488 resultados para FPGA, VHDL, Picoblaze, SERDES
Dins el departament d’Electrònica, Informàtica i Automàtica de la Universitat de Girona s’handissenyat i construït dues plataformes bípedes per a l’ús docent. La mésevolucionada d’elles, finalitzada l’any 1999, està composada per dues cames d’alumini ambtres actuadors lineals cada una, simulant la funció del turmell, del genoll i del maluc. Els objectius que es pretenen aconseguir amb aquest projecte són molt concrets i tots ellsestan destinats a millorar el funcionament del robot bípede. Aquests objectius són: (1)dissenyar dos graus de llibertat lineals en forma de pla XY per moure el pes que convinguiper assegurar l’equilibri durant el moviment de la plataforma bípede, (2) dissenyar una placaamb una FPGA que generi senyals PWM pels vuit motors disponibles, que llegeixi els dosencoders dels motors del pla XY i que es comuniqui amb un PC equipat amb una tarjad’adquisició de dades específica, (3) dissenyar una placa de potència adequada pel controldels motors, (4) finalment realitzar un programa per comprovar el correcte funcionament deles plaques, dels actuadors i dels sensors utilitzats en la plataforma bípede
Este proyecto consiste en el estudio de una placa de prototipado mixta analógico-digital formada principalmente por un PSoC, una FPGA y memoria flash para determinar sus capacidades en sistemas de control ESP, ASR y ABS. El estudio se basa en concluir la lógica que se puede añadir al dispositivo para enfocarlo a unas aplicaciones que, a pesar de ser muy comunes en coches, está poco desarrollado en motocicletas y ciclomotores. Es por ello surge el interés de diseñar un sistema del más bajo coste posible para impulsar su desarrollo.
El grupo de robòtica i Visió fabricó la tarjeta gráfica MAGCL para el tratamiento de imágenes en tiempo real, en la que se incluyó un conector IDC20 proveniente de parte del bus de datos, de la FPGA que contiene, destinado a futuras aplicaciones. Con este proyecto se quiere aprovechar este conector para la comunicación de la placa con un PC, y se desarrollarán los puertos de comunicación serie RS232 y USB, Universal Serial Bus.El objetivo de este proyecto es establecer la comunicación de la tarjeta gráfica con un PC a través de estos dos tipos de puerto. Una vez conseguida la comunicación, quedan una serie de librerías hardware que pueden ayudar en la realización de futuros proyectos. La placa posee una FPGA (field programable gate array) destinada al desarrollo, pero programando esas librerías sobre otros componentes, se pueden utilizar estos puertos de forma permanente o exclusiva
Työssä suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin linkkikorttien tuotannollinen testeri. Linkkikortti on osa CERN:iin rakennettavan hiukkaskiihdyttimen Large Hadron Colliderin koeasema Compact Muon Solenoidin luentajärjestelmää. Linkkikortin tehtävänä on muuttaa rinnakkaismuotoinen LVDS-signaali sarjamuotoiseksi optiseksi signaaliksi. Testattaessa testeri ja linkkikortti sijoitetaan kehikkoon, joten testerin liittimien pitää olla linkkikortin liittimien kanssa identtisiä. Testerin lähdöt ovat linkkikortin tuloja ja toisinpäin. Tällöin testattaessa voidaan ohjelmoitavien FPGA-piirien avulla lähettää signaalia kortilta toiselle. Vastaanottavan kortin FPGA-piirin avulla voidaan tarkistaa, onko data tullut perille muuttumattomana. Testin ohjaus tapahtuu tietokoneella, jolla käyttäjä antaa käskyn testin aloittamisesta ja jonne lopulta myös raportoidaan testin tulokset. Testien tulokset näytetään myös testerin ledeillä. Työssä ei pystytä linkkikorttien puuttumisen takia testaamaan testeriä loppukäytössään. Kuitenkin testerin toimivuus pystyttiin suurilta osin testaamaan, jolloin saatiin odotettuja tuloksia.
Universal Converter (UNICON) –projektin osana suunniteltiin sähkömoottorikäyttöjen ohjaukseen ja mittaukseen soveltuva digitaaliseen signaaliprosessoriin (DSP) pohjautuva sulautettu järjestelmä. Riittävän laskentatehon varmistamiseksi päädyttiin käyttämään moniprosessorijärjestelmää. Prosessorijärjestelmässä käytettävää DSP-piiriä valittaessa valintaperusteina olivat piirien tarjoama prosessointiteho ja moniprosessorituki. Analog Devices:n SHARC-sarjan DSP-piirit täyttivät parhaiten asetetut vaatimukset: Ne tarjoavat tehokkaan käskykannan lisäksi suuren sisäisen muistin ja sisäänrakennetun moniprosessorituen. Järjestelmän mittalaiteluonteisuudesta johtuen keskeinen suunnitteluparametri oli luoda nopeat tiedonsiirtoyhteydet mittausantureilta DSP-järjestelmään. Tämä toteutettiin käyttäen ohjelmointavia FPGA-logiikkapiirejä digitaalimuotoisen mittausdatan vastaanotossa ja esikäsittelyssä. Tiedonsiirtoyhteys PC-tietokoneelle toteutettiin käyttäen erityistä liityntäkorttia DSP-järjestelmän ja PC-tietokoneen välillä. Liityntäkortin päätehtävänä on puskuroida siirrettävä data. Järjestelyllä estetään PC-tietokoneen vaikutus DSP-järjestelmän toimintaan, jotta kyetään takaamaan järjestelmän reaaliaikainen toiminta kaikissa olosuhteissa.
As the development of integrated circuit technology continues to follow Moore’s law the complexity of circuits increases exponentially. Traditional hardware description languages such as VHDL and Verilog are no longer powerful enough to cope with this level of complexity and do not provide facilities for hardware/software codesign. Languages such as SystemC are intended to solve these problems by combining the powerful expression of high level programming languages and hardware oriented facilities of hardware description languages. To fully replace older languages in the desing flow of digital systems SystemC should also be synthesizable. The devices required by modern high speed networks often share the same tight constraints for e.g. size, power consumption and price with embedded systems but have also very demanding real time and quality of service requirements that are difficult to satisfy with general purpose processors. Dedicated hardware blocks of an application specific instruction set processor are one way to combine fast processing speed, energy efficiency, flexibility and relatively low time-to-market. Common features can be identified in the network processing domain making it possible to develop specialized but configurable processor architectures. One such architecture is the TACO which is based on transport triggered architecture. The architecture offers a high degree of parallelism and modularity and greatly simplified instruction decoding. For this M.Sc.(Tech) thesis, a simulation environment for the TACO architecture was developed with SystemC 2.2 using an old version written with SystemC 1.0 as a starting point. The environment enables rapid design space exploration by providing facilities for hw/sw codesign and simulation and an extendable library of automatically configured reusable hardware blocks. Other topics that are covered are the differences between SystemC 1.0 and 2.2 from the viewpoint of hardware modeling, and compilation of a SystemC model into synthesizable VHDL with Celoxica Agility SystemC Compiler. A simulation model for a processor for TCP/IP packet validation was designed and tested as a test case for the environment.
Diplomityössä perehdyttiin taajuusmuuttajien toimintaan ja ohjaukseen. Lisäksi työssä tarkasteltiin vaihtosuuntaajan nopeiden transienttitilojen aiheuttamaa moottorin ylijännitettä. Moottorikaapelin heijastuksia käsiteltiin vertaamalla moottorikaapelia siirtolinjaan ja todennettiin ylijännitteen syyt. Ylijännitteen vähentämiseksi on kehitetty useita suodatusmenetelmiä. Työssä vertailtiin näitä menetelmiä ja kartoitettiin kaupallisia vaihtoehtoja. Taajuusmuuttajan ohjaus on tähän päivään asti tehty yleensä käyttäen mikroprosessoria sekä logiikkapiiriä. Tulevaisuudessa ohjaukseen käytetään todennäköisesti uudelleenohjelmoitavia FPGA-piirejä (Field Programmable Gate Array). FPGA-piirin etuihin kuuluu uudelleenohjelmoitavuus sekä ohjauksen keskittäminen yhdelle piirille.
Diplomityössä suunniteltiin menetelmä automaatiojärjestelmän kenttäväylän modernisoimiseksi. Kenttäväylä on Honeywellin arkkitehtuuria ja uuden ratkaisun tulee olla yhteensopiva vanhan kanssa. Uudessa suunnitelmassa kenttäväylän sanomaliikenne toteutetaan FPGA-piiriin sulautettavalla sarjaliikenne-IP-lohkolla aikaisemman diskreetin sarjaliikennepiirin sijaan. Työssä määritettiin kenttäväyläarkkitehtuurille uudet rajapinnat ja osakokonaisuudet, jotka tulevat käyttöön uudessa kenttäväylässä. Työssä osoitettiin että kenttäväylän toiminnot voidaan suorittaa kaupallisella sarjaliikenne-IP-lohkolla ja että se voidaan sulauttaa osaksi kenttäväylälaitetta.
This thesis deals with a hardware accelerated Java virtual machine, named REALJava. The REALJava virtual machine is targeted for resource constrained embedded systems. The goal is to attain increased computational performance with reduced power consumption. While these objectives are often seen as trade-offs, in this context both of them can be attained simultaneously by using dedicated hardware. The target level of the computational performance of the REALJava virtual machine is initially set to be as fast as the currently available full custom ASIC Java processors. As a secondary goal all of the components of the virtual machine are designed so that the resulting system can be scaled to support multiple co-processor cores. The virtual machine is designed using the hardware/software co-design paradigm. The partitioning between the two domains is flexible, allowing customizations to the resulting system, for instance the floating point support can be omitted from the hardware in order to decrease the size of the co-processor core. The communication between the hardware and the software domains is encapsulated into modules. This allows the REALJava virtual machine to be easily integrated into any system, simply by redesigning the communication modules. Besides the virtual machine and the related co-processor architecture, several performance enhancing techniques are presented. These include techniques related to instruction folding, stack handling, method invocation, constant loading and control in time domain. The REALJava virtual machine is prototyped using three different FPGA platforms. The original pipeline structure is modified to suit the FPGA environment. The performance of the resulting Java virtual machine is evaluated against existing Java solutions in the embedded systems field. The results show that the goals are attained, both in terms of computational performance and power consumption. Especially the computational performance is evaluated thoroughly, and the results show that the REALJava is more than twice as fast as the fastest full custom ASIC Java processor. In addition to standard Java virtual machine benchmarks, several new Java applications are designed to both verify the results and broaden the spectrum of the tests.
Sähkökäytön suunnittelussa säätöä voidaan testata useassa tapauksessa reaaliaikasimulaattorilla todellisen laitteiston sijaan. Monet reaaliaikasimulaatioiden perustana käytetyt algoritmit soveltuvat täysinohjatulle invertterisillalle. Eräissä sovelluksissa halutaan kuitenkin käyttää puoliksiohjattua siltaa. Puoliksiohjattulla sillalla mallin kausaalisuus voi kääntyä, mitä perinteiset reaaliaikasimulaattorit eivät pysty simuloimaan Tässä työssä oli tavoitteena kehittää reaaliaikasimulaattori puoliksiohjatulle kestomagneettitahtikonekäytölle. Emulaattoriin mallinnettiin todellisen käytön kestomagneettitahtikone ja invertterisilta. Simulaattori toteutettiin digitaaliselle signaaliprosessorille (DSP) ja mittauksiin liittyvät oheislaitteet mallinnettiin FPGA-piirille. Emulaattoriin liitettiin erillinen säätäjä, jota käytettiin myös todellisen sähkökäytön säätämiseen. Emulaattorilla ja todellisella käytöllä tehtyjä mittauksia verrattiin ja emuloimalla saadut tulokset vastasivat melko hyvin todellisesta käytöstä mitattuja.
In this work the implementation of the active magnetic bearing control system in a single FPGA is studied. Requirements for the full magnetic bearing control system are reviewed. Different control methods for active magnetic bearings are described shortly. Flux and the current base controllers are implemented in a FPGA. Suitability of the con-trollers for a low-cost magnetic bearing application is studied. Floating-point arithmetic’s are used in the controllers to ease designing burden and improve calculation precision. Per-formance of the flux controller is verified with simulations.
The capabilities and thus, design complexity of VLSI-based embedded systems have increased tremendously in recent years, riding the wave of Moore’s law. The time-to-market requirements are also shrinking, imposing challenges to the designers, which in turn, seek to adopt new design methods to increase their productivity. As an answer to these new pressures, modern day systems have moved towards on-chip multiprocessing technologies. New architectures have emerged in on-chip multiprocessing in order to utilize the tremendous advances of fabrication technology. Platform-based design is a possible solution in addressing these challenges. The principle behind the approach is to separate the functionality of an application from the organization and communication architecture of hardware platform at several levels of abstraction. The existing design methodologies pertaining to platform-based design approach don’t provide full automation at every level of the design processes, and sometimes, the co-design of platform-based systems lead to sub-optimal systems. In addition, the design productivity gap in multiprocessor systems remain a key challenge due to existing design methodologies. This thesis addresses the aforementioned challenges and discusses the creation of a development framework for a platform-based system design, in the context of the SegBus platform - a distributed communication architecture. This research aims to provide automated procedures for platform design and application mapping. Structural verification support is also featured thus ensuring correct-by-design platforms. The solution is based on a model-based process. Both the platform and the application are modeled using the Unified Modeling Language. This thesis develops a Domain Specific Language to support platform modeling based on a corresponding UML profile. Object Constraint Language constraints are used to support structurally correct platform construction. An emulator is thus introduced to allow as much as possible accurate performance estimation of the solution, at high abstraction levels. VHDL code is automatically generated, in the form of “snippets” to be employed in the arbiter modules of the platform, as required by the application. The resulting framework is applied in building an actual design solution for an MP3 stereo audio decoder application.
A high-frequency cyclonverter acts as a direct ac-to-ac power converter circuit that does not require a diode bidge rectifier. Bridgeless topology makes it possible to remove forward voltage drop losses that are present in a diode bridge. In addition, the on-state losses can be reduced to 1.5 times the on-state resistance of switches in half-bridge operation of the cycloconverter. A high-frequency cycloconverter is reviewed and the charging effect of the dc-capacitors in ``back-to-back'' or synchronous mode operation operation is analyzed. In addition, a control method is introduced for regulating dc-voltage of the ac-side capacitors in synchronous operation mode. The controller regulates the dc-capacitors and prevents switches from reaching overvoltage level. This can be accomplished by variating phase-shift between the upper and the lower gate signals. By adding phase-shift between the gate signal pairs, the charge stored in the energy storage capacitors can be discharged through the resonant load and substantially, the output resonant current amplitude can be improved. The above goals are analyzed and illustrated with simulation. Theory is supported with practical measurements where the proposed control method is implemented in an FPGA device and tested with a high-frequency cycloconverter using super-junction power MOSFETs as switching devices.
Due to various advantages such as flexibility, scalability and updatability, software intensive systems are increasingly embedded in everyday life. The constantly growing number of functions executed by these systems requires a high level of performance from the underlying platform. The main approach to incrementing performance has been the increase of operating frequency of a chip. However, this has led to the problem of power dissipation, which has shifted the focus of research to parallel and distributed computing. Parallel many-core platforms can provide the required level of computational power along with low power consumption. On the one hand, this enables parallel execution of highly intensive applications. With their computational power, these platforms are likely to be used in various application domains: from home use electronics (e.g., video processing) to complex critical control systems. On the other hand, the utilization of the resources has to be efficient in terms of performance and power consumption. However, the high level of on-chip integration results in the increase of the probability of various faults and creation of hotspots leading to thermal problems. Additionally, radiation, which is frequent in space but becomes an issue also at the ground level, can cause transient faults. This can eventually induce a faulty execution of applications. Therefore, it is crucial to develop methods that enable efficient as well as resilient execution of applications. The main objective of the thesis is to propose an approach to design agentbased systems for many-core platforms in a rigorous manner. When designing such a system, we explore and integrate various dynamic reconfiguration mechanisms into agents functionality. The use of these mechanisms enhances resilience of the underlying platform whilst maintaining performance at an acceptable level. The design of the system proceeds according to a formal refinement approach which allows us to ensure correct behaviour of the system with respect to postulated properties. To enable analysis of the proposed system in terms of area overhead as well as performance, we explore an approach, where the developed rigorous models are transformed into a high-level implementation language. Specifically, we investigate methods for deriving fault-free implementations from these models into, e.g., a hardware description language, namely VHDL.
This work presents synopsis of efficient strategies used in power managements for achieving the most economical power and energy consumption in multicore systems, FPGA and NoC Platforms. In this work, a practical approach was taken, in an effort to validate the significance of the proposed Adaptive Power Management Algorithm (APMA), proposed for system developed, for this thesis project. This system comprise arithmetic and logic unit, up and down counters, adder, state machine and multiplexer. The essence of carrying this project firstly, is to develop a system that will be used for this power management project. Secondly, to perform area and power synopsis of the system on these various scalable technology platforms, UMC 90nm nanotechnology 1.2v, UMC 90nm nanotechnology 1.32v and UMC 0.18 μmNanotechnology 1.80v, in order to examine the difference in area and power consumption of the system on the platforms. Thirdly, to explore various strategies that can be used to reducing system’s power consumption and to propose an adaptive power management algorithm that can be used to reduce the power consumption of the system. The strategies introduced in this work comprise Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling (DVFS) and task parallelism. After the system development, it was run on FPGA board, basically NoC Platforms and on these various technology platforms UMC 90nm nanotechnology1.2v, UMC 90nm nanotechnology 1.32v and UMC180 nm nanotechnology 1.80v, the system synthesis was successfully accomplished, the simulated result analysis shows that the system meets all functional requirements, the power consumption and the area utilization were recorded and analyzed in chapter 7 of this work. This work extensively reviewed various strategies for managing power consumption which were quantitative research works by many researchers and companies, it's a mixture of study analysis and experimented lab works, it condensed and presents the whole basic concepts of power management strategy from quality technical papers.