532 resultados para FENNOSCANDIAN SHIELD


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical behavior of 2 pit and fissure sealants through clinical/computerized evaluation. METHOD AND MATERIALS: Occlusal sealants were placed on maxillary and mandibular first and second premolars according to a split-mouth design. All premolars were sealed with either Concise (3M Espe) or Prisma Shield (Caulk/Dentsply) sealant agents. A hematoxylin-based staining solution was applied on the occlusal surface 7 days, 18 months, 36 months, and 11 years after occlusal sealing to allow checking of the sealant material on the surface. At each analysis time all occlusal surfaces were photographed, and the photographs corresponding to each time period were analyzed with SigmaScan 4.0 Software. The alterations of the sealed area of each sealant were analyzed with the software and recorded. Next, the measurements of the areas were tabulated and analyzed according to each period. Analysis of variance (ANOVA), with parts subdivided into time, and the t test, with a significance level of 5%, were used. RESULTS: The greatest sealed area was maintained by the sealant Concise. However, over the course of 11 years, all sealants began to show the same level of alteration in sealed area. CONCLUSION: The sealing materials showed alteration in sealed area over time, but they were efficient in controlling caries lesion formation on premolar pits and fissures.


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Includes bibliography


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Sararé Massif occurs in the southwest Mato Grosso state intruded into Mesoproterozoic units of the Jauru Block inside the Amazonian Craton. It presents an extension of approximately 80 km2 and NW-SE tectonic structures control the elongated shape. It is constituted by three major monzogranitic petrographic facies, represented by leucocratic, reddish, isotropic, equi-inequigranular to locally porphyritic rocks. The composition indicates S-type, peraluminous, with indicatives of late- to post-kinematic magmatism. Geochronological studies with 40Ar/39Ar in biotites and muscovites resulted in ages of 903 to 906 Ma was interpreted as massif rocks cooling period and U-PB 917 ± 18 Ma. ages points to the crystallization of the intrusive body. The massif is formed by melting of material of the upper crust, in an environment of continental collision and/or of post-collisional decompression at the ending of the Aguapeí-Sunsás event, in more stable environments of consolidation and tectonic stabilization of the Amazonian Craton.


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The disturbance vicariance hypothesis (DV) has been proposed to explain speciation in Amazonia, especially its edge regions, e. g. in eastern Guiana Shield harlequin frogs (Atelopus) which are suggested to have derived from a cool-adapted Andean ancestor. In concordance with DV predictions we studied that (i) these amphibians display a natural distribution gap in central Amazonia; (ii) east of this gap they constitute a monophyletic lineage which is nested within a pre-Andean/western clade; (iii) climate envelopes of Atelopus west and east of the distribution gap show some macroclimatic divergence due to a regional climate envelope shift; (iv) geographic distributions of climate envelopes of western and eastern Atelopus range into central Amazonia but with limited spatial overlap. We tested if presence and apparent absence data points of Atelopus were homogenously distributed with Ripley's K function. A molecular phylogeny (mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene) was reconstructed using Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference to study if Guianan Atelopus constitute a clade nested within a larger genus phylogeny. We focused on climate envelope divergence and geographic distribution by computing climatic envelope models with MaxEnt based on macroscale bioclimatic parameters and testing them by using Schoener's index and modified Hellinger distance. We corroborated existing DV predictions and, for the first time, formulated new DV predictions aiming on species' climate envelope change. Our results suggest that cool-adapted Andean Atelopus ancestors had dispersed into the Amazon basin and further onto the eastern Guiana Shield where, under warm conditions, they were forced to change climate envelopes. © 2010 The Author(s).


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Two new species of the feather mite family Pteronyssidae Oudemans, 1941 are described from the white-barred piculet, Picumnus cirratus Temminck from Brazil: Pterotrogus picumni sp. n. and Ramphastobius scutatus sp. n., representing the first mites described from this host. Pterotrogus picumni sp. n. can be readily distinguished from all previous species of the simplex group by having dorsal crest on femora I and II in both sexes. This is the first representative of the genus Pterotrogus Gaud, 1981 recorded on a host of the genus Picumnus Temminck. Ramphastobius scutatus sp. n. is unique among species of the genus by having in both sexes the prodorsal and scapular shields fused into a single propodonotal shield covering all prodorsum. An updated key to known species of the genus Ramphastobius Gaud, 1981 is presented. © Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre ASCR.


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Hemiodus iratapuru, a new species of the Hemiodontidae from the Rio Iratapuru, a left bank tributary of the Rio Jari, Amazon Basin, Brazil, is described. The new species is diagnosed from other species of Hemiodus by modifications in the ectopterygoid, tooth form, scale counts, dorsal-fin form and colour pattern. The new species is proposed to be related to the Hemiodus quadrimaculatus species group. © 2013 The Authors. Journal of Fish Biology © 2013 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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Spiny-backed tree frogs of the genus Osteocephalus are conspicuous components of the tropical wet forests of the Amazon and the Guiana Shield. Here, we revise the phylogenetic relationships of Osteocephalus and its sister group Tepuihyla, using up to 6134 bp of DNA sequences of nine mitochondrial and one nuclear gene for 338 specimens from eight countries and 218 localities, representing 89% of the 28 currently recognized nominal species. Our phylogenetic analyses reveal (i) the paraphyly of Osteocephalus with respect to Tepuihyla, (ii) the placement of 'Hyla' warreni as sister to Tepuihyla, (iii) the non-monophyly of several currently recognized species within Osteocephalus and (iv) the presence of low (<1%) and overlapping genetic distances among phenotypically well-characterized nominal species (e.g. O. taurinus and O. oophagus) for the 16S gene fragment used in amphibian DNA barcoding. We propose a new taxonomy, securing the monophyly of Osteocephalus and Tepuihyla by rearranging and redefining the content of both genera and also erect a new genus for the sister group of Osteocephalus. The colouration of newly metamorphosed individuals is proposed as a morphological synapomorphy for Osteocephalus. We recognize and define five monophyletic species groups within Osteocephalus, synonymize three species of Osteocephalus (O. germani, O. phasmatus and O. vilmae) and three species of Tepuihyla (T. celsae, T. galani and T. talbergae) and reallocate three species (Hyla helenae to Osteocephalus, O. exophthalmus to Tepuihyla and O. pearsoni to Dryaderces gen. n.). Furthermore, we flag nine putative new species (an increase to 138% of the current diversity). We conclude that species numbers are largely underestimated, with most hidden diversity centred on widespread and polymorphic nominal species. The evolutionary origin of breeding strategies within Osteocephalus is discussed in the light of this new phylogenetic hypothesis, and a novel type of amplexus (gular amplexus) is described. © 2013 The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This document provides an overview of the most relevant developments in United States trade policy relating to Latin America and the Caribbean in 2002. U.S. policy continued to promote trade liberalization through advancing negotiations on multiple fronts- globally (WTO), regionally (FTAA) and bilaterally or sub regionally- with a view that the various negotiations are mutually reinforcing and seek to create a constructive competition for liberalization" among trade partners. The passage of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) included in the Trade Act of August 2002 enhanced the U.S. Administration's ability to negotiate trade agreements. It provided an impetus to conclude bilateral negotiations with Chile as well as to advance a number of trade agreements currently under negotiation, including negotiations toward the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) and bilateral negotiations with Central America. The Trade Act also renewed the Generalized System of Preferences, extended the Caribbean Trade Partnership Act by liberalizing apparel provisions and augmented the Andean Trade Preference Act, increasing the list of duty free products. On the multilateral front, in partial fulfillment of the Doha mandate, the U.S. tabled in 2002 two comprehensive proposals for the reduction of trade barriers on agricultural and non-agricultural goods. Along with these trade liberalizing proposals, the U.S. Administration imposed temporary safeguard measures on key steel products to provide relief to the sectors of the steel industry that have been most affected by import surges. In addition, the U.S. Congress passed the 2002 Farm Security and Rural Investment Act that substantially increased U.S. domestic farm subsidies to shield domestic farm producers from competition from subsidized products from abroad."


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Rochas neoproterozóicas da Formação Prosperança, cobertura sedimentar da porção sul do Escudo das Guianas, são pobremente expostas quando comparadas com o registro sedimentar fanerozóico das bacias da Amazônia Ocidental. A Formação Prosperança consiste em conglomerados, arenitos arcosianos e pelitos que preenchem grábens no embasamento no Escudo das Guianas orientados segundo NW-SE. Esta unidade é sotoposta por rochas carbonáticas da Formação Acarí que ocorre apenas em subsuperfície, compondo o Grupo Purus, embasamento sedimentar das bacias paleozóicas produtoras de óleo da Amazônia. A análise de fácies e estratigráfica realizada na região do baixo rio Negro, Estado do Amazonas, indicou que a Formação Prosperança consiste em quatro associações de fácies representativas de um sistema flúvio-deltáico: 1) prodelta/lacustre, 2) frente deltaica, 3) foreshore/shoreface e 4) planície braided distal. Camadas tabulares de pelitos de prodelta extensos por quilômetros sugerem uma bacia sedimentar ampla de provável origem lacustre ou mar restrito. Lobos de frente deltaica complexos foram alimentados por distributários braided, formados por dunas subaquosas que migravam para NW do Bloco Amazônico durante o Neoproterozóico. Arenitos gerados sob condições de fluxo oscilatório/combinado são compatíveis com depósitos de praia e de face litorânea. A Bacia Prosperança foi fracamente invertida durante o intervalo Cambriano-Ordoviciano. Posteriormente estes depósitos são recobertos erosivamente por conglomerados e arenitos com estratificações cruzadas e planares interpretadas como depósitos fluviais do tipo braided, com migração para SE, pertencentes ao Grupo Trombetas do Eo-paleozóico da Bacia do Amazonas.


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O complexo de espécies M. brevicaudata possui distribuição reconhecida para o Norte da América do sul e compreende três espécies descritas ‐ M. brevicaudata, M. glirina, e M. palliolata ‐ e duas não descritas, reconhecidas em estudos prévios. A delimitação de espécies baseada somente em caracteres morfológicos é complicada, de forma que diversos táxons nominais já foram associados ao grupo e diversos arranjos taxonômicos foram propostos. Os poucos estudos baseados em dados moleculares que incluíram espécimes do complexo brevicaudata revelaram altas taxas de divergência genética. Este trabalho buscou elucidar a sistemática do complexo de espécies M. brevicaudata através do estudo dos padrões de variação morfológica e genética. Para tal, desenvolvemos análises filogenéticas baseadas em dois genes mitocondriais: citocromo b e 16 S rDNA. Adicionalmente, estudamos a morfologia externa e craniana dos espécimes, investigando a existência de congruência entre a variação genética e morfológica. As análises morfológicas foram, em geral, congruentes com as moleculares, as quais indicaram os mesmos clados em todas as análises filogenéticas. Foram formalmente reconhecidas nove espécies para o complexo. Monodelphis brevicaudata, M. palliolata e M. glirina são consideradas espécies válidas; M. touan é revalidado da sinonímia de M. brevicaudata e duas espécies novas são descritas e nomeadas; a espécie M. domestica provou ser intimamente relacionada a espécimes do grupo brevicaudata, sendo aqui considerada como integrante do referido grupo; duas espécies reconhecidas como distintas permanecem sem uma descrição formal; M. maraxina é sinonimizada com M. glirina. Foi observado dimorfismo sexual para as espécies estudadas, sendo que para as duas espécies estatisticamente testadas (teste T de student), M. glirina e M. sp. nov. “Trombetas”, os machos apresentaram crânios significativamente maiores que as fêmeas. Rios de grande porte parecem ter participado na diferenciação genética e estruturação filogeográfica das espécies. O padrão filogeográfico encontrado sugere ao menos dois centros de diversificação para o grupo, um no escudo das Guianas, envolvendo as espécies ao norte do rio Amazonas, e outro no escudo brasileiro, envolvendo M. glirina e M. domestica.


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Os limites interespecíficos da espécie politípica Deconychura longicauda (Dendrocolaptidae) foram investigados por uma análise conjunta, incluindo caracteres moleculares, morfológicos e vocais. Um total de 1.108 pares de bases de genes mitocondriais Cit b e ND2 foram usados para construir hipóteses filogenéticas, ao passo que os caracteres morfológicos e vocais foram analisados com métodos estatísticos univariado e multivariado. Todas as árvores filogenéticas recuperadas indicam altos níveis de diferenciação genética e estrutura filogeográfica em Deconychura longicauda, com o reconhecimento de quatro grupos principais bem apoiados, geograficamente constituídos por aves (1) do centro de endemismo Guiana no nordeste da América do Sul (2), da bacia amazônica excluindo o escudo das Guianas (3), do sopé oriental dos Andes, e (4), trans-Andinas da América do Sul e América Central. O nível de divergência genética entre estes clados varia de 6-8% (entre as aves Guianenses, não-Guianenses, do sopé dos Andes e trans-Andinas). Embora os caracteres morfológicos contribuam pouco para a diagnose em Deconychura, o canto, por outro lado, consistetemente os distinguem. Nós recomendamos com base, principalmente, em sua diagnose molecular e vocal o desdobramento de D. longicauda nas seguintes espécies filogenéticas e biológicas: Deconychura longicauda, D. pallida, D. zimmeri, D. connectens, D. typica e um táxon ainda não nomeado, endêmico do sopé oriental dos Andes.