470 resultados para Explosion.


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Theoretical models are developed for the continuous-wave and pulsed laser incision and cut of thin single and multi-layer films. A one-dimensional steady-state model establishes the theoretical foundations of the problem by combining a power-balance integral with heat flow in the direction of laser motion. In this approach, classical modelling methods for laser processing are extended by introducing multi-layer optical absorption and thermal properties. The calculation domain is consequently divided in correspondence with the progressive removal of individual layers. A second, time-domain numerical model for the short-pulse laser ablation of metals accounts for changes in optical and thermal properties during a single laser pulse. With sufficient fluence, the target surface is heated towards its critical temperature and homogeneous boiling or "phase explosion" takes place. Improvements are seen over previous works with the more accurate calculation of optical absorption and shielding of the incident beam by the ablation products. A third, general time-domain numerical laser processing model combines ablation depth and energy absorption data from the short-pulse model with two-dimensional heat flow in an arbitrary multi-layer structure. Layer removal is the result of both progressive short-pulse ablation and classical vaporisation due to long-term heating of the sample. At low velocity, pulsed laser exposure of multi-layer films comprising aluminium-plastic and aluminium-paper are found to be characterised by short-pulse ablation of the metallic layer and vaporisation or degradation of the others due to thermal conduction from the former. At high velocity, all layers of the two films are ultimately removed by vaporisation or degradation as the average beam power is increased to achieve a complete cut. The transition velocity between the two characteristic removal types is shown to be a function of the pulse repetition rate. An experimental investigation validates the simulation results and provides new laser processing data for some typical packaging materials.


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Supernovae are among the most energetic events occurring in the universe and are so far the only verified extrasolar source of neutrinos. As the explosion mechanism is still not well understood, recording a burst of neutrinos from such a stellar explosion would be an important benchmark for particle physics as well as for the core collapse models. The neutrino telescope IceCube is located at the Geographic South Pole and monitors the antarctic glacier for Cherenkov photons. Even though it was conceived for the detection of high energy neutrinos, it is capable of identifying a burst of low energy neutrinos ejected from a supernova in the Milky Way by exploiting the low photomultiplier noise in the antarctic ice and extracting a collective rate increase. A signal Monte Carlo specifically developed for water Cherenkov telescopes is presented. With its help, we will investigate how well IceCube can distinguish between core collapse models and oscillation scenarios. In the second part, nine years of data taken with the IceCube precursor AMANDA will be analyzed. Intensive data cleaning methods will be presented along with a background simulation. From the result, an upper limit on the expected occurrence of supernovae within the Milky Way will be determined.


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Kernkollaps-Supernovae werden von einem massiven Ausbruch niederenergetischer Neutrinos begleitet. Sie zählen zu den energiereichsten Erscheinungen im Universum und stellen die derzeit einzig bekannte Quelle extrasolarer Neutrinos dar.rnDie Detektion einer solchen Neutrinosignatur würde zu einem tieferen Verständnis des bislang unzureichend bekannten stellaren Explosionsmechanismus führen. rnDarüber hinaus würden neue Einblicke in den Bereich der Teilchenphysik und der Supernova-Modellierung ermöglicht. Das sich zur Zeit am geographischen Südpol im Aufbau befindliche Neutrinoteleskop IceCube wird 2011 fertig gestellt sein.rnIceCube besteht im endgültigen Ausbau aus 5160 Photovervielfachern, die sich in gitterförmiger Anordnung in Tiefen zwischen 1450m und 2450m unter der Eisoberfläche befinden. Durch den Nachweis von Tscherenkow-Photonenrnim antarktischen Gletscher ist es in der Lage, galaktische Supernovae über einen kollektiven Anstieg der Rauschraten in seinen Photonenvervielfachern nachzuweisen.rnIn dieser Arbeit werden verschiedene Studien zur Implementierung einer künstlichen Totzeit vorgestellt, welche korreliertes Rauschen unterdrücken und somit das Signal-Untergund-Verhältnis maximieren würden.rnEin weiterer Teil dieser Dissertation bestand in der Integration der Supernova-Datenakquise eine neue Experiment-Steuerungssoftware.rnFür den Analyseteil der Arbeit wurde ein Monte-Carlo für IceCube entwickelt und Neutinooszillations-Mechanismen und eine Reihe von Signalmodellen integriert. Ein Likelihoodhypothesen-Test wurde verwendet, um die Unterscheidbarkeit verschiedener Supernova- beziehungsweise Neutrinooszillations-Szenarien zu untersuchen. Desweiteren wurde analysiert inwieweit sich Schock-Anregungen und QCD-Phasenübergnag im Verlauf des Explosionsprozesses detektieren lassen.


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The main goal of this thesis is to facilitate the process of industrial automated systems development applying formal methods to ensure the reliability of systems. A new formulation of distributed diagnosability problem in terms of Discrete Event Systems theory and automata framework is presented, which is then used to enforce the desired property of the system, rather then just verifying it. This approach tackles the state explosion problem with modeling patterns and new algorithms, aimed for verification of diagnosability property in the context of the distributed diagnosability problem. The concepts are validated with a newly developed software tool.


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According to the latest statistics projections formulated by Eurostat, the proportion of elderly EU-27’s population aged over 65 years old is predicted to increase from 17.5 % in 2011 to 29.5 % by 2060. This "population explosion" makes extremely important to identify the different genetic and molecular mechanisms which underpin the morbidity and mortality along with new strategies able to counteract or slow down its progress. In this scenario fits the European Project MARK-AGE whose aim was to identify a robust set of biomarkers of human ageing able to discriminate between chronological and biological ageing and to derive a model for healthy ageing through the analysis of three populations from different European countries, supposed to be characterized by different ageing rate: 1. Subjects representing the “Normal” or “Physiological” aging. 2. Subjects representing the “successful” or “decelerate” aging 3. Subjects representing the “accelerated” aging. The aim of this work was to recruit and characterize volunteers, to perform an accurate analysis of the health status of elderly recruited subjects (60-79 years) verifying any possible dissimilarity in their aging trajectories, to identify a set of robust ageing biomarkers and investigate possible correlations between ageing biomarkers and health status of recruited volunteers. The model proposed by MARK-AGE Project regarding different ageing trajectories has been confirmed and several ageing biomarkers have been identified.


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Bisher ist bei forensischen Untersuchungen von Explosionen die Rückverfolgung der verwendeten Sprengstoffe begrenzt, da das Material in aller Regel bei der Explosion zerstört wird. Die Rückverfolgung von Sprengstoffen soll mit Hilfe von Identifikations-Markierungssubstanzen erleichtert werden. Diese stellen einen einzigartigen Code dar, der auch nach einer Sprengung wiedergefunden und identifiziert werden kann. Die dem Code zugeordneten, eindeutigen Informationen können somit ausgelesen werden und liefern der Polizei bei der Aufklärung weitere Ansätze.rnZiel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, das Verhalten von ausgewählten Seltenerdelementen (SEE) bei Explosion zu untersuchen. Ein auf Lanthanoidphosphaten basierender Identifikations-Markierungsstoff bietet die Möglichkeit, verschiedene Lanthanoide innerhalb eines einzelnen Partikels zu kombinieren, wodurch eine Vielzahl von Codes generiert werden kann. Somit kann eine Veränderung der Ausgangszusammensetzung des Codes auch nach einer Explosion durch die Analyse eines einzelnen Partikels sehr gut nachvollzogen und somit die Eignung des Markierungsstoffes untersucht werden. Eine weitere Zielsetzung ist die Überprüfung der Anwendbarkeit der Massenspektrometrie mit induktiv gekoppeltem Plasma (ICP-MS) und Partikelanalyse mittels Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (REM) für die Analyse der versprengten Identifikations-Markierungssubstanzen. rnDie Ergebnisbetrachtungen der ICP-MS-Analyse und REM-Partikelanalyse deuten zusammenfassend auf eine Fraktionierung der untersuchten Lanthanoide oder deren Umsetzungsprodukte nach Explosion in Abhängigkeit ihrer thermischen Belastbarkeit. Die Befunde zeigen eine Anreicherung der Lanthanoide mit höherer Temperaturbeständigkeit in größeren Partikeln, was eine Anreicherung von Lanthanoiden mit niedrigerer Temperaturbeständigkeit in kleineren Partikeln impliziert. Dies lässt sich in Ansätzen durch einen Fraktionierungsprozess in Abhängigkeit der Temperaturstabilität der Lanthanoide oder deren Umsetzungsprodukten erklären. Die der Fraktionierung zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen und deren gegenseitige Beeinflussung bei einer Explosion konnten im Rahmen dieser Arbeit nicht abschließend geklärt werden.rnDie generelle Anwendbarkeit und unter Umständen notwendige, komplementäre Verwendung der zwei Methoden ICP-MS und REM-Partikelanalyse wird in dieser Arbeit gezeigt. Die ICP-MS stellt mit großer untersuchter Probenfläche und hoher Genauigkeit eine gute Methode zur Charakterisierung der Konzentrationsverhältnisse der untersuchten Lanthanoide dar. Die REM-Partikelanalyse hingegen ermöglicht im Falle von Kontamination der Proben mit anderen Lanthanoid-haltigen Partikeln eine eindeutige Differenzierung der Elementvergesellschaftung pro Partikel. Sie kann somit im Gegensatz zur ICP-MS Aufschluss über die Art und Zusammensetzung der Kontamination geben. rnInnerhalb der vorgenommenen Untersuchungen stellte die bei der ICP-MS angewandte Probennahmetechnik eine ideale Art der Probennahme dar. Bei anderen Oberflächen könnte diese jedoch in Folge der in verschiedenen Partikelgrößen resultierenden Fraktionierung zu systematisch verfälschten Ergebnissen führen. Um die generelle Anwendbarkeit der ICP-MS im Hinblick auf die Analyse versprengter Lanthanoide zu gewährleisten, sollte eine Durchführung weiterer Sprengungen auf unterschiedlichen Probenoberflächen erfolgen und gegebenenfalls weitere Probennahme-, Aufschluss- und Anreicherungsverfahren evaluiert werden.rn


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In chapter 1 and 2 calcium hydroxide as impregnation agent before steam explosion of sugarcane bagasse and switchgrass, respectively, was compared with auto-hydrolysis, assessing the effects on enzymatic hydrolysis and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) at high solid concentration of pretreated solid fraction. In addition, anaerobic digestion of pretreated liquid fraction was carried out, in order to appraise the effectiveness of calcium hydroxide before steam explosion in a more comprehensive way. In As water is an expensive input in both cultivation of biomass crops and subsequent pretreatment, Chapter 3 addressed the effects of variable soil moisture on biomass growth and composition of biomass sorghum. Moreover, the effect of water stress was related to the characteristics of stem juice for 1st generation ethanol and structural carbohydrates for 2nd generation ethanol. In the frame of chapter 1, calcium hydroxide was proven to be a suitable catalyst for sugarcane bagasse before steam explosion, in order to enhance fibre deconstruction. In chapter 2, effect of calcium hydroxide on switchgrass showed a great potential when ethanol was focused, whereas acid addition produced higher methane yield. Regarding chapter 3, during crop cycle the amount of cellulose, hemicellulose and AIL changed causing a decrease of 2G ethanol amount. Biomass physical and chemical properties involved a lower glucose yield and concentration at the end of enzymatic hydrolysis and, consequently, a lower 2G ethanol concentration at the end of simultaneous saccharification and fermentation, proving that there is strong relationship between structure, chemical composition, and fermentable sugar yield. The significantly higher concentration of ethanol at the early crop stage could be an important incentive to consider biomass sorghum as second crop in the season, to be introduced into some agricultural systems, potentially benefiting farmers and, above all, avoiding the exacerbation of the debate about fuel vs food crops.


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The BLEVE, acronym for Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion, is one of the most dangerous accidents that can occur in pressure vessels. It can be defined as an explosion resulting from the failure of a vessel containing a pressure liquefied gas stored at a temperature significantly above its boiling point at atmospheric pressure. This phenomenon frequently appears when a vessel is engulfed by a fire: the heat causes the internal pressure to raise and the mechanical proprieties of the wall to decrease, with the consequent rupture of the tank and the instantaneous release of its whole content. After the breakage, the vapour outflows and expands and the liquid phase starts boiling due to the pressure drop. The formation and propagation of a distructive schock wave may occur, together with the ejection of fragments, the generation of a fireball if the stored fluid is flammable and immediately ignited or the atmospheric dispersion of a toxic cloud if the fluid contained inside the vessel is toxic. Despite the presence of many studies on the BLEVE mechanism, the exact causes and conditions of its occurrence are still elusive. In order to better understand this phenomenon, in the present study first of all the concept and definition of BLEVE are investigated. A historical analysis of the major events that have occurred over the past 60 years is described. A research of the principal causes of this event, including the analysis of the substances most frequently involved, is presented too. Afterwards a description of the main effects of BLEVEs is reported, focusing especially on the overpressure. Though the major aim of the present thesis is to contribute, with a comparative analysis, to the validation of the main models present in the literature for the calculation and prediction of the overpressure caused by BLEVEs. In line with this purpose, after a short overview of the available approaches, their ability to reproduce the trend of the overpressure is investigated. The overpressure calculated with the different models is compared with values deriving from events happened in the past and ad-hoc experiments, focusing the attention especially on medium and large scale phenomena. The ability of the models to consider different filling levels of the reservoir and different substances is analyzed too. The results of these calculations are extensively discussed. Finally some conclusive remarks are reported.


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Il GPL, a causa della sua infiammabilità, può dare luogo a scenari d’incendio e di esplosione. Particolarmente pericoloso è lo scenario del BLEVE – Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion, seguito da un incendio del tipo fireball. Una strategia per la riduzione del rischio imputabile a tale scenario è rappresentato dall’applicazione di protezioni passive antincendio. Le misure di protezione passive antincendio sono costituite dall’applicazione al recipiente di GPL di una coibentazione termica, che ritardi il tempo di cedimento dell’apparecchiatura nel caso di esposizione al fuoco e quindi riduce la frequenza del BLEVE e della conseguente fireball, fornendo un lasso di tempo sufficiente per consentire l'avvio di azioni di mitigazione. Nel presente lavoro di tesi si è effettuata l’analisi costi-benefici dell’applicazione di protezioni passive alle autobotti per il trasporto stradale di GPL. Si è applicato un metodo semplificato per l’analisi sopracitata, considerando l’influenza delle incertezze sul risultato finale In particolare sono state considerate le incertezze derivanti dal modello d‘irraggiamento, dal modello di danno e dalle assunzioni in merito alla descrizione della popolazione nell’area di impatto dell’incidente. Il lavoro di tesi è così strutturato. Nel capitolo 1, di carattere introduttivo, sono riportate informazioni sul GPL, sugli scenari incidentali a cui dà origine e sulle protezioni passive antincendio. Nel capitolo 2 vengono descritti i modelli matematici per la simulazione della fireball, considerando sia i modelli per la stima dell’irraggiamento che quelli per il calcolo della probabilità di morte. Il capitolo 3 contiene la descrizione del modello semplificato di analisi costi-benefici ed il calcolo dell’area di impatto equivalente della fireball. Il capitolo 4 contiene l’applicazione del modello di analisi costi-benefici ad alcuni casi di studio reali. Il capitolo 5, infine, contiene le considerazioni conclusive.


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General Relativity (GR) is one of the greatest scientific achievements of the 20th century along with quantum theory. Despite the elegance and the accordance with experimental tests, these two theories appear to be utterly incompatible at fundamental level. Black holes provide a perfect stage to point out these difficulties. Indeed, classical GR fails to describe Nature at small radii, because nothing prevents quantum mechanics from affecting the high curvature zone, and because classical GR becomes ill-defined at r = 0 anyway. Rovelli and Haggard have recently proposed a scenario where a negative quantum pressure at the Planck scales stops and reverts the gravitational collapse, leading to an effective “bounce” and explosion, thus resolving the central singularity. This scenario, called Black Hole Fireworks, has been proposed in a semiclassical framework. The purpose of this thesis is twofold: - Compute the bouncing time by means of a pure quantum computation based on Loop Quantum Gravity; - Extend the known theory to a more realistic scenario, in which the rotation is taken into account by means of the Newman-Janis Algorithm.


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Although explosion injuries caused by terror attacks or in war are evaluated in many studies, limited information about civil explosion injuries can be found in the literature.


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The decline of traditional religions in Japan in the past century, and especially since the end of World War Two, has led to an explosion of so-called “new religions” (shin shūkyō 新宗教), many of which have made forays into the political realm. The best known—and most controversial—example of a “political” new religion is Sōka Gakkai 創価学会, a lay Buddhist movement originally associated with the Nichiren sect that in the 1960s gave birth to a new political party, Komeitō 公明党 (lit., Clean Government Party), which in the past several decades has emerged as the third most popular party in Japan (as New Komeitō). Since the 1980s, Japan has also seen the emergence of so-called “new, new religions” (shin shin shūkyō 新新宗教), which tend to be more technologically savvy and less socially concerned (and, in the eyes of critics, more akin to “cults” than the earlier new religions). One new, new religion known as Kōfuku-no-Kagaku 幸福の科学 (lit., Institute for Research in Human Happiness or simply Happy Science), founded in 1986 by Ōkawa Ryūho 大川隆法, has very recently developed its own political party, Kōfuku Jitsugentō 幸福実現党 (The Realization of Happiness Party). This article will analyse the political ideals of Kōfuku Jitsugentō in relation to its religious teachings, in an attempt to situate the movement within the broader tradition of religio-political syncretism in Japan. In particular, it will examine the recent “manifesto” of Kōfuku Jitsugentō in relation to those of New Komeitō and “secular” political parties such as the Liberal Democratic Party (Jimintō 自民党) and the Democratic Party (Minshutō 民主党).


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The application of luminescence dating to young volcanic sediments has been first investigated over three decades ago, but it was only with the technical innovations of the last decade that such analyses became viable. While current analytical procedures show promise for dating late Quaternary volcanic events, most efforts have been aimed at unconsolidated volcanic tephra. Investigations into direct dating of lava flows or of non-heated volcanoclastics like phreatic explosion layers, however, remain scarce. These volcanic deposits are of common occurrence and represent important chrono- and volcanostratigraphic markers. Their age determination is therefore of great importance in volcanologic, tectonic, geomorphological and climate studies. In this article, we propose the use of phreatic explosion deposits and xenolithic inclusions in lava flows as target materials for luminescence dating applications. The main focus is on the crucial criterion whether it is probable that such materials experience complete luminescence signal resetting during the volcanic event to be dated. This is argued based on the findings from existing literature, model calculations and laboratory tests.


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Volcanoes are the surficial expressions of complex pathways that vent magma and gasses generated deep in the Earth. Geophysical data record at least the partial history of magma and gas movement in the conduit and venting to the atmosphere. This work focuses on developing a more comprehensive understanding of explosive degassing at Fuego volcano, Guatemala through observations and analysis of geophysical data collected in 2005 – 2009. A pattern of eruptive activity was observed during 2005 – 2007 and quantified with seismic and infrasound, satellite thermal and gas measurements, and lava flow lengths. Eruptive styles are related to variable magma flux and accumulation of gas. Explosive degassing was recorded on broadband seismic and infrasound sensors in 2008 and 2009. Explosion energy partitioning between the ground and the atmosphere shows an increase in acoustic energy from 2008 to 2009, indicating a shift toward increased gas pressure in the conduit. Very-long-period (VLP) seismic signals are associated with the strongest explosions recorded in 2009 and waveform modeling in the 10 – 30 s band produces a best-fit source location 300 m west and 300 m below the summit crater. The calculated moment tensor indicates a volumetric source, which is modeled as a dike feeding a SW-dipping (35°) sill. The sill is the dominant component and its projection to the surface nearly intersects the summit crater. The deformation history of the sill is interpreted as: 1) an initial inflation due to pressurization, followed by 2) a rapid deflation as overpressure is explosively release, and finally 3) a reinflation as fresh magma flows into the sill and degasses. Tilt signals are derived from the horizontal components of the seismometer and show repetitive inflation deflation cycles with a 20 minute period coincident with strong explosions. These cycles represent the pressurization of the shallow conduit and explosive venting of overpressure that develops beneath a partially crystallized plug of magma. The energy released during the strong explosions has allowed for imaging of Fuego’s shallow conduit, which appears to have migrated west of the summit crater. In summary, Fuego is becoming more gas charged and its summit centered vent is shifting to the west - serious hazard consequences are likely.


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The flammability zone boundaries are very important properties to prevent explosions in the process industries. Within the boundaries, a flame or explosion can occur so it is important to understand these boundaries to prevent fires and explosions. Very little work has been reported in the literature to model the flammability zone boundaries. Two boundaries are defined and studied: the upper flammability zone boundary and the lower flammability zone boundary. Three methods are presented to predict the upper and lower flammability zone boundaries: The linear model The extended linear model, and An empirical model The linear model is a thermodynamic model that uses the upper flammability limit (UFL) and lower flammability limit (LFL) to calculate two adiabatic flame temperatures. When the proper assumptions are applied, the linear model can be reduced to the well-known equation yLOC = zyLFL for estimation of the limiting oxygen concentration. The extended linear model attempts to account for the changes in the reactions along the UFL boundary. Finally, the empirical method fits the boundaries with linear equations between the UFL or LFL and the intercept with the oxygen axis. xx Comparison of the models to experimental data of the flammability zone shows that the best model for estimating the flammability zone boundaries is the empirical method. It is shown that is fits the limiting oxygen concentration (LOC), upper oxygen limit (UOL), and the lower oxygen limit (LOL) quite well. The regression coefficient values for the fits to the LOC, UOL, and LOL are 0.672, 0.968, and 0.959, respectively. This is better than the fit of the "zyLFL" method for the LOC in which the regression coefficient’s value is 0.416.