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This study was conducted in one kidney, one clip (1K1C) Goldblatt hypertensive rats to evaluate vascular and cardiac autonomic control using different approaches: 1) evaluation of the autonomic modulation of heart rate (HR) and systolic arterial pressure (SAP) by means of autoregressive power spectral analysis 2) assessment of the cardiac baroreflex sensitivity; and 3) double blockade with methylatropine and propranolol. The 1K1C group developed hypertension and tachycardia. The 1K1C group also presented reduction in variance as well as in LF (0.23 +/- 0.1 vs. 1.32 +/- 0.2 ms(2)) and HF (6.6 +/- 0.49 vs. 15.1 +/- 0.61 ms(2)) oscillations of pulse interval. Autoregressive spectral analysis of SAP showed that 1K1C rats had an increase in variance and LF band (13.3 +/- 2.7 vs. 7.4 +/- 1.01 mmHg(2)) in comparison with the sham group. The baroreflex gain was attenuated in the hypertensive 1K1C (- 1.83 +/- 0.05 bpm/mmHg) rats in comparison with normotensive sham (-3.23 +/- 0.06 bpm/MmHg) rats. The autonomic blockade caused an increase in the intrinsic HR and sympathetic predominance on the basal HR of 1K1C rats. Overall, these data indicate that the tachycardia observed in the 1K1C group may be attributed to intrinsic cardiac mechanisms (increased intrinsic heart rate) and to a shift in the sympathovagal balance towards cardiac sympathetic over-activity and vagal suppression associated to depressed baroreflex sensitivity. Finally, the increase in the LF components of SAP also suggests an increase in sympathetic activity to peripheral vessels. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P>According to the hygiene hypothesis, the increased incidence of allergic and autoimmune diseases in developed countries is mainly explained by the decreased contact between the human population and certain environmental agents as lactobacillus, mycobacteria and helminths. In this study, we evaluated the effect of multiple infections with Strongyloides venezuelensis on the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in Lewis rats. Multiple infections before EAE induction were not able to change the evolution of the disease. No alterations were observed in weight loss, clinical score and inflammation intensity at the central nervous system. The presence of significant levels of parasite-specific IgG1 but not IgG2b suggested a Th2 polarization. However, the percentage and absolute number of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ T cells were not changed, being their levels in the spleen and lymph nodes of infected rats comparable to the ones found in normal animals. These results suggest that a Th2-polarized response without concomitant expansion of Foxp3+ regulatory T cells was not able to modify EAE progression. Even though these results do not threaten the hygiene hypothesis, they suggest that this paradigm might be an oversimplification. They also emphasize the need of a study to compare the immunoregulatory ability associated with different helminth spp.
This study evaluated the arterial response to cobalt-chromium stents with and without polymer coating (Camouflage (R), Hemoteq AG, Wuerselen, Germany) implanted in pigs. Cobalt-chromium balloon-expandable stents (4 x 16 mm) were implanted in the common carotid arteries of nine pigs. Histological analysis of endothelialization, inflammation and injury was performed one month later. All stents were successfully deployed, and all but one animal survived the 30 study days. All arteries were patent. Endothelialization was nearly complete in most sections of all carotid stents in both groups. There were mild inflammatory infiltrate and mild-to-moderate injury, which were associated with the stent shafts and not significantly different between groups. Our findings suggest that, in porcine carotid arteries, the histological response to balloon-expandable cobalt-chromium stents coated with polymer (Camouflage (R), Hemoteq AG) is similar to the response to non-coated cobalt-chromium stents.
This study was undertaken to test whether the structural remodelling of pulmonary parenchyma can be sequentially altered in a model and method that demonstrate the progression of the disease and result in remodelling within the lungs that is typical of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Three groups of mice were studied: (i) animals that received 3-5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxytoluene (BHT) and were killed after 2 weeks (early BHT = 9); (ii) animals that received BHT and were killed after 4 weeks (late BHT = 11); (iii) animals that received corn oil solution (control = 10). The mice were placed in a ventilated Plexiglas chamber with a mixture of pure humidified oxygen and compressed air. Lung histological sections underwent haematoxylin-eosin, immunohistochemistry (epithelial, endothelial and immune cells) and specific staining (collagen/elastic fibres) methods for morphometric analysis. When compared with the control group, early BHT and late BHT groups showed significant decrease of type II pneumocytes, lower vascular density in both and higher endothelial activity. CD4 was increased in late BHT compared with early and control groups, while CD8, macrophage and neutrophil cells were more prominent only in early BHT. The collagenous fibre density were significantly higher only in late BHT, whereas elastic fibre content in late BHT was lower than that in control group. We conclude that the BHT experimental model is pathologically very similar to human usual interstitial pneumonia. This feature is important in the identification of animal models of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis that can accurately reflect the pathogenesis and progression of the human disease.
The present study evaluated the infection of capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) by Rickettsia rickettsii and their role as amplifier hosts for horizontal transmission of R. rickettsii to Amblyomma cajennense ticks. Two groups of two capybaras each were evaluated: on day 0, group 1 (G1) was infested by R. rickettsii-infected ticks, and group 2 (G2) was inoculated intraperitoneally with R. rickettsii. Two additional groups were control groups, not exposed to R. rickettsii, being CG1 group the control of G1, and CG2 group the control of G2. Capybara rectal temperature was measured daily. Blood samples were collected every 3 days during 30 days, and used to (i) inoculate guinea pigs intraperitoneally; (ii) DNA extraction followed by real-time PCR targeting the rickettsial gene gltA; (iii) hematology; (iv) detection of R. rickettsii-reactive antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA). Blood was also collected from G I capybaras every approximate to 10-30 days till the 146th day, to be tested by serology. Capybaras were infested by uninfected A. cajennense nymphs from the 3rd to the 18th day. Engorged nymphs were collected, allowed to molt to adults in an incubator. Thereafter, the subsequent flat ticks were tested by PCR. All G1 and G2 capybaras became infected by R. rickettsii, as demonstrated by guinea pig inoculation and seroconversion, but they showed no fever. Rickettsemia was continually detected from the 6th (G2 capybaras) or 9th (G1 capybaras) to the 18th day post inoculation or infestation with R. rickettsii-infected ticks. A total of 20-25% and 30-35% of the flat ticks previously fed on G1 and G2 capybaras, respectively, became infected by R. rickettsii. The study demonstrated that R. rickettsii was capable to infect capybaras without causing clinical illness, inducing rickettsemia capable to cause infection in guinea pigs and ticks. Our results indicate that capybaras act as amplifier host of R. rickettsii for A. cajennense ticks in Brazil. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present study consisted of two experiments that evaluated experimental infections of Haemaphysalis leporispalustris ticks by a Brazilian strain of Rickettsia rickettsii, and their effect on tick biology. In experiment I, ticks were exposed to R. rickettsii during the larval, nymphal or adult stages by feeding on rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) needle-inoculated with R. rickettsii, and thereafter reared on uninfected rabbits for the entire next tick generation. Regardless of the tick stage that acquired the infection, all subsequent tick stages were shown to be infected by PCR (infection rates varying from 1.3 to 41.7%), and were able to transmit R. rickettsii to uninfected rabbits, as demonstrated by rabbit seroconversion, guinea pig inoculation with rabbit blood, and PCR on rabbit blood. In Experiment II, ticks were exposed to R. rickettsii during the larval stage by feeding on rabbits co-infested with R. rickettsii-infected adult ticks, and thereafter reared on uninfected rabbits until the next generation of larvae. Again, all subsequent tick stages were shown to be infected by PCR (infection rates varying from 3.0 to 40.0%), and were able to transmit R. rickettsii to uninfected rabbits. Thus, it was demonstrated that larvae, nymphs, and adults of H. leporispalustris were able to acquire and maintain the R. rickettsii infection by transstadial and transovarial transmissions within the tick population, with active transmission of the bacterium to susceptible rabbits by all parasitic stages. Analyses of biological parameters of uninfected and R. rickettsii-infected tick lineages were performed in order to evaluate possible deleterious effects of R. rickettsii to the infected tick lineages. Surprisingly, all but one of the four R. rickettsii-experimental groups of the present study showed overall better biological performance than their sibling uninfected control ticks. Results of the present study showed that H. leporispalustris could support infection by a high virulent strain of R. rickettsii for at least two generations, in which infected tick lineages tended to have better performance than uninfected ticks. Our results support a possible role of H. leporispalustris in the enzootic maintenance of R. rickettsii in Latin America, as previously suggested by earlier works.
Neospora caninum is widely distributed in the world and this parasite is one of the major causes of abortion in cattle. Dogs and coyotes are definitive hosts of N. caninum and several species of domestic and wild animals are intermediate hosts. Dogs can become infected by the ingestion of tissues containing cysts and then excrete oocysts. It is not yet known whether sporulated oocysts are able to induce a patent infection in dogs, i.e. a shedding of N. caninum oocysts in feces. The objective of this study was to experimentally examine the infection of dogs by sporulated oocysts. The oocysts used in the experiment were obtained by feeding dogs with brain of buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) positive for anti-N. caninum antibodies by indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT >= 200). Oocysts shed by these dogs were confirmed to be N. caninum by molecular methods and by bioassay in gerbils, and sporulated N. caninum oocysts were used for the oral infection of four dogs. The dogs were 8 weeks old and negative for antibodies to N. caninum and Toxoplasma gondii. Dogs 1 and 4 received an inoculum of 10,000 sporulated oocysts each; dog 2 an inoculum of 5000 sporulated oocysts and dog 3 received 1000 sporulated oocysts of N. caninum. The total feces excreted by these dogs were collected and examined daily for a period of 30 days. No oocysts were found in their feces. The dogs were monitored monthly for a 6-month period to observe a possible seroconversion and when this occurred the animals were eliminated from the experiment. Dogs 1 and 4 seroconverted 1 month after the infection with titer, in the IFAT, of 1600 and 800, respectively; the other two dogs presented no seroconvertion during the 6-month period. Dogs 1 and 2 were euthanized 180 days after infection and were examined for the detection of N. caninum in tissues (brain, muscle, lymph node, liver, lung, heart and bone marrow) by immunohistochemistry and PCR with negative results in both techniques. Bioassay in gerbils with brain of these dogs was also performed and again the results were negative. In conclusion, dogs infected with sporulated oocysts of N. caninum were not able to shed oocysts in feces. However, a higher dose of infection stimulated the production of antibodies against N. caninum in the dogs. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Recently we conducted the molecular characterization of Rangelia vitalii, a protozoan with high pathogenicity for young dogs in southern Brazil. To date, the descriptions of the disease have been restricted to natural infection cases. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the parasitemia, biological cycles and clinical-pathological findings in dogs experimentally infected with R. vitalii in the acute phase of disease, and also aimed to test a therapeutic protocol based on the diminazene aceturate. For this study, we used 12 young dogs (females), separated into two groups. Group A was composed of healthy dogs, not-infected (n = 5), and Group B consisted of animals infected with R. vitalii (n = 7). After infection, the animals were monitored by blood smear examinations, which showed intra-erythrocytic forms of the parasite 5 days post-infection (PI). Parasitemia increased progressively in these animals and had the highest peak of circulating parasites between 9 and 11 days PI. Subsequently, the parasitemia reduced and the protozoan was seen inside the leukocytes in days 17, 19 and 21 PI. The most prominent clinical signs observed at the 20 day PI of experiment were lethargy, fever and anorexia. We observed a decrease of hematocrit of infected animals compared with not-infected dogs, featuring a moderate anemia. Pathological evaluation of one dog in Group B at day 21 PI revealed splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, lymphadenopathy, and hemorrhages at necropsy. Histological examination showed only follicular hyperplasia in the spleen and lymph nodes, and the etiologic agent in the vascular endothelium. At 21 days PI, it was performed the treatment of dogs in Group B (n = 6) with a single dose of diminazene aceturate, which showed a curative efficacy of 100% in cleaning R. vitalii from blood of infected dogs. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Toxoplasma gondii isolates from Brazil are biologically and genetically different from European and North America isolates. Recently, four genotypes were considered the common clonal lineages in Brazil and were designated as types BrI, BrII, BrIII, and BrIV. The pathogenicity of two major Brazilian lineages was investigated after oral inoculation of queens in the middle third of their pregnancies with T. gondii cysts. Twelve pregnant queens without T. gondii antibodies were distributed in group A (infected with a type BrI isolate); group 2 (infected with type BrIII isolate), and group 3 (non-infected control). Infection with type BrI isolate caused toxoplasmosis manifestations and abortion from one litter. Toxoplasmosis manifestations besides premature stillbirth of one litter were observed in queens infected with type BrIII isolate. Indirect fluorescence antibody test showed T. gondii antibodies in all eight infected queens at 30 days after inoculation. In two 10-day-old kittens of the same litter (group 1), titers of 16 and 64 were detected. At the same time, titers of 16, 32, and 32 were detected in three kittens from the same litter (group 2). Experimental infection with tissue cysts from a type BrI and type BrIII isolates of T. gondii developed similar reproductive disturbance in primary infected pregnant queens.
Aims: There has been emerging interest in the prenatal determinants of respiratory disease. In utero factors have been reported to play a role in airway development, inflammation, and remodeling. Specifically, prenatal exposure to endotoxins might regulate tolerance to allergens later in life. The present study investigated whether prenatal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration alters subsequent offspring allergen-induced inflammatory response in adult rats. Main methods: Pregnant Wistar rats were treated with LPS (100 mu g/kg, i.p.) on gestation day 9.5 and their ovariectomized female offspring were sensitized and challenged with OVA later in adulthood. The bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid, peripheral blood, bone marrow leukocytes and passive cutaneous anaphylaxis were evaluated in these 75-day-old pups. Key findings: OVA sensitized pups of NaCl treated rats showed an increase of leucocytes in BAL after OVA challenge. This increase was attenuated, when mothers were exposed to a single LPS injection early in pregnancy. Thus, LPS prenatal treatment resulted in (1) lower increased total and differential (macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophils and lymphocytes) BAL cellularity count; (2) increased number of total, mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cells in the peripheral blood; and (3) no differences in bone marrow cellularity or passive cutaneous anaphylaxis. Significance: In conclusion, female pups treated prenatally with LPS presented an attenuated response to experimentally-induced asthma. We observed reduced immune cell migration from peripheral blood to the lungs, with no effect on the production of bone marrow cells or antibodies. It was suggested that inflammatory events such as exposure to LPS in early fetal life can attenuate allergic inflammation in the lung, which is a common symptom in asthma. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Toxoplasma gondu affects mainly warm-blooded animals including birds Even though previous experimental data indicate that raptors are resistant to clinical infection there is no information regarding the susceptibility of Brazilian birds of prey to T gondii The present study aimed to observe how the crested caracara a common raptor in Brazil Interacts with T gondu, using an experimental model Seven crested caracaras seronegative for T gondu were separated into infected (n = 5) and control groups (n = 2) Birds from the infected group were fed T gondu-Infected Calomys callosus a rodent present in Brazilian savanna and described as highly susceptible to infection by the parasite for three consecutive days while control animals were fed non-Infected rodents All Infected birds produced T gondu-specific IgG antibodies that were firstly detected at day 7 post-Infection with peak production detected between 15 and 30 dpi No significant alterations in clinical and hematological parameters were observed throughout the experimental period and parasites were sparsely found in muscular tissues after the birds were euthanized In conclusion our results demonstrated that crested caracaras are resistant to oral infection with T gondu suggesting that the host-parasite relationship between both species has reached a remarkable equilibrium (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of adhesive area delimitation on the microshear bond strength of different adhesives to dentin. Materials and Methods: Eighteen bovine incisors were sectioned and the exposed dentin surfaces were prepared with 600-grit SIC paper. These teeth were randomly divided into three groups, according to the adhesive to be applied: two-step etch-and-rinse Adper Single Bond 2 (3M ESPE), two-step self-etching Clearfil SE Bond (Kuraray), and one-step Clearfil S(3) Bond (Kuraray). On each dentin surface, 4 samples were built up with the composite resin Z100 (3M ESPE); on 2 of these, a suggested area delimitation technique was employed. After 24 h of storage in water at 37 degrees C, samples were subjected to the microshear bond strength test, and the failure modes were evaluated under optical and scanning electron microscopes. The obtained results were statistical analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey`s test. Results: Groups without area delimitation presented significantly higher bond strength results (p < 0.05) and a higher incidence of cohesive failures. In these groups, fractures tended to occur beyond the limits of the actual adhesive area, while the area restriction technique succeeded in avoiding this phenomenon. The three adhesives performed similarly when area delimitation was employed (p > 0.05), but Clearfil S(3) Bond showed significantly higher bond strength results when no area delimitation was taken into account (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The extension of the adhesive area beyond the limits of the composite cylinder may play an important role in the results of microshear bond strength tests, while the suggested area delimitation technique may lead to less questionable outcomes.
Purpose: The present study assessed damage to the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) following nerve lateralization and implant placement surgery through optical and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Materials and Methods: IAN lateralization was performed in 16 adult female rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). During the nerve lateralization procedure, one implant was placed through the mandibular canal, and the IAN was replaced in direct contact with the implant The implant was placed in the right mandible, and the left side was used as a control (no surgical procedure) After 8 weeks, the animals were sacrificed and samples were prepared for optical and TEM analysis of IAN structural damage Histomorphometric analysis was performed to determine the number and cross-sectional dimensions of nerve fascicles and myelin sheath thickness between experimental and control grouos. The different parameters were compared by one-way analysis of variance at the 95% significance level Results: Alterations in the perineural and endoneural regions of the IAN, with higher degrees of vascularization., were observed in the experimental group TEM showed that the majority of the myelinated nerve fibers were not affected in the experimental samples. No significant variation in the number of fascicles was observed, significantly larger fascicle height and width were observed in the control group, and significantly thicker myelin sheaths were observed in the experimental samples Conclusion: IAN lateralization resulted in substantial degrees of tissue disorganization at the microstructural level because of the presence of edema However, at the ultrastructural level, small amounts of fiber degeneration were observed. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2009,24-859-865