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Purpose. To determine the usability of two video games to prevent type 2 diabetes and obesity among youth through analysis of data collected during alpha-testing. ^ Subjects. Ten children aged 9 to 12 were selected for three 2-hour alpha testing sessions.^ Methods. "Escape from Diab" and "Nanoswarm" were designed to change dietary and physical inactivity behaviors, based on a theoretical framework of mediating variables obtained from social cognitive theory, self-determination theory, elaboration likelihood model, and behavioral inoculation theory. Thirteen mini-games developed by the software company were divided into 3 groups based on completion date. Children tested 4-5 mini-games in each of three sessions. Observed game play was followed by a scripted interview. Results from observation forms and interview transcripts were tabulated and coded to determine usability. Suggestions for game modifications were delivered to the software design firm, and a follow-up table reports rationale for inclusion or exclusion of such modifications.^ Results. Participants were 50% frequent video game players and 20% non game-players. Most (60%) were female. The mean grade (indicating likeability as a subset of usability) across all games given by children was significantly greater than a neutral grade of 80% (89%, p < 0.01), indicating a positive likeability score. The games on average also received positive ratings for fun, helpfulness of instructions and length compared to neutral values (midpoint on likert scales) (all p < 0.01). Observation notes indicated that participants paid attention to the instructions, did not appear to have much difficulty with the games, and were "not frustrated", "not bored", "very engaged", "not fidgety" and "very calm" (all p < 0.01). The primary issues noted in observations and interviews were unclear instructions and unclear purpose of some games. Player suggestions primarily involved ways to make on screen cues more visible or noticeable, instructions more clear, and games more elaborate or difficult.^ Conclusions. The present study highlights the importance of alpha testing video game components for usability prior to completion to enhance usability and likeability. Results indicate that creating clear instructions, making peripheral screen cues more eye-catching or noticeable, and vigorously stating the purpose of the game to improve understandability are important elements. However, future interventions will each present unique materials and user-interfaces and should therefore also be thoroughly alpha-tested. ^
Obesity has been on the rise in the United States over the last 30 years for all populations, including preschoolers. The purpose of the project was to develop an observation tool to measure physical activity levels in preschool children and use the tool in a pilot test of the CATCH UP curriculum at two Head Start Centers in Houston. Pretest and posttest interobserver agreements were all above 0.60 for physical activity level and physical activity type. Preschoolers spent the majority of their time in light physical activity (75.33% pretest, 87.77% posttest), and spent little time in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) (24.67% pretest, 12.23% posttest). Percent time spent in MVPA decreased significantly pretest to posttest from (F=5.738, p=0.043). While the pilot testing of the CATCH UP curriculum did not show an increase in MVPA, the SOFIT-P tool did show promising results as being a new method for collecting physical activity level data for preschoolers. Once the new tool has undergone more reliability and validity testing, it could allow for a more convenient method of collecting physical activity levels for preschoolers. ^
Current teen pregnancy and repeat pregnancy rates reveal that there is a pressing need for comprehensive care for pregnant and parenting teens to address their unique needs. The Internet has become a source of various types of information and as a result, several efforts have begun to assess the quality of health information provided on websites. The objective of this study was to assess the functionality and quality of websites containing health information and resources for pregnant and parenting teens. The three most widely used search engines currently: Google, MSN, and Yahoo were searched using three general search terms “teen pregnancy”, “pregnant teen”, and “teen parent”. The first 5 pages of each search were reviewed and categorized to yield 12 websites which met inclusion criteria for content evaluation. The 12 websites were rated using a pre-existing instrument encompassing two domains: functionality and content analysis. Within the functionality domain, this sample highlighted the need to improve accessibility and credibility for the target population. The content analysis revealed that among the topics which are recommended for pregnant and parenting teens, the topics most commonly covered were mental health and primary and preventive health care. The majority of websites neglected sexual health topics including STI’s and family planning. This study provides the first glimpse into health information and resources for pregnant and parenting teens on the Internet. Researchers, health care providers, social workers, health educators, and website sponsors can use these results to maintain and recommend websites which offer easily accessible, accurate, and practical information for pregnant and parenting teens.^
Obesity has become a major public health concern throughout the world. Both developing as well as developed countries have been facing the consequences of obesity. [1, 2] According to World Health Organization, worldwide prevalence of overweight among adults was 1.6 billion and that of obesity was 400 million by the end of year 2005. At the same time, around 20 million children of less than 5 years of age were overweight worldwide. [3] ^ From amongst the obese children, around 15% of children manifest symptoms of depression before 18 years of age as compared to non-obese children of the same age group. Approximately 3-5% of these obese individuals develop major depressive disorders (MDD). [4, 5] The incidence of depression increases markedly as the child reaches puberty. The risk of persistent depression in childhood as well as in adulthood is two to four times higher if the child is obese as compared to those depressed adult individuals who are not obese in their childhood. [6, 7] ^ This paper will review the scientific literature concerning the association between childhood obesity and depression. ^
The Houston region is home to arguably the largest petrochemical and refining complex anywhere. The effluent of this complex includes many potentially hazardous compounds. Study of some of these compounds has led to recognition that a number of known and probable carcinogens are at elevated levels in ambient air. Two of these, benzene and 1,3-butadiene, have been found in concentrations which may pose health risk for residents of Houston.^ Recent popular journalism and publications by local research institutions has increased the interest of the public in Houston's air quality. Much of the literature has been critical of local regulatory agencies' oversight of industrial pollution. A number of citizens in the region have begun to volunteer with air quality advocacy groups in the testing of community air. Inexpensive methods exist for monitoring of ozone, particulate matter and airborne toxic ambient concentrations. This study is an evaluation of a technique that has been successfully applied to airborne toxics.^ This technique, solid phase microextraction (SPME), has been used to measure airborne volatile organic hydrocarbons at community-level concentrations. It is has yielded accurate and rapid concentration estimates at a relatively low cost per sample. Examples of its application to measurement of airborne benzene exist in the literature. None have been found for airborne 1,3-butadiene. These compounds were selected for an evaluation of SPME as a community-deployed technique, to replicate previous application to benzene, to expand application to 1,3-butadiene and due to the salience of these compounds in this community. ^ This study demonstrates that SPME is a useful technique for quantification of 1,3-butadiene at concentrations observed in Houston. Laboratory background levels precluded recommendation of the technique for benzene. One type of SPME fiber, 85 μm Carboxen/PDMS, was found to be a sensitive sampling device for 1,3-butadiene under temperature and humidity conditions common in Houston. This study indicates that these variables affect instrument response. This suggests the necessity of calibration within specific conditions of these variables. While deployment of this technique was less expensive than other methods of quantification of 1,3-butadiene, the complexity of calibration may exclude an SPME method from broad deployment by community groups.^
Background. The Cypress Creek is one of the main tributaries of Lake Houston, which provides drinking water to 21.4 million customers. Furthermore, the watershed is being utilized for contact and non-contact recreation, such as canoeing, swimming, hiking trail, and picnics. Water along the creek is impacted by numerous wastewater outfalls from both point and non-point sources. As the creek flows into Lake Houston, it carries both organic and inorganic contaminants that may affect the drinking water quality of this important water source reservoir. Objective. This study was carried out to evaluate the inorganic chemical load of the water in Cypress Creek along its entire length, from the headwaters in Waller County and up to the drainage into Lake Houston. The purpose was to determine whether there are hazardous concentrations of metals in the water and what would be the likely sources. Method. Samples were collected at 29 sites along the creek and analyzed for 29 metals, 17 of which were on the Environmental Protection Agency priority pollution list. Public access sites primarily at bridges were used for sample collection. Samples were transported on ice to the University Of Texas School Of Public Health laboratory, spiked with 2 ml HNO3 kept overnight in the refrigerator, and the following day transported to the EPA laboratory for analysis. Analysis was done by EPA Method 200.7-ICP, Method 200.8ICP/MS and Method 245.1-CVAAS. Results. Metals were present above the detection limits at 65% of sites. Concentrations of aluminum, iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, were particularly high at all sites. Aluminum, sodium, and iron concentrations greatly exceeded the EPA secondary drinking water standards at all sites. ^ Conclusion. The recreational water along Cypress Creek is impacted by wastewater from both permitted and non-permitted outfalls, which deposit inorganic substances into the water. Although a number of inorganic contaminants were present in the water, toxic metals regulated by the EPA were mostly below the recommended limits. However, high concentrations of aluminum, sodium, and iron in the Cypress Creek bring forward the issue of unauthorized discharges of salt water from mining, as well as industrial and domestic wastewater.^
Background. About a third of the world’s population is infected with tuberculosis (TB) with sub-Saharan Africa being the worst hit. Uganda is ranked 16th among the countries with the biggest TB burden. The burden in children however has not been determined. The burden of TB has been worsened by the advent of HIV and TB is the leading cause of mortality in HIV infected individuals. Development of TB disease can be prevented if TB is diagnosed during its latent stage and treated with isoniazid. For over a century, latent TB infection (LTBI) was diagnosed using the Tuberculin Skin Test (TST). New interferon gamma release assays (IGRA) have been approved by FDA for the diagnosis of LTBI and adult studies have shown that IGRAs are superior to the TST but there have been few studies in children especially in areas of high TB and HIV endemicity. ^ Objective. The objective of this study was to examine whether the IGRAs had a role in LTBI diagnosis in HIV infected children in Uganda. ^ Methods. Three hundred and eighty one (381) children were recruited at the Baylor College of Medicine-Bristol Meyers Squibb Children’s Clinical Center of Excellence at Mulago Hospital, Kampala, Uganda between March and August 2010. All the children were subjected to a TST and T-SPOT ®.TB test which was the IGRA chosen for this study. Sputum examination and chest x-rays were also done to rule out active TB. ^ Results. There was no statistically significant difference between the tests. The agreement between the two assays was 95.9% and the kappa statistic was 0.7 (95% CI: 0.55–0.85, p-value<0.05) indicating a substantial or good agreement. The TST was associated with older age and higher weight for age z-scores but the T-SPOT®. TB was not. Both tests were associated with history of taking anti-retroviral therapy (ART). ^ Conclusion. Before promoting use of IGRAs in children living in HIV/TB endemic countries, more research needs to be done. ^
Objective. To conduct a summative evaluation of an Early Childhood Care, Education and Development (ECCED) Teacher Training Workshop in Mongu, Zambia by assessing changes in knowledge, attitudes and intent to use the information. ^ Study design. A matched cohort survey design was used with additional qualitative data collected by structured observation of workshop sessions, daily facilitator and participant debriefs and participant interviews. ^ Results. Matching pre and post tests were completed by 27 individuals in addition to daily debriefs, structured workshop observation and participant interviews with 22% of the group. The participant population was predominantly female individuals aged 15-44 years old that had completed high school and additional post-secondary training, been teaching children aged 0 – 8 years for 2-5 years in the Western Province and received other HIV/AIDS and ECCED education. Pre-tests indicated a strong understanding of ECCED principles and misconceptions regarding HIV transmission, prevention and the disease's impact on early childhood development. The workshop was found to significantly increase the participants' knowledge of topics covered by the curriculum (paired t-test, N=27, p = 0.004, 95% CI 1.8, 8.6). Participants began with a more limited understanding of HIV/AIDS than ECCED, but the mean gain was much greater at 7.4 +/- 12.3 points. Significantly more participants believed at post-test that HIV/AIDS education should increase for future educators. The 77.8% of participants that increased their knowledge scores at post-test expressed significantly less fear of having a child with HIV/AIDS in the classroom (Independent Samples t-test, N= 27, p = 0.011). Overall participant fear decreased 15.5%. 92.6% and 88.9% of participants planned at post-test to respectively use and share the taught information in their daily professional lives and reported on innovative strategies to communicate with the community. ^ Conclusions. Teacher training workshops can significantly increase HIV/AIDS awareness and promote positive attitudes in educators working with children affected by HIV/AIDS. Using participant suggested teaching techniques such as poems and songs and translating the materials to the local language could assist future facilitators to both culturally and professionally relate to the workshop audience as well as increase participant capacity to share the information with the local community. ^
Introduction: The Texas Occupational Safety & Health Surveillance System (TOSHSS) was created to collect, analyze and interpret occupational injury and illness data in order to decrease the impact of occupational injuries within the state of Texas. This process evaluation was performed midway through the 4-year grant to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the surveillance system’s planning and implementation activities1. ^ Methods: Two evaluation guidelines published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were used as the theoretical models for this process evaluation. The Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Health was used to examine the planning and design of TOSHSS using logic models. The Framework for Evaluating Public Health Surveillance Systems was used to examine the implementation of approximately 60 surveillance activities, including uses of the data obtained from the surveillance system. ^ Results/Discussion: TOSHSS planning activities omitted the creation of a scientific advisory committee and specific activities designed to maintain contacts with stakeholders; and proposed activities should be reassessed and aligned with ongoing performance measurement criteria, including the role of collaborators in helping the surveillance system achieve each proposed activity. TOSHSS implementation activities are substantially meeting expectations and received an overall score of 61% for all activities being performed. TOSHSS is considered a surveillance system that is simple, flexible, acceptable, fairly stable, timely, moderately useful, with good data quality and a PVP of 86%. ^ Conclusions: Through the third year of TOSHSS implementation, the surveillance system is has made a considerable contribution to the collection of occupational injury and illness information within the state of Texas. Implementation of the nine recommendations provided under this process evaluation is expected to increase the overall usefulness of the surveillance system and assist TDSHS in reducing occupational fatalities, injuries, and diseases within the state of Texas. ^ 1 Disclaimer: The Texas Occupational Safety and Health Surveillance System is supported by Grant/Cooperative Agreement Number (U60 OH008473-01A1). The content of the current evaluation are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.^
This study addresses the responses to a postcard campaign with health messages targeting the parents of children in a sample of low-income elementary schools and assesses the feasibility and areas of possible improvements in such a project. The campaign was implemented in Spring 2009 with 4 th grade students (n=1070) in fifteen economically disadvantaged elementary schools in Travis County, Texas. Postcards were sent home with children, and parents filled out a feedback card that the children returned to school. Response data, in the form of self-administered feedback cards (n=2665) and one-on-one teacher interviews (n=8), were qualitatively analyzed using NVivo 8 software. Postcard reception and points of improvement were then identified from the significant themes that emerged including health, cessation or reduction of unhealthy behaviors, motivation, family, and the comprehension of abstract health concepts. ^ Responses to the postcard campaign were almost completely positive, with less than 1% of responses reporting some sort of dislike, and many parents reported a modification of their behavior. However, possible improvements that could be made to the campaign are: increased focus of the postcards on the parents as the target population, increased information about serving size, greater emphasis on the link between obesity and health, alteration of certain skin tones used in the graphical depiction of people on the cards, and smaller but more frequent incentives to return the feedback cards for the students. The program appears to be an effective method of communicating health messages to the parents of 4th grade children.^
Background. Over 39.9% of the adult population forty or older in the United States has refractive error, little is known about the etiology of this condition and associated risk factors and their entailed mechanism due to the paucity of data regarding the changes of refractive error for the adult population over time.^ Aim. To evaluate risk factors over a long term, 5-year period, in refractive error changes among persons 43 or older by testing the hypothesis that age, gender, systemic diseases, nuclear sclerosis and baseline refractive errors are all significantly associated with refractive errors changes in patients at a Dallas, Texas private optometric office.^ Methods. A retrospective chart review of subjective refraction, eye health, and self-report health history was done on patients at a private optometric office who were 43 or older in 2000 who had eye examinations both in 2000 and 2005. Aphakic and pseudophakic eyes were excluded as well as eyes with best corrected Snellen visual acuity of 20/40 and worse. After exclusions, refraction was obtained on 114 right eyes and 114 left eyes. Spherical equivalent (sum of sphere + ½ cylinder) was used as the measure of refractive error.^ Results. Similar changes in refractive error were observed for the two eyes. The 5-year change in spherical power was in a hyperopic direction for younger age groups and in a myopic direction for older subjects, P<0.0001. The gender-adjusted mean change in refractive error in right eyes of persons aged 43 to 54, 55 to 64, 65 to 74, and 75 or older at baseline was +0.43D, +0.46 D, -0.09 D, and -0.23D, respectively. Refractive change was strongly related to baseline nuclear cataract severity; grades 4 to 5 were associated with a myopic shift (-0.38 D, P< 0.0001). The mean age-adjusted change in refraction was +0.27 D for hyperopic eyes, +0.56 D for emmetropic eyes, and +0.26 D for myopic eyes.^ Conclusions. This report has documented refractive error changes in an older population and confirmed reported trends of a hyperopic shift before age 65 and a myopic shift thereafter associated with the development of nuclear cataract.^
Hispanic teens are a high-risk population for initiation of early sexual activity and alcohol use which in turn has numerous social and health consequences. One strategy to address prevention of these behaviors is to implement a capacity building intervention that promotes parent child communication, encompasses their cultural values and community participation. This study describes the process evaluation of a pilot intervention program amongst Hispanic teens and their families living along the Texas-Mexico border. “Girls Lets Talk” is a small group intervention with 10-14 year old teens and their female adult family members that involves education regarding effects of alcohol use and sexual activity as well as activities for monitoring and refusal skills to prevent risky behaviors. Two waves of the program each consisting of at least seven mother daughter dyads were conducted. During the designing process, community advisory board meetings and focus groups were held to review course materials and ensure they were appropriate to the Mexican American culture. Parent and adolescent surveys were administered at the beginning and end of the intervention to assess for psychosocial outcome variables. All sessions received high mean satisfactory scores (mean of 4.00 or better on a five point scale) for both adult and adolescent participants. Qualitative feedback was obtained via debriefing sessions to evaluate experience as well as alter recruitment strategies. A Wilcoxon Sign Rank analysis of the pre and post intervention surveys was done that showed significant changes in some outcome variables such as intentions and confidence for monitoring behaviors for adults and beliefs regarding sexual activity. “Girls Lets Talk” is a promising example of how a process evaluation plan can help develop a theory based health promotion program using the community based participatory research approach. The intervention may also be effective in altering intentions and enhancing self-efficacy among parents and teens in order to decrease risky behaviors such as early sexual activity and alcohol use.^
Objectives. The objectives of this report were to describe current best standards in online education, class competencies, class objectives, class activities and to compare the class competencies, objectives and activities undertaken with the current best practices in online teaching and to provide a list of recommendations based on the most efficacious practices. ^ Methods. Utilizing the key words- online teaching, national standards, quality, online courses, I: (1) conducted a search on Google to find the best standard for quality online courses; the search yielded National Standards for Quality Online Teaching as the gold standard in online course quality; (2) specified class objectives and competencies as well as major activities undertaken as a part of the class. Utilizing the Southern Regional Education Board evaluation checklist for online courses, I: (1) performed an analysis comparing the class activities, objectives, and competencies with the current best standards; (2) utilized the information obtained from the analysis and class experiences to develop recommendations for the most efficacious online teaching practices. ^ Results. The class met the criteria set by the Southern Regional Education Board for evaluating online classes completely in 75%, partially in 16% and did not meet the criteria in 9% cases. The majority of the parameters in which the class did not meet the standards (4 of 5) were due to technological reasons beyond the scope of the class instructor, teaching assistant and instructional design. ^ Discussion. Successful online teaching requires awareness of technology, good communication, methods, collaboration, reflection and flexibility. Creation of an online community, engaging online learners and utilizing different learning styles and assessment methods promote learning. My report proposes that online teaching should actively engage the students and teachers with multiple interactive strategies as evidenced from current best standards of online education and my “hands-on” work experience. ^ Conclusion. The report and the ideas presented are intended to create a foundation for efficacious practice on the online teaching platform. By following many of the efficacious online practices described in the report and adding from their own experiences, online instructors and teaching assistants can contribute to effective online learning. ^
Methodologies for the analysis and cross-evaluations of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are necessary to indicate program weaknesses and strengths for both present and future EAP services.^ As EAPs have matured from simplistic industrial alcoholism programs to all problem-encompassing, complex programs, an aggressive group of entrepreneurs has developed. Business and industrial managements need established criteria to select the most suitable professional services for their needs, as well as the best investment value for cost containments.^ Four major EAPs were compared to determine critical areas necessary for cross evaluation. Future standardization of terminology and definitions of services will facilitate both the evaluation of a specific program and its comparison to problems or successes of other EAPs.^ Past evaluation difficulties have been caused by the lack of EAP program accreditations and professional personnel licensure requirements. The Association of Labor Management Administrators and Consultants on Alcoholism (ALMACA) has recently set certification criteria for personnel, which will enhance the professional standards for EAPs. ^
During the last three decades considerable attention has been placed on the reduction of tobacco use due to cigarette smoking. During this time, studies have been funded and programs have been developed that focus on both prevention and cessation of cigarette smoking. This intense focus has led to a significant decline in cigarette smoking. But now, use of another form of tobacco--smokeless tobacco--is gaining in popularity.^ In 1989, the National Cancer Institute funded a research study at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, called Working Well, to develop, implement, and evaluate worksite health promotion programs aimed at reducing cancer risks. As part of this program, a behavioral intervention for smokeless tobacco use was developed. This dissertation evaluates the impact of that behavioral change intervention for smokeless tobacco use.^ Data collected during the Working Well program were analyzed to determine the effect of the intervention. The primary outcomes analyzed were smokeless tobacco cessation, stages of change movement, and prevalence. The secondary outcomes analyzed included the prediction of smokeless tobacco use, stage movement, and cessation. Primary outcome analyses were conducted using the worksite as the unit of analysis, while the secondary analyses were conducted using the individual as the unit of analysis.^ Approximately 20% of the male population used smokeless tobacco. Results of intervention analyses indicate that the Working Well program produced no intervention effect on any of the primary outcomes. At the final observation, the experimental worksites achieved a quit rate of 27%, while the control worksites achieved a quit rate of 26% (P = 0.78). Stage movement for the experimental worksites was 49%, while the control worksites experienced stage movement of 43% (P = 0.20). The results of the analyses on smokeless tobacco prevalence followed the same pattern. Predictors of smokeless tobacco use, cessation, and stage movement were also identified.^ Based on the results found in this study, smokeless tobacco should remain a research priority. Future research should focus on smokeless tobacco use, including the identification of the determinants of smokeless tobacco use and the development of measures and effective intervention strategies. ^