997 resultados para FRANCISCO JAVIER, 1824-1891


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Una de las características del reaseguro finite risk es la existencia de una cuenta de experiencia, que está formada por las primas que cobra el reasegurador, junto con su rendimiento financiero,y su finalidad es financiar los siniestros que éste ha de satisfacer a la cedente en el plazo establecido. El objetivo de este trabajo es diseñar un modelo que permita determinar el saldo estimado o reserva que debe de tener en cada periodo anual la cuenta de experiencia para garantizar su solvencia dinámica, teniendo en cuenta la experiencia de siniestralidad de la cartera del reasegurador y de cada cedente. Para el cálculo de la prima de reaseguro y del saldo de la cuenta de experiencia se asumirá ambiente financiero estocástico, de modo que la prima de reaseguro dependerá también de otros parámetros como la volatilidad del tipo de interés o de la aversión al riesgo.


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[spa] El artículo explica los primeros pasos dados en el desarrollo del proyecto "Clínica jurídica: una forma de aprendizaje-servicio para la protección de derechos humanos" en la Universidad de Valladolid, cuyo principal objetivo consiste en la formación de juristas socialmente comprometidos.


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Els/es nens/es i adolescents es caracteritzen per una especial vulnerabilitat mentre que necessiten que altres persones, els cuidin, els eduquin i els representin. Per això és necessari dispensar-los una adequada protecció personal jurídica i administrativa que garanteixi el desenvolupament de la seva personalitat i la seva integració social. Quan es detecta una possible situació de desemparament d’un menor, l’entitat competent, la Direcció general d’Atenció a la Infància i a l’Adolescència (DGAIA), és qui assumeix la guarda i protecció del menor. Haurà de prevaldre l’ interès superior del menor i garantir que aquest dret es posi en pràctica sempre que s’hagi d’adoptar una decisió que afecti a un nen.


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Endinsar-se en l’estudi de les tipologies i les estadístiques de suïcidis implica posarsobre la taula una problemàtica que durant els últims anys ha estat tabú fora delsarticles científics, ja que es tenia por que parlar d’aquest tema en mitjans decomunicació podria fomentar l’aparició de més suïcidis.Aquest article pretén realitzar una mirada estadística i comparativa del suïcidi aCatalunya els darrers dos anys i a la província de Girona els darrers 10 anys. Laintenció es desvetllar certs interrogants que, per manca d’informació, no estant al’abast de molta gent, com podrien ser: Quin gènere es suïcida més, homes o dones?A quina edat o franja d’edat hi ha més suïcidis? Aquestes dades són percentualmentiguals a tot arreu?Amb aquesta finalitat, i per intentar donar resposta a aquestes qüestions realitzaremun visió objectiva, comparativa i concreta dels resultats obtinguts, tenint present queés tan sols una fotografia determinada d’una població


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Background: Myeloid cells are key players in the recognition and response of the host against invading viruses. Paradoxically, upon HIV-1 infection, myeloid cells might also promote viral pathogenesis through trans-infection, a mechanism that promotes HIV-1 transmission to target cells via viral capture and storage. The receptor Siglec-1 (CD169) potently enhances HIV-1 trans-infection and is regulated by immune activating signals present throughout the course of HIV-1 infection, such as interferon α (IFNα). Results: Here we show that IFNα-activated dendritic cells, monocytes and macrophages have an enhanced ability to capture and trans-infect HIV-1 via Siglec-1 recognition of viral membrane gangliosides. Monocytes from untreated HIV-1-infected individuals trans-infect HIV-1 via Siglec-1, but this capacity diminishes after effective antiretroviral treatment. Furthermore, Siglec-1 is expressed on myeloid cells residing in lymphoid tissues, where it can mediate viral trans-infection. Conclusions: Siglec-1 on myeloid cells could fuel novel CD4+ T-cell infections and contribute to HIV-1 dissemination in vivo.


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Durante el curso 2006-2007, un equipo de profesores del Departamento de Matemática Económica, Financiera y Actuarial de la Universidad de Barcelona, relacionados con la asignatura de Matemática Financiera, vio la necesidad de adaptar materiales y crear nuevas formas para mejorar el aprendizaje, aprovechando el plan Bolonia. En nuestra facultad el número de alumnos siempre ha sido muy elevado y es una de las principales variables a tener en cuenta. En aquel curso, el volumen de alumnos que cursaban asignaturas relacionadas con la Matemática Financiera ascendió a 3.328. Utilizando Moodle hemos elaborado un material de aprendizaje y autoevaluación consistente en un banco de 218 preguntas. Con los datos completos de tres cursos académicos, desde 2008-2009 hasta el curso 2010-2011, los resultados de la experiencia se exponen en esta ponencia y se pueden calificar de esperanzadores.


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Al hablar de cirugía en podología, instintivamente, la mayoría de nosotros pensamos en la cirugía ungueal, en la tenocapsular de los dedos o en el papiloma vírico, pero raras veces nos relacionamos con la cirugía tumoral benigna. Hoy expondremos una técnica para la extirpación del 'Condroma subungueal'


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Sport is a fundamental content in the teaching and learning of Physical Education independently of whether it is seen assuch by some authors. In whichever case according to the treatment that we give it, it will have sufficient educationalpotential without forgetting that it is the student who is the important figure in the process. To achieve the objectives wemust facilitate practices that are in agreement with the indispensable ethical principles to try to bring about a meaningfuland functional learning. The methodological criteria that we present in this article have this intention helped by examplesthat make it easier to understand the teaching learning process


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Binary mixture phase diagrams are normally obtained from thermal analysis involving freezing point curves. However, that approach is not always reliable and easy to follow to all kinds of mixtures in any proportion. In fact, even for a simple system, such as NaCl-H2O, this freezing methodology gives mixed results when one starts from a solid-solution system, due mostly to the formation of the NaCl.2H2O, which has an incongruent melting point, and the dependence of its solubility with the temperature. In this work we report a trustworthy, simple and cheap method involving heating curves to drawn the NaCl-H2O phase diagram.


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Organic Chemistry is a branch of Chemistry involving the study of the carbon atom, its compounds and reactions. Numerous investigations carried out in the field of teaching and learning processes indicate that knowledge of a conceptual and explanatory type is not conveyed in a conventional manner, but rather each individual is constructed. Therefore, the proposal for this study was devised to help students achieve significant sustainable learning in the area of reactivity in organic chemistry, using the Concept Maps described by Novak (1998) as a teaching tool.


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O aumento do conteúdo de fibras colágenas no coração de diabéticos é um fato bastante conhecido, suas conseqüências ainda são objeto de estudo e causam certa controvérsia, portanto este trabalho objetivou estudar a variação na quantidade das fibras de colágeno cardíacas em animais normais e diabéticos tratados pela vitamina C. Para isso foram selecionados 32 ratos Wistar, 16 diabéticos induzidos pela injeção endovenosa de estreptozootocina e 16 normais, sendo metade deles tratados com Vitamina C (diabéticos e normais) por um período de 90 dias. Após período experimental, os corações foram retirados e processados segundo protocolo convencional para microscopia óptica e coloração específica para colágeno. Os resultados mostram que animais diabéticos apresentam maior quantidade de fibras de colágeno cardíacas e que o tratamento com a vitamina C determinou um menor acúmulo na quantidade dessas fibras.


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Production and generation of electrical power is evolving to more environmental friendly technologies and schemes. Pushed by the increasing cost of fossil fuels, the operational costs of producing electrical power with fossil fuels and the effect in the environment, like pollution and global warming, renewable energy sources gain con-stant impulse into the global energy economy. In consequence, the introduction of distributed energy sources has brought a new complexity to the electrical networks. In the new concept of smart grids and decen-tralized power generation; control, protection and measurement are also distributed and requiring, among other things, a new scheme of communication to operate with each other in balance and improve performance. In this research, an analysis of different communication technologies (power line communication, Ethernet over unshielded twisted pair (UTP), optic fiber, Wi-Fi, Wi-MAX, and Long Term Evolution) and their respective characteristics will be carried out. With the objective of pointing out strengths and weaknesses from different points of view (technical, economical, deployment, etc.) to establish a richer context on which a decision for communication approach can be done depending on the specific application scenario of a new smart grid deployment. As a result, a description of possible optimal deployment solutions for communication will be shown considering different options for technologies, and a mention of different important considerations to be taken into account will be made for some of the possible network implementation scenarios.


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Abstract The search for chemopreventive/chemoprotective compounds in marine organism has been extensively reported; however, the presence of these compounds in octopus has been incipiently explored. In this research, the antimutagenic, antiproliferative, and antioxidant potential of three crude extracts (methanolic, acetonic, and hexanic) from Paroctopus limaculatus was investigated. Antimutagenic activity against aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) was evaluated through the Ames test using Salmonella typhimurium tester strains TA98 and 100. Antiproliferative activity was assessed using the standard MTT (3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2-H-tetrazolium bromide) assay on M12.C3.F6 murine cell line. Antioxidant activity was assessed using the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) and ABTS (2,2′-Azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) methods. Hexanic extract showed the highest antimutagenic and antiproliverative activities inhibiting 80 and 43% of mutagenicity induced by AFB1 for TA98 and TA100, respectively, and showing a high antiproliferative activity at 200 and 100 µg/mL. However, when the antioxidant activity was evaluated at a concentration of 50 mg/mL, the methanolic fraction exerted inhibition of 98 and 96 % ABTS and DPPH radicals, respectively. RP-HPLC and 1H-RMN analyses suggested the presence of double bonds with extended conjugation and oxygenated compounds such as alcohols, esters, ethers or ketones. These results suggested that hexanic and methanolic extract form octopus contained compounds with chemoprotective and antioxidant properties.


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