925 resultados para FREEZE-THAW DAMAGE


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The use of solid wastes and natural fibres to the production of innovative composites is now a matter of environmental need. A set of hybrid composites constituted of waste rubber particles and sugarcane bagasse fibres into a thermoset composite material are drilled to determine the effect of rubber particle addition and size, sugarcane fibre addition and length and fibre chemical treatment on damage extension and related mechanical properties. Damage extension is determined by enhanced radiography for further damage measurement – diameter and areas – and correlated with mechanical test results — bearing test. The results demonstrated significant effect of the rubber and fibre additions on mechanical properties of the composites.


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Persistent pesticide transformation products (TPs) are increasingly being detected among different environmental compartments, including groundwater and surface water. However, there is no sufficient experimental data on their toxicological potential to assess the risk associated with TPs, even if their occurrence is known. In this study, the interaction of chlorophenoxy herbicides (MCPA, mecoprop, 2,4-D and dichlorprop) and their main transformation products with calf thymus DNA by UV-visible absorption spectroscopy has been assessed. Additionally, the toxicity of the chlorophenoxy herbicides and TPs was also assessed evaluating the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase activity. On the basis of the results found, it seems that AChE is not the main target of chlorophenoxy herbicides and their TPs. However, the results found showed that the transformation products displayed a higher inhibitory activity when compared with the parent herbicides. The results obtained in the DNA interaction studies showed, in general, a slight effect on the stability of the double helix. However, the data found for 4-chloro-2-methyl-6-nitrophenol suggest that this transformation product can interact with DNA through a noncovalent mode.


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Toxic effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation on skin include protein and lipid oxidation, and DNA damage. The latter is known to play a major role in photocarcinogenesis and photoaging. Many plant extracts and natural compounds are emerging as photoprotective agents. Castanea sativa leaf extract is able to scavenge several reactive species that have been associated to UV-induced oxidative stress. The aim of this work was to analyze the protective effect of C. sativa extract (ECS) at different concentrations (0.001, 0.01, 0.05 and 0.1 μg/mL) against the UV mediated-DNA damage in a human keratinocyte cell line (HaCaT). For this purpose, the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay was used. Elucidation of the protective mechanism was undertaken regarding UV absorption, influence on 1O2 mediated effects or NRF2 activation. ECS presented a concentration-dependent protective effect against UV-mediated DNA damage in HaCaT cells. The maximum protection afforded (66.4%) was achieved with the concentration of 0.1 μg/mL. This effect was found to be related to a direct antioxidant effect (involving 1O2) rather than activation of the endogenous antioxidant response coordinated by NRF2. Electrochemical studies showed that the good antioxidant capacity of the ECS can be ascribed to the presence of a pool of different phenolic antioxidants. No genotoxic or phototoxic effects were observed after incubation of HaCaT cells with ECS (up to 0.1 μg/mL). Taken together these results reinforce the putative application of this plant extract in the prevention/minimization of UV deleterious effects on skin.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica


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The production of anti-snake venom from large mammal's blood has been found to be low-yielding and arduous, consequently, antivenom immunoglobulins for treatment are achieved regularly as polyvalent serum. We have standardized an undemanding technique for making purified immunoglobulin IgY antivenom consisting of polyclonal antibodies against coral snake venom in the egg yolk of immunized hens. We have adapted a reported process of antibody purification from egg yolks, and achieved 90% antibody purity. The customized technique consisted of the removal of lipids from distilled water-diluted egg yolks by a freeze–thaw sequence. The specific immunoglobulins were present in the egg yolk for up to 180 days postimmunization. Therefore, by means of small venom quantities, a significant amount of immunoglobulins were found in an adequately purified state (The obtained material contained about 90% pure IgY). The antigen binding of the immunoglobulins was detected by a double immunodiffusion test. Titers of antibodies in the yolk were estimated with a serum protection assay (Median effective dose = ED50) (ED50= 477 mg/kg). Given that breeding hens is economically feasible, egg gathering is noninvasive and the purification of IgY antibodies is quick and easy, chicken immunization is an excellent alternative for the production of polyclonal antibodies. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first coral snake antivenom prepared in birds.


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With the need to find an alternative way to mechanical and welding joints, and at the same time to overcome some limitations linked to these traditional techniques, adhesive bonds can be used. Adhesive bonding is a permanent joining process that uses an adhesive to bond the components of a structure. Composite materials reinforced with fibres are becoming increasingly popular in many applications as a result of a number of competitive advantages. In the manufacture of composite structures, although the fabrication techniques reduce to the minimum by means of advanced manufacturing techniques, the use of connections is still required due to the typical size limitations and design, technological and logistical aspects. Moreover, it is known that in many high performance structures, unions between composite materials with other light metals such as aluminium are required, for purposes of structural optimization. This work deals with the experimental and numerical study of single lap joints (SLJ), bonded with a brittle (Nagase Chemtex Denatite XNRH6823) and a ductile adhesive (Nagase Chemtex Denatite XNR6852). These are applied to hybrid joints between aluminium (AL6082-T651) and carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP; Texipreg HS 160 RM) adherends in joints with different overlap lengths (LO) under a tensile loading. The Finite Element (FE) Method is used to perform detailed stress and damage analyses allowing to explain the joints’ behaviour and the use of cohesive zone models (CZM) enables predicting the joint strength and creating a simple and rapid design methodology. The use of numerical methods to simulate the behaviour of the joints can lead to savings of time and resources by optimizing the geometry and material parameters of the joints. The joints’ strength and failure modes were highly dependent on the adhesive, and this behaviour was successfully modelled numerically. Using a brittle adhesive resulted in a negligible maximum load (Pm) improvement with LO. The joints bonded with the ductile adhesive showed a nearly linear improvement of Pm with LO.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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RESUMO:Em 1994 a acrilamida (AA) foi classificada pela IARC como um provável cancerígeno para o homem. Para além da utilização de AA em numerosas aplicações industriais, a AA está também presente numa grande variedade de alimentos ricos em amido e processados a temperaturas elevadas. Esta exposição através da ingestão de produtos alimentares despoletou elevadas preocupações ao nível do risco para a saúde pública e poderá implicar um risco adicional para o aparecimento de cancro. A glicidamida (GA), o metabolito epóxido formado a partir da oxidação da AA provavelmente através do citocromo P450 2E1, é considerada por vários estudos, o principal responsável pela carcinogenicidade da AA. Actualmente existe uma escassez de resultados relativamente aos mecanismos de genotoxicidade da AA e GA em células de mamífero. Por este motivo, o objectivo deste estudo centra-se na avaliação das consequências genéticas da exposição à AA e GA, recorrendo-se para tal ao uso de células de mamífero como modelo. Tendo como base este objectivo avaliou-se a citotoxicidade da AA e GA, através do ensaio do MTT, e realizaram-se dois testes citogenéticos, o teste das aberrações cromossómicas (CAs) e o teste da troca de cromátides irmãs (SCEs), de modo a avaliar as lesões de DNA induzidas por estes compostos em células de hamster Chinês V79. Os resultados globalmente mostraram que a GA é mais citotóxica e clastogénica do que a AA. No âmbito deste trabalho, foi também efectuada a quantificação de aductos específicos de DNA, nomeadamente N7-(2-carbamoil-2-hidroxietil)guanina (N7-GA-Gua) e N3-(2-carbamoil-2-hidroxietil)adenina (N3-GA-Ade). Os resultados obtidos permitem afirmar que os níveis de N7-GA-Gua e a concentração de GA apresentam uma relação linear dose-resposta. Foi também identificada uma óptima correlação entre os níveis de N7-GA-Gua e a frequência de troca de cromátides irmãs. Adicionalmente, e de forma a compreender os mecanismos de toxicidade da AA, estudaram-se os mecanismos dependentes da modulação do glutationo reduzido (GSH), nomeadamente da butionina sulfoximina (BSO), um inibidor da síntese de GSH, do GSH-monoetil estér (GSH-EE), um composto permeável nas células e que é intra-celularmente hidrolisado a GSH e ainda do GSH adicionado exogenamente ao meio de cultura, em células V79. Os resultados obtidos reforçaram o papel da modulação do GSH nos efeitos de citotoxicidade e clastogenicidade da AA. Para além dos estudos efetuados com células V79, procedeu-se também à determinação da frequência de SCEs, à quantificação de aductos específicos de DNA, bem como ao ensaio do cometa alcalino em amostras de dadores saudáveis expostos à AA e GA. Tanto os resultados obtidos através do ensaio das SCE, como pela quantificação de aductos específicos de DNA, ambos efectuados em linfócitos estimulados, originaram resultados comparáveis aos obtidos anteriormente para as células V79, reforçando a ideia de que a GA é bastante mais genotóxica do que a AA. Por outro lado, os resultados obtidos pelo ensaio do cometa para exposição à AA e GA mostraram que apenas esta última aumenta o nível das lesões de DNA. Outro objectivo deste trabalho, foi a identificação de possíveis associações existentes entre as lesões de DNA, quantificadas através do ensaio das SCEs e do cometa, e biomarcadores de susceptibilidade, tendo em conta os polimorfismos genéticos individuais envolvidos na destoxificação e nas vias de reparação do DNA (BER, NER, HRR e NHEJ) em linfócitos expostos à GA. Tal permitiu identificar associações entre os níveis de lesão de DNA determinados através do ensaio das SCEs, e os polimorfismos genéticos estudados, apontando para uma possível associação entre o GSTP1 (Ile105Val) e GSTA2 (Glu210Ala) e a frequência de SCEs. Por outro lado, os resultados obtidos através do ensaio do cometa sugerem uma associação entre as lesões de DNA e polimorfismos da via BER (MUTYH Gln335His e XRCC1 Gln39Arg) e da via NER (XPC Ala499val e Lys939Gln), considerando os genes isoladamente ou combinados. Estes estudos contribuem para um melhor entendimento da genotoxicidade e carcinogenicidade da AA e GA em células de mamífero, bem como da variabilidade da susceptibilidade individual na destoxificação e reparação de lesões de DNA provocadas pela exposição a estes xenobióticos alimentares. ----------- ABSTRACT:Acrylamide (AA) has been classified as a probable human carcinogen by IARC. Besides being used in numerous industrial applications, AA is also present in a variety of starchy cooked foods. This AA exposure scenario raised concerns about risk in human health and suggests that the oral consumption of AA is an additional risk factor for cancer. A considerable number of findings strongly suggest that the reactive metabolite glycidamide (GA), an epoxide generated presumably by cytochrome P450 2E1, plays a central role in AA carcinogenesis. Until now there are a scarcity of results concerning the mechanisms of genotoxicity of AA and GA in mammalian cells. In view of that, the study described in this thesis aims to unveil the genetic consequences of AA and GA exposure using mammalian cells as a model system. With this aim we evaluated the cytotoxicity of AA and GA using the MTT assay and subsequently performed two cytogenetic end-points: chromosomal aberrations (CAs) and sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs), in order to evaluate DNA damage induced by these compounds in V79 Chinese hamster cell line. The results showed that GA was more cytotoxic and clastogenic than AA. Within the scope of this thesis the quantification of specific DNA adducts were also performed, namely N7-(2-carbamoyl-2-hydroxyethyl)guanine (N7-GA-Gua) and N3-(2-carbamoyl-2-hydroxyethyl)adenine (N3-GA-Ade). Interestingly, the GA concentration and the levels of N7-GA-Gua presented a linear dose-response relationship. Further, a very good correlation between the levels of N7-GA-Gua and the extent of SCEs were observed. In order to understand the mechanisms of AA-induced toxicity, the modulation of reduced glutathione (GSH)-dependent mechanisms were studied, namely the evaluation of the effect of buthionine sulfoximine (BSO), an effective inhibitor of GSH synthesis, of GSH-monoethyl ester (GSH-EE), a cell permeable compound that is intracellularly hydrolysed to GSH and also of GSH endogenously added to culture medium,z in V79 cell line. The overall results reinforced the role of GSH in the modulation of the cytotoxic and clastogenic effects induced by AA.Complementary to the studies performed in V79 cells, SCEs, specific DNA-adducts and alkaline comet assay in lymphocytes from healthy donors exposed to AA and GA were also evaluated. Both, the frequency of SCE and the quantification of specific GA DNA adducts, produced comparable results with those obtained in V79 cell line, reinforcing the idea that GA is far more genotoxic than AA. Further, the DNA damaging potential of AA and GA in whole blood leukocytes evaluated by the alkaline comet assay, showed that GA, but not AA, increases DNA damage. Additionally, this study aimed to identify associations between DNA damage and biomarkers of susceptibility, concerning individual genetic polymorphisms involved in detoxification and DNA repair pathways (BER, NER, HRR and NHEJ) on the GA-induced genotoxicity assessed by the SCE assay and by the alkaline comet assay. The extent of DNA damage determined by the levels of SCEs induced by GA seems to be modulated by GSTP1 (Ile105Val) and GSTA2 (Glu210Ala) genotypes. Moreover, the results obtained from the comet assay suggested associations between DNA damage and polymorphisms of BER (MUTYH Gln335His and XRCC1 Gln399Arg) and NER (XPC Ala499Val and Lys939Gln) genes, either alone or in combination. The overall results from this study contribute to a better understanding of the genotoxicity and carcinogenicity of AA and GA in mammalian cells, as well as the knowledge about the variability in individual susceptibility involved in detoxification and repair of DNA damage due to these dietary xenobiotics.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Materiais


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Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic fungal infection caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. As infectious diseases can cause DNA damage, the authors aimed at analyzing DNA breakage in peripheral blood cells of patients with paracoccidioidomycosis by using the comet assay. The results suggested that paracoccidioidomycosis does not cause genotoxicity.