self-discipline, is a regulator of the balance between them. Two problematic aspects of tolerance were identified: why something traditionally supposed to have no positive content has become a human activity today, and whether tolerance has full-scale cultural significance. The resolution of these questions requires a revision of the phenomenon and conception of tolerance to clarify its immanent positive content. This involved an investigation of the contemporary concept of tolerance and of the epistemological foundations of a negative solution of tolerance in Greek thought. An original soution to the problem of the extrapolation of tolerance to scientific knowledge was proposed based on the Duhem-Quine theses and conceptiion of background knowledge. In this way tolerance as a principle of mutual relations between different scientific positions gains an essential epistemological rationale and so an important argument for its own universal status. The group then went on to consider the ontological foundations for a positive solution of this problem, beginning with the work of Poincare and Reichenbach. The next aspect considered was the conceptual foundations of critical thinking, looking at the ideas of Karl Popper and St. Augustine and at the problem of the demarcation line between reasonable criticism and apologetic reasoning. Dogmatic and critical thinking in a political context were also considered, before an investigation of critical thinking's foundations. As logic is essential to critical thinking, the state of this discipline in Ukrainian and Russian higher education was assessed, together with the limits of formal-logical grounds for criticism, the role of informal logical as a basis for critical thinking today, dialectical logic as a foundation for critical thinking and the universality of the contemporary demand for criticism. The search for new foundations of critical thinking covered deconstructivism and critical hermeneutics, including the problem of the author. The relationship between tolerance and criticism was traced from the ancient world, both eastern and Greek, through the transitional community of the Renaissance to the industrial community (Locke and Mill) and the evolution of this relationship today when these are viewed not as moral virtues but as ordinary norms. Tolerance and criticism were discussed as complementary manifestations of human freedom. If the completeness of freedom were accepted it would be impossible to avoid recognition of the natural and legal nature of these manifestations and the group argue that critical tolerance is able to avoid dismissing such negative phenomena as the degradation of taste and manner, pornography, etc. On the basis of their work, the group drew up the syllabus of a course in "Logic with Elements of Critical Thinking, and of a special course on the "Problem of Tolerance".
The vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) is a rare chronic skin condition that may progress to an invasive carcinoma of the vulva. Major issues affecting women's health were occurring symptoms, negative influences on sexuality, uncertainty concerning the illness progression and changes in the body image. Despite this, there is little known about the lived experiences of the illness trajectory. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the experiences of women with VIN during the illness trajectory. In a secondary data analysis of the foregoing qualitative study we analysed eight narrative interviews with women with VIN by using thematic analysis in combination with critical hermeneutics. Central for these women during their course of illness was a sense of "Hope and Fear". This constitutive pattern reflects the fear of recurrence but also the trust in healing. The eight narratives showed women's experiences during their course of illness occurred in five phases: "there is something unknown"; "one knows, what IT is"; "IT is treated and should heal"; "IT has effects on daily life"; "meanwhile it works". Women's experiences were particularly influenced by the feeling of "embarrassment" and by "dealing with professionals". Current care seems to lack adequate support for women with VIN to manage these phases. We suggest, based on our study and the international literature, that new models of counselling and providing information need to be developed and evaluated.
Introduction: Organisational changes in sports federations are often associated with a drift from a volunteer driven to an increasingly business-like phenomenon (Shilbury & Ferkins, 2011). This process of transfor-mation is be called as “professionalization”. Accordingly, professionalization seems to be an appropriate strategy for sport organisations in order to meet organizational pressure due to challenges of a more complex and dynamic changing environment adequately. Despite the increasing research interest and the attempts for systematization on the phenomenon of professionalization it still remains unclear what does the term professionalization exactly mean (Dowling et al., 2014). Thus, there is a lack of a consistent concept of professionalization that is needed in order to explore different facets and perspectives of this phenomenon more validly. Against this background following question emerged: What is the suitable concept of professionalization for analyzing the actual ongoing processes of change, adaption or transformation in sport federations? Methods: Dealing with this question, following two-step approach was choosen: (1) In a first step a scholar’s perspective at professionalisation of sport organisations will be displayed in order to explore both the common ground as well as divergences and inconsistencies in previous approaches. Therefore, a literature review is indicated. (2) In a second step, and in contrast to previous studies we will consider a practical point of view by a so called second-order observation of experts to gain valuable insights into current thinking and acting towards professionalization in sport federations. In doing so, a hermeneutical approach is used, which is about understanding the meaning of contexts by grasping the everyday world, and draw insight and meaning from it (Shilbury et al., 2013). Accordance with hermeneutics, the explorative interpretive knowledge of expert interviews was used. The interviews were conducted with a sample of six selected experts, who have both dedicated insider knowledge and the overall view of all Swiss sport federations. Results and discussion: The summaries of literature review could be categorized into two research currents. The one defines professionalization as a structural process towards professional status of occupations. The other defines it in a broader sense as an organisational change towards a business-like approach. Whereas the first perspective there is a broad scientific consensus that second isn’t that clear, however. Explorative analysis of interview data reveals different themes in relation to professionalization of sports federation. First theme deals with a changed philosophy as more strategic alignment towards for-profit, efficiency and quality orientation. Second theme refers to paid work associated with more competence orientation and balanced governance between paid and voluntary work. Third theme deals with acting shift towards more rationalization and efficiency by implementation of innovative management and communication tools. Based on findings of both our review of scholar`s perspective as well insights from experts we will provide – in the sense of synthesis – a more clear understanding of what does professionalization mean that can be useful in terms of further studies. References: Dowling, M., Edwards, J. & Washington, M. (2014). Understanding the concept of professionalisation in sport management research. Sport Management Review, 17 (4), 520–529. Shilbury, D., Ferkins, L. & Smythe, L. (2013). Sport governance encounters: Insights from lived experiences. Sport Management Review, 16,349–363. Shilbury, D., & Ferkins, L. (2011). Professionalisation, sport governance and strategic capability. Managing Leisure, 16, 108–127.
The rationalist approach to strategizing emphasizes analytical and convergent thinking. Without denying the importance of this approach, this book argues that strategists must learn to complement it with a more creative approach to strategizing that emphasizes synthetic and divergent ways of thinking. The theoretical underpinnings of this approach include embodied realism, interpretivism, practice theory, theory of play, design thinking, as well as discursive approaches such as metaphorical analysis, narrative analysis, dialogical analysis and hermeneutics. The book includes in-depth discussions of these theories and shows how they can be put into practice by presenting detailed analyses of embodied metaphors built by groups of agents with step-by-step explanations of how this process can be implemented and facilitated. The link between theory and practice is further supported by the inclusion of several vignettes that describe how this approach has been successfully employed in a number of organizations, including BASF and UNICEF
In literary genetics, “editorial genetics” deals with the “public life” of texts, whereas the writing process is affected by edition and diffusion. Editorial genetics frequently has to deal with cases of “editorial rewriting”: in the literary domain for example, authors frequently modify previously published works, so that several versions may co-exist. We are especially interested in Balzac’s La Bourse (translated in English as The Purse) since we know three authorized versions of this specific work.By comparing different texts associated with a single work, the literary geneticist is facing different products that are themselves the result of a writing process. However, different specificities should be outlined: (1) the writing process does not leave any trace: we just have access to different products/texts and (2) since the texts we compare seem to be achieved, differences must be referred, not to programmatic or temporary linguistic structures, but to the reconfiguration of a pre-existing textuality.Do such products still reflect the processes that have given birth to them? Does the comparison between two texts considered as variations of a same text give access to this transformation’s processes? After describing the objects of this particular textual comparison and the terminology that permits to give an account of such phenomenon, this contribution suggests to express these questions differently, as a matter of poetics of transitions between texts, or, further digging, an hermeneutics of the transition between texts.
Si bien el pensamiento de Leopoldo Lugones ha sido interpretado como autoritario y monológico, esta mirada puede ser puesta en cuestión desde la imbricación entre nacionalismo y universalismo que atraviesa sus obras de inspiración modernista. Su libro Prometeo (un proscripto del sol) –obra de pedagogía estética y homenaje al Centenario de la Patria– liga una "estética de la nacionalidad" con la defensa de los valores de la Ilustración. Sobre todo con el valor de la libertad y, desde el plano del poeta, de la libertad creadora. Este trabajo pretende interpretar, desde una hermenéutica en la cual dialoga la filosofía con el pensamiento mítico, los posibles usos del mito en la escritura lugoniana del Prometeo. Usos que pueden dar lugar tanto al núcleo constitutivo de lo que será su discurso nacionalista más excluyente a partir las conferencias de 1913 sobre el poema Martín Fierro, como a una defensa de la autonomía poética ante el mundo burgués vinculada a cierta forma de pensamiento utópico.
El tema de la tesis es la fundamentación ético discursiva propuesta por Karl-Otto Apel en el marco de su pragmática trascendental. El examen crítico de esta propuesta filosófica tiene el objetivo de reforzar los argumentos a favor de una fundamentación trascendental de la ética. Se enfrenta inicialmente a la pragmática apeliana con una serie de críticas provenientes del debate analítico sobre los "argumentos trascendentales", iniciada en los años sesenta del siglo XX. Se reconstruyen tres líneas principales: una que atañe a la forma de los argumentos trascendentales, otra a su capacidad para demostrar validez objetiva, y la otra a su capacidad para demostrar la unicidad de un esquema conceptual (iniciadas respectivamente por M. Gram, B. Stroud y S. Körner). La discusión y posterior aplicación a Apel de las críticas de este debate conduce a tres conclusiones principales. La primera es que no existen razones concluyentes en contra de realizar una reflexión trascendental sobre las condiciones de posibilidad del conocimiento válido. La segunda es que la fundamentación trascendental debe hacerse en el marco de un modelo filosófico dialógico y auto-reflexivo (diferente al asumido por los autores del debate). Precisamente, la tercera conclusión es que todo método trascendental debe ser "interno", es decir, debe asumir las condiciones que investiga. Se aborda entonces el problema de concebir un método que asuma la circularidad de la investigación y le dé un contenido concreto a la fundamentación. En lugar de la fórmula apeliana, se sostiene la conveniencia de entender la pragmática trascendental como una continuación, corregida en un sentido trascendental, de la hermenéutica iniciada por Heidegger y renovada por Gadamer. Un método interno "hermenéutico trascendental" puede describirse con los rasgos de la dialogicidad, la auto-reflexión y la crítica del sentido. El interés fundamental es, como para Apel, la reconstrucción de aquellos presupuestos que conforman la base de la ética discursiva, la cual transforma de manera comunicativa el imperativo categórico kantiano. Se discute finalmente la cuestión de cómo es posible pensar que los presupuestos argumentativos no están sometidos a cambios históricos. La respuesta apunta a señalar que la objeción de "otra razón posible" carece de argumentos sustantivos en contra de la fundamentación.
Fundamento epistemológico de la antropología cultural y social, la relación establecida entre un conjunto de manifestaciones culturales indígenas y nuestra propia cultura académica puede verse en términos de traducción. Gracias a la mirada crítica que la antropología dirige actualmente hacia sus procedimientos, podemos interrogarnos sobre el papel que juegan las categorías semi-empíricas, las frases retóricas y las posturas enunciativas en la discursivización que depende del triángulo semiótico.
Este texto quisiera mostrar, a partir del caso del Quijote, que no se pueden separar el estudio de las condiciones de publicacin de los textos y la interpretacin de su sentido. El entrecruzamiento entre la historia del libro (y la imprenta) y la sociologa de los textos tal como la defini D. F. McKenzie, procura la posibilidad de superar la divisin duradera y mutiladora entre hermenutica y bibliografa.
Las condiciones y la naturaleza del discurso crítico : El debate entre hermenéutica y teoría crítica
El trabajo analiza el problema del alcance, la posibilidad y la legitimación del discurso crítico. Por discurso crítico entendemos aquel en el que un individuo o un grupo minoritario levantan pretensiones de validez que contradicen lo que mayoritariamente es considerado correcto. Este asunto recibe una atención focal en el debate entre Habermas y Gadamer. El problema aparece allí vinculado a su estatuto paradójico. Se cuestiona si las condiciones de la elucidación del sentido propias de la hermenéutica no estrechan el margen de la posibilidad del discurso crítico hasta tornarlo imposible. La hermenéutica cuestiona si los alcances del discurso crítico propugnado por la teoría crítica no efectúan un salto más allá de las condiciones que hacen posible cualquier discurso. Nuestro análisis de la disputa nos condujo a reconocer un presupuesto común, ligado al rol semejante que ambas perspectivas otorgan a la noción de reconocimiento implícito -aunque entendido de manera materialmente muy diferente- en la constitución del dominio de lo simbólico. Aprovecharemos la inscripción del pensamiento de Wittgenstein en el debate, para hacer una evaluación crítica de la disputa a través del examen de esta presuposición.
Este trabajo aborda críticamente los argumentos fundamentales de un sector de teorizaciones y prácticas psicoanalíticas que han sido agrupadas bajo la denominación de "tradición hermenéutica", basándose en dos aspectos: primero, atendiendo a la distancia que dichos argumentos mantienen respecto de la propuesta original de Freud; segundo, analizando los supuestos y valores epistémicos que han orientado (explícita e implícitamente) a tales perspectivas. Posteriormente al abordaje crítico, se conjeturan argumentos tendientes a trascender o reenfocar algunos problemas metodológicos de la investigación y práctica psicoanalítica, tales como la conceptualización y formalización de la acción causal, la validación de las conjeturas (metapsicológicas y clínicas) y el lugar de las formalizaciones teóricas en la clínica
La diversidad de usos de los "métodos biográficos" en las ciencias sociales sugieren, al interior de cada estudio, modos particulares de reflexión en torno al lenguaje y la subjetividad. En este contexto y estableciendo una distancia con las preguntas vinculadas estrictamente a la validez del conocimiento, se propone aquí presentar y analizar algunos de sus supuestos. En particular, los supuestos hermenéuticos, que remiten a una historia de biografización de la experiencia y a modelos comprensión de la palabra biográfica; y los fundamentos epistemológicos, relacionados con la escena dialógica de la investigación y el carácter constructivo del conocimiento. Para ello se abordará un texto sociológico en el que los relatos de vida conforman el material fundamental para una "etnografía de los recuerdos". Vidas Beligerantes (Auyero, 2004) presenta un cruce entre biografía y teoría de la acción colectiva desde el cual pueden inferirse las condiciones de la modalidad de la entrevista científica, así como las decisiones epistémicas tomadas respecto al carácter polémico de las autorrepresentaciones de la identidad. Estos aspectos, que podrían inscribirse en una hermenéutica de co-investigación, también señalan las limitaciones de una configuración narrativa de la experiencia y de su moral teleológica
El reconocimiento del conflicto como realidad constitutiva de lo humano y la necesidad de un cierre que pasa por la fijación de la palabra justa encuentran en Hobbes su primera formulación. El pasaje de la instancia retórico-interpretativa a la axiomático-científica se da en Leviatan a través de tres momentos: introspectivo, contractual, estadual; su despliegue permite reconocer a la hermenéutica como resorte imprescindible para la implantación de un orden político fundado en la articulación entre ser (una antropología), decir (una retórica) y actuar (una praxis). El intérprete resulta así un operador clave en el ajuste de las instancias natural y político-social